// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import { times } from 'lodash'; import { set } from 'lodash/fp'; import { reducer as rootReducer } from '../../../state/reducer'; import { noopAction } from '../../../state/ducks/noop'; import { actions, OneTimeModalState, ComposerStep, ConversationMessageType, ConversationType, ConversationsStateType, MessageType, SwitchToAssociatedViewActionType, ToggleConversationInChooseMembersActionType, getConversationCallMode, getEmptyState, reducer, updateConversationLookups, } from '../../../state/ducks/conversations'; import { CallMode } from '../../../types/Calling'; import * as groups from '../../../groups'; const { cantAddContactToGroup, clearGroupCreationError, clearInvitedConversationsForNewlyCreatedGroup, closeCantAddContactToGroupModal, closeContactSpoofingReview, closeMaximumGroupSizeModal, closeRecommendedGroupSizeModal, createGroup, messageSizeChanged, openConversationInternal, repairNewestMessage, repairOldestMessage, setComposeGroupAvatar, setComposeGroupName, setComposeSearchTerm, setPreJoinConversation, showArchivedConversations, showInbox, startComposing, showChooseGroupMembers, startSettingGroupMetadata, reviewMessageRequestNameCollision, toggleConversationInChooseMembers, } = actions; describe('both/state/ducks/conversations', () => { const getEmptyRootState = () => rootReducer(undefined, noopAction()); let sinonSandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox; let createGroupStub: sinon.SinonStub; beforeEach(() => { sinonSandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); sinonSandbox.stub(window.Whisper.events, 'trigger'); createGroupStub = sinonSandbox.stub(groups, 'createGroupV2'); }); afterEach(() => { sinonSandbox.restore(); }); describe('helpers', () => { describe('getConversationCallMode', () => { const fakeConversation: ConversationType = { id: 'id1', e164: '+18005551111', activeAt: Date.now(), name: 'No timestamp', timestamp: 0, inboxPosition: 0, phoneNumber: 'notused', isArchived: false, markedUnread: false, type: 'direct', isMe: false, lastUpdated: Date.now(), title: 'No timestamp', unreadCount: 1, isSelected: false, typingContact: { name: 'Someone There', color: 'blue', phoneNumber: '+18005551111', }, acceptedMessageRequest: true, }; it("returns CallMode.None if you've left the conversation", () => { assert.strictEqual( getConversationCallMode({ ...fakeConversation, left: true, }), CallMode.None ); }); it("returns CallMode.None if you've blocked the other person", () => { assert.strictEqual( getConversationCallMode({ ...fakeConversation, isBlocked: true, }), CallMode.None ); }); it("returns CallMode.None if you haven't accepted message requests", () => { assert.strictEqual( getConversationCallMode({ ...fakeConversation, acceptedMessageRequest: false, }), CallMode.None ); }); it('returns CallMode.None if the conversation is Note to Self', () => { assert.strictEqual( getConversationCallMode({ ...fakeConversation, isMe: true, }), CallMode.None ); }); it('returns CallMode.None for v1 groups', () => { assert.strictEqual( getConversationCallMode({ ...fakeConversation, type: 'group', groupVersion: 1, }), CallMode.None ); assert.strictEqual( getConversationCallMode({ ...fakeConversation, type: 'group', }), CallMode.None ); }); it('returns CallMode.Direct if the conversation is a normal direct conversation', () => { assert.strictEqual( getConversationCallMode(fakeConversation), CallMode.Direct ); }); it('returns CallMode.Group if the conversation is a v2 group', () => { assert.strictEqual( getConversationCallMode({ ...fakeConversation, type: 'group', groupVersion: 2, }), CallMode.Group ); }); }); describe('updateConversationLookups', () => { function getDefaultConversation(id: string): ConversationType { return { id, type: 'direct', title: `${id} title`, }; } it('does not change lookups if no conversations provided', () => { const state = getEmptyState(); const result = updateConversationLookups(undefined, undefined, state); assert.strictEqual( state.conversationsByE164, result.conversationsByE164 ); assert.strictEqual( state.conversationsByUuid, result.conversationsByUuid ); assert.strictEqual( state.conversationsByGroupId, result.conversationsByGroupId ); }); it('adds and removes e164-only contact', () => { const removed = { ...getDefaultConversation('id-removed'), e164: 'e164-removed', }; const state = { ...getEmptyState(), conversationsByE164: { [removed.e164]: removed, }, }; const added = { ...getDefaultConversation('id-added'), e164: 'e164-added', }; const expected = { [added.e164]: added, }; const actual = updateConversationLookups(added, removed, state); assert.deepEqual(actual.conversationsByE164, expected); assert.strictEqual( state.conversationsByUuid, actual.conversationsByUuid ); assert.strictEqual( state.conversationsByGroupId, actual.conversationsByGroupId ); }); it('adds and removes uuid-only contact', () => { const removed = { ...getDefaultConversation('id-removed'), uuid: 'uuid-removed', }; const state = { ...getEmptyState(), conversationsByuuid: { [removed.uuid]: removed, }, }; const added = { ...getDefaultConversation('id-added'), uuid: 'uuid-added', }; const expected = { [added.uuid]: added, }; const actual = updateConversationLookups(added, removed, state); assert.strictEqual( state.conversationsByE164, actual.conversationsByE164 ); assert.deepEqual(actual.conversationsByUuid, expected); assert.strictEqual( state.conversationsByGroupId, actual.conversationsByGroupId ); }); it('adds and removes groupId-only contact', () => { const removed = { ...getDefaultConversation('id-removed'), groupId: 'groupId-removed', }; const state = { ...getEmptyState(), conversationsBygroupId: { [removed.groupId]: removed, }, }; const added = { ...getDefaultConversation('id-added'), groupId: 'groupId-added', }; const expected = { [added.groupId]: added, }; const actual = updateConversationLookups(added, removed, state); assert.strictEqual( state.conversationsByE164, actual.conversationsByE164 ); assert.strictEqual( state.conversationsByUuid, actual.conversationsByUuid ); assert.deepEqual(actual.conversationsByGroupId, expected); }); }); }); describe('reducer', () => { const time = Date.now(); const conversationId = 'conversation-guid-1'; const messageId = 'message-guid-1'; const messageIdTwo = 'message-guid-2'; const messageIdThree = 'message-guid-3'; function getDefaultMessage(id: string): MessageType { return { id, conversationId: 'conversationId', source: 'source', sourceUuid: 'sourceUuid', type: 'incoming' as const, received_at: Date.now(), attachments: [], sticker: {}, unread: false, }; } function getDefaultConversationMessage(): ConversationMessageType { return { heightChangeMessageIds: [], isLoadingMessages: false, messageIds: [], metrics: { totalUnread: 0, }, resetCounter: 0, scrollToMessageCounter: 0, }; } describe('openConversationInternal', () => { it("returns a thunk that triggers a 'showConversation' event when passed a conversation ID", () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); openConversationInternal({ conversationId: 'abc123' })( dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null ); sinon.assert.calledOnce( window.Whisper.events.trigger as sinon.SinonSpy ); sinon.assert.calledWith( window.Whisper.events.trigger as sinon.SinonSpy, 'showConversation', 'abc123', undefined ); }); it("returns a thunk that triggers a 'showConversation' event when passed a conversation ID and message ID", () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); openConversationInternal({ conversationId: 'abc123', messageId: 'xyz987', })(dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null); sinon.assert.calledOnce( window.Whisper.events.trigger as sinon.SinonSpy ); sinon.assert.calledWith( window.Whisper.events.trigger as sinon.SinonSpy, 'showConversation', 'abc123', 'xyz987' ); }); it("returns a thunk that doesn't dispatch any actions by default", () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); openConversationInternal({ conversationId: 'abc123' })( dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null ); sinon.assert.notCalled(dispatch); }); it('dispatches a SWITCH_TO_ASSOCIATED_VIEW action if called with a flag', () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); openConversationInternal({ conversationId: 'abc123', switchToAssociatedView: true, })(dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'SWITCH_TO_ASSOCIATED_VIEW', payload: { conversationId: 'abc123' }, }); }); describe('SWITCH_TO_ASSOCIATED_VIEW', () => { let action: SwitchToAssociatedViewActionType; beforeEach(() => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); openConversationInternal({ conversationId: 'fake-conversation-id', switchToAssociatedView: true, })(dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null); [action] = dispatch.getCall(0).args; }); it('shows the inbox if the conversation is not archived', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), conversationLookup: { 'fake-conversation-id': { id: 'fake-conversation-id', type: 'direct' as const, title: 'Foo Bar', }, }, }; const result = reducer(state, action); assert.isUndefined(result.composer); assert.isFalse(result.showArchived); }); it('shows the archive if the conversation is archived', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), conversationLookup: { 'fake-conversation-id': { id: 'fake-conversation-id', type: 'group' as const, title: 'Baz Qux', isArchived: true, }, }, }; const result = reducer(state, action); assert.isUndefined(result.composer); assert.isTrue(result.showArchived); }); it('does nothing if the conversation is not found', () => { const state = getEmptyState(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.strictEqual(result, state); }); }); }); describe('CANT_ADD_CONTACT_TO_GROUP', () => { it('marks the conversation ID as "cannot add"', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, searchTerm: '', groupAvatar: undefined, groupName: '', maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, selectedConversationIds: [], step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, }, }; const action = cantAddContactToGroup('abc123'); const result = reducer(state, action); assert( result.composer?.step === ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers && result.composer.cantAddContactIdForModal === 'abc123' ); }); }); describe('CLEAR_GROUP_CREATION_ERROR', () => { it('clears the group creation error', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata as const, selectedConversationIds: [], recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, isCreating: false as const, hasError: true as const, }, }; const action = clearGroupCreationError(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert( result.composer?.step === ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata && result.composer.hasError === false ); }); }); describe('CLEAR_INVITED_CONVERSATIONS_FOR_NEWLY_CREATED_GROUP', () => { it('clears the list of invited conversation IDs', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), invitedConversationIdsForNewlyCreatedGroup: ['abc123', 'def456'], }; const action = clearInvitedConversationsForNewlyCreatedGroup(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.isUndefined(result.invitedConversationIdsForNewlyCreatedGroup); }); }); describe('CLOSE_CANT_ADD_CONTACT_TO_GROUP_MODAL', () => { it('closes the "cannot add contact" modal"', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { cantAddContactIdForModal: 'abc123', searchTerm: '', groupAvatar: undefined, groupName: '', maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, selectedConversationIds: [], step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, }, }; const action = closeCantAddContactToGroupModal(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert( result.composer?.step === ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers && result.composer.cantAddContactIdForModal === undefined, 'Expected the contact ID to be cleared' ); }); }); describe('CLOSE_CONTACT_SPOOFING_REVIEW', () => { it('closes the contact spoofing review modal if it was open', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), contactSpoofingReview: { safeConversationId: 'abc123', }, }; const action = closeContactSpoofingReview(); const actual = reducer(state, action); assert.isUndefined(actual.contactSpoofingReview); }); it("does nothing if the modal wasn't already open", () => { const state = getEmptyState(); const action = closeContactSpoofingReview(); const actual = reducer(state, action); assert.deepEqual(actual, state); }); }); describe('CLOSE_MAXIMUM_GROUP_SIZE_MODAL', () => { it('closes the maximum group size modal if it was open', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { cantAddContactIdForModal: 'abc123', searchTerm: '', groupAvatar: undefined, groupName: '', maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.Showing, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, selectedConversationIds: [], step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, }, }; const action = closeMaximumGroupSizeModal(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert( result.composer?.step === ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers && result.composer.maximumGroupSizeModalState === OneTimeModalState.Shown, 'Expected the modal to be closed' ); }); it('does nothing if the maximum group size modal was never shown', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { cantAddContactIdForModal: 'abc123', searchTerm: '', groupAvatar: undefined, groupName: '', maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, selectedConversationIds: [], step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, }, }; const action = closeMaximumGroupSizeModal(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.strictEqual(result, state); }); it('does nothing if the maximum group size modal already closed', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { cantAddContactIdForModal: 'abc123', searchTerm: '', groupAvatar: undefined, groupName: '', maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.Shown, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, selectedConversationIds: [], step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, }, }; const action = closeMaximumGroupSizeModal(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.strictEqual(result, state); }); }); describe('CLOSE_RECOMMENDED_GROUP_SIZE_MODAL', () => { it('closes the recommended group size modal if it was open', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { cantAddContactIdForModal: 'abc123', searchTerm: '', groupAvatar: undefined, groupName: '', maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.Showing, selectedConversationIds: [], step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, }, }; const action = closeRecommendedGroupSizeModal(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert( result.composer?.step === ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers && result.composer.recommendedGroupSizeModalState === OneTimeModalState.Shown, 'Expected the modal to be closed' ); }); it('does nothing if the recommended group size modal was never shown', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { cantAddContactIdForModal: 'abc123', searchTerm: '', groupAvatar: undefined, groupName: '', maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, selectedConversationIds: [], step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, }, }; const action = closeRecommendedGroupSizeModal(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.strictEqual(result, state); }); it('does nothing if the recommended group size modal already closed', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { cantAddContactIdForModal: 'abc123', searchTerm: '', groupAvatar: undefined, groupName: '', maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.Shown, selectedConversationIds: [], step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, }, }; const action = closeRecommendedGroupSizeModal(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.strictEqual(result, state); }); }); describe('createGroup', () => { const conversationsState = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata as const, selectedConversationIds: ['abc123'], recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: 'Foo Bar Group', groupAvatar: new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]).buffer, isCreating: false as const, hasError: true as const, }, }; it('immediately dispatches a CREATE_GROUP_PENDING action, which puts the composer in a loading state', () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); createGroup()( dispatch, () => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), conversations: conversationsState, }), null ); sinon.assert.calledOnce(dispatch); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'CREATE_GROUP_PENDING' }); const action = dispatch.getCall(0).args[0]; const result = reducer(conversationsState, action); assert( result.composer?.step === ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata && result.composer.isCreating && !result.composer.hasError ); }); it('calls groups.createGroupV2', async () => { await createGroup()( sinon.spy(), () => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), conversations: conversationsState, }), null ); sinon.assert.calledOnce(createGroupStub); sinon.assert.calledWith(createGroupStub, { name: 'Foo Bar Group', avatar: new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]).buffer, conversationIds: ['abc123'], }); }); it("trims the group's title before calling groups.createGroupV2", async () => { await createGroup()( sinon.spy(), () => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), conversations: { ...conversationsState, composer: { ...conversationsState.composer, groupName: ' To Trim \t', }, }, }), null ); sinon.assert.calledWith( createGroupStub, sinon.match({ name: 'To Trim' }) ); }); it('dispatches a CREATE_GROUP_REJECTED action if group creation fails, which marks the state with an error', async () => { createGroupStub.rejects(new Error('uh oh')); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); const createGroupPromise = createGroup()( dispatch, () => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), conversations: conversationsState, }), null ); const pendingAction = dispatch.getCall(0).args[0]; const stateAfterPending = reducer(conversationsState, pendingAction); await createGroupPromise; sinon.assert.calledTwice(dispatch); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'CREATE_GROUP_REJECTED' }); const rejectedAction = dispatch.getCall(1).args[0]; const result = reducer(stateAfterPending, rejectedAction); assert( result.composer?.step === ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata && !result.composer.isCreating && result.composer.hasError ); }); it("when rejecting, does nothing to the left pane if it's no longer in this composer state", async () => { createGroupStub.rejects(new Error('uh oh')); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); const createGroupPromise = createGroup()( dispatch, () => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), conversations: conversationsState, }), null ); await createGroupPromise; const state = getEmptyState(); const rejectedAction = dispatch.getCall(1).args[0]; const result = reducer(state, rejectedAction); assert.strictEqual(result, state); }); it('dispatches a CREATE_GROUP_FULFILLED event (which updates the newly-created conversation IDs), triggers a showConversation event and switches to the associated conversation on success', async () => { createGroupStub.resolves({ id: '9876', get: (key: string) => { if (key !== 'pendingMembersV2') { throw new Error('This getter is not set up for this test'); } return [{ conversationId: 'xyz999' }]; }, }); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await createGroup()( dispatch, () => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), conversations: conversationsState, }), null ); sinon.assert.calledWith( window.Whisper.events.trigger as sinon.SinonSpy, 'showConversation', '9876', undefined ); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'CREATE_GROUP_FULFILLED', payload: { invitedConversationIds: ['xyz999'] }, }); const fulfilledAction = dispatch.getCall(1).args[0]; const result = reducer(conversationsState, fulfilledAction); assert.deepEqual(result.invitedConversationIdsForNewlyCreatedGroup, [ 'xyz999', ]); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'SWITCH_TO_ASSOCIATED_VIEW', payload: { conversationId: '9876' }, }); }); }); describe('MESSAGE_SIZE_CHANGED', () => { const stateWithActiveConversation = { ...getEmptyState(), messagesByConversation: { [conversationId]: { heightChangeMessageIds: [], isLoadingMessages: false, isNearBottom: true, messageIds: [messageId], metrics: { totalUnread: 0 }, resetCounter: 0, scrollToMessageCounter: 0, }, }, messagesLookup: { [messageId]: getDefaultMessage(messageId), }, }; it('does nothing if no conversation is active', () => { const state = getEmptyState(); assert.strictEqual( reducer(state, messageSizeChanged('messageId', 'convoId')), state ); }); it('does nothing if a different conversation is active', () => { assert.deepEqual( reducer( stateWithActiveConversation, messageSizeChanged(messageId, 'another-conversation-guid') ), stateWithActiveConversation ); }); it('adds the message ID to the list of messages with changed heights', () => { const result = reducer( stateWithActiveConversation, messageSizeChanged(messageId, conversationId) ); assert.sameMembers( result.messagesByConversation[conversationId] ?.heightChangeMessageIds || [], [messageId] ); }); it("doesn't add duplicates to the list of changed-heights messages", () => { const state = set( ['messagesByConversation', conversationId, 'heightChangeMessageIds'], [messageId], stateWithActiveConversation ); const result = reducer( state, messageSizeChanged(messageId, conversationId) ); assert.sameMembers( result.messagesByConversation[conversationId] ?.heightChangeMessageIds || [], [messageId] ); }); }); describe('REPAIR_NEWEST_MESSAGE', () => { it('updates newest', () => { const action = repairNewestMessage(conversationId); const state: ConversationsStateType = { ...getEmptyState(), messagesLookup: { [messageId]: { ...getDefaultMessage(messageId), received_at: time, }, }, messagesByConversation: { [conversationId]: { ...getDefaultConversationMessage(), messageIds: [messageIdThree, messageIdTwo, messageId], metrics: { totalUnread: 0, }, }, }, }; const expected: ConversationsStateType = { ...getEmptyState(), messagesLookup: { [messageId]: { ...getDefaultMessage(messageId), received_at: time, }, }, messagesByConversation: { [conversationId]: { ...getDefaultConversationMessage(), messageIds: [messageIdThree, messageIdTwo, messageId], metrics: { totalUnread: 0, newest: { id: messageId, received_at: time, }, }, }, }, }; const actual = reducer(state, action); assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); it('clears newest', () => { const action = repairNewestMessage(conversationId); const state: ConversationsStateType = { ...getEmptyState(), messagesLookup: { [messageId]: { ...getDefaultMessage(messageId), received_at: time, }, }, messagesByConversation: { [conversationId]: { ...getDefaultConversationMessage(), messageIds: [], metrics: { totalUnread: 0, newest: { id: messageId, received_at: time, }, }, }, }, }; const expected: ConversationsStateType = { ...getEmptyState(), messagesLookup: { [messageId]: { ...getDefaultMessage(messageId), received_at: time, }, }, messagesByConversation: { [conversationId]: { ...getDefaultConversationMessage(), messageIds: [], metrics: { newest: undefined, totalUnread: 0, }, }, }, }; const actual = reducer(state, action); assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); it('returns state if conversation not present', () => { const action = repairNewestMessage(conversationId); const state: ConversationsStateType = getEmptyState(); const actual = reducer(state, action); assert.equal(actual, state); }); }); describe('REPAIR_OLDEST_MESSAGE', () => { it('updates oldest', () => { const action = repairOldestMessage(conversationId); const state: ConversationsStateType = { ...getEmptyState(), messagesLookup: { [messageId]: { ...getDefaultMessage(messageId), received_at: time, }, }, messagesByConversation: { [conversationId]: { ...getDefaultConversationMessage(), messageIds: [messageId, messageIdTwo, messageIdThree], metrics: { totalUnread: 0, }, }, }, }; const expected: ConversationsStateType = { ...getEmptyState(), messagesLookup: { [messageId]: { ...getDefaultMessage(messageId), received_at: time, }, }, messagesByConversation: { [conversationId]: { ...getDefaultConversationMessage(), messageIds: [messageId, messageIdTwo, messageIdThree], metrics: { totalUnread: 0, oldest: { id: messageId, received_at: time, }, }, }, }, }; const actual = reducer(state, action); assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); it('clears oldest', () => { const action = repairOldestMessage(conversationId); const state: ConversationsStateType = { ...getEmptyState(), messagesLookup: { [messageId]: { ...getDefaultMessage(messageId), received_at: time, }, }, messagesByConversation: { [conversationId]: { ...getDefaultConversationMessage(), messageIds: [], metrics: { totalUnread: 0, oldest: { id: messageId, received_at: time, }, }, }, }, }; const expected: ConversationsStateType = { ...getEmptyState(), messagesLookup: { [messageId]: { ...getDefaultMessage(messageId), received_at: time, }, }, messagesByConversation: { [conversationId]: { ...getDefaultConversationMessage(), messageIds: [], metrics: { oldest: undefined, totalUnread: 0, }, }, }, }; const actual = reducer(state, action); assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); it('returns state if conversation not present', () => { const action = repairOldestMessage(conversationId); const state: ConversationsStateType = getEmptyState(); const actual = reducer(state, action); assert.equal(actual, state); }); }); describe('REVIEW_MESSAGE_REQUEST_NAME_COLLISION', () => { it('starts reviewing a message request name collision', () => { const state = getEmptyState(); const action = reviewMessageRequestNameCollision({ safeConversationId: 'def', }); const actual = reducer(state, action); assert.deepEqual(actual.contactSpoofingReview, { safeConversationId: 'def', }); }); }); describe('SET_COMPOSE_GROUP_AVATAR', () => { it("can clear the composer's group avatar", () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata as const, selectedConversationIds: [], recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: 'foo', groupAvatar: new ArrayBuffer(2), isCreating: false as const, hasError: false as const, }, }; const action = setComposeGroupAvatar(undefined); const result = reducer(state, action); assert( result.composer?.step === ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata && result.composer.groupAvatar === undefined ); }); it("can set the composer's group avatar", () => { const avatar = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]).buffer; const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata as const, selectedConversationIds: [], recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: 'foo', groupAvatar: undefined, isCreating: false as const, hasError: false as const, }, }; const action = setComposeGroupAvatar(avatar); const result = reducer(state, action); assert( result.composer?.step === ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata && result.composer.groupAvatar === avatar ); }); }); describe('SET_COMPOSE_GROUP_NAME', () => { it("can set the composer's group name", () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata as const, selectedConversationIds: [], recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, isCreating: false as const, hasError: false as const, }, }; const action = setComposeGroupName('bing bong'); const result = reducer(state, action); assert( result.composer?.step === ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata && result.composer.groupName === 'bing bong' ); }); }); describe('SET_COMPOSE_SEARCH_TERM', () => { it('updates the contact search term', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.StartDirectConversation as const, searchTerm: '', }, }; const action = setComposeSearchTerm('foo bar'); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.deepEqual(result.composer, { step: ComposerStep.StartDirectConversation, searchTerm: 'foo bar', }); }); }); describe('SET_PRE_JOIN_CONVERSATION', () => { const startState = { ...getEmptyState(), }; it('starts with empty value', () => { assert.isUndefined(startState.preJoinConversation); }); it('sets value as provided', () => { const preJoinConversation = { title: 'Pre-join group!', memberCount: 4, approvalRequired: false, }; const stateWithData = reducer( startState, setPreJoinConversation(preJoinConversation) ); assert.deepEqual( stateWithData.preJoinConversation, preJoinConversation ); const resetState = reducer( stateWithData, setPreJoinConversation(undefined) ); assert.isUndefined(resetState.preJoinConversation); }); }); describe('SHOW_ARCHIVED_CONVERSATIONS', () => { it('is a no-op when already at the archive', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), showArchived: true, }; const action = showArchivedConversations(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.isTrue(result.showArchived); assert.isUndefined(result.composer); }); it('switches from the inbox to the archive', () => { const state = getEmptyState(); const action = showArchivedConversations(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.isTrue(result.showArchived); assert.isUndefined(result.composer); }); it('switches from the composer to the archive', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.StartDirectConversation as const, searchTerm: '', }, }; const action = showArchivedConversations(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.isTrue(result.showArchived); assert.isUndefined(result.composer); }); }); describe('SHOW_INBOX', () => { it('is a no-op when already at the inbox', () => { const state = getEmptyState(); const action = showInbox(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.isFalse(result.showArchived); assert.isUndefined(result.composer); }); it('switches from the archive to the inbox', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), showArchived: true, }; const action = showInbox(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.isFalse(result.showArchived); assert.isUndefined(result.composer); }); it('switches from the composer to the inbox', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.StartDirectConversation as const, searchTerm: '', }, }; const action = showInbox(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.isFalse(result.showArchived); assert.isUndefined(result.composer); }); }); describe('START_COMPOSING', () => { it('does nothing if on the first step of the composer', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.StartDirectConversation as const, searchTerm: 'foo bar', }, }; const action = startComposing(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.isFalse(result.showArchived); assert.deepEqual(result.composer, { step: ComposerStep.StartDirectConversation, searchTerm: 'foo bar', }); }); it('if on the second step of the composer, goes back to the first step, clearing the search term', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, searchTerm: 'to be cleared', groupAvatar: undefined, groupName: '', maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, selectedConversationIds: [], step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, }, }; const action = startComposing(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.isFalse(result.showArchived); assert.deepEqual(result.composer, { step: ComposerStep.StartDirectConversation, searchTerm: '', }); }); it('if on the third step of the composer, goes back to the first step, clearing everything', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata as const, selectedConversationIds: [], recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, isCreating: false, hasError: false as const, }, }; const action = startComposing(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.isFalse(result.showArchived); assert.deepEqual(result.composer, { step: ComposerStep.StartDirectConversation, searchTerm: '', }); }); it('switches from the inbox to the composer', () => { const state = getEmptyState(); const action = startComposing(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.isFalse(result.showArchived); assert.deepEqual(result.composer, { step: ComposerStep.StartDirectConversation, searchTerm: '', }); }); it('switches from the archive to the inbox', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), showArchived: true, }; const action = startComposing(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.isFalse(result.showArchived); assert.deepEqual(result.composer, { step: ComposerStep.StartDirectConversation, searchTerm: '', }); }); }); describe('SHOW_CHOOSE_GROUP_MEMBERS', () => { it('switches to the second step of the composer if on the first step', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.StartDirectConversation as const, searchTerm: 'to be cleared', }, }; const action = showChooseGroupMembers(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.isFalse(result.showArchived); assert.deepEqual(result.composer, { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: [], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }); }); it('does nothing if already on the second step of the composer', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, searchTerm: 'foo bar', selectedConversationIds: [], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }, }; const action = showChooseGroupMembers(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.strictEqual(result, state); }); it('returns to the second step if on the third step of the composer', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata as const, selectedConversationIds: [], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: 'Foo Bar Group', groupAvatar: new Uint8Array([4, 2]).buffer, isCreating: false, hasError: false as const, }, }; const action = showChooseGroupMembers(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.isFalse(result.showArchived); assert.deepEqual(result.composer, { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: [], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: 'Foo Bar Group', groupAvatar: new Uint8Array([4, 2]).buffer, }); }); it('switches from the inbox to the second step of the composer', () => { const state = getEmptyState(); const action = showChooseGroupMembers(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.isFalse(result.showArchived); assert.deepEqual(result.composer, { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: [], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }); }); it('switches from the archive to the second step of the composer', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), showArchived: true, }; const action = showChooseGroupMembers(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.isFalse(result.showArchived); assert.deepEqual(result.composer, { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: [], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }); }); }); describe('START_SETTING_GROUP_METADATA', () => { it('moves from the second to the third step of the composer', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, searchTerm: 'foo bar', selectedConversationIds: ['abc', 'def'], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }, }; const action = startSettingGroupMetadata(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.deepEqual(result.composer, { step: ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata, selectedConversationIds: ['abc', 'def'], recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, isCreating: false, hasError: false, }); }); it('maintains state when going from the second to third steps of the composer, if the second step already had some data (likely from a previous visit)', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, searchTerm: 'foo bar', selectedConversationIds: ['abc', 'def'], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: 'Foo Bar Group', groupAvatar: new Uint8Array([6, 9]).buffer, }, }; const action = startSettingGroupMetadata(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.deepEqual(result.composer, { step: ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata, selectedConversationIds: ['abc', 'def'], recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: 'Foo Bar Group', groupAvatar: new Uint8Array([6, 9]).buffer, isCreating: false, hasError: false as const, }); }); it('does nothing if already on the third step of the composer', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata as const, selectedConversationIds: [], recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: 'Foo Bar Group', groupAvatar: new Uint8Array([4, 2]).buffer, isCreating: false, hasError: false as const, }, }; const action = startSettingGroupMetadata(); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.strictEqual(result, state); }); }); describe('TOGGLE_CONVERSATION_IN_CHOOSE_MEMBERS', () => { function getAction( id: string, conversationsState: ConversationsStateType ): ToggleConversationInChooseMembersActionType { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); toggleConversationInChooseMembers(id)( dispatch, () => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), conversations: conversationsState, }), null ); return dispatch.getCall(0).args[0]; } let remoteConfigGetValueStub: sinon.SinonStub; beforeEach(() => { remoteConfigGetValueStub = sinonSandbox .stub(window.Signal.RemoteConfig, 'getValue') .withArgs('global.groupsv2.maxGroupSize') .returns('22') .withArgs('global.groupsv2.groupSizeHardLimit') .returns('33'); }); it('adds conversation IDs to the list', () => { const zero = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: [], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }, }; const one = reducer(zero, getAction('abc', zero)); const two = reducer(one, getAction('def', one)); assert.deepEqual(two.composer, { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: ['abc', 'def'], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }); }); it('removes conversation IDs from the list', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: ['abc', 'def'], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }, }; const action = getAction('abc', state); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.deepEqual(result.composer, { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: ['def'], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }); }); it('shows the recommended group size modal when first crossing the maximum recommended group size', () => { const oldSelectedConversationIds = times(21, () => uuid()); const newUuid = uuid(); const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: oldSelectedConversationIds, cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }, }; const action = getAction(newUuid, state); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.deepEqual(result.composer, { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: [...oldSelectedConversationIds, newUuid], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.Showing, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }); }); it("doesn't show the recommended group size modal twice", () => { const oldSelectedConversationIds = times(21, () => uuid()); const newUuid = uuid(); const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: oldSelectedConversationIds, cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.Shown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }, }; const action = getAction(newUuid, state); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.deepEqual(result.composer, { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: [...oldSelectedConversationIds, newUuid], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.Shown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }); }); it('defaults the maximum recommended size to 151', () => { [undefined, 'xyz'].forEach(value => { remoteConfigGetValueStub .withArgs('global.groupsv2.maxGroupSize') .returns(value); const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: [], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }, }; const action = getAction(uuid(), state); assert.strictEqual(action.payload.maxRecommendedGroupSize, 151); }); }); it('shows the maximum group size modal when first reaching the maximum group size', () => { const oldSelectedConversationIds = times(31, () => uuid()); const newUuid = uuid(); const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: oldSelectedConversationIds, cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.Shown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }, }; const action = getAction(newUuid, state); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.deepEqual(result.composer, { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: [...oldSelectedConversationIds, newUuid], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.Shown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.Showing, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }); }); it("doesn't show the maximum group size modal twice", () => { const oldSelectedConversationIds = times(31, () => uuid()); const newUuid = uuid(); const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: oldSelectedConversationIds, cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.Shown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.Shown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }, }; const action = getAction(newUuid, state); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.deepEqual(result.composer, { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: [...oldSelectedConversationIds, newUuid], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.Shown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.Shown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }); }); it('cannot select more than the maximum number of conversations', () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: times(1000, () => uuid()), cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }, }; const action = getAction(uuid(), state); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.deepEqual(result, state); }); it('defaults the maximum group size to 1001 if the recommended maximum is smaller', () => { [undefined, 'xyz'].forEach(value => { remoteConfigGetValueStub .withArgs('global.groupsv2.maxGroupSize') .returns('2') .withArgs('global.groupsv2.groupSizeHardLimit') .returns(value); const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: [], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }, }; const action = getAction(uuid(), state); assert.strictEqual(action.payload.maxGroupSize, 1001); }); }); it('defaults the maximum group size to (recommended maximum + 1) if the recommended maximum is more than 1001', () => { remoteConfigGetValueStub .withArgs('global.groupsv2.maxGroupSize') .returns('1234') .withArgs('global.groupsv2.groupSizeHardLimit') .returns('2'); const state = { ...getEmptyState(), composer: { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers as const, searchTerm: '', selectedConversationIds: [], cantAddContactIdForModal: undefined, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState.NeverShown, groupName: '', groupAvatar: undefined, }, }; const action = getAction(uuid(), state); assert.strictEqual(action.payload.maxGroupSize, 1235); }); }); }); });