// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { get, throttle } from 'lodash'; import type { WebAPIType } from './textsecure/WebAPI'; import * as log from './logging/log'; import type { AciString } from './types/ServiceId'; import { parseIntOrThrow } from './util/parseIntOrThrow'; import { SECOND, HOUR } from './util/durations'; import * as Bytes from './Bytes'; import { uuidToBytes } from './util/uuidToBytes'; import { dropNull } from './util/dropNull'; import { HashType } from './types/Crypto'; import { getCountryCode } from './types/PhoneNumber'; export type ConfigKeyType = | 'cds.disableCompatibilityMode' | 'desktop.cdsi.returnAcisWithoutUaks' | 'desktop.clientExpiration' | 'desktop.groupMultiTypingIndicators' | 'desktop.internalUser' | 'desktop.mediaQuality.levels' | 'desktop.messageCleanup' | 'desktop.retryRespondMaxAge' | 'desktop.senderKey.retry' | 'desktop.senderKeyMaxAge' | 'global.attachments.maxBytes' | 'global.attachments.maxReceiveBytes' | 'global.calling.maxGroupCallRingSize' | 'global.groupsv2.groupSizeHardLimit' | 'global.groupsv2.maxGroupSize' | 'global.nicknames.max' | 'global.nicknames.min' | 'global.textAttachmentLimitBytes'; type ConfigValueType = { name: ConfigKeyType; enabled: boolean; enabledAt?: number; value?: string; }; export type ConfigMapType = { [key in ConfigKeyType]?: ConfigValueType; }; type ConfigListenerType = (value: ConfigValueType) => unknown; type ConfigListenersMapType = { [key: string]: Array<ConfigListenerType>; }; let config: ConfigMapType = {}; const listeners: ConfigListenersMapType = {}; export async function initRemoteConfig(server: WebAPIType): Promise<void> { config = window.storage.get('remoteConfig') || {}; await maybeRefreshRemoteConfig(server); } export function onChange( key: ConfigKeyType, fn: ConfigListenerType ): () => void { const keyListeners: Array<ConfigListenerType> = get(listeners, key, []); keyListeners.push(fn); listeners[key] = keyListeners; return () => { listeners[key] = listeners[key].filter(l => l !== fn); }; } export const refreshRemoteConfig = async ( server: WebAPIType ): Promise<void> => { const now = Date.now(); const { config: newConfig, serverEpochTime } = await server.getConfig(); const serverTimeSkew = serverEpochTime * SECOND - now; if (Math.abs(serverTimeSkew) > HOUR) { log.warn( 'Remote Config: sever clock skew detected. ' + `Server time ${serverEpochTime * SECOND}, local time ${now}` ); } // Process new configuration in light of the old configuration // The old configuration is not set as the initial value in reduce because // flags may have been deleted const oldConfig = config; config = newConfig.reduce((acc, { name, enabled, value }) => { const previouslyEnabled: boolean = get(oldConfig, [name, 'enabled'], false); const previousValue: string | undefined = get( oldConfig, [name, 'value'], undefined ); // If a flag was previously not enabled and is now enabled, // record the time it was enabled const enabledAt: number | undefined = previouslyEnabled && enabled ? now : get(oldConfig, [name, 'enabledAt']); const configValue = { name: name as ConfigKeyType, enabled, enabledAt, value: dropNull(value), }; const hasChanged = previouslyEnabled !== enabled || previousValue !== configValue.value; // If enablement changes at all, notify listeners const currentListeners = listeners[name] || []; if (hasChanged) { log.info(`Remote Config: Flag ${name} has changed`); currentListeners.forEach(listener => { listener(configValue); }); } // Return new configuration object return { ...acc, [name]: configValue, }; }, {}); // If remote configuration fetch worked - we are not expired anymore. if ( !getValue('desktop.clientExpiration') && window.storage.get('remoteBuildExpiration') != null ) { log.warn('Remote Config: clearing remote expiration on successful fetch'); await window.storage.remove('remoteBuildExpiration'); } await window.storage.put('remoteConfig', config); await window.storage.put('serverTimeSkew', serverTimeSkew); }; export const maybeRefreshRemoteConfig = throttle( refreshRemoteConfig, // Only fetch remote configuration if the last fetch was more than two hours ago 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000, { trailing: false } ); export function isEnabled(name: ConfigKeyType): boolean { return get(config, [name, 'enabled'], false); } export function getValue(name: ConfigKeyType): string | undefined { return get(config, [name, 'value'], undefined); } // See isRemoteConfigBucketEnabled in selectors/items.ts export function isBucketValueEnabled( name: ConfigKeyType, e164: string | undefined, aci: AciString | undefined ): boolean { return innerIsBucketValueEnabled(name, getValue(name), e164, aci); } export function innerIsBucketValueEnabled( name: ConfigKeyType, flagValue: unknown, e164: string | undefined, aci: AciString | undefined ): boolean { if (e164 == null || aci == null) { return false; } const countryCode = getCountryCode(e164); if (countryCode == null) { return false; } if (typeof flagValue !== 'string') { return false; } const remoteConfigValue = getCountryCodeValue(countryCode, flagValue, name); if (remoteConfigValue == null) { return false; } const bucketValue = getBucketValue(aci, name); return bucketValue < remoteConfigValue; } export function getCountryCodeValue( countryCode: number, flagValue: string, flagName: string ): number | undefined { const logId = `getCountryCodeValue/${flagName}`; if (flagValue.length === 0) { return undefined; } const countryCodeString = countryCode.toString(); const items = flagValue.split(','); let wildcard: number | undefined; for (const item of items) { const [code, value] = item.split(':'); if (code == null || value == null) { log.warn(`${logId}: '${code}:${value}' entry was invalid`); continue; } const parsedValue = parseIntOrThrow( value, `${logId}: Country code '${code}' had an invalid number '${value}'` ); if (code === '*') { wildcard = parsedValue; } else if (countryCodeString === code) { return parsedValue; } } return wildcard; } export function getBucketValue(aci: AciString, flagName: string): number { const hashInput = Bytes.concatenate([ Bytes.fromString(`${flagName}.`), uuidToBytes(aci), ]); const hashResult = window.SignalContext.crypto.hash( HashType.size256, hashInput ); return Number(Bytes.readBigUint64BE(hashResult.slice(0, 8)) % 1_000_000n); }