;(function () { 'use strict'; window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {}; var State = { DISCONNECTING: 1, EXPORTING: 2, COMPLETE: 3 }; Whisper.Migration = { isComplete: function() { return storage.get('migrationState') === State.COMPLETE; }, inProgress: function() { return storage.get('migrationState') > 0 || this.everComplete(); }, markComplete: function(target) { storage.put('migrationState', State.COMPLETE); storage.put('migrationEverCompleted', true); if (target) { storage.put('migrationStorageLocation', target); } }, cancel: function() { storage.remove('migrationState'); }, beginExport: function() { storage.put('migrationState', State.EXPORTING); return Whisper.Backup.backupToDirectory(); }, init: function() { storage.put('migrationState', State.DISCONNECTING); Whisper.events.trigger('start-shutdown'); }, everComplete: function() { return Boolean(storage.get('migrationEverCompleted')); }, getExportLocation: function() { return storage.get('migrationStorageLocation'); } }; Whisper.MigrationView = Whisper.View.extend({ templateName: 'app-migration-screen', className: 'app-loading-screen', events: { 'click .install': 'onClickInstall', 'click .export': 'onClickExport', 'click .debug-log': 'onClickDebugLog', }, initialize: function() { if (!Whisper.Migration.inProgress()) { return; } // We could be wedged in an 'in progress' state, the migration was started then the // app restarted in the middle. if (Whisper.Migration.everComplete()) { // If the user has ever successfully exported before, we'll show the 'finished' // screen with the 'Export again' button. Whisper.Migration.markComplete(); } else if (!Whisper.Migration.isComplete()) { // This takes the user back to the very beginning of the process. Whisper.Migration.cancel(); } }, render_attributes: function() { var message; var exportButton; var hideProgress = Whisper.Migration.isComplete(); var debugLogButton = i18n('submitDebugLog'); var installButton = i18n('installNewSignal'); if (this.error) { return { message: i18n('exportError'), hideProgress: true, exportButton: i18n('exportAgain'), debugLogButton: i18n('submitDebugLog'), }; } switch (storage.get('migrationState')) { case State.COMPLETE: var location = Whisper.Migration.getExportLocation() || i18n('selectedLocation'); message = i18n('exportComplete', location); exportButton = i18n('exportAgain'); debugLogButton = null; break; case State.EXPORTING: message = i18n('exporting'); break; case State.DISCONNECTING: message = i18n('migrationDisconnecting'); installButton = null; break; default: hideProgress = true; message = i18n('exportInstructions'); exportButton = i18n('export'); debugLogButton = null; installButton = null; } return { hideProgress: hideProgress, message: message, exportButton: exportButton, debugLogButton: debugLogButton, installButton: installButton, }; }, onClickInstall: function() { var url = 'https://support.whispersystems.org/hc/en-us/articles/214507138'; window.open(url, '_blank'); }, onClickDebugLog: function() { this.openDebugLog(); }, openDebugLog: function() { this.closeDebugLog(); this.debugLogView = new Whisper.DebugLogView(); this.debugLogView.$el.appendTo(this.el); }, closeDebugLog: function() { if (this.debugLogView) { this.debugLogView.remove(); this.debugLogView = null; } }, onClickExport: function() { this.error = null; if (!Whisper.Migration.everComplete()) { return this.beginMigration(); } // Different behavior for the user's second time through Whisper.Migration.beginExport() .then(this.completeMigration.bind(this)) .catch(function(error) { if (error.name !== 'ChooseError') { this.error = error.message; } // Even if we run into an error, we call this complete because the user has // completed the process once before. Whisper.Migration.markComplete(); this.render(); }.bind(this)); this.render(); }, beginMigration: function() { Whisper.events.once('shutdown-complete', function() { Whisper.Migration.beginExport() .then(this.completeMigration.bind(this)) .catch(this.onError.bind(this)); // Rendering because we're now in the 'exporting' state this.render(); }.bind(this)); // tells MessageReceiver to disconnect and drain its queue, will fire // 'shutdown-complete' event when that is done. Might result in a synchronous // event, so call it after we register our callback. Whisper.Migration.init(); // Rendering because we're now in the 'disconnected' state this.render(); }, completeMigration: function(target) { // This will prevent connection to the server on future app launches Whisper.Migration.markComplete(target); this.render(); }, onError: function(error) { if (error.name === 'ChooseError') { this.cancelMigration(); } else { Whisper.Migration.cancel(); this.error = error.message; this.render(); } }, cancelMigration: function() { Whisper.Migration.cancel(); this.render(); } }); }());