// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only .module-message__audio-attachment { display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; margin-top: 2px; } /* The separator between audio and text */ .module-message__audio-attachment--with-content-below { border-bottom: 1px solid $color-white-alpha-20; padding-bottom: 12px; margin-bottom: 7px; .module-message__audio-attachment--incoming & { @mixin android { border-color: $color-white-alpha-20; } @include light-theme { @include android; } @include dark-theme { @include android; } @include ios-theme { border-color: $color-black-alpha-20; } @include ios-dark-theme { border-color: $color-white-alpha-20; } } .module-message__container--outgoing & { @mixin ios { border-color: $color-white-alpha-20; } @include light-theme { border-color: $color-black-alpha-20; } @include dark-theme { border-color: $color-white-alpha-20; } @include ios-theme { @include ios; } @include ios-dark-theme { @include ios; } } } .module-message__audio-attachment--with-content-above { margin-top: 6px; } .module-message__audio-attachment__button, .module-message__audio-attachment__spinner { flex-shrink: 0; width: 36px; height: 36px; @include button-reset; outline: none; border-radius: 18px; &::before { display: block; height: 100%; content: ''; } @mixin audio-icon($name, $icon, $color) { &--#{$name}::before { @include color-svg('../images/icons/v2/#{$icon}.svg', $color, false); } } @mixin all-audio-icons($color) { @include audio-icon(play, play-solid-20, $color); @include audio-icon(pause, pause-solid-20, $color); @include audio-icon(download, arrow-down-20, $color); @include audio-icon(pending, audio-spinner-arc-22, $color); } &--pending { cursor: auto; } &--pending::before { animation: spinner-arc-animation 1000ms linear infinite; } .module-message__audio-attachment--incoming & { @mixin android { background: $color-white-alpha-20; @include all-audio-icons($color-white); } @include light-theme { @include android; } @include dark-theme { @include android; } @include ios-theme { background: $color-white; @include all-audio-icons($color-gray-60); } @include ios-dark-theme { background: $color-gray-60; @include all-audio-icons($color-gray-15); } } .module-message__audio-attachment--outgoing & { @mixin android { background: $color-white; @include all-audio-icons($color-gray-60); } @mixin ios { background: $color-white-alpha-20; @include all-audio-icons($color-white); } @include light-theme { @include android; } @include dark-theme { @include android; } @include ios-theme { @include ios; } @include ios-dark-theme { @include ios; } } } .module-message__audio-attachment__waveform { flex-shrink: 0; margin-left: 12px; display: flex; align-items: center; outline: 0; } .module-message__audio-attachment__waveform__bar { display: inline-block; width: 2px; border-radius: 2px; transition: height 250ms, background 250ms; &:not(:first-of-type) { margin-left: 2px; } .module-message__audio-attachment--incoming & { @mixin android { background: $color-white-alpha-40; &--active { background: $color-white-alpha-80; } } @include light-theme { @include android; } @include dark-theme { @include android; } @include ios-theme { background: $color-black-alpha-40; &--active { background: $color-black-alpha-80; } } @include ios-dark-theme { background: $color-white-alpha-40; &--active { background: $color-white-alpha-70; } } } .module-message__audio-attachment--outgoing & { @mixin ios { background: $color-white-alpha-40; &--active { background: $color-white-alpha-80; } } @include light-theme { background: $color-black-alpha-20; &--active { background: $color-black-alpha-50; } } @include dark-theme { background: $color-white-alpha-40; &--active { background: $color-white-alpha-80; } } @include ios-theme { @include ios; } @include ios-dark-theme { @include ios; } } } .module-message__audio-attachment__duration { flex-shrink: 1; margin-left: 12px; @include font-caption; .module-message__audio-attachment--incoming & { @mixin android { color: $color-white-alpha-80; } @include light-theme { @include android; } @include dark-theme { @include android; } @include ios-theme { color: $color-black-alpha-60; } @include ios-dark-theme { color: $color-white-alpha-80; } } .module-message__audio-attachment--outgoing & { @mixin ios { color: $color-white-alpha-80; } @include light-theme { color: $color-gray-60; } @include dark-theme { color: $color-white-alpha-80; } @include ios-theme { @include ios; } @include ios-dark-theme { @include ios; } } } @media (min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 799px) { .module-message__audio-attachment__waveform { margin-left: 4px; } /* Clip the duration text when it is too long on small screens */ .module-message__audio-attachment__duration { margin-left: 4px; max-width: 46px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } }