// Copyright 2024 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

import { join, dirname } from 'node:path';
import { mkdir, readFile, readdir, writeFile, unlink } from 'node:fs/promises';
import { createHash, timingSafeEqual } from 'node:crypto';
import { ipcMain } from 'electron';
import LRU from 'lru-cache';
import got from 'got';
import PQueue from 'p-queue';

import type {
} from '../ts/types/OptionalResource';
import { OptionalResourcesDictSchema } from '../ts/types/OptionalResource';
import * as log from '../ts/logging/log';
import { getGotOptions } from '../ts/updater/got';
import { drop } from '../ts/util/drop';


const MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 50 * 1024 * 1024;

export class OptionalResourceService {
  private maybeDeclaration: OptionalResourcesDictType | undefined;

  private readonly cache = new LRU<string, Buffer>({
    max: MAX_CACHE_SIZE,

    length: buf => buf.length,

  private readonly fileQueues = new Map<string, PQueue>();

  private constructor(private readonly resourcesDir: string) {
    ipcMain.handle('OptionalResourceService:getData', (_event, name) =>


  public static create(resourcesDir: string): OptionalResourceService {
    return new OptionalResourceService(resourcesDir);

  public async getData(name: string): Promise<Buffer | undefined> {
    await this.lazyInit();

    const decl = this.declaration[name];
    if (!decl) {
      return undefined;

    const inMemory = this.cache.get(name);
    if (inMemory) {
      return inMemory;

    const filePath = join(this.resourcesDir, name);
    return this.queueFileWork(filePath, async () => {
      try {
        const onDisk = await readFile(filePath);
        const digest = createHash('sha512').update(onDisk).digest();

        // Same digest and size
        if (
          timingSafeEqual(digest, Buffer.from(decl.digest, 'base64')) &&
          onDisk.length === decl.size
        ) {
          log.warn(`OptionalResourceService: loaded ${name} from disk`);
          this.cache.set(name, onDisk);
          return onDisk;

        log.warn(`OptionalResourceService: ${name} is no longer valid on disk`);
      } catch (error) {
        if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') {
          throw error;

      // We get here if file doesn't exist or if its digest/size is different
      try {
        await unlink(filePath);
      } catch {
        // Just do our best effort and move forward

      return this.fetch(name, decl, filePath);

  // Private

  private async lazyInit(): Promise<void> {
    if (this.maybeDeclaration !== undefined) {

    const json = JSON.parse(await readFile(RESOURCES_DICT_PATH, 'utf8'));
    this.maybeDeclaration = OptionalResourcesDictSchema.parse(json);

    // Clean unknown resources
    let subPaths: Array<string>;
    try {
      subPaths = await readdir(this.resourcesDir);
    } catch (error) {
      // Directory wasn't created yet
      if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
      throw error;

    await Promise.all(
      subPaths.map(async subPath => {
        if (this.declaration[subPath]) {

        const fullPath = join(this.resourcesDir, subPath);

        try {
          await unlink(fullPath);
        } catch (error) {
            `OptionalResourceService: failed to cleanup ${subPath}`,

  private get declaration(): OptionalResourcesDictType {
    if (this.maybeDeclaration === undefined) {
      throw new Error('optional-resources.json not loaded yet');
    return this.maybeDeclaration;

  private async queueFileWork<R>(
    filePath: string,
    body: () => Promise<R>
  ): Promise<R> {
    let queue = this.fileQueues.get(filePath);
    if (!queue) {
      queue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 1 });
      this.fileQueues.set(filePath, queue);
    try {
      return await queue.add(body);
    } finally {
      if (queue.size === 0) {

  private async fetch(
    name: string,
    decl: OptionalResourceType,
    destPath: string
  ): Promise<Buffer> {
    const result = await got(decl.url, await getGotOptions()).buffer();

    this.cache.set(name, result);

    try {
      await mkdir(dirname(destPath), { recursive: true });
      await writeFile(destPath, result);
    } catch (error) {
      log.error('OptionalResourceService: failed to save file', error);
      // Still return the data that we just fetched

    return result;