// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import fs from 'fs/promises'; import path from 'path'; import http from 'http'; import https from 'https'; import { tmpdir } from 'os'; import { execFile as rawExecFile } from 'child_process'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { wrapEventEmitterOnce } from '../util/wrapEventEmitterOnce'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../protobuf'; const execFile = promisify(rawExecFile); const TARGET_URL = 'https://symbols.electronjs.org'; const CLI_OPTIONS = []; const CLI_ARGS = []; for (const arg of process.argv.slice(2)) { if (arg.startsWith('--')) { CLI_OPTIONS.push(arg.slice(2)); } else { CLI_ARGS.push(arg); } } const [OUTPUT_DIR, ...CRASH_REPORTS] = CLI_ARGS; main(OUTPUT_DIR, CRASH_REPORTS, CLI_OPTIONS).catch(error => { console.error(error.stack); process.exit(1); }); async function main( outDir: string, fileNames: ReadonlyArray, options: ReadonlyArray ): Promise { await fs.mkdir(outDir, { recursive: true }); const substitutions = new Map(); await Promise.all( options.map(async option => { const match = option.match(/^sub:(.*)=(.*)$/); if (!match) { return; } substitutions.set(match[1], await fs.readFile(match[2])); }) ); const proxyServer = http .createServer(async ({ method, url = '/' }, res) => { console.log(`Proxy server got request ${method} ${url}`); if (method !== 'GET') { throw new Error('Unsupported'); } for (const [name, buffer] of substitutions) { if (url.includes(name)) { console.log(`Providing substitution for ${url}`); res.end(buffer); return; } } // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape const patchedURL = url.replace(/signal-desktop-[^\/.]+/g, 'electron'); https.get(`${TARGET_URL}${patchedURL}`, remoteRes => { res.writeHead(remoteRes.statusCode ?? 500, remoteRes.headers); remoteRes.pipe(res); }); }) .unref(); proxyServer.listen(0); await wrapEventEmitterOnce(proxyServer, 'listening'); const addr = proxyServer.address(); strictAssert( typeof addr === 'object' && addr != null, 'Address has to be an object' ); const { port: proxyPort } = addr; console.log(`Proxy server listening on ${proxyPort}`); await Promise.all( fileNames.map(fileName => symbolicate(outDir, fileName, proxyPort)) ); proxyServer.close(); } async function symbolicate( outDir: string, fileName: string, proxyPort: number ): Promise { const tmpDir = await fs.mkdtemp(path.join(tmpdir(), 'signal-crashe')); await fs.mkdir(tmpDir, { recursive: true }); const encoded = await fs.readFile(fileName); const { reports } = Proto.CrashReportList.decode(encoded); const { name: prefix } = path.parse(fileName); await Promise.all( reports.map(async ({ filename: reportName, content }) => { if (!reportName || !content) { return; } const { base, name, ext } = path.parse(reportName); if (ext !== '.dmp') { console.log(`Ignoring ${reportName}, wrong extension`); return; } const dumpFile = path.join(tmpDir, `${prefix}-${base}`); console.log(`Extracting to ${dumpFile}`); await fs.writeFile(dumpFile, content); const outFile = path.join(outDir, `${prefix}-${name}.txt`); await execFile('minidump-stackwalk', [ '--symbols-url', `${proxyPort}`, '--output-file', outFile, dumpFile, ]); console.log(`Symbolicating ${dumpFile} to ${outFile}`); }) ); }