// Copyright 2018 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { ipcMain, protocol } from 'electron'; import { createReadStream } from 'node:fs'; import { join, normalize } from 'node:path'; import { Readable, Transform, PassThrough } from 'node:stream'; import { pipeline } from 'node:stream/promises'; import z from 'zod'; import * as rimraf from 'rimraf'; import { getAllAttachments, getAvatarsPath, getPath, getStickersPath, getTempPath, getDraftPath, deleteAll as deleteAllAttachments, deleteAllBadges, getAllStickers, deleteAllStickers, getAllDraftAttachments, deleteAllDraftAttachments, } from './attachments'; import type { MainSQL } from '../ts/sql/main'; import type { MessageAttachmentsCursorType } from '../ts/sql/Interface'; import * as Errors from '../ts/types/errors'; import { sleep } from '../ts/util/sleep'; import { isPathInside } from '../ts/util/isPathInside'; import { missingCaseError } from '../ts/util/missingCaseError'; import { safeParseInteger } from '../ts/util/numbers'; import { drop } from '../ts/util/drop'; import { strictAssert } from '../ts/util/assert'; import { decryptAttachmentV2ToSink } from '../ts/AttachmentCrypto'; let initialized = false; const ERASE_ATTACHMENTS_KEY = 'erase-attachments'; const ERASE_STICKERS_KEY = 'erase-stickers'; const ERASE_TEMP_KEY = 'erase-temp'; const ERASE_DRAFTS_KEY = 'erase-drafts'; const CLEANUP_ORPHANED_ATTACHMENTS_KEY = 'cleanup-orphaned-attachments'; const INTERACTIVITY_DELAY = 50; const dispositionSchema = z.enum([ 'attachment', 'temporary', 'draft', 'sticker', 'avatarData', ]); type DeleteOrphanedAttachmentsOptionsType = Readonly<{ orphanedAttachments: Set; sql: MainSQL; userDataPath: string; }>; type CleanupOrphanedAttachmentsOptionsType = Readonly<{ sql: MainSQL; userDataPath: string; }>; async function cleanupOrphanedAttachments({ sql, userDataPath, }: CleanupOrphanedAttachmentsOptionsType): Promise { await deleteAllBadges({ userDataPath, pathsToKeep: await sql.sqlCall('getAllBadgeImageFileLocalPaths'), }); const allStickers = await getAllStickers(userDataPath); const orphanedStickers = await sql.sqlCall( 'removeKnownStickers', allStickers ); await deleteAllStickers({ userDataPath, stickers: orphanedStickers, }); const allDraftAttachments = await getAllDraftAttachments(userDataPath); const orphanedDraftAttachments = await sql.sqlCall( 'removeKnownDraftAttachments', allDraftAttachments ); await deleteAllDraftAttachments({ userDataPath, attachments: orphanedDraftAttachments, }); // Delete orphaned attachments from conversations and messages. const orphanedAttachments = new Set(await getAllAttachments(userDataPath)); console.log( 'cleanupOrphanedAttachments: found ' + `${orphanedAttachments.size} attachments on disk` ); { const attachments: ReadonlyArray = await sql.sqlCall( 'getKnownConversationAttachments' ); let missing = 0; for (const known of attachments) { if (!orphanedAttachments.delete(known)) { missing += 1; } } console.log( `cleanupOrphanedAttachments: found ${attachments.length} conversation ` + `attachments (${missing} missing), ${orphanedAttachments.size} remain` ); } // This call is intentionally not awaited. We block the app while running // all fetches above to ensure that there are no in-flight attachments that // are saved to disk, but not put into any message or conversation model yet. deleteOrphanedAttachments({ orphanedAttachments, sql, userDataPath, }); } function deleteOrphanedAttachments({ orphanedAttachments, sql, userDataPath, }: DeleteOrphanedAttachmentsOptionsType): void { // This function *can* throw. async function runWithPossibleException(): Promise { let cursor: MessageAttachmentsCursorType | undefined; let totalFound = 0; let totalMissing = 0; try { do { let attachments: ReadonlyArray; // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop ({ attachments, cursor } = await sql.sqlCall( 'getKnownMessageAttachments', cursor )); totalFound += attachments.length; for (const known of attachments) { if (!orphanedAttachments.delete(known)) { totalMissing += 1; } } if (cursor === undefined) { break; } // Let other SQL calls come through. There are hundreds of thousands of // messages in the database and it might take time to go through them all. // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await sleep(INTERACTIVITY_DELAY); } while (cursor !== undefined && !cursor.done); } finally { if (cursor !== undefined) { await sql.sqlCall('finishGetKnownMessageAttachments', cursor); } } console.log( `cleanupOrphanedAttachments: found ${totalFound} message ` + `attachments, (${totalMissing} missing) ` + `${orphanedAttachments.size} remain` ); await deleteAllAttachments({ userDataPath, attachments: Array.from(orphanedAttachments), }); } async function runSafe() { const start = Date.now(); try { await runWithPossibleException(); } catch (error) { console.error( 'deleteOrphanedAttachments: error', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } finally { const duration = Date.now() - start; console.log(`deleteOrphanedAttachments: took ${duration}ms`); } } // Intentionally not awaiting void runSafe(); } let attachmentsDir: string | undefined; let stickersDir: string | undefined; let tempDir: string | undefined; let draftDir: string | undefined; let avatarDataDir: string | undefined; export function initialize({ configDir, sql, }: { configDir: string; sql: MainSQL; }): void { if (initialized) { throw new Error('initialize: Already initialized!'); } initialized = true; attachmentsDir = getPath(configDir); stickersDir = getStickersPath(configDir); tempDir = getTempPath(configDir); draftDir = getDraftPath(configDir); avatarDataDir = getAvatarsPath(configDir); ipcMain.handle(ERASE_TEMP_KEY, () => { strictAssert(tempDir != null, 'not initialized'); rimraf.sync(tempDir); }); ipcMain.handle(ERASE_ATTACHMENTS_KEY, () => { strictAssert(attachmentsDir != null, 'not initialized'); rimraf.sync(attachmentsDir); }); ipcMain.handle(ERASE_STICKERS_KEY, () => { strictAssert(stickersDir != null, 'not initialized'); rimraf.sync(stickersDir); }); ipcMain.handle(ERASE_DRAFTS_KEY, () => { strictAssert(draftDir != null, 'not initialized'); rimraf.sync(draftDir); }); ipcMain.handle(CLEANUP_ORPHANED_ATTACHMENTS_KEY, async () => { const start = Date.now(); await cleanupOrphanedAttachments({ sql, userDataPath: configDir }); const duration = Date.now() - start; console.log(`cleanupOrphanedAttachments: took ${duration}ms`); }); protocol.handle('attachment', handleAttachmentRequest); } export async function handleAttachmentRequest(req: Request): Promise { const url = new URL(req.url); if (url.host !== 'v1' && url.host !== 'v2') { return new Response('Unknown host', { status: 404 }); } // Disposition let disposition: z.infer = 'attachment'; const dispositionParam = url.searchParams.get('disposition'); if (dispositionParam != null) { disposition = dispositionSchema.parse(dispositionParam); } strictAssert(attachmentsDir != null, 'not initialized'); strictAssert(tempDir != null, 'not initialized'); strictAssert(draftDir != null, 'not initialized'); strictAssert(stickersDir != null, 'not initialized'); strictAssert(avatarDataDir != null, 'not initialized'); let parentDir: string; switch (disposition) { case 'attachment': parentDir = attachmentsDir; break; case 'temporary': parentDir = tempDir; break; case 'draft': parentDir = draftDir; break; case 'sticker': parentDir = stickersDir; break; case 'avatarData': parentDir = avatarDataDir; break; default: throw missingCaseError(disposition); } // Remove first slash const path = normalize( join(parentDir, ...url.pathname.slice(1).split(/\//g)) ); if (!isPathInside(path, parentDir)) { return new Response('Access denied', { status: 401 }); } // Get attachment size to trim the padding const sizeParam = url.searchParams.get('size'); let maybeSize: number | undefined; if (sizeParam != null) { const intValue = safeParseInteger(sizeParam); if (intValue != null) { maybeSize = intValue; } } // Legacy plaintext attachments if (url.host === 'v1') { return handleRangeRequest({ request: req, size: maybeSize, plaintext: createReadStream(path), }); } // Encrypted attachments // Get AES+MAC key const maybeKeysBase64 = url.searchParams.get('key'); if (maybeKeysBase64 == null) { return new Response('Missing key', { status: 400 }); } // Size is required for trimming padding. if (maybeSize == null) { return new Response('Missing size', { status: 400 }); } // Pacify typescript const size = maybeSize; const keysBase64 = maybeKeysBase64; const plaintext = new PassThrough(); async function runSafe(): Promise { try { await decryptAttachmentV2ToSink( { ciphertextPath: path, idForLogging: 'attachment_channel', keysBase64, size, isLocal: true, }, plaintext ); } catch (error) { console.error( 'handleAttachmentRequest: decryption error', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); plaintext.emit('error', error); } } drop(runSafe()); return handleRangeRequest({ request: req, size: maybeSize, plaintext, }); } type HandleRangeRequestOptionsType = Readonly<{ request: Request; size: number | undefined; plaintext: Readable; }>; function handleRangeRequest({ request, size, plaintext, }: HandleRangeRequestOptionsType): Response { const url = new URL(request.url); // Get content-type const contentType = url.searchParams.get('contentType'); const headers: HeadersInit = { 'cache-control': 'no-cache, no-store', 'content-type': contentType || 'application/octet-stream', }; if (size != null) { headers['content-length'] = size.toString(); } const create200Response = (): Response => { return new Response(Readable.toWeb(plaintext) as ReadableStream, { status: 200, headers, }); }; const range = request.headers.get('range'); if (range == null) { return create200Response(); } const match = range.match(/^bytes=(\d+)-(\d+)?$/); if (match == null) { console.error(`attachment_channel: invalid range header: ${range}`); return create200Response(); } const startParam = safeParseInteger(match[1]); if (startParam == null) { console.error(`attachment_channel: invalid range header: ${range}`); return create200Response(); } let endParam: number | undefined; if (match[2] != null) { const intValue = safeParseInteger(match[2]); if (intValue == null) { console.error(`attachment_channel: invalid range header: ${range}`); return create200Response(); } endParam = intValue; } const start = Math.min(startParam, size || Infinity); let end: number; if (endParam === undefined) { end = size || Infinity; } else { // Supplied range is inclusive end = Math.min(endParam + 1, size || Infinity); } let offset = 0; const transform = new Transform({ transform(data, _enc, callback) { if (offset + data.byteLength >= start && offset <= end) { this.push(data.subarray(Math.max(0, start - offset), end - offset)); } offset += data.byteLength; callback(); }, }); headers['content-range'] = size === undefined ? `bytes ${start}-${endParam === undefined ? '' : end - 1}/*` : `bytes ${start}-${end - 1}/${size}`; if (endParam !== undefined || size !== undefined) { headers['content-length'] = (end - start).toString(); } drop( (async () => { try { await pipeline(plaintext, transform); } catch (error) { console.error( 'handleAttachmentRequest: range transform error', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); transform.emit('error', error); } })() ); return new Response(Readable.toWeb(transform) as ReadableStream, { status: 206, headers, }); }