// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

import { app, crashReporter, ipcMain as ipc } from 'electron';
import { realpath, readdir, readFile, unlink, stat } from 'fs-extra';
import { basename, join } from 'path';
import { toJSONString as dumpToJSONString } from '@signalapp/libsignal-client/dist/Minidump';
import z from 'zod';

import type { LoggerType } from '../ts/types/Logging';
import * as Errors from '../ts/types/errors';
import { isProduction } from '../ts/util/version';
import OS from '../ts/util/os/osMain';

const dumpSchema = z
    crashing_thread: z
        frames: z
            registers: z.unknown(),

async function getPendingDumps(): Promise<ReadonlyArray<string>> {
  const crashDumpsPath = await realpath(app.getPath('crashDumps'));
  let pendingDir: string;
  if (OS.isWindows()) {
    pendingDir = join(crashDumpsPath, 'reports');
  } else {
    // macOS and Linux
    pendingDir = join(crashDumpsPath, 'pending');

  const files = await readdir(pendingDir);

  return files.map(file => join(pendingDir, file));

async function eraseDumps(
  logger: LoggerType,
  files: ReadonlyArray<string>
): Promise<void> {
  logger.warn(`crashReports: erasing ${files.length} pending dumps`);
  await Promise.all(
    files.map(async fullPath => {
      try {
        await unlink(fullPath);
      } catch (error) {
          `crashReports: failed to unlink crash report ${fullPath} due to error`,

export function setup(
  getLogger: () => LoggerType,
  showDebugLogWindow: () => Promise<void>,
  forceEnable = false
): void {
  const isEnabled = !isProduction(app.getVersion()) || forceEnable;

  if (isEnabled) {
    getLogger().info(`crashReporter: ${forceEnable ? 'force ' : ''}enabled`);
    crashReporter.start({ uploadToServer: false });

  ipc.handle('crash-reports:get-count', async () => {
    if (!isEnabled) {
      return 0;

    const pendingDumps = await getPendingDumps();
    if (pendingDumps.length !== 0) {
        `crashReports: ${pendingDumps.length} pending dumps found`
    return pendingDumps.length;

  ipc.handle('crash-reports:write-to-log', async () => {
    if (!isEnabled) {

    const pendingDumps = await getPendingDumps();
    if (pendingDumps.length === 0) {

    const logger = getLogger();
    logger.warn(`crashReports: logging ${pendingDumps.length} dumps`);

    await Promise.all(
      pendingDumps.map(async fullPath => {
        try {
          const content = await readFile(fullPath);
          const { mtime } = await stat(fullPath);

          const dump = dumpSchema.parse(JSON.parse(dumpToJSONString(content)));
          for (const frame of dump.crashing_thread?.frames ?? []) {
            delete frame.registers;

            `crashReports: dump=${basename(fullPath)} ` +
            JSON.stringify(dump, null, 2)
        } catch (error) {
            `crashReports: failed to read crash report ${fullPath} due to error`,
          return undefined;

    await eraseDumps(logger, pendingDumps);
    await showDebugLogWindow();

  ipc.handle('crash-reports:erase', async () => {
    if (!isEnabled) {

    const pendingDumps = await getPendingDumps();

    await eraseDumps(getLogger(), pendingDumps);