// Copyright 2024 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import semver from 'semver'; import { last } from 'lodash'; import * as durations from '../util/durations'; import { clearTimeoutIfNecessary } from '../util/clearTimeoutIfNecessary'; import * as Registration from '../util/registration'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import { HTTPError } from '../textsecure/Errors'; import { drop } from '../util/drop'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import type { MessageAttributesType } from '../model-types'; import { ReadStatus } from '../messages/MessageReadStatus'; import { incrementMessageCounter } from '../util/incrementMessageCounter'; import { SeenStatus } from '../MessageSeenStatus'; import { saveNewMessageBatcher } from '../util/messageBatcher'; import { generateMessageId } from '../util/generateMessageId'; import { BodyRange } from '../types/BodyRange'; import * as RemoteConfig from '../RemoteConfig'; import { isBeta, isProduction } from '../util/version'; import type { ReleaseNotesManifestResponseType, ReleaseNoteResponseType, } from '../textsecure/WebAPI'; import type { WithRequiredProperties } from '../types/Util'; import { MessageModel } from '../models/messages'; const FETCH_INTERVAL = 3 * durations.DAY; const ERROR_RETRY_DELAY = 3 * durations.HOUR; const NEXT_FETCH_TIME_STORAGE_KEY = 'releaseNotesNextFetchTime'; const PREVIOUS_MANIFEST_HASH_STORAGE_KEY = 'releaseNotesPreviousManifestHash'; const VERSION_WATERMARK_STORAGE_KEY = 'releaseNotesVersionWatermark'; type MinimalEventsType = { on(event: 'timetravel', callback: () => void): void; }; type ManifestReleaseNoteType = WithRequiredProperties< ReleaseNotesManifestResponseType['announcements'][0], 'desktopMinVersion' >; export type ReleaseNoteType = ReleaseNoteResponseType & Pick; let initComplete = false; export class ReleaseNotesFetcher { #timeout: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined; #isRunning = false; protected async scheduleUpdateForNow(): Promise { const now = Date.now(); await window.textsecure.storage.put(NEXT_FETCH_TIME_STORAGE_KEY, now); } protected setTimeoutForNextRun(): void { const now = Date.now(); const time = window.textsecure.storage.get( NEXT_FETCH_TIME_STORAGE_KEY, now ); log.info( 'ReleaseNotesFetcher: Next update scheduled for', new Date(time).toISOString() ); let waitTime = time - now; if (waitTime < 0) { waitTime = 0; } clearTimeoutIfNecessary(this.#timeout); this.#timeout = setTimeout(() => this.#runWhenOnline(), waitTime); } #getOrInitializeVersionWatermark(): string { const versionWatermark = window.textsecure.storage.get( VERSION_WATERMARK_STORAGE_KEY ); if (versionWatermark) { return versionWatermark; } log.info( 'ReleaseNotesFetcher: Initializing version high watermark to current version' ); const currentVersion = window.getVersion(); drop( window.textsecure.storage.put( VERSION_WATERMARK_STORAGE_KEY, currentVersion ) ); return currentVersion; } async #getReleaseNote( note: ManifestReleaseNoteType ): Promise { if (!window.textsecure.server) { return undefined; } const { uuid, ctaId, link } = note; const globalLocale = new Intl.Locale(window.SignalContext.getI18nLocale()); const localesToTry = [ globalLocale.toString(), globalLocale.language.toString(), 'en', ].map(locale => locale.toLocaleLowerCase().replace('-', '_')); for (const localeToTry of localesToTry) { try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const hash = await window.textsecure.server.getReleaseNoteHash({ uuid, locale: localeToTry, }); if (hash === undefined) { continue; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const result = await window.textsecure.server.getReleaseNote({ uuid, locale: localeToTry, }); strictAssert( result.uuid === uuid, 'UUID of localized release note should match requested UUID' ); return { ...result, uuid, ctaId, link, }; } catch { // If either request fails, try the next locale continue; } } throw new Error( `Could not fetch release note with any locale for UUID ${uuid}` ); } async #processReleaseNotes( notes: ReadonlyArray ): Promise { const sortedNotes = [...notes].sort( (a: ManifestReleaseNoteType, b: ManifestReleaseNoteType) => semver.compare(a.desktopMinVersion, b.desktopMinVersion) ); const hydratedNotes = []; for (const note of sortedNotes) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop hydratedNotes.push(await this.#getReleaseNote(note)); } if (!hydratedNotes.length) { log.warn('ReleaseNotesFetcher: No hydrated notes available, stopping'); return; } log.info('ReleaseNotesFetcher: Ensuring Signal conversation'); const signalConversation = await window.ConversationController.getOrCreateSignalConversation(); const messages: Array = []; hydratedNotes.forEach(async (note, index) => { if (!note) { return; } const { title, body } = note; const messageBody = `${title}\n\n${body}`; const bodyRanges = [ { start: 0, length: title.length, style: BodyRange.Style.BOLD }, ]; const timestamp = Date.now() + index; const message = new MessageModel({ ...generateMessageId(incrementMessageCounter()), body: messageBody, bodyRanges, conversationId: signalConversation.id, readStatus: ReadStatus.Unread, seenStatus: SeenStatus.Unseen, received_at_ms: timestamp, sent_at: timestamp, serverTimestamp: timestamp, sourceDevice: 1, sourceServiceId: signalConversation.getServiceId(), timestamp, type: 'incoming', }); window.MessageCache.register(message); drop(signalConversation.onNewMessage(message)); messages.push(message.attributes); }); await Promise.all( messages.map(message => saveNewMessageBatcher.add(message)) ); signalConversation.set({ active_at: Date.now(), isArchived: false }); drop(signalConversation.updateUnread()); const newestNote = last(sortedNotes); strictAssert(newestNote, 'processReleaseNotes requires at least 1 note'); const versionWatermark = newestNote.desktopMinVersion; log.info( `ReleaseNotesFetcher: Updating version watermark to ${versionWatermark}` ); drop( window.textsecure.storage.put( VERSION_WATERMARK_STORAGE_KEY, versionWatermark ) ); } async #scheduleForNextRun(): Promise { const now = Date.now(); const nextTime = now + FETCH_INTERVAL; await window.textsecure.storage.put(NEXT_FETCH_TIME_STORAGE_KEY, nextTime); } async #run(): Promise { if (this.#isRunning) { log.warn('ReleaseNotesFetcher: Already running, preventing reentrancy'); return; } this.#isRunning = true; log.info('ReleaseNotesFetcher: Starting'); try { const versionWatermark = this.#getOrInitializeVersionWatermark(); log.info(`ReleaseNotesFetcher: Version watermark is ${versionWatermark}`); if (!window.textsecure.server) { log.info('ReleaseNotesFetcher: WebAPI unavailable'); throw new Error('WebAPI unavailable'); } const hash = await window.textsecure.server.getReleaseNotesManifestHash(); if (!hash) { throw new Error('Release notes manifest hash missing'); } const previousHash = window.textsecure.storage.get( PREVIOUS_MANIFEST_HASH_STORAGE_KEY ); if (hash !== previousHash) { log.info('ReleaseNotesFetcher: Manifest hash changed, fetching'); const manifest = await window.textsecure.server.getReleaseNotesManifest(); const validNotes = manifest.announcements.filter( (note): note is ManifestReleaseNoteType => note.desktopMinVersion != null && semver.gt(note.desktopMinVersion, versionWatermark) ); if (validNotes.length) { log.info( `ReleaseNotesFetcher: Processing ${validNotes.length} new release notes` ); drop(this.#processReleaseNotes(validNotes)); } else { log.info('ReleaseNotesFetcher: No new release notes'); } drop( window.textsecure.storage.put( PREVIOUS_MANIFEST_HASH_STORAGE_KEY, hash ) ); } else { log.info('ReleaseNotesFetcher: Manifest hash unchanged'); } await this.#scheduleForNextRun(); this.setTimeoutForNextRun(); } catch (error) { const errorString = error instanceof HTTPError ? error.code.toString() : Errors.toLogFormat(error); log.error( `ReleaseNotesFetcher: Error, trying again later. ${errorString}` ); setTimeout(() => this.setTimeoutForNextRun(), ERROR_RETRY_DELAY); } finally { this.#isRunning = false; } } #runWhenOnline() { if (window.textsecure.server?.isOnline()) { drop(this.#run()); } else { log.info( 'ReleaseNotesFetcher: We are offline; will fetch when we are next online' ); const listener = () => { window.Whisper.events.off('online', listener); this.setTimeoutForNextRun(); }; window.Whisper.events.on('online', listener); } } public static async init( events: MinimalEventsType, isNewVersion: boolean ): Promise { if (initComplete || !this.isEnabled()) { return; } initComplete = true; const listener = new ReleaseNotesFetcher(); if (isNewVersion) { await listener.scheduleUpdateForNow(); } listener.setTimeoutForNextRun(); events.on('timetravel', () => { if (Registration.isDone()) { listener.setTimeoutForNextRun(); } }); } public static isEnabled(): boolean { const version = window.getVersion(); if (isProduction(version)) { return RemoteConfig.isEnabled('desktop.releaseNotes'); } if (isBeta(version)) { return RemoteConfig.isEnabled('desktop.releaseNotes.beta'); } return RemoteConfig.isEnabled('desktop.releaseNotes.dev'); } }