// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { BrowserWindow } from 'electron'; import { Menu, clipboard, nativeImage } from 'electron'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import * as LocaleMatcher from '@formatjs/intl-localematcher'; import { maybeParseUrl } from '../ts/util/url'; import type { MenuListType } from '../ts/types/menu'; import type { LocalizerType } from '../ts/types/Util'; import { strictAssert } from '../ts/util/assert'; import type { LoggerType } from '../ts/types/Logging'; export const FAKE_DEFAULT_LOCALE = 'en-x-ignore'; // -x- is an extension space for attaching other metadata to the locale strictAssert( new Intl.Locale(FAKE_DEFAULT_LOCALE).toString() === FAKE_DEFAULT_LOCALE, "Ensure Intl doesn't change our fake locale ever" ); export function getLanguages( preferredSystemLocales: ReadonlyArray<string>, availableLocales: ReadonlyArray<string>, defaultLocale: string ): Array<string> { const matchedLocales = []; preferredSystemLocales.forEach(preferredSystemLocale => { const matchedLocale = LocaleMatcher.match( [preferredSystemLocale], availableLocales as Array<string>, // bad types // We don't want to fallback to the default locale right away in case we might // match some other locales first. // // However, we do want to match the default locale in case the user's locales // actually matches it. // // This fake locale allows us to reliably filter it out within the loop. FAKE_DEFAULT_LOCALE, { algorithm: 'best fit' } ); if (matchedLocale !== FAKE_DEFAULT_LOCALE) { matchedLocales.push(matchedLocale); } }); if (matchedLocales.length === 0) { matchedLocales.push(defaultLocale); } return matchedLocales; } export const setup = ( browserWindow: BrowserWindow, preferredSystemLocales: ReadonlyArray<string>, localeOverride: string | null, i18n: LocalizerType, logger: LoggerType ): void => { const { session } = browserWindow.webContents; session.on('spellcheck-dictionary-download-begin', (_event, lang) => { logger.info('spellcheck: dictionary download begin:', lang); }); session.on('spellcheck-dictionary-download-failure', (_event, lang) => { logger.error('spellcheck: dictionary download failure:', lang); }); session.on('spellcheck-dictionary-download-success', (_event, lang) => { logger.info('spellcheck: dictionary download success:', lang); }); session.on('spellcheck-dictionary-initialized', (_event, lang) => { logger.info('spellcheck: dictionary initialized:', lang); }); // Locale override should be combined with other preferences rather than // replace them entirely. const combinedLocales = localeOverride != null ? [localeOverride, ...preferredSystemLocales] : preferredSystemLocales; const availableLocales = session.availableSpellCheckerLanguages; const languages = getLanguages(combinedLocales, availableLocales, 'en'); console.log('spellcheck: user locales:', combinedLocales); console.log( 'spellcheck: available spellchecker languages:', availableLocales ); console.log('spellcheck: setting languages to:', languages); session.setSpellCheckerLanguages(languages); browserWindow.webContents.on('context-menu', (_event, params) => { const { editFlags } = params; const isMisspelled = Boolean(params.misspelledWord); const isLink = Boolean(params.linkURL); const isImage = params.mediaType === 'image' && params.hasImageContents && params.srcURL; const showMenu = params.isEditable || editFlags.canCopy || isLink || isImage; // Popup editor menu if (showMenu) { const template: MenuListType = []; if (isMisspelled) { if (params.dictionarySuggestions.length > 0) { template.push( ...params.dictionarySuggestions.map(label => ({ label, click: () => { browserWindow.webContents.replaceMisspelling(label); }, })) ); } else { template.push({ label: i18n('icu:contextMenuNoSuggestions'), enabled: false, }); } template.push({ type: 'separator' }); } if (params.isEditable) { if (editFlags.canUndo) { template.push({ label: i18n('icu:editMenuUndo'), role: 'undo' }); } // This is only ever `true` if undo was triggered via the context menu // (not ctrl/cmd+z) if (editFlags.canRedo) { template.push({ label: i18n('icu:editMenuRedo'), role: 'redo' }); } if (editFlags.canUndo || editFlags.canRedo) { template.push({ type: 'separator' }); } if (editFlags.canCut) { template.push({ label: i18n('icu:editMenuCut'), role: 'cut' }); } } if (editFlags.canCopy || isLink || isImage) { let click; let label; if (isLink) { click = () => { clipboard.writeText(params.linkURL); }; label = i18n('icu:contextMenuCopyLink'); } else if (isImage) { const urlIsViewOnce = params.srcURL?.includes('/temp/') || params.srcURL?.includes('\\temp\\'); if (urlIsViewOnce) { return; } click = () => { const parsedSrcUrl = maybeParseUrl(params.srcURL); if (!parsedSrcUrl || parsedSrcUrl.protocol !== 'file:') { return; } const image = nativeImage.createFromPath( fileURLToPath(params.srcURL) ); clipboard.writeImage(image); }; label = i18n('icu:contextMenuCopyImage'); } else { label = i18n('icu:editMenuCopy'); } template.push({ label, role: isLink || isImage ? undefined : 'copy', click, }); } if (editFlags.canPaste && !isImage) { template.push({ label: i18n('icu:editMenuPaste'), role: 'paste' }); } if (editFlags.canPaste && !isImage) { template.push({ label: i18n('icu:editMenuPasteAndMatchStyle'), role: 'pasteAndMatchStyle', }); } // Only enable select all in editors because select all in non-editors // results in all the UI being selected if (editFlags.canSelectAll && params.isEditable) { template.push({ label: i18n('icu:editMenuSelectAll'), role: 'selectAll', }); } const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template); menu.popup({ window: browserWindow, }); } }); };