// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import React, { useMemo } from 'react'; import type { ReactNode } from 'react'; import TitleBar from '@indutny/frameless-titlebar'; import type { MenuItem } from '@indutny/frameless-titlebar'; import type { MenuItemConstructorOptions } from 'electron'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { createTemplate } from '../../app/menu'; import { ThemeType } from '../types/Util'; import type { LocalizerType } from '../types/I18N'; import type { MenuOptionsType, MenuActionType } from '../types/menu'; import { useIsWindowActive } from '../hooks/useIsWindowActive'; export type MenuPropsType = Readonly<{ hasMenu: true; i18n: LocalizerType; menuOptions: MenuOptionsType; executeMenuAction: (action: MenuActionType) => void; }>; export type ExecuteMenuRoleType = ( role: MenuItemConstructorOptions['role'] ) => void; export type PropsType = Readonly<{ theme: ThemeType; isMaximized?: boolean; isFullScreen?: boolean; hasCustomTitleBar: boolean; hideMenuBar?: boolean; executeMenuRole: ExecuteMenuRoleType; titleBarDoubleClick?: () => void; children: ReactNode; // Needs to be overriden in sticker-creator iconSrc?: string; }> & (MenuPropsType | { hasMenu?: false }); const TITLEBAR_HEIGHT = 28; // Windows only const ROLE_TO_ACCELERATOR = new Map< MenuItemConstructorOptions['role'], string >(); ROLE_TO_ACCELERATOR.set('undo', 'CmdOrCtrl+Z'); ROLE_TO_ACCELERATOR.set('redo', 'CmdOrCtrl+Y'); ROLE_TO_ACCELERATOR.set('cut', 'CmdOrCtrl+X'); ROLE_TO_ACCELERATOR.set('copy', 'CmdOrCtrl+C'); ROLE_TO_ACCELERATOR.set('paste', 'CmdOrCtrl+V'); ROLE_TO_ACCELERATOR.set('pasteAndMatchStyle', 'CmdOrCtrl+Shift+V'); ROLE_TO_ACCELERATOR.set('selectAll', 'CmdOrCtrl+A'); ROLE_TO_ACCELERATOR.set('resetZoom', 'CmdOrCtrl+0'); ROLE_TO_ACCELERATOR.set('zoomIn', 'CmdOrCtrl+='); ROLE_TO_ACCELERATOR.set('zoomOut', 'CmdOrCtrl+-'); ROLE_TO_ACCELERATOR.set('togglefullscreen', 'F11'); ROLE_TO_ACCELERATOR.set('toggleDevTools', 'CmdOrCtrl+Shift+I'); ROLE_TO_ACCELERATOR.set('minimize', 'CmdOrCtrl+M'); function convertMenu( menuList: ReadonlyArray, executeMenuRole: (role: MenuItemConstructorOptions['role']) => void, i18n: LocalizerType ): Array { return menuList.map(item => { const { type, label, accelerator: originalAccelerator, click: originalClick, submenu: originalSubmenu, role, } = item; let submenu: Array | undefined; if (Array.isArray(originalSubmenu)) { submenu = convertMenu(originalSubmenu, executeMenuRole, i18n); } else if (originalSubmenu) { throw new Error('Non-array submenu is not supported'); } let click: (() => unknown) | undefined; if (originalClick) { if (role) { throw new Error(`Menu item: ${label} has both click and role`); } // We don't use arguments in app/menu.ts click = originalClick as () => unknown; } else if (role) { click = () => executeMenuRole(role); } let accelerator: string | undefined; if (originalAccelerator) { accelerator = originalAccelerator.toString(); } else if (role) { accelerator = ROLE_TO_ACCELERATOR.get(role); } // Custom titlebar is visible only on Windows and this string is used only // in UI. Actual accelerator interception is handled by Electron through // `app/main.ts`. accelerator = accelerator?.replace( /CommandOrControl|CmdOrCtrl/g, i18n('Keyboard--Key--ctrl') ); accelerator = accelerator?.replace(/Shift/g, i18n('Keyboard--Key--shift')); return { type, label, accelerator, click, submenu, }; }); } export const TitleBarContainer = (props: PropsType): JSX.Element => { const { theme, isMaximized, isFullScreen, hasCustomTitleBar, hideMenuBar, executeMenuRole, titleBarDoubleClick, children, hasMenu, iconSrc = 'images/icon_32.png', } = props; const isWindowActive = useIsWindowActive(); const titleBarTheme = useMemo( () => ({ bar: { // See stylesheets/_global.scss height: TITLEBAR_HEIGHT, palette: theme === ThemeType.light ? ('light' as const) : ('dark' as const), ...(theme === ThemeType.dark ? { // $color-gray-05 color: '#e9e9e9', // $color-gray-80 background: '#2e2e2e', // $color-gray-95 borderBottom: '1px solid #121212', // button: { active: { // $color-gray-05 color: '#e9e9e9', // $color-gray-75 background: '#3b3b3b', }, hover: { // $color-gray-05 color: '#e9e9e9', // $color-gray-75 background: '#3b3b3b', }, }, } : {}), }, // Hide overlay menu: { overlay: { opacity: 0, }, autoHide: hideMenuBar, ...(theme === ThemeType.dark ? { separator: { // $color-gray-95 color: '#5e5e5e', }, accelerator: { // $color-gray-25 color: '#b9b9b9', }, list: { // $color-gray-75 background: '#3b3b3b', boxShadow: '0px 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)', borderRadius: '0px 0px 6px 6px', }, } : { list: { boxShadow: '0px 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)', borderRadius: '0px 0px 6px 6px', }, }), }, // Zoom support enableOverflow: false, scalingFunction(value: string) { return `calc(${value} * var(--zoom-factor))`; }, }), [theme, hideMenuBar] ); if (!hasCustomTitleBar) { return <>{children}; } let maybeMenu: Array | undefined; if (hasMenu) { const { i18n, menuOptions, executeMenuAction } = props; const menuTemplate = createTemplate( { ...menuOptions, // actions forceUpdate: () => executeMenuAction('forceUpdate'), openContactUs: () => executeMenuAction('openContactUs'), openForums: () => executeMenuAction('openForums'), openJoinTheBeta: () => executeMenuAction('openJoinTheBeta'), openReleaseNotes: () => executeMenuAction('openReleaseNotes'), openSupportPage: () => executeMenuAction('openSupportPage'), setupAsNewDevice: () => executeMenuAction('setupAsNewDevice'), setupAsStandalone: () => executeMenuAction('setupAsStandalone'), showAbout: () => executeMenuAction('showAbout'), showDebugLog: () => executeMenuAction('showDebugLog'), showKeyboardShortcuts: () => executeMenuAction('showKeyboardShortcuts'), showSettings: () => executeMenuAction('showSettings'), showStickerCreator: () => executeMenuAction('showStickerCreator'), showWindow: () => executeMenuAction('showWindow'), }, i18n ); maybeMenu = convertMenu(menuTemplate, executeMenuRole, i18n); } return (
); };