// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { parse as parseIcuMessage } from '@formatjs/icu-messageformat-parser'; import type { MessageFormatElement, Location, } from '@formatjs/icu-messageformat-parser'; import parseJsonToAst from 'json-to-ast'; import { readFile } from 'fs/promises'; import { join as pathJoin, relative as pathRelative } from 'path'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import { deepEqual } from 'assert'; import type { Rule } from './utils/rule'; import icuPrefix from './rules/icuPrefix'; import wrapEmoji from './rules/wrapEmoji'; import onePlural from './rules/onePlural'; import noLegacyVariables from './rules/noLegacyVariables'; import noNestedChoice from './rules/noNestedChoice'; import noOffset from './rules/noOffset'; import noOneChoice from './rules/noOneChoice'; import noOrdinal from './rules/noOrdinal'; import pluralPound from './rules/pluralPound'; const RULES = [ icuPrefix, wrapEmoji, noLegacyVariables, noNestedChoice, noOffset, noOneChoice, noOrdinal, onePlural, pluralPound, ]; type Test = { messageformat: string; expectErrors: Array<string>; }; const tests: Record<string, Test> = { 'icu:err1': { messageformat: '{a, plural, one {a} other {as}} {b, plural, one {b} other {bs}}', expectErrors: ['onePlural'], }, 'icu:err2': { messageformat: '{a, plural, one {a} other {{b, plural, one {b} other {bs}}}}', expectErrors: ['noNestedChoice', 'onePlural'], }, 'icu:err3': { messageformat: '{a, select, one {a} other {{b, select, one {b} other {bs}}}}', expectErrors: ['noNestedChoice'], }, 'icu:err4': { messageformat: '{a, plural, offset:1 one {a} other {as}}', expectErrors: ['noOffset'], }, 'icu:noOneChoice:1': { messageformat: '{a, plural, other {a}}', expectErrors: ['noOneChoice'], }, 'icu:err5': { messageformat: '{a, selectordinal, one {a} other {as}}', expectErrors: ['noOrdinal'], }, 'icu:err6': { messageformat: '$a$', expectErrors: ['noLegacyVariables'], }, 'icu:wrapEmoji:1': { messageformat: '👩', expectErrors: ['wrapEmoji'], }, 'icu:wrapEmoji:2': { messageformat: '<emojify>👩 extra</emojify>', expectErrors: ['wrapEmoji'], }, 'icu:wrapEmoji:3': { messageformat: '<emojify>👩👩</emojify>', expectErrors: ['wrapEmoji'], }, 'icu:wrapEmoji:4': { messageformat: '<emojify>{emoji}</emojify>', expectErrors: ['wrapEmoji'], }, 'icu:wrapEmoji:5': { messageformat: '<emojify>👩</emojify>', expectErrors: [], }, }; type Report = { id: string; message: string; location: Location | void; locationOffset: number; }; function lintMessage( messageId: string, elements: Array<MessageFormatElement>, rules: Array<Rule> ) { const reports: Array<Report> = []; for (const rule of rules) { rule.run(elements, { messageId, report(message, location, locationOffset = 0) { reports.push({ id: rule.id, message, location, locationOffset }); }, }); } return reports; } function assert(condition: unknown, message: string): asserts condition { if (!condition) { throw new Error(message); } } async function lintMessages() { const repoRoot = pathJoin(__dirname, '..', '..'); const filePath = pathJoin(repoRoot, '_locales/en/messages.json'); const relativePath = pathRelative(repoRoot, filePath); let file = await readFile(filePath, 'utf-8'); if (process.argv.includes('--test')) { file = JSON.stringify(tests); } const jsonAst = parseJsonToAst(file); assert(jsonAst.type === 'Object', 'Expected an object'); for (const topProp of jsonAst.children) { if (topProp.key.value === 'smartling') { continue; } const messageId = topProp.key.value; assert(topProp.value.type === 'Object', 'Expected an object'); const icuMessageProp = topProp.value.children.find(messageProp => { return messageProp.key.value === 'messageformat'; }); if (icuMessageProp == null) { continue; } const icuMesssageLiteral = icuMessageProp.value; assert( icuMesssageLiteral.type === 'Literal' && typeof icuMesssageLiteral.value === 'string', 'Expected a string' ); const icuMessage: string = icuMesssageLiteral.value; const ast = parseIcuMessage(icuMessage, { captureLocation: true, shouldParseSkeletons: true, requiresOtherClause: true, }); const reports = lintMessage(messageId, ast, RULES); const key = topProp.key.value; if (process.argv.includes('--test')) { const test = tests[key]; const actualErrors = reports.map(report => report.id); deepEqual(actualErrors, test.expectErrors); continue; } for (const report of reports) { let loc = ''; if (report.location != null && icuMesssageLiteral.loc != null) { const line = icuMesssageLiteral.loc.start.line + (report.location.start.line - 1); const column = icuMesssageLiteral.loc.start.column + report.location.start.column + report.locationOffset; loc = `:${line}:${column}`; } else if (icuMesssageLiteral.loc != null) { const { line, column } = icuMesssageLiteral.loc.start; loc = `:${line}:${column + report.locationOffset}`; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error( chalk`{bold.cyan ${relativePath}${loc}} ${report.message} {magenta ({underline ${report.id}})}` ); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(chalk` {dim in ${key} is "}{red ${icuMessage}}{dim "}`); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(); } } } lintMessages().catch(error => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(error); process.exit(1); });