// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { ThunkAction } from 'redux-thunk'; import type { ReadonlyDeep } from 'type-fest'; import type { BoundActionCreatorsMapObject } from '../../hooks/useBoundActions'; import { useBoundActions } from '../../hooks/useBoundActions'; import type { StateType as RootStateType } from '../reducer'; import { setVoiceNotePlaybackRate } from './conversations'; import { extractVoiceNoteForPlayback } from '../selectors/audioPlayer'; import type { VoiceNoteAndConsecutiveForPlayback, VoiceNoteForPlayback, } from '../selectors/audioPlayer'; import type { MessagesAddedActionType, MessageDeletedActionType, MessageChangedActionType, TargetedConversationChangedActionType, ConversationChangedActionType, } from './conversations'; import * as log from '../../logging/log'; import { isAudio } from '../../types/Attachment'; import { getAttachmentUrlForPath } from '../selectors/message'; import { assertDev } from '../../util/assert'; // State /** Some audio identified by a URL (currently only used for drafts) */ type AudioPlayerContentDraft = ReadonlyDeep<{ conversationId: string; url: string; }>; /** A voice note, with a queue for consecutive playback */ export type AudioPlayerContentVoiceNote = ReadonlyDeep<{ conversationId: string; context: string; current: VoiceNoteForPlayback; queue: ReadonlyArray; nextMessageTimestamp: number | undefined; // playing because it followed a message // false on the first of a consecutive group isConsecutive: boolean; ourConversationId: string | undefined; }>; export type ActiveAudioPlayerStateType = ReadonlyDeep<{ playing: boolean; currentTime: number; playbackRate: number; duration: number | undefined; // never zero or NaN startPosition: number; content: AudioPlayerContentVoiceNote | AudioPlayerContentDraft; }>; /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-namespace */ export namespace AudioPlayerContent { export function isVoiceNote( content: ActiveAudioPlayerStateType['content'] ): content is AudioPlayerContentVoiceNote { return ( ('current' as const satisfies keyof AudioPlayerContentVoiceNote) in content ); } export function isDraft( content: ActiveAudioPlayerStateType['content'] ): content is AudioPlayerContentDraft { return !isVoiceNote(content); } } export type AudioPlayerStateType = ReadonlyDeep<{ active: ActiveAudioPlayerStateType | undefined; }>; // Actions export type SetMessageAudioAction = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'audioPlayer/SET_MESSAGE_AUDIO'; payload: | ((AudioPlayerContentVoiceNote | AudioPlayerContentDraft) & { playbackRate: number; startPosition: number; }) | undefined; }>; type SetPlaybackRate = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'audioPlayer/SET_PLAYBACK_RATE'; payload: number; }>; export type SetIsPlayingAction = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'audioPlayer/SET_IS_PLAYING'; payload: boolean; }>; type CurrentTimeUpdated = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'audioPlayer/CURRENT_TIME_UPDATED'; payload: number; }>; type SetPosition = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'audioPlayer/SET_POSITION'; payload: number; }>; type MessageAudioEnded = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'audioPlayer/MESSAGE_AUDIO_ENDED'; }>; type DurationChanged = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'audioPlayer/DURATION_CHANGED'; payload: number | undefined; }>; type AudioPlayerActionType = ReadonlyDeep< | SetMessageAudioAction | SetIsPlayingAction | SetPlaybackRate | MessageAudioEnded | CurrentTimeUpdated | DurationChanged | SetPosition >; // Action Creators export const actions = { loadVoiceNoteAudio, loadVoiceNoteDraftAudio, setPlaybackRate, currentTimeUpdated, durationChanged, setIsPlaying, setPosition, pauseVoiceNotePlayer, unloadMessageAudio, messageAudioEnded, }; function messageAudioEnded(): MessageAudioEnded { return { type: 'audioPlayer/MESSAGE_AUDIO_ENDED', }; } function durationChanged(value: number | undefined): DurationChanged { assertDev( !Number.isNaN(value) && (value === undefined || value > 0), `Duration must be > 0 if defined, got ${value}` ); return { type: 'audioPlayer/DURATION_CHANGED', payload: value, }; } export const useAudioPlayerActions = (): BoundActionCreatorsMapObject< typeof actions > => useBoundActions(actions); function currentTimeUpdated(value: number): CurrentTimeUpdated { return { type: 'audioPlayer/CURRENT_TIME_UPDATED', payload: value, }; } function setPosition(positionAsRatio: number): SetPosition { return { type: 'audioPlayer/SET_POSITION', payload: positionAsRatio, }; } function setPlaybackRate( rate: number ): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, SetPlaybackRate | ConversationChangedActionType > { return (dispatch, getState) => { const { audioPlayer } = getState(); const { active } = audioPlayer; if (!active) { log.warn('audioPlayer.setPlaybackRate: No active message audio'); return; } dispatch({ type: 'audioPlayer/SET_PLAYBACK_RATE', payload: rate, }); // update the preference for the conversation const { conversationId } = active.content; dispatch( setVoiceNotePlaybackRate({ conversationId, rate, }) ); }; } /** * Load message audio into the "content", the smart MiniPlayer will then play it */ function loadVoiceNoteAudio({ voiceNoteData, position, context, ourConversationId, playbackRate, }: { voiceNoteData: VoiceNoteAndConsecutiveForPlayback; position: number; context: string; ourConversationId: string; playbackRate: number; }): SetMessageAudioAction { const { conversationId, voiceNote, consecutiveVoiceNotes, // playbackRate, nextMessageTimestamp, } = voiceNoteData; return { type: 'audioPlayer/SET_MESSAGE_AUDIO', payload: { conversationId, context, current: voiceNote, queue: consecutiveVoiceNotes, isConsecutive: false, nextMessageTimestamp, ourConversationId, startPosition: position, playbackRate, }, }; } export function loadVoiceNoteDraftAudio( content: AudioPlayerContentDraft & { playbackRate: number; startPosition: number; } ): SetMessageAudioAction { return { type: 'audioPlayer/SET_MESSAGE_AUDIO', payload: content, }; } function setIsPlaying(value: boolean): SetIsPlayingAction { return { type: 'audioPlayer/SET_IS_PLAYING', payload: value, }; } /** * alias for callers that just want to pause any voice notes before starting * their own playback: story viewer, media viewer, calling */ export function pauseVoiceNotePlayer(): ReturnType { return setIsPlaying(false); } export function unloadMessageAudio(): SetMessageAudioAction { return { type: 'audioPlayer/SET_MESSAGE_AUDIO', payload: undefined, }; } export function getEmptyState(): AudioPlayerStateType { return { active: undefined, }; } export function reducer( state: Readonly = getEmptyState(), action: Readonly< | AudioPlayerActionType | MessageDeletedActionType | MessageChangedActionType | MessagesAddedActionType | TargetedConversationChangedActionType > ): AudioPlayerStateType { const { active } = state; if (action.type === 'audioPlayer/SET_MESSAGE_AUDIO') { const { payload } = action; if (payload === undefined) { return { ...state, active: undefined, }; } const { playbackRate, startPosition, ...content } = payload; return { ...state, active: payload === undefined ? undefined : { currentTime: 0, duration: undefined, playing: true, playbackRate, content, startPosition, }, }; } if (action.type === 'audioPlayer/CURRENT_TIME_UPDATED') { if (!active) { return state; } return { ...state, active: { ...active, currentTime: action.payload, }, }; } if (action.type === 'audioPlayer/DURATION_CHANGED') { if (!active) { return state; } return { ...state, active: { ...active, duration: action.payload, }, }; } if (action.type === 'audioPlayer/SET_IS_PLAYING') { if (!active) { return state; } return { ...state, active: { ...active, playing: action.payload, }, }; } if (action.type === 'audioPlayer/SET_POSITION') { if (!active) { return state; } return { ...state, active: { ...active, startPosition: action.payload, }, }; } if (action.type === 'audioPlayer/SET_PLAYBACK_RATE') { if (!active) { return state; } return { ...state, active: { ...active, playbackRate: action.payload, }, }; } if (action.type === 'MESSAGES_ADDED') { if (!active) { return state; } const { content } = active; if (!content) { return state; } if (!AudioPlayerContent.isVoiceNote(content)) { return state; } if (content.conversationId !== action.payload.conversationId) { return state; } const updatedQueue: Array = [...content.queue]; for (const message of action.payload.messages) { if (message.deletedForEveryone) { continue; } if (message.timestamp < content.current.timestamp) { continue; } // in range of the queue if ( content.nextMessageTimestamp === undefined || message.timestamp < content.nextMessageTimestamp ) { if (message.type !== 'incoming' && message.type !== 'outgoing') { continue; } const voiceNote = extractVoiceNoteForPlayback( message, content.ourConversationId ); // index of the message in the queue after this one const idx = updatedQueue.findIndex( m => m.timestamp > message.timestamp ); // break up consecutive queue: drop values older than this message if (!voiceNote && idx !== -1) { updatedQueue.splice(idx); continue; } // insert a new voice note if (voiceNote) { if (idx === -1) { updatedQueue.push(voiceNote); } else { updatedQueue.splice(idx, 0, voiceNote); } } } } if (updatedQueue.length === content.queue.length) { return state; } return { ...state, active: { ...active, content: { ...content, queue: updatedQueue, }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'audioPlayer/MESSAGE_AUDIO_ENDED') { if (!active) { return state; } const { content } = active; if (!content) { return state; } if (AudioPlayerContent.isDraft(content)) { return { ...state, active: undefined, }; } const { queue } = content; const [nextVoiceNote, ...newQueue] = queue; if (nextVoiceNote) { return { ...state, active: { ...active, startPosition: 0, content: { ...content, current: nextVoiceNote, queue: newQueue, isConsecutive: true, }, }, }; } return { ...state, active: undefined, }; } // Reset active when played message is deleted on expiration or DOE. if ( action.type === 'MESSAGE_DELETED' || (action.type === 'MESSAGE_CHANGED' && action.payload.data.deletedForEveryone) ) { const { id } = action.payload; if (!active) { return state; } const { content } = active; if (!AudioPlayerContent.isVoiceNote(content)) { return state; } // if we deleted the message currently being played // move on to the next message if (content.current.id === id) { const [next, ...rest] = content.queue; if (!next) { return { ...state, active: undefined, }; } return { ...state, active: { ...active, content: { ...content, current: next, queue: rest, }, }, }; } // if we deleted a message on the queue // just update the queue const message = content.queue.find(el => el.id === id); if (message) { return { ...state, active: { ...active, content: { ...content, queue: content.queue.filter(el => el.id !== id), }, }, }; } return state; } // if it's a voice note // and this event is letting us know that it has downloaded // update the url if it's in the queue if (action.type === 'MESSAGE_CHANGED') { if (!active) { return state; } const { content } = active; if (!content) { return state; } if (AudioPlayerContent.isDraft(content)) { return state; } const { id, data } = action.payload; const { attachments } = data; const attachment = attachments?.[0]; if ( !attachments || !attachment || !isAudio(attachments) || !attachment.path ) { return state; } const url = getAttachmentUrlForPath(attachment.path); // if we got the url for the current message if ( content.current.id === id && content.current.url === undefined && data.id ) { return { ...state, active: { ...active, content: { ...content, current: { ...content.current, url, }, }, }, }; } // if it's in the queue const idx = content.queue.findIndex(v => v.id === id); if (idx !== -1) { const updatedQueue = [...content.queue]; updatedQueue[idx] = { ...updatedQueue[idx], url, }; return { ...state, active: { ...active, content: { ...content, queue: updatedQueue, }, }, }; } return state; } return state; }