// Copyright 2024 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { readFile } from 'node:fs/promises'; import { join } from 'node:path'; import * as z from 'zod'; import { protocol } from 'electron'; import { LRUCache } from 'lru-cache'; import type { OptionalResourceService } from './OptionalResourceService'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../ts/protobuf'; import { parseUnknown } from '../ts/util/schemas'; const MANIFEST_PATH = join(__dirname, '..', 'build', 'jumbomoji.json'); const manifestSchema = z.record(z.string(), z.string().array()); function utf16ToEmoji(utf16: string): string { const codePoints = new Array(); const buf = Buffer.from(utf16, 'hex'); for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; i += 2) { codePoints.push(buf.readUint16BE(i)); } return String.fromCodePoint(...codePoints); } export type ManifestType = z.infer; type EmojiEntryType = Readonly<{ utf16: string; sheet: string; }>; type SheetCacheEntry = Map; export class EmojiService { readonly #emojiMap = new Map(); readonly #sheetCache = new LRUCache({ // Each sheet is roughly 500kb max: 10, }); private constructor( private readonly resourceService: OptionalResourceService, manifest: ManifestType ) { protocol.handle('emoji', async req => { const url = new URL(req.url); const emoji = url.searchParams.get('emoji'); if (!emoji) { return new Response('invalid', { status: 400 }); } return this.#fetch(emoji); }); for (const [sheet, emojiList] of Object.entries(manifest)) { for (const utf16 of emojiList) { this.#emojiMap.set(utf16ToEmoji(utf16), { sheet, utf16 }); } } } public static async create( resourceService: OptionalResourceService ): Promise { const contents = await readFile(MANIFEST_PATH, 'utf8'); const json: unknown = JSON.parse(contents); const manifest = parseUnknown(manifestSchema, json); return new EmojiService(resourceService, manifest); } async #fetch(emoji: string): Promise { const entry = this.#emojiMap.get(emoji); if (!entry) { return new Response('entry not found', { status: 404 }); } const { sheet, utf16 } = entry; let imageMap = this.#sheetCache.get(sheet); if (!imageMap) { const proto = await this.resourceService.getData( `emoji-sheet-${sheet}.proto` ); if (!proto) { return new Response('resource not found', { status: 404 }); } const pack = Proto.JumbomojiPack.decode(proto); imageMap = new Map( pack.items.map(({ name, image }) => [ name ?? '', image || new Uint8Array(0), ]) ); this.#sheetCache.set(sheet, imageMap); } const image = imageMap.get(utf16); if (!image) { return new Response('image not found', { status: 404 }); } return new Response(image, { status: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'image/webp', 'cache-control': 'public, max-age=2592000, immutable', }, }); } }