// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import { _analyzeSenderKeyDevices, _waitForAll, _shouldFailSend, } from '../../util/sendToGroup'; import { UUID } from '../../types/UUID'; import type { DeviceType } from '../../textsecure/Types.d'; import { ConnectTimeoutError, HTTPError, MessageError, OutgoingIdentityKeyError, OutgoingMessageError, SendMessageChallengeError, SendMessageNetworkError, SendMessageProtoError, UnregisteredUserError, } from '../../textsecure/Errors'; describe('sendToGroup', () => { const uuidOne = UUID.generate().toString(); const uuidTwo = UUID.generate().toString(); let sandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox; beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); const stub = sandbox.stub(UUID, 'lookup'); stub.withArgs(uuidOne).returns(new UUID(uuidOne)); stub.withArgs(uuidTwo).returns(new UUID(uuidTwo)); stub.returns(undefined); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); describe('#_analyzeSenderKeyDevices', () => { function getDefaultDeviceList(): Array<DeviceType> { return [ { identifier: uuidOne, id: 1, registrationId: 11, }, { identifier: uuidOne, id: 2, registrationId: 22, }, { identifier: uuidTwo, id: 2, registrationId: 33, }, ]; } it('returns nothing if new and previous lists are the same', () => { const memberDevices = getDefaultDeviceList(); const devicesForSend = getDefaultDeviceList(); const { newToMemberDevices, newToMemberUuids, removedFromMemberDevices, removedFromMemberUuids, } = _analyzeSenderKeyDevices(memberDevices, devicesForSend); assert.isEmpty(newToMemberDevices); assert.isEmpty(newToMemberUuids); assert.isEmpty(removedFromMemberDevices); assert.isEmpty(removedFromMemberUuids); }); it('returns set of new devices', () => { const memberDevices = getDefaultDeviceList(); const devicesForSend = getDefaultDeviceList(); memberDevices.pop(); memberDevices.pop(); const { newToMemberDevices, newToMemberUuids, removedFromMemberDevices, removedFromMemberUuids, } = _analyzeSenderKeyDevices(memberDevices, devicesForSend); assert.deepEqual(newToMemberDevices, [ { identifier: uuidOne, id: 2, registrationId: 22, }, { identifier: uuidTwo, id: 2, registrationId: 33, }, ]); assert.deepEqual(newToMemberUuids, [uuidOne, uuidTwo]); assert.isEmpty(removedFromMemberDevices); assert.isEmpty(removedFromMemberUuids); }); it('returns set of removed devices', () => { const memberDevices = getDefaultDeviceList(); const devicesForSend = getDefaultDeviceList(); devicesForSend.pop(); devicesForSend.pop(); const { newToMemberDevices, newToMemberUuids, removedFromMemberDevices, removedFromMemberUuids, } = _analyzeSenderKeyDevices(memberDevices, devicesForSend); assert.isEmpty(newToMemberDevices); assert.isEmpty(newToMemberUuids); assert.deepEqual(removedFromMemberDevices, [ { identifier: uuidOne, id: 2, registrationId: 22, }, { identifier: uuidTwo, id: 2, registrationId: 33, }, ]); assert.deepEqual(removedFromMemberUuids, [uuidOne, uuidTwo]); }); it('returns empty removals if partial send', () => { const memberDevices = getDefaultDeviceList(); const devicesForSend = getDefaultDeviceList(); devicesForSend.pop(); devicesForSend.pop(); const isPartialSend = true; const { newToMemberDevices, newToMemberUuids, removedFromMemberDevices, removedFromMemberUuids, } = _analyzeSenderKeyDevices( memberDevices, devicesForSend, isPartialSend ); assert.isEmpty(newToMemberDevices); assert.isEmpty(newToMemberUuids); assert.isEmpty(removedFromMemberDevices); assert.isEmpty(removedFromMemberUuids); }); }); describe('#_waitForAll', () => { it('returns result of provided tasks', async () => { const task1 = () => Promise.resolve(1); const task2 = () => Promise.resolve(2); const task3 = () => Promise.resolve(3); const result = await _waitForAll({ tasks: [task1, task2, task3], maxConcurrency: 1, }); assert.deepEqual(result, [1, 2, 3]); }); }); describe('#_shouldFailSend', () => { it('returns false for a generic error', async () => { const error = new Error('generic'); assert.isFalse(_shouldFailSend(error, 'testing generic')); }); it("returns true for any error with 'untrusted' identity", async () => { const error = new Error('This was an untrusted identity.'); assert.isTrue(_shouldFailSend(error, 'logId')); }); it('returns true for certain types of error subclasses', async () => { assert.isTrue( _shouldFailSend( new OutgoingIdentityKeyError('something'), 'testing OutgoingIdentityKeyError' ) ); assert.isTrue( _shouldFailSend( new UnregisteredUserError( 'something', new HTTPError('something', { code: 400, headers: {}, }) ), 'testing UnregisteredUserError' ) ); assert.isTrue( _shouldFailSend( new ConnectTimeoutError('something'), 'testing ConnectTimeoutError' ) ); }); it('returns false for unspecified error codes', () => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const error: any = new Error('generic'); error.code = 422; assert.isFalse(_shouldFailSend(error, 'testing generic 422')); error.code = 204; assert.isFalse(_shouldFailSend(error, 'testing generic 204')); }); it('returns true for a specified error codes', () => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const error: any = new Error('generic'); error.code = 401; assert.isTrue(_shouldFailSend(error, 'testing generic')); assert.isTrue( _shouldFailSend( new HTTPError('something', { code: 404, headers: {}, }), 'testing HTTPError' ) ); assert.isTrue( _shouldFailSend( new OutgoingMessageError( 'something', null, null, new HTTPError('something', { code: 413, headers: {}, }) ), 'testing OutgoingMessageError' ) ); assert.isTrue( _shouldFailSend( new OutgoingMessageError( 'something', null, null, new HTTPError('something', { code: 429, headers: {}, }) ), 'testing OutgoingMessageError' ) ); assert.isTrue( _shouldFailSend( new SendMessageNetworkError( 'something', null, new HTTPError('something', { code: 428, headers: {}, }) ), 'testing SendMessageNetworkError' ) ); assert.isTrue( _shouldFailSend( new SendMessageChallengeError( 'something', new HTTPError('something', { code: 500, headers: {}, }) ), 'testing SendMessageChallengeError' ) ); assert.isTrue( _shouldFailSend( new MessageError( 'something', new HTTPError('something', { code: 508, headers: {}, }) ), 'testing MessageError' ) ); }); it('returns true for errors inside of SendMessageProtoError', () => { assert.isTrue( _shouldFailSend( new SendMessageProtoError({}), 'testing missing errors list' ) ); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const error: any = new Error('generic'); error.code = 401; assert.isTrue( _shouldFailSend( new SendMessageProtoError({ errors: [error] }), 'testing one error with code' ) ); assert.isTrue( _shouldFailSend( new SendMessageProtoError({ errors: [ new Error('something'), new ConnectTimeoutError('something'), ], }), 'testing ConnectTimeoutError' ) ); }); }); });