// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only declare namespace Intl { type SegmenterOptions = { granularity?: 'grapheme' | 'word' | 'sentence'; }; type SegmentData = { index: number; input: string; segment: string; // According to [the proposal][0], `isWordLike` is a boolean when `granularity` is // "word" and undefined otherwise. There may be a more rigid way to enforce this // with TypeScript, but an optional property is okay for now. // // [0]: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-intl-segmenter/blob/e5f982f51cef810111dfeab835d6a934a7cae045/README.md isWordLike?: boolean; }; interface Segments { containing(index: number): SegmentData; [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<SegmentData>; } // `Intl.Segmenter` is not yet in TypeScript's type definitions, so we add it. class Segmenter { constructor(locale?: string, options?: SegmenterOptions); segment(str: string): Segments; } }