// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only // Captures the globals put in place by preload.js, background.js and others import * as Backbone from 'backbone'; import * as Underscore from 'underscore'; import moment from 'moment'; import PQueue from 'p-queue/dist'; import { Ref } from 'react'; import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux'; import { imageToBlurHash } from './util/imageToBlurHash'; import * as LinkPreviews from '../js/modules/link_previews.d'; import * as Util from './util'; import { ConversationModelCollectionType, MessageModelCollectionType, MessageAttributesType, } from './model-types.d'; import { ContactRecordIdentityState, TextSecureType } from './textsecure.d'; import { ChallengeHandler, IPCRequest as IPCChallengeRequest, } from './challenge'; import { WebAPIConnectType } from './textsecure/WebAPI'; import { uploadDebugLogs } from './logging/debuglogs'; import { CallingClass } from './services/calling'; import * as Groups from './groups'; import * as Crypto from './Crypto'; import * as Curve from './Curve'; import * as RemoteConfig from './RemoteConfig'; import * as OS from './OS'; import { getEnvironment } from './environment'; import * as zkgroup from './util/zkgroup'; import { LocalizerType, BodyRangesType, BodyRangeType } from './types/Util'; import * as Attachment from './types/Attachment'; import { ColorType } from './types/Colors'; import * as MIME from './types/MIME'; import * as Contact from './types/Contact'; import * as Errors from '../js/modules/types/errors'; import { ConversationController } from './ConversationController'; import { ReduxActions } from './state/types'; import { createStore } from './state/createStore'; import { createCallManager } from './state/roots/createCallManager'; import { createCompositionArea } from './state/roots/createCompositionArea'; import { createContactModal } from './state/roots/createContactModal'; import { createConversationDetails } from './state/roots/createConversationDetails'; import { createConversationHeader } from './state/roots/createConversationHeader'; import { createForwardMessageModal } from './state/roots/createForwardMessageModal'; import { createGroupLinkManagement } from './state/roots/createGroupLinkManagement'; import { createGroupV1MigrationModal } from './state/roots/createGroupV1MigrationModal'; import { createGroupV2JoinModal } from './state/roots/createGroupV2JoinModal'; import { createGroupV2Permissions } from './state/roots/createGroupV2Permissions'; import { createLeftPane } from './state/roots/createLeftPane'; import { createMessageDetail } from './state/roots/createMessageDetail'; import { createPendingInvites } from './state/roots/createPendingInvites'; import { createSafetyNumberViewer } from './state/roots/createSafetyNumberViewer'; import { createShortcutGuideModal } from './state/roots/createShortcutGuideModal'; import { createStickerManager } from './state/roots/createStickerManager'; import { createStickerPreviewModal } from './state/roots/createStickerPreviewModal'; import { createTimeline } from './state/roots/createTimeline'; import * as callingDuck from './state/ducks/calling'; import * as conversationsDuck from './state/ducks/conversations'; import * as emojisDuck from './state/ducks/emojis'; import * as expirationDuck from './state/ducks/expiration'; import * as itemsDuck from './state/ducks/items'; import * as linkPreviewsDuck from './state/ducks/linkPreviews'; import * as networkDuck from './state/ducks/network'; import * as updatesDuck from './state/ducks/updates'; import * as userDuck from './state/ducks/user'; import * as searchDuck from './state/ducks/search'; import * as stickersDuck from './state/ducks/stickers'; import * as conversationsSelectors from './state/selectors/conversations'; import * as searchSelectors from './state/selectors/search'; import AccountManager from './textsecure/AccountManager'; import { SendOptionsType } from './textsecure/SendMessage'; import Data from './sql/Client'; import { UserMessage } from './types/Message'; import { PhoneNumberFormat } from 'google-libphonenumber'; import { MessageModel } from './models/messages'; import { ConversationModel } from './models/conversations'; import { combineNames } from './util'; import { BatcherType } from './util/batcher'; import { AttachmentList } from './components/conversation/AttachmentList'; import { CaptionEditor } from './components/CaptionEditor'; import { ConfirmationDialog } from './components/ConfirmationDialog'; import { ContactDetail } from './components/conversation/ContactDetail'; import { ContactModal } from './components/conversation/ContactModal'; import { ErrorModal } from './components/ErrorModal'; import { Lightbox } from './components/Lightbox'; import { LightboxGallery } from './components/LightboxGallery'; import { MediaGallery } from './components/conversation/media-gallery/MediaGallery'; import { MessageDetail } from './components/conversation/MessageDetail'; import { ProgressModal } from './components/ProgressModal'; import { Quote } from './components/conversation/Quote'; import { StagedLinkPreview } from './components/conversation/StagedLinkPreview'; import { MIMEType } from './types/MIME'; import { ElectronLocaleType } from './util/mapToSupportLocale'; import { SignalProtocolStore } from './SignalProtocolStore'; import { StartupQueue } from './util/StartupQueue'; import * as synchronousCrypto from './util/synchronousCrypto'; import SyncRequest from './textsecure/SyncRequest'; export { Long } from 'long'; type TaskResultType = any; export type WhatIsThis = any; // Synced with the type in ts/shims/showConfirmationDialog // we are duplicating it here because that file cannot import/export. type ConfirmationDialogViewProps = { cancelText?: string; confirmStyle?: 'affirmative' | 'negative'; message: string; okText: string; reject?: (error: Error) => void; resolve: () => void; }; declare global { // We want to extend `window`'s properties, so we need an interface. // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax interface Window { startApp: () => void; _: typeof Underscore; $: typeof jQuery; moment: typeof moment; imageToBlurHash: typeof imageToBlurHash; autoOrientImage: any; dataURLToBlobSync: any; loadImage: any; isBehindProxy: () => boolean; PQueue: typeof PQueue; PQueueType: PQueue; Mustache: { render: (template: string, data: any, partials?: any) => string; parse: (template: string) => void; }; WhatIsThis: WhatIsThis; attachmentDownloadQueue: Array | undefined; startupProcessingQueue: StartupQueue | undefined; baseAttachmentsPath: string; baseStickersPath: string; baseTempPath: string; dcodeIO: DCodeIOType; receivedAtCounter: number; enterKeyboardMode: () => void; enterMouseMode: () => void; getAccountManager: () => AccountManager | undefined; getAlwaysRelayCalls: () => Promise; getBuiltInImages: () => Promise>; getCallRingtoneNotification: () => Promise; getCallSystemNotification: () => Promise; getConversations: () => ConversationModelCollectionType; getCountMutedConversations: () => Promise; getEnvironment: typeof getEnvironment; getExpiration: () => string; getGuid: () => string; getInboxCollection: () => ConversationModelCollectionType; getIncomingCallNotification: () => Promise; getInteractionMode: () => 'mouse' | 'keyboard'; getLocale: () => ElectronLocaleType; getMediaCameraPermissions: () => Promise; getMediaPermissions: () => Promise; getNodeVersion: () => string; getServerPublicParams: () => string; getSfuUrl: () => string; getSocketStatus: () => number; getSyncRequest: (timeoutMillis?: number) => SyncRequest; getTitle: () => string; waitForEmptyEventQueue: () => Promise; getVersion: () => string; showCallingPermissionsPopup: (forCamera: boolean) => Promise; i18n: LocalizerType; isActive: () => boolean; isAfterVersion: (version: string, anotherVersion: string) => boolean; isBeforeVersion: (version: string, anotherVersion: string) => boolean; isFullScreen: () => boolean; isValidGuid: (maybeGuid: string | null) => boolean; isValidE164: (maybeE164: unknown) => boolean; libphonenumber: { util: { getRegionCodeForNumber: (number: string) => string; parseNumber: ( e164: string, regionCode: string ) => typeof window.Signal.Types.PhoneNumber; }; parse: (number: string) => string; getRegionCodeForNumber: (number: string) => string; format: (number: string, format: PhoneNumberFormat) => string; }; log: { fatal: LoggerType; info: LoggerType; warn: LoggerType; error: LoggerType; debug: LoggerType; trace: LoggerType; fetch: () => Promise; publish: typeof uploadDebugLogs; }; nodeSetImmediate: typeof setImmediate; normalizeUuids: (obj: any, paths: Array, context: string) => void; onFullScreenChange: (fullScreen: boolean) => void; owsDesktopApp: WhatIsThis; platform: string; preloadedImages: Array; reduxActions: ReduxActions; reduxStore: WhatIsThis; registerForActive: (handler: () => void) => void; restart: () => void; setImmediate: typeof setImmediate; showWindow: () => void; showSettings: () => void; shutdown: () => void; sendChallengeRequest: (request: IPCChallengeRequest) => void; setAutoHideMenuBar: (value: WhatIsThis) => void; setBadgeCount: (count: number) => void; setMenuBarVisibility: (value: WhatIsThis) => void; setSecureInput: (enabled: boolean) => void; showConfirmationDialog: (options: ConfirmationDialogViewProps) => void; showKeyboardShortcuts: () => void; storage: { addBlockedGroup: (group: string) => void; addBlockedNumber: (number: string) => void; addBlockedUuid: (uuid: string) => void; fetch: () => void; get: { (key: string): T | undefined; (key: string, defaultValue: T): T; }; getBlockedGroups: () => Array; getBlockedNumbers: () => Array; getBlockedUuids: () => Array; getItemsState: () => WhatIsThis; isBlocked: (number: string) => boolean; isGroupBlocked: (group: unknown) => boolean; isUuidBlocked: (uuid: string) => boolean; onready: (callback: () => unknown) => void; put: (key: string, value: any) => Promise; remove: (key: string) => Promise; removeBlockedGroup: (group: string) => void; removeBlockedNumber: (number: string) => void; removeBlockedUuid: (uuid: string) => void; reset: () => void; }; systemTheme: WhatIsThis; textsecure: TextSecureType; synchronousCrypto: typeof synchronousCrypto; titleBarDoubleClick: () => void; unregisterForActive: (handler: () => void) => void; updateTrayIcon: (count: number) => void; sqlInitializer: { initialize: () => Promise; goBackToMainProcess: () => void; }; Backbone: typeof Backbone; CI: | { setProvisioningURL: (url: string) => void; deviceName: string; } | undefined; Accessibility: { reducedMotionSetting: boolean; }; Signal: { Backbone: any; AttachmentDownloads: { addJob: ( attachment: unknown, options: unknown ) => Promise; start: (options: WhatIsThis) => void; stop: () => void; }; Crypto: typeof Crypto; Curve: typeof Curve; Data: typeof Data; Groups: typeof Groups; RemoteConfig: typeof RemoteConfig; Services: { calling: CallingClass; enableStorageService: () => boolean; eraseAllStorageServiceState: () => Promise; initializeGroupCredentialFetcher: () => void; initializeNetworkObserver: (network: WhatIsThis) => void; initializeUpdateListener: ( updates: WhatIsThis, events: WhatIsThis ) => void; onTimeout: (timestamp: number, cb: () => void, id?: string) => string; removeTimeout: (uuid: string) => void; runStorageServiceSyncJob: () => Promise; storageServiceUploadJob: () => void; }; Migrations: { readTempData: any; deleteAttachmentData: (path: string) => Promise; doesAttachmentExist: () => unknown; writeNewAttachmentData: (data: ArrayBuffer) => Promise; deleteExternalMessageFiles: (attributes: unknown) => Promise; getAbsoluteAttachmentPath: (path: string) => string; loadAttachmentData: (attachment: WhatIsThis) => WhatIsThis; loadQuoteData: (quote: unknown) => WhatIsThis; loadPreviewData: (preview: unknown) => WhatIsThis; loadStickerData: (sticker: unknown) => WhatIsThis; readStickerData: (path: string) => Promise; upgradeMessageSchema: (attributes: unknown) => WhatIsThis; copyIntoTempDirectory: any; deleteDraftFile: any; deleteTempFile: any; getAbsoluteDraftPath: any; getAbsoluteTempPath: any; openFileInFolder: any; readAttachmentData: any; readDraftData: any; saveAttachmentToDisk: any; writeNewDraftData: any; }; Stickers: { getDataFromLink: any; copyStickerToAttachments: ( packId: string, stickerId: number ) => Promise; deletePackReference: (id: string, packId: string) => Promise; downloadEphemeralPack: (packId: string, key: string) => Promise; downloadQueuedPacks: () => void; downloadStickerPack: ( id: string, key: string, options: WhatIsThis ) => void; getInitialState: () => WhatIsThis; load: () => void; removeEphemeralPack: (packId: string) => Promise; savePackMetadata: ( packId: string, packKey: string, metadata: unknown ) => void; getStickerPackStatus: (packId: string) => 'downloaded' | 'installed'; getSticker: ( packId: string, stickerId: number ) => typeof window.Signal.Types.Sticker; getStickerPack: (packId: string) => WhatIsThis; getInstalledStickerPacks: () => WhatIsThis; }; Types: { Attachment: { save: any; path: string; pending: boolean; flags: number; size: number; screenshot: { path: string; }; thumbnail: { path: string; objectUrl: string; }; contentType: MIMEType; error: unknown; caption: string; migrateDataToFileSystem: ( attachment: WhatIsThis, options: unknown ) => WhatIsThis; isVoiceMessage: (attachments: unknown) => boolean; isImage: typeof Attachment.isImage; isGIF: typeof Attachment.isGIF; isVideo: typeof Attachment.isVideo; isAudio: typeof Attachment.isAudio; getUploadSizeLimitKb: typeof Attachment.getUploadSizeLimitKb; }; MIME: typeof MIME; Contact: typeof Contact; Conversation: { computeHash: (data: string) => Promise; deleteExternalFiles: ( attributes: unknown, options: unknown ) => Promise; maybeUpdateProfileAvatar: ( attributes: unknown, decrypted: unknown, options: unknown ) => Promise>; maybeUpdateAvatar: ( attributes: unknown, data: unknown, options: unknown ) => Promise; }; PhoneNumber: { format: ( identifier: string, options: Record ) => string; isValidNumber( phoneNumber: string, options?: { regionCode?: string; } ): boolean; e164: string; error: string; }; Errors: typeof Errors; Message: { CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION: number; VERSION_NEEDED_FOR_DISPLAY: number; GROUP: 'group'; PRIVATE: 'private'; initializeSchemaVersion: (version: { message: unknown; logger: unknown; }) => unknown & { schemaVersion: number; }; hasExpiration: (json: string) => boolean; }; Sticker: { emoji: string; packId: string; packKey: string; stickerId: number; data: { pending: boolean; path: string; }; width: number; height: number; path: string; }; VisualAttachment: any; }; Util: typeof Util; LinkPreviews: typeof LinkPreviews; GroupChange: { renderChange: (change: unknown, things: unknown) => Array; }; Components: { AttachmentList: typeof AttachmentList; CaptionEditor: typeof CaptionEditor; ConfirmationDialog: typeof ConfirmationDialog; ContactDetail: typeof ContactDetail; ContactModal: typeof ContactModal; ErrorModal: typeof ErrorModal; Lightbox: typeof Lightbox; LightboxGallery: typeof LightboxGallery; MediaGallery: typeof MediaGallery; MessageDetail: typeof MessageDetail; ProgressModal: typeof ProgressModal; Quote: typeof Quote; StagedLinkPreview: typeof StagedLinkPreview; }; OS: typeof OS; Workflow: { IdleDetector: WhatIsThis; MessageDataMigrator: WhatIsThis; }; IndexedDB: { removeDatabase: WhatIsThis; doesDatabaseExist: WhatIsThis; }; Views: WhatIsThis; State: { bindActionCreators: typeof bindActionCreators; createStore: typeof createStore; Roots: { createCallManager: typeof createCallManager; createCompositionArea: typeof createCompositionArea; createContactModal: typeof createContactModal; createConversationDetails: typeof createConversationDetails; createConversationHeader: typeof createConversationHeader; createForwardMessageModal: typeof createForwardMessageModal; createGroupLinkManagement: typeof createGroupLinkManagement; createGroupV1MigrationModal: typeof createGroupV1MigrationModal; createGroupV2JoinModal: typeof createGroupV2JoinModal; createGroupV2Permissions: typeof createGroupV2Permissions; createLeftPane: typeof createLeftPane; createMessageDetail: typeof createMessageDetail; createPendingInvites: typeof createPendingInvites; createSafetyNumberViewer: typeof createSafetyNumberViewer; createShortcutGuideModal: typeof createShortcutGuideModal; createStickerManager: typeof createStickerManager; createStickerPreviewModal: typeof createStickerPreviewModal; createTimeline: typeof createTimeline; }; Ducks: { calling: typeof callingDuck; conversations: typeof conversationsDuck; emojis: typeof emojisDuck; expiration: typeof expirationDuck; items: typeof itemsDuck; linkPreviews: typeof linkPreviewsDuck; network: typeof networkDuck; updates: typeof updatesDuck; user: typeof userDuck; search: typeof searchDuck; stickers: typeof stickersDuck; }; Selectors: { conversations: typeof conversationsSelectors; search: typeof searchSelectors; }; }; Logs: WhatIsThis; conversationControllerStart: WhatIsThis; Emojis: { getInitialState: () => WhatIsThis; load: () => void; }; challengeHandler: ChallengeHandler; }; ConversationController: ConversationController; Events: WhatIsThis; MessageController: MessageControllerType; SignalProtocolStore: typeof SignalProtocolStore; WebAPI: WebAPIConnectType; Whisper: WhisperType; AccountCache: Record; AccountJobs: Record>; doesAccountCheckJobExist: (number: string) => boolean; checkForSignalAccount: (number: string) => Promise; isSignalAccountCheckComplete: (number: string) => boolean; hasSignalAccount: (number: string) => boolean; getServerTrustRoot: () => WhatIsThis; readyForUpdates: () => void; logAppLoadedEvent: (options: { processedCount?: number }) => void; logMessageReceiverConnect: () => void; // Runtime Flags isShowingModal?: boolean; // Feature Flags isGroupCallingEnabled: () => boolean; GV2_ENABLE_SINGLE_CHANGE_PROCESSING: boolean; GV2_ENABLE_CHANGE_PROCESSING: boolean; GV2_ENABLE_STATE_PROCESSING: boolean; GV2_MIGRATION_DISABLE_ADD: boolean; GV2_MIGRATION_DISABLE_INVITE: boolean; } // We want to extend `Error`, so we need an interface. // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax interface Error { originalError?: Event; } } export type DCodeIOType = { ByteBuffer: typeof ByteBufferClass & { BIG_ENDIAN: number; LITTLE_ENDIAN: number; Long: DCodeIOType['Long']; }; Long: Long & { MAX_VALUE: Long; equals: (other: Long | number | string) => boolean; fromBits: (low: number, high: number, unsigned: boolean) => number; fromNumber: (value: number, unsigned?: boolean) => Long; fromString: (str: string | null) => Long; isLong: (obj: unknown) => obj is Long; }; ProtoBuf: WhatIsThis; }; type MessageControllerType = { getById: (id: string) => MessageModel | undefined; findBySender: (sender: string) => MessageModel | null; findBySentAt: (sentAt: number) => MessageModel | null; register: (id: string, model: MessageModel) => MessageModel; unregister: (id: string) => void; }; export class CertificateValidatorType { validate: (cerficate: any, certificateTime: number) => Promise; } export class ByteBufferClass { constructor(value?: any, littleEndian?: number); static wrap: ( value: any, encoding?: string, littleEndian?: number ) => ByteBufferClass; buffer: ArrayBuffer; toString: (type: string) => string; toArrayBuffer: () => ArrayBuffer; toBinary: () => string; slice: (start: number, end?: number) => ByteBufferClass; append: (data: ArrayBuffer) => void; limit: number; offset: 0; readInt: (offset: number) => number; readLong: (offset: number) => Long; readShort: (offset: number) => number; readVarint32: () => number; reset: () => void; writeLong: (l: Long) => void; skip: (length: number) => void; } export class GumVideoCapturer { constructor( maxWidth: number, maxHeight: number, maxFramerate: number, localPreview: Ref ); } export class CanvasVideoRenderer { constructor(canvas: Ref); } export type LoggerType = (...args: Array) => void; export type WhisperType = { events: { on: (name: string, callback: (param1: any, param2?: any) => void) => void; trigger: (name: string, param1?: any, param2?: any) => void; }; Database: { open: () => Promise; handleDOMException: ( context: string, error: DOMException | null, reject: Function ) => void; }; GroupConversationCollection: typeof ConversationModelCollectionType; ConversationCollection: typeof ConversationModelCollectionType; ConversationCollectionType: ConversationModelCollectionType; Conversation: typeof ConversationModel; ConversationType: ConversationModel; MessageCollection: typeof MessageModelCollectionType; MessageCollectionType: MessageModelCollectionType; MessageAttributesType: MessageAttributesType; Message: typeof MessageModel; MessageType: MessageModel; GroupMemberConversation: WhatIsThis; KeyChangeListener: WhatIsThis; ClearDataView: WhatIsThis; ReactWrapperView: WhatIsThis; activeConfirmationView: WhatIsThis; ToastView: typeof window.Whisper.View & { show: (view: typeof Backbone.View, el: Element) => void; }; ConversationArchivedToast: WhatIsThis; ConversationUnarchivedToast: WhatIsThis; ConversationMarkedUnreadToast: WhatIsThis; AppView: WhatIsThis; WallClockListener: WhatIsThis; MessageRequests: WhatIsThis; BannerView: any; RecorderView: any; GroupMemberList: any; GroupLinkCopiedToast: typeof Backbone.View; KeyVerificationPanelView: any; SafetyNumberChangeDialogView: any; BodyRangesType: BodyRangesType; BodyRangeType: BodyRangeType; Notifications: { isEnabled: boolean; removeBy: (filter: Partial) => void; add: (notification: unknown) => void; clear: () => void; disable: () => void; enable: () => void; fastClear: () => void; on: ( event: string, callback: (id: string, messageId: string) => void ) => void; }; DeliveryReceipts: { add: (receipt: WhatIsThis) => void; forMessage: (conversation: unknown, message: unknown) => Array; onReceipt: (receipt: WhatIsThis) => void; }; ReadReceipts: { add: (receipt: WhatIsThis) => WhatIsThis; forMessage: (conversation: unknown, message: unknown) => Array; onReceipt: (receipt: WhatIsThis) => void; }; ReadSyncs: { add: (sync: WhatIsThis) => WhatIsThis; forMessage: (message: unknown) => WhatIsThis; onReceipt: (receipt: WhatIsThis) => WhatIsThis; }; ViewSyncs: { add: (sync: WhatIsThis) => WhatIsThis; forMessage: (message: unknown) => Array; onSync: (sync: WhatIsThis) => WhatIsThis; }; Reactions: { forMessage: (message: unknown) => Array; add: (reaction: unknown) => WhatIsThis; onReaction: (reactionModel: unknown) => unknown; }; Deletes: { add: (model: WhatIsThis) => WhatIsThis; forMessage: (message: unknown) => Array; onDelete: (model: WhatIsThis) => void; }; IdenticonSVGView: WhatIsThis; ExpiringMessagesListener: WhatIsThis; TapToViewMessagesListener: WhatIsThis; deliveryReceiptQueue: PQueue; deliveryReceiptBatcher: BatcherType; RotateSignedPreKeyListener: WhatIsThis; AlreadyGroupMemberToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; AlreadyRequestedToJoinToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; BlockedGroupToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; BlockedToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; CannotMixImageAndNonImageAttachmentsToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; CaptchaSolvedToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; CaptchaFailedToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; DangerousFileTypeToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; ExpiredToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; FileSavedToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; FileSizeToast: any; FoundButNotLoadedToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; InvalidConversationToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; LeftGroupToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; MaxAttachmentsToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; MessageBodyTooLongToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; OneNonImageAtATimeToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; OriginalNoLongerAvailableToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; OriginalNotFoundToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; PinnedConversationsFullToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; ReactionFailedToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; DeleteForEveryoneFailedToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; TapToViewExpiredIncomingToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; TapToViewExpiredOutgoingToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; TimerConflictToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; UnableToLoadToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; VoiceNoteLimit: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; VoiceNoteMustBeOnlyAttachmentToast: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; ConversationLoadingScreen: typeof window.Whisper.View; ConversationView: typeof window.Whisper.View; View: typeof Backbone.View & { Templates: Record; }; };