// Derived from Chromium WebRTC Internals Dashboard - see Acknowledgements for full license details // Creates a simple object containing the tab head and body elements. class TabDom { constructor(h, b) { this.head = h; this.body = b; } } /** * A TabView provides the ability to create tabs and switch between tabs. It's * responsible for creating the DOM and managing the visibility of each tab. * The first added tab is active by default and the others hidden. */ export class TabView { /** * @param {Element} root The root DOM element containing the tabs. */ constructor(root) { this.root_ = root; this.ACTIVE_TAB_HEAD_CLASS_ = 'active-tab-head'; this.ACTIVE_TAB_BODY_CLASS_ = 'active-tab-body'; this.TAB_HEAD_CLASS_ = 'tab-head'; this.TAB_BODY_CLASS_ = 'tab-body'; /** * A mapping for an id to the tab elements. * @type {!Object<!TabDom>} * @private */ this.tabElements_ = {}; this.headBar_ = null; this.activeTabId_ = null; this.initializeHeadBar_(); } /** * Adds a tab with the specified id and title. * @param {string} id * @param {string} title * @return {!Element} The tab body element. */ addTab(id, title) { if (this.tabElements_[id]) { throw 'Tab already exists: ' + id; } const head = document.createElement('span'); head.className = this.TAB_HEAD_CLASS_; head.textContent = title; head.title = title; this.headBar_.appendChild(head); head.addEventListener('click', this.switchTab_.bind(this, id)); const body = document.createElement('div'); body.className = this.TAB_BODY_CLASS_; body.id = id; this.root_.appendChild(body); this.tabElements_[id] = new TabDom(head, body); if (!this.activeTabId_) { this.switchTab_(id); } return this.tabElements_[id].body; } /** Removes the tab. @param {string} id */ removeTab(id) { if (!this.tabElements_[id]) { return; } this.tabElements_[id].head.parentNode.removeChild( this.tabElements_[id].head); this.tabElements_[id].body.parentNode.removeChild( this.tabElements_[id].body); delete this.tabElements_[id]; if (this.activeTabId_ === id) { this.switchTab_(Object.keys(this.tabElements_)[0]); } } /** * Switches the specified tab into view. * * @param {string} activeId The id the of the tab that should be switched to * active state. * @private */ switchTab_(activeId) { if (this.activeTabId_ && this.tabElements_[this.activeTabId_]) { this.tabElements_[this.activeTabId_].body.classList.remove( this.ACTIVE_TAB_BODY_CLASS_); this.tabElements_[this.activeTabId_].head.classList.remove( this.ACTIVE_TAB_HEAD_CLASS_); } this.activeTabId_ = activeId; if (this.tabElements_[activeId]) { this.tabElements_[activeId].body.classList.add( this.ACTIVE_TAB_BODY_CLASS_); this.tabElements_[activeId].head.classList.add( this.ACTIVE_TAB_HEAD_CLASS_); } } /** Initializes the bar containing the tab heads. */ initializeHeadBar_() { this.headBar_ = document.createElement('div'); this.root_.appendChild(this.headBar_); this.headBar_.style.textAlign = 'center'; } }