// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { pipeline } from 'stream/promises'; import { PassThrough } from 'stream'; import type { Readable, Writable } from 'stream'; import { createReadStream, createWriteStream } from 'fs'; import { unlink } from 'fs/promises'; import { join } from 'path'; import { createGzip, createGunzip } from 'zlib'; import { createCipheriv, createHmac, randomBytes } from 'crypto'; import { noop } from 'lodash'; import { BackupLevel } from '@signalapp/libsignal-client/zkgroup'; import * as log from '../../logging/log'; import * as Bytes from '../../Bytes'; import { strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import { drop } from '../../util/drop'; import { DelimitedStream } from '../../util/DelimitedStream'; import { appendPaddingStream } from '../../util/logPadding'; import { prependStream } from '../../util/prependStream'; import { appendMacStream } from '../../util/appendMacStream'; import { HOUR } from '../../util/durations'; import { CipherType, HashType } from '../../types/Crypto'; import * as Errors from '../../types/errors'; import { constantTimeEqual } from '../../Crypto'; import { getIvAndDecipher, getMacAndUpdateHmac } from '../../AttachmentCrypto'; import { BackupExportStream } from './export'; import { BackupImportStream } from './import'; import { getKeyMaterial } from './crypto'; import { BackupCredentials } from './credentials'; import { BackupAPI } from './api'; import { validateBackup } from './validator'; const IV_LENGTH = 16; const BACKUP_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 24 * HOUR; export class BackupsService { private isStarted = false; private isRunning = false; public readonly credentials = new BackupCredentials(); public readonly api = new BackupAPI(this.credentials); public start(): void { if (this.isStarted) { log.warn('BackupsService: already started'); return; } this.isStarted = true; log.info('BackupsService: starting...'); setInterval(() => { drop(this.runPeriodicRefresh()); }, BACKUP_REFRESH_INTERVAL); drop(this.runPeriodicRefresh()); this.credentials.start(); window.Whisper.events.on('userChanged', () => { drop(this.credentials.clearCache()); this.api.clearCache(); }); } public async upload(): Promise { const fileName = `backup-${randomBytes(32).toString('hex')}`; const filePath = join(window.BasePaths.temp, fileName); const backupLevel = await this.credentials.getBackupLevel(); log.info(`exportBackup: starting, backup level: ${backupLevel}...`); try { const fileSize = await this.exportToDisk(filePath, backupLevel); await this.api.upload(filePath, fileSize); } finally { try { await unlink(filePath); } catch { // Ignore } } } // Test harness public async exportBackupData( backupLevel: BackupLevel = BackupLevel.Messages ): Promise { const sink = new PassThrough(); const chunks = new Array(); sink.on('data', chunk => chunks.push(chunk)); await this.exportBackup(sink, backupLevel); return Bytes.concatenate(chunks); } // Test harness public async exportToDisk( path: string, backupLevel: BackupLevel = BackupLevel.Messages ): Promise { const size = await this.exportBackup(createWriteStream(path), backupLevel); await validateBackup(path, size); return size; } // Test harness public async exportWithDialog(): Promise { const data = await this.exportBackupData(); const { saveAttachmentToDisk } = window.Signal.Migrations; await saveAttachmentToDisk({ name: 'backup.bin', data, }); } public async importFromDisk(backupFile: string): Promise { return backupsService.importBackup(() => createReadStream(backupFile)); } public async importBackup(createBackupStream: () => Readable): Promise { strictAssert(!this.isRunning, 'BackupService is already running'); log.info('importBackup: starting...'); this.isRunning = true; try { const { aesKey, macKey } = getKeyMaterial(); // First pass - don't decrypt, only verify mac let hmac = createHmac(HashType.size256, macKey); let theirMac: Uint8Array | undefined; const sink = new PassThrough(); // Discard the data in the first pass sink.resume(); await pipeline( createBackupStream(), getMacAndUpdateHmac(hmac, theirMacValue => { theirMac = theirMacValue; }), sink ); strictAssert(theirMac != null, 'importBackup: Missing MAC'); strictAssert( constantTimeEqual(hmac.digest(), theirMac), 'importBackup: Bad MAC' ); // Second pass - decrypt (but still check the mac at the end) hmac = createHmac(HashType.size256, macKey); await pipeline( createBackupStream(), getMacAndUpdateHmac(hmac, noop), getIvAndDecipher(aesKey), createGunzip(), new DelimitedStream(), new BackupImportStream() ); strictAssert( constantTimeEqual(hmac.digest(), theirMac), 'importBackup: Bad MAC, second pass' ); log.info('importBackup: finished...'); } catch (error) { log.info(`importBackup: failed, error: ${Errors.toLogFormat(error)}`); throw error; } finally { this.isRunning = false; } } private async exportBackup( sink: Writable, backupLevel: BackupLevel = BackupLevel.Messages ): Promise { strictAssert(!this.isRunning, 'BackupService is already running'); log.info('exportBackup: starting...'); this.isRunning = true; try { const { aesKey, macKey } = getKeyMaterial(); const recordStream = new BackupExportStream(); recordStream.run(backupLevel); const iv = randomBytes(IV_LENGTH); const pass = new PassThrough(); let totalBytes = 0; // Pause the flow first so that the we respect backpressure. The // `pipeline` call below will control the flow anyway. pass.pause(); pass.on('data', chunk => { totalBytes += chunk.length; }); await pipeline( recordStream, createGzip(), appendPaddingStream(), createCipheriv(CipherType.AES256CBC, aesKey, iv), prependStream(iv), appendMacStream(macKey), pass, sink ); return totalBytes; } finally { log.info('exportBackup: finished...'); this.isRunning = false; } } private async runPeriodicRefresh(): Promise { try { await this.api.refresh(); log.info('Backup: refreshed'); } catch (error) { log.error('Backup: periodic refresh kufailed', Errors.toLogFormat(error)); } } } export const backupsService = new BackupsService();