/* global Whisper: false */ /* global i18n: false */ /* global textsecure: false */ /* global _: false */ /* global emoji_util: false */ /* global Mustache: false */ /* global $: false */ /* global storage: false */ /* global Signal: false */ // eslint-disable-next-line func-names (function() { 'use strict'; const { loadAttachmentData, getAbsoluteAttachmentPath, } = window.Signal.Migrations; window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {}; const ErrorIconView = Whisper.View.extend({ templateName: 'error-icon', className: 'error-icon-container', initialize() { if (this.model.name === 'UnregisteredUserError') { this.$el.addClass('unregistered-user-error'); } }, }); const NetworkErrorView = Whisper.View.extend({ tagName: 'span', className: 'hasRetry', templateName: 'hasRetry', render_attributes() { let messageNotSent; if (!this.model.someRecipientsFailed()) { messageNotSent = i18n('messageNotSent'); } return { messageNotSent, resend: i18n('resend'), }; }, }); const SomeFailedView = Whisper.View.extend({ tagName: 'span', className: 'some-failed', templateName: 'some-failed', render_attributes() { return { someFailed: i18n('someRecipientsFailed'), }; }, }); const TimerView = Whisper.View.extend({ templateName: 'hourglass', initialize() { this.listenTo(this.model, 'unload', this.remove); }, update() { if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = null; } if (this.model.isExpired()) { return this; } if (this.model.isExpiring()) { this.render(); const totalTime = this.model.get('expireTimer') * 1000; const remainingTime = this.model.msTilExpire(); const elapsed = (totalTime - remainingTime) / totalTime; this.$('.sand').css('transform', `translateY(${elapsed * 100}%)`); this.$el.css('display', 'inline-block'); this.timeout = setTimeout( this.update.bind(this), Math.max(totalTime / 100, 500) ); } return this; }, }); Whisper.ExpirationTimerUpdateView = Whisper.View.extend({ tagName: 'li', className: 'expirationTimerUpdate advisory', templateName: 'expirationTimerUpdate', id() { return this.model.id; }, initialize() { this.conversation = this.model.getExpirationTimerUpdateSource(); this.listenTo(this.conversation, 'change', this.render); this.listenTo(this.model, 'unload', this.remove); }, render_attributes() { const seconds = this.model.get('expirationTimerUpdate').expireTimer; let timerMessage; const timerUpdate = this.model.get('expirationTimerUpdate'); const prettySeconds = Whisper.ExpirationTimerOptions.getName(seconds); if (timerUpdate && timerUpdate.fromSync) { timerMessage = i18n('timerSetOnSync', prettySeconds); } else if (this.conversation.id === textsecure.storage.user.getNumber()) { timerMessage = i18n('youChangedTheTimer', prettySeconds); } else { timerMessage = i18n('theyChangedTheTimer', [ this.conversation.getTitle(), prettySeconds, ]); } return { content: timerMessage }; }, }); Whisper.KeyChangeView = Whisper.View.extend({ tagName: 'li', className: 'keychange advisory', templateName: 'keychange', id() { return this.model.id; }, initialize() { this.conversation = this.model.getModelForKeyChange(); this.listenTo(this.conversation, 'change', this.render); this.listenTo(this.model, 'unload', this.remove); }, events: { 'click .content': 'showIdentity', }, render_attributes() { return { content: this.model.getNotificationText(), }; }, showIdentity() { this.$el.trigger('show-identity', this.conversation); }, }); Whisper.VerifiedChangeView = Whisper.View.extend({ tagName: 'li', className: 'verified-change advisory', templateName: 'verified-change', id() { return this.model.id; }, initialize() { this.conversation = this.model.getModelForVerifiedChange(); this.listenTo(this.conversation, 'change', this.render); this.listenTo(this.model, 'unload', this.remove); }, events: { 'click .content': 'showIdentity', }, render_attributes() { let key; if (this.model.get('verified')) { if (this.model.get('local')) { key = 'youMarkedAsVerified'; } else { key = 'youMarkedAsVerifiedOtherDevice'; } return { icon: 'verified', content: i18n(key, this.conversation.getTitle()), }; } if (this.model.get('local')) { key = 'youMarkedAsNotVerified'; } else { key = 'youMarkedAsNotVerifiedOtherDevice'; } return { icon: 'shield', content: i18n(key, this.conversation.getTitle()), }; }, showIdentity() { this.$el.trigger('show-identity', this.conversation); }, }); Whisper.MessageView = Whisper.View.extend({ tagName: 'li', templateName: 'message', id() { return this.model.id; }, initialize() { // loadedAttachmentViews :: Promise (Array AttachmentView) | null this.loadedAttachmentViews = null; this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:errors', this.onErrorsChanged); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:body', this.render); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:delivered', this.renderDelivered); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:read_by', this.renderRead); this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:expirationStartTimestamp', this.renderExpiring ); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.onChange); this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:flags change:group_update', this.renderControl ); this.listenTo(this.model, 'destroy', this.onDestroy); this.listenTo(this.model, 'unload', this.onUnload); this.listenTo(this.model, 'expired', this.onExpired); this.listenTo(this.model, 'pending', this.renderPending); this.listenTo(this.model, 'done', this.renderDone); this.timeStampView = new Whisper.ExtendedTimestampView(); this.contact = this.model.isIncoming() ? this.model.getContact() : null; if (this.contact) { this.listenTo(this.contact, 'change:color', this.updateColor); } }, events: { 'click .retry': 'retryMessage', 'click .error-icon': 'select', 'click .timestamp': 'select', 'click .status': 'select', 'click .some-failed': 'select', 'click .error-message': 'select', 'click .menu-container': 'showMenu', 'click .menu-list .reply': 'onReply', }, retryMessage() { const retrys = _.filter( this.model.get('errors'), this.model.isReplayableError.bind(this.model) ); _.map(retrys, 'number').forEach(number => { this.model.resend(number); }); }, showMenu(e) { if (this.menuVisible) { return; } this.menuVisible = true; e.stopPropagation(); this.$('.menu-list').show(); $(document).one('click', () => { this.hideMenu(); }); }, hideMenu() { this.menuVisible = false; this.$('.menu-list').hide(); }, onReply() { this.model.trigger('reply', this.model); }, onExpired() { this.$el.addClass('expired'); this.$el.find('.bubble').one('webkitAnimationEnd animationend', e => { if (e.target === this.$('.bubble')[0]) { this.remove(); } }); // Failsafe: if in the background, animation events don't fire setTimeout(this.remove.bind(this), 1000); }, onUnload() { if (this.avatarView) { this.avatarView.remove(); } if (this.errorIconView) { this.errorIconView.remove(); } if (this.networkErrorView) { this.networkErrorView.remove(); } if (this.someFailedView) { this.someFailedView.remove(); } if (this.timeStampView) { this.timeStampView.remove(); } if (this.quoteView) { this.quoteView.remove(); } if (this.contactView) { this.contactView.remove(); } // NOTE: We have to do this in the background (`then` instead of `await`) // as our tests rely on `onUnload` synchronously removing the view from // the DOM. // eslint-disable-next-line more/no-then this.loadAttachmentViews().then(views => views.forEach(view => view.unload()) ); // No need to handle this one, since it listens to 'unload' itself: // this.timerView this.remove(); }, onDestroy() { if (this.$el.hasClass('expired')) { return; } this.onUnload(); }, onChange() { this.renderSent(); this.renderQuote(); this.addId(); }, select(e) { this.$el.trigger('select', { message: this.model }); e.stopPropagation(); }, className() { return ['entry', this.model.get('type')].join(' '); }, renderPending() { this.$el.addClass('pending'); }, renderDone() { this.$el.removeClass('pending'); }, renderSent() { if (this.model.isOutgoing()) { this.$el.toggleClass('sent', !!this.model.get('sent')); } }, renderDelivered() { if (this.model.get('delivered')) { this.$el.addClass('delivered'); } }, renderRead() { if (!_.isEmpty(this.model.get('read_by'))) { this.$el.addClass('read'); } }, onErrorsChanged() { if (this.model.isIncoming()) { this.render(); } else { this.renderErrors(); } }, renderErrors() { const errors = this.model.get('errors'); this.$('.error-icon-container').remove(); if (this.errorIconView) { this.errorIconView.remove(); this.errorIconView = null; } if (_.size(errors) > 0) { if (this.model.isIncoming()) { this.$('.content') .text(this.model.getDescription()) .addClass('error-message'); } this.errorIconView = new ErrorIconView({ model: errors[0] }); this.errorIconView.render().$el.appendTo(this.$('.bubble')); } else if (!this.hasContents()) { const el = this.$('.content'); if (!el || el.length === 0) { this.$('.inner-bubble').append("
"); } this.$('.content') .text(i18n('noContents')) .addClass('error-message'); } this.$('.meta .hasRetry').remove(); if (this.networkErrorView) { this.networkErrorView.remove(); this.networkErrorView = null; } if (this.model.hasNetworkError()) { this.networkErrorView = new NetworkErrorView({ model: this.model }); this.$('.meta').prepend(this.networkErrorView.render().el); } this.$('.meta .some-failed').remove(); if (this.someFailedView) { this.someFailedView.remove(); this.someFailedView = null; } if (this.model.someRecipientsFailed()) { this.someFailedView = new SomeFailedView(); this.$('.meta').prepend(this.someFailedView.render().el); } }, renderControl() { if (this.model.isEndSession() || this.model.isGroupUpdate()) { this.$el.addClass('control'); const content = this.$('.content'); content.text(this.model.getDescription()); emoji_util.parse(content); } else { this.$el.removeClass('control'); } }, renderExpiring() { if (!this.timerView) { this.timerView = new TimerView({ model: this.model }); } this.timerView.setElement(this.$('.timer')); this.timerView.update(); }, renderQuote() { const props = this.model.getPropsForQuote(); if (!props) { return; } const contact = this.model.getQuoteContact(); if (this.quoteView) { this.quoteView.remove(); this.quoteView = null; } else if (contact) { this.listenTo(contact, 'change:color', this.renderQuote); } this.quoteView = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'quote-wrapper', Component: window.Signal.Components.Quote, props: Object.assign({}, props, { text: props.text ? window.emoji.signalReplace(props.text) : null, }), }); this.$('.inner-bubble').prepend(this.quoteView.el); }, renderContact() { const contacts = this.model.get('contact'); if (!contacts || !contacts.length) { return; } const contact = contacts[0]; const regionCode = storage.get('regionCode'); const { contactSelector } = Signal.Types.Contact; const number = contact.number && contact.number[0] && contact.number[0].value; const haveConversation = number && Boolean(window.ConversationController.get(number)); let hasSignalAccount = number && haveConversation; const onSendMessage = number ? () => { this.model.trigger('open-conversation', number); } : null; const onOpenContact = () => { this.model.trigger('show-contact-detail', contact); }; const getProps = () => ({ contact: contactSelector(contact, { regionCode, getAbsoluteAttachmentPath, }), hasSignalAccount, onSendMessage, onOpenContact, }); if (this.contactView) { this.contactView.remove(); this.contactView = null; } this.contactView = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'contact-wrapper', Component: window.Signal.Components.EmbeddedContact, props: getProps(), }); this.$('.inner-bubble').prepend(this.contactView.el); // If we can't verify a signal account locally, we'll go to the Signal Server. if (number && !hasSignalAccount) { // eslint-disable-next-line more/no-then window.textsecure.messaging .getProfile(number) .then(() => { if (!this.contactView) { return; } hasSignalAccount = true; this.contactView.update(getProps()); }) .catch(() => { // No account available, or network connectivity problem }); } }, isImageWithoutCaption() { const attachments = this.model.get('attachments'); const body = this.model.get('body'); if (!attachments || attachments.length === 0) { return false; } if (body && body.trim()) { return false; } const first = attachments[0]; if (Signal.Util.GoogleChrome.isImageTypeSupported(first.contentType)) { return true; } return false; }, hasContents() { const attachments = this.model.get('attachments'); const hasAttachments = attachments && attachments.length > 0; const contacts = this.model.get('contact'); const hasContact = contacts && contacts.length > 0; return this.hasTextContents() || hasAttachments || hasContact; }, hasTextContents() { const body = this.model.get('body'); const isGroupUpdate = this.model.isGroupUpdate(); const isEndSession = this.model.isEndSession(); const errors = this.model.get('errors'); const hasErrors = errors && errors.length > 0; const errorsCanBeContents = this.model.isIncoming() && hasErrors; return body || isGroupUpdate || isEndSession || errorsCanBeContents; }, addId() { // Because we initially render a sent Message before we've roundtripped with the // database, we don't have its id for that first render. We do get a change event, // however, and can add the id manually. const { id } = this.model; this.$el.attr('id', id); }, render() { const contact = this.model.isIncoming() ? this.model.getContact() : null; const attachments = this.model.get('attachments'); const errors = this.model.get('errors'); const hasErrors = errors && errors.length > 0; const hasAttachments = attachments && attachments.length > 0; const hasBody = this.hasTextContents(); this.$el.html( Mustache.render( _.result(this, 'template', ''), { message: this.model.get('body'), hasBody, timestamp: this.model.get('sent_at'), sender: (contact && contact.getTitle()) || '', avatar: contact && contact.getAvatar(), profileName: contact && contact.getProfileName(), innerBubbleClasses: this.isImageWithoutCaption() ? '' : 'with-tail', hoverIcon: !hasErrors, hasAttachments, reply: i18n('replyToMessage'), }, this.render_partials() ) ); this.timeStampView.setElement(this.$('.timestamp')); this.timeStampView.update(); this.renderControl(); const body = this.$('.body'); emoji_util.parse(body); if (body.length > 0) { const escapedBody = body.html(); body.html(Signal.HTML.render(escapedBody)); } this.renderSent(); this.renderDelivered(); this.renderRead(); this.renderErrors(); this.renderExpiring(); this.renderQuote(); this.renderContact(); // NOTE: We have to do this in the background (`then` instead of `await`) // as our code / Backbone seems to rely on `render` synchronously returning // `this` instead of `Promise MessageView` (this): // eslint-disable-next-line more/no-then this.loadAttachmentViews().then(views => this.renderAttachmentViews(views) ); return this; }, updateColor() { const bubble = this.$('.bubble'); // this.contact is known to be non-null if we're registered for color changes const color = this.contact.getColor(); if (color) { bubble.removeClass(Whisper.Conversation.COLORS); bubble.addClass(color); } this.avatarView = new (Whisper.View.extend({ templateName: 'avatar', render_attributes: { avatar: this.contact.getAvatar() }, }))(); this.$('.avatar').replaceWith(this.avatarView.render().$('.avatar')); }, loadAttachmentViews() { if (this.loadedAttachmentViews !== null) { return this.loadedAttachmentViews; } const attachments = this.model.get('attachments') || []; const loadedAttachmentViews = Promise.all( attachments.map( attachment => new Promise(async resolve => { const attachmentWithData = await loadAttachmentData(attachment); const view = new Whisper.AttachmentView({ model: attachmentWithData, timestamp: this.model.get('sent_at'), }); this.listenTo(view, 'update', () => { // NOTE: Can we do without `updated` flag now that we use promises? view.updated = true; resolve(view); }); view.render(); }) ) ); // Memoize attachment views to avoid double loading: this.loadedAttachmentViews = loadedAttachmentViews; return loadedAttachmentViews; }, renderAttachmentViews(views) { views.forEach(view => this.renderAttachmentView(view)); }, renderAttachmentView(view) { if (!view.updated) { throw new Error( 'Invariant violation:' + ' Cannot render an attachment view that isn’t ready' ); } const parent = this.$('.attachments')[0]; const isViewAlreadyChild = parent === view.el.parentNode; if (isViewAlreadyChild) { return; } if (view.el.parentNode) { view.el.parentNode.removeChild(view.el); } this.trigger('beforeChangeHeight'); this.$('.attachments').append(view.el); view.setElement(view.el); this.trigger('afterChangeHeight'); }, }); })();