// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { ReactElement } from 'react'; import React, { useRef } from 'react'; import type { LocalizerType } from '../../types/Util'; import { normalizeDeviceName } from '../../util/normalizeDeviceName'; import { getEnvironment, Environment } from '../../environment'; import { Button, ButtonVariant } from '../Button'; import { TitlebarDragArea } from '../TitlebarDragArea'; import { InstallScreenSignalLogo } from './InstallScreenSignalLogo'; // This is the string's `.length`, which is the number of UTF-16 code points. Instead, we // want this to be either 50 graphemes or 256 encrypted bytes, whichever is smaller. See // DESKTOP-2844. export const MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH = 50; export type PropsType = { deviceName: string; i18n: LocalizerType; onSubmit: () => void; setBackupFile: (file: File) => void; setDeviceName: (value: string) => void; }; export function InstallScreenChoosingDeviceNameStep({ deviceName, i18n, onSubmit, setBackupFile, setDeviceName, }: Readonly<PropsType>): ReactElement { const hasFocusedRef = useRef<boolean>(false); const focusRef = (el: null | HTMLElement) => { if (el) { el.focus(); hasFocusedRef.current = true; } }; const normalizedName = normalizeDeviceName(deviceName); const canSubmit = normalizedName.length > 0 && normalizedName.length <= MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH; let maybeBackupInput: JSX.Element | undefined; if (getEnvironment() !== Environment.Production) { maybeBackupInput = ( <label className="module-InstallScreenChoosingDeviceNameStep__input"> {/* Since this is only for testing - we don't require translation */} Backup file: <input type="file" accept=".bin" onChange={event => { const file = event.target.files && event.target.files[0]; if (file) { setBackupFile(file); } }} /> </label> ); } return ( <form className="module-InstallScreenChoosingDeviceNameStep" onSubmit={event => { event.preventDefault(); onSubmit(); }} > <TitlebarDragArea /> <InstallScreenSignalLogo /> <div className="module-InstallScreenChoosingDeviceNameStep__contents"> <div className="module-InstallScreenChoosingDeviceNameStep__header"> <label htmlFor="deviceName"> <h1>{i18n('icu:chooseDeviceName')}</h1> </label> <h2>{i18n('icu:Install__choose-device-name__description')}</h2> </div> <div className="module-InstallScreenChoosingDeviceNameStep__inputs"> {maybeBackupInput} <input className="module-InstallScreenChoosingDeviceNameStep__input" id="deviceName" maxLength={MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH} onChange={event => { setDeviceName(event.target.value); }} placeholder={i18n('icu:Install__choose-device-name__placeholder')} ref={focusRef} spellCheck={false} value={deviceName} dir="auto" /> <Button disabled={!canSubmit} variant={ButtonVariant.Primary} type="submit" > {i18n('icu:finishLinkingPhone')} </Button> </div> </div> </form> ); }