// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import loadImage from 'blueimp-load-image'; import type { MIMEType } from '../types/MIME'; import { IMAGE_JPEG } from '../types/MIME'; import { canvasToBlob } from './canvasToBlob'; import { getValue } from '../RemoteConfig'; enum MediaQualityLevels { One = 1, Two = 2, Three = 3, } const DEFAULT_LEVEL = MediaQualityLevels.One; const MiB = 1024 * 1024; const DEFAULT_LEVEL_DATA = { maxDimensions: 1600, quality: 0.7, size: MiB, thresholdSize: 0.2 * MiB, }; const MEDIA_QUALITY_LEVEL_DATA = new Map([ [MediaQualityLevels.One, DEFAULT_LEVEL_DATA], [ MediaQualityLevels.Two, { maxDimensions: 2048, quality: 0.75, size: MiB * 1.5, thresholdSize: 0.3 * MiB, }, ], [ MediaQualityLevels.Three, { maxDimensions: 4096, quality: 0.75, size: MiB * 3, thresholdSize: 0.4 * MiB, }, ], ]); const SCALABLE_DIMENSIONS = [3072, 2048, 1600, 1024, 768]; const MIN_DIMENSIONS = 512; function parseCountryValues(values: string): Map<string, MediaQualityLevels> { const map = new Map<string, MediaQualityLevels>(); values.split(',').forEach(value => { const [countryCode, level] = value.split(':'); map.set( countryCode, Number(level) === 2 ? MediaQualityLevels.Two : MediaQualityLevels.One ); }); return map; } function getMediaQualityLevel(): MediaQualityLevels { const values = getValue('desktop.mediaQuality.levels'); if (!values) { return DEFAULT_LEVEL; } const countryValues = parseCountryValues(values); const e164 = window.textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); if (!e164) { return DEFAULT_LEVEL; } const parsedPhoneNumber = window.libphonenumber.util.parseNumber(e164); if (!parsedPhoneNumber.isValidNumber) { return DEFAULT_LEVEL; } const level = countryValues.get(parsedPhoneNumber.countryCode); if (level) { return level; } return countryValues.get('*') || DEFAULT_LEVEL; } async function getCanvasBlobAsJPEG( image: HTMLCanvasElement, dimensions: number, quality: number ): Promise<Blob> { const canvas = loadImage.scale(image, { canvas: true, maxHeight: dimensions, maxWidth: dimensions, }); if (!(canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) { throw new Error('image not a canvas'); } return canvasToBlob(canvas, IMAGE_JPEG, quality); } export async function scaleImageToLevel( fileOrBlobOrURL: File | Blob, contentType: MIMEType, sendAsHighQuality?: boolean ): Promise<{ blob: Blob; contentType: MIMEType; }> { let image: HTMLCanvasElement; try { const data = await loadImage(fileOrBlobOrURL, { canvas: true, orientation: true, }); if (!(data.image instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) { throw new Error('image not a canvas'); } ({ image } = data); } catch (err) { const error = new Error('scaleImageToLevel: Failed to process image'); error.originalError = err; throw error; } const level = sendAsHighQuality ? MediaQualityLevels.Three : getMediaQualityLevel(); const { maxDimensions, quality, size, thresholdSize } = MEDIA_QUALITY_LEVEL_DATA.get(level) || DEFAULT_LEVEL_DATA; if (fileOrBlobOrURL.size <= thresholdSize) { const blob = await canvasToBlob(image, contentType); return { blob, contentType, }; } for (let i = 0; i < SCALABLE_DIMENSIONS.length; i += 1) { const scalableDimensions = SCALABLE_DIMENSIONS[i]; if (maxDimensions < scalableDimensions) { continue; } // We need these operations to be in serial // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const blob = await getCanvasBlobAsJPEG(image, scalableDimensions, quality); if (blob.size <= size) { return { blob, contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, }; } } const blob = await getCanvasBlobAsJPEG(image, MIN_DIMENSIONS, quality); return { blob, contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, }; }