// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { Database } from '@signalapp/better-sqlite3'; import type { LoggerType } from '../../types/Logging'; import { isValidUuid } from '../../types/UUID'; import { assertSync } from '../../util/assert'; import Helpers from '../../textsecure/Helpers'; import { createOrUpdate, getById, removeById } from '../util'; import type { EmptyQuery, Query } from '../util'; import type { ItemKeyType } from '../Interface'; export function getOurUuid(db: Database): string | undefined { const UUID_ID: ItemKeyType = 'uuid_id'; const row: { json: string } | undefined = db .prepare('SELECT json FROM items WHERE id = $id;') .get({ id: UUID_ID }); if (!row) { return undefined; } const { value } = JSON.parse(row.json); const [ourUuid] = Helpers.unencodeNumber(String(value).toLowerCase()); return ourUuid; } export default function updateToSchemaVersion41( currentVersion: number, db: Database, logger: LoggerType ): void { if (currentVersion >= 41) { return; } const getConversationUuid = db .prepare( ` SELECT uuid FROM conversations WHERE id = $conversationId ` ) .pluck(); const getConversationStats = db.prepare( ` SELECT uuid, e164, active_at FROM conversations WHERE id = $conversationId ` ); const compareConvoRecency = (a: string, b: string): number => { const aStats = getConversationStats.get({ conversationId: a }); const bStats = getConversationStats.get({ conversationId: b }); const isAComplete = Boolean(aStats?.uuid && aStats?.e164); const isBComplete = Boolean(bStats?.uuid && bStats?.e164); if (!isAComplete && !isBComplete) { return 0; } if (!isAComplete) { return -1; } if (!isBComplete) { return 1; } return aStats.active_at - bStats.active_at; }; const clearSessionsAndKeys = (): number => { // ts/background.ts will ask user to relink so all that matters here is // to maintain an invariant: // // After this migration all sessions and keys are prefixed by // "uuid:". const keyCount = [ db.prepare('DELETE FROM senderKeys').run().changes, db.prepare('DELETE FROM sessions').run().changes, db.prepare('DELETE FROM signedPreKeys').run().changes, db.prepare('DELETE FROM preKeys').run().changes, ].reduce((a: number, b: number): number => a + b); assertSync(removeById(db, 'items', 'identityKey')); assertSync(removeById(db, 'items', 'registrationId')); return keyCount; }; const moveIdentityKeyToMap = (ourUuid: string) => { type IdentityKeyType = { privKey: string; publicKey: string; }; const identityKey = assertSync( getById(db, 'items', 'identityKey') ); type RegistrationId = number; const registrationId = assertSync( getById(db, 'items', 'registrationId') ); if (identityKey) { assertSync( createOrUpdate(db, 'items', { id: 'identityKeyMap', value: { [ourUuid]: identityKey.value, }, }) ); } if (registrationId) { assertSync( createOrUpdate(db, 'items', { id: 'registrationIdMap', value: { [ourUuid]: registrationId.value, }, }) ); } db.exec( ` DELETE FROM items WHERE id = "identityKey" OR id = "registrationId"; ` ); }; const prefixKeys = (ourUuid: string) => { for (const table of ['signedPreKeys', 'preKeys']) { // Update id to include suffix, add `ourUuid` and `keyId` fields. db.prepare( ` UPDATE ${table} SET id = $ourUuid || ':' || id, json = json_set( json, '$.id', $ourUuid || ':' || json_extract(json, '$.id'), '$.keyId', json_extract(json, '$.id'), '$.ourUuid', $ourUuid ) ` ).run({ ourUuid }); } }; const updateSenderKeys = (ourUuid: string) => { const senderKeys: ReadonlyArray<{ id: string; senderId: string; lastUpdatedDate: number; }> = db .prepare( 'SELECT id, senderId, lastUpdatedDate FROM senderKeys' ) .all(); logger.info(`Updating ${senderKeys.length} sender keys`); const updateSenderKey = db.prepare( ` UPDATE senderKeys SET id = $newId, senderId = $newSenderId WHERE id = $id ` ); const deleteSenderKey = db.prepare( 'DELETE FROM senderKeys WHERE id = $id' ); const pastKeys = new Map< string, { conversationId: string; lastUpdatedDate: number; } >(); let updated = 0; let deleted = 0; let skipped = 0; for (const { id, senderId, lastUpdatedDate } of senderKeys) { const [conversationId] = Helpers.unencodeNumber(senderId); const uuid = getConversationUuid.get({ conversationId }); if (!uuid) { deleted += 1; deleteSenderKey.run({ id }); continue; } const newId = `${ourUuid}:${id.replace(conversationId, uuid)}`; const existing = pastKeys.get(newId); // We are going to delete on of the keys anyway if (existing) { skipped += 1; } else { updated += 1; } const isOlder = existing && (lastUpdatedDate < existing.lastUpdatedDate || compareConvoRecency(conversationId, existing.conversationId) < 0); if (isOlder) { deleteSenderKey.run({ id }); continue; } else if (existing) { deleteSenderKey.run({ id: newId }); } pastKeys.set(newId, { conversationId, lastUpdatedDate }); updateSenderKey.run({ id, newId, newSenderId: `${senderId.replace(conversationId, uuid)}`, }); } logger.info( `Updated ${senderKeys.length} sender keys: ` + `updated: ${updated}, deleted: ${deleted}, skipped: ${skipped}` ); }; const updateSessions = (ourUuid: string) => { // Use uuid instead of conversation id in existing sessions and prefix id // with ourUuid. // // Set ourUuid column and field in json const allSessions = db .prepare('SELECT id, conversationId FROM SESSIONS') .all(); logger.info(`Updating ${allSessions.length} sessions`); const updateSession = db.prepare( ` UPDATE sessions SET id = $newId, ourUuid = $ourUuid, uuid = $uuid, json = json_set( sessions.json, '$.id', $newId, '$.uuid', $uuid, '$.ourUuid', $ourUuid ) WHERE id = $id ` ); const deleteSession = db.prepare( 'DELETE FROM sessions WHERE id = $id' ); const pastSessions = new Map< string, { conversationId: string; } >(); let updated = 0; let deleted = 0; let skipped = 0; for (const { id, conversationId } of allSessions) { const uuid = getConversationUuid.get({ conversationId }); if (!uuid) { deleted += 1; deleteSession.run({ id }); continue; } const newId = `${ourUuid}:${id.replace(conversationId, uuid)}`; const existing = pastSessions.get(newId); // We are going to delete on of the keys anyway if (existing) { skipped += 1; } else { updated += 1; } const isOlder = existing && compareConvoRecency(conversationId, existing.conversationId) < 0; if (isOlder) { deleteSession.run({ id }); continue; } else if (existing) { deleteSession.run({ id: newId }); } pastSessions.set(newId, { conversationId }); updateSession.run({ id, newId, uuid, ourUuid, }); } logger.info( `Updated ${allSessions.length} sessions: ` + `updated: ${updated}, deleted: ${deleted}, skipped: ${skipped}` ); }; const updateIdentityKeys = () => { const identityKeys: ReadonlyArray<{ id: string; }> = db.prepare('SELECT id FROM identityKeys').all(); logger.info(`Updating ${identityKeys.length} identity keys`); const updateIdentityKey = db.prepare( ` UPDATE OR REPLACE identityKeys SET id = $newId, json = json_set( identityKeys.json, '$.id', $newId ) WHERE id = $id ` ); let migrated = 0; for (const { id } of identityKeys) { const uuid = getConversationUuid.get({ conversationId: id }); let newId: string; if (uuid) { migrated += 1; newId = uuid; } else { newId = `conversation:${id}`; } updateIdentityKey.run({ id, newId }); } logger.info(`Migrated ${migrated} identity keys`); }; db.transaction(() => { db.exec( ` -- Change type of 'id' column from INTEGER to STRING ALTER TABLE preKeys RENAME TO old_preKeys; ALTER TABLE signedPreKeys RENAME TO old_signedPreKeys; CREATE TABLE preKeys( id STRING PRIMARY KEY ASC, json TEXT ); CREATE TABLE signedPreKeys( id STRING PRIMARY KEY ASC, json TEXT ); -- sqlite handles the type conversion INSERT INTO preKeys SELECT * FROM old_preKeys; INSERT INTO signedPreKeys SELECT * FROM old_signedPreKeys; DROP TABLE old_preKeys; DROP TABLE old_signedPreKeys; -- Alter sessions ALTER TABLE sessions ADD COLUMN ourUuid STRING; ALTER TABLE sessions ADD COLUMN uuid STRING; ` ); const ourUuid = getOurUuid(db); if (!isValidUuid(ourUuid)) { const deleteCount = clearSessionsAndKeys(); if (deleteCount > 0) { logger.error( 'updateToSchemaVersion41: no uuid is available, ' + `erased ${deleteCount} sessions/keys` ); } db.pragma('user_version = 41'); return; } prefixKeys(ourUuid); updateSenderKeys(ourUuid); updateSessions(ourUuid); moveIdentityKeyToMap(ourUuid); updateIdentityKeys(); db.pragma('user_version = 41'); })(); logger.info('updateToSchemaVersion41: success!'); }