// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import * as React from 'react'; import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions'; import type { Meta } from '@storybook/react'; import type { Props } from './SafetyNumberChangeDialog'; import { SafetyNumberChangeDialog } from './SafetyNumberChangeDialog'; import { getDefaultConversation } from '../test-both/helpers/getDefaultConversation'; import { setupI18n } from '../util/setupI18n'; import enMessages from '../../_locales/en/messages.json'; import { StorybookThemeContext } from '../../.storybook/StorybookThemeContext'; import { getFakeBadge } from '../test-both/helpers/getFakeBadge'; import { MY_STORY_ID } from '../types/Stories'; import { generateStoryDistributionId } from '../types/StoryDistributionId'; const i18n = setupI18n('en', enMessages); const contactWithAllData = getDefaultConversation({ id: 'abc', avatarUrl: undefined, profileName: '-*Smartest Dude*-', title: 'Rick Sanchez', name: 'Rick Sanchez', phoneNumber: '(305) 123-4567', }); const contactWithJustProfileVerified = getDefaultConversation({ id: 'def', avatarUrl: undefined, title: '-*Smartest Dude*-', profileName: '-*Smartest Dude*-', name: undefined, phoneNumber: '(305) 123-4567', isVerified: true, }); const contactWithJustNumberVerified = getDefaultConversation({ id: 'xyz', avatarUrl: undefined, profileName: undefined, name: undefined, title: '(305) 123-4567', phoneNumber: '(305) 123-4567', isVerified: true, }); const contactWithNothing = getDefaultConversation({ id: 'some-guid', avatarUrl: undefined, profileName: undefined, name: undefined, phoneNumber: undefined, title: 'Unknown contact', }); const useTheme = () => React.useContext(StorybookThemeContext); export default { title: 'Components/SafetyNumberChangeDialog', } satisfies Meta<Props>; export function SingleContactDialog(): JSX.Element { const theme = useTheme(); return ( <SafetyNumberChangeDialog contacts={[ { story: undefined, contacts: [contactWithAllData], }, ]} getPreferredBadge={() => undefined} i18n={i18n} onCancel={action('cancel')} onConfirm={action('confirm')} removeFromStory={action('removeFromStory')} renderSafetyNumber={() => { action('renderSafetyNumber'); return <div>This is a mock Safety Number View</div>; }} theme={theme} /> ); } export function DifferentConfirmationText(): JSX.Element { const theme = useTheme(); return ( <SafetyNumberChangeDialog confirmText="You are awesome" contacts={[ { story: undefined, contacts: [contactWithAllData], }, ]} getPreferredBadge={() => undefined} i18n={i18n} onCancel={action('cancel')} onConfirm={action('confirm')} removeFromStory={action('removeFromStory')} renderSafetyNumber={() => { action('renderSafetyNumber'); return <div>This is a mock Safety Number View</div>; }} theme={theme} /> ); } export function MultiContactDialog(): JSX.Element { const theme = useTheme(); return ( <SafetyNumberChangeDialog contacts={[ { story: undefined, contacts: [contactWithAllData, contactWithJustProfileVerified], }, { story: undefined, contacts: [contactWithJustNumberVerified, contactWithNothing], }, ]} getPreferredBadge={() => undefined} i18n={i18n} onCancel={action('cancel')} onConfirm={action('confirm')} removeFromStory={action('removeFromStory')} renderSafetyNumber={() => { action('renderSafetyNumber'); return <div>This is a mock Safety Number View</div>; }} theme={theme} /> ); } export function AllVerified(): JSX.Element { const theme = useTheme(); return ( <SafetyNumberChangeDialog contacts={[ { story: undefined, contacts: [ contactWithJustProfileVerified, contactWithJustNumberVerified, ], }, ]} getPreferredBadge={() => undefined} i18n={i18n} onCancel={action('cancel')} onConfirm={action('confirm')} removeFromStory={action('removeFromStory')} renderSafetyNumber={() => { action('renderSafetyNumber'); return <div>This is a mock Safety Number View</div>; }} theme={theme} /> ); } export function MultipleContactsAllWithBadges(): JSX.Element { const theme = useTheme(); return ( <SafetyNumberChangeDialog contacts={[ { story: undefined, contacts: [ contactWithAllData, contactWithJustProfileVerified, contactWithJustNumberVerified, contactWithNothing, ], }, ]} getPreferredBadge={() => getFakeBadge()} i18n={i18n} onCancel={action('cancel')} onConfirm={action('confirm')} removeFromStory={action('removeFromStory')} renderSafetyNumber={() => { action('renderSafetyNumber'); return <div>This is a mock Safety Number View</div>; }} theme={theme} /> ); } export function TenContacts(): JSX.Element { const theme = useTheme(); return ( <SafetyNumberChangeDialog contacts={[ { story: undefined, contacts: [ contactWithAllData, contactWithJustProfileVerified, contactWithJustNumberVerified, contactWithNothing, contactWithAllData, contactWithAllData, contactWithAllData, contactWithAllData, contactWithAllData, contactWithAllData, ], }, ]} getPreferredBadge={() => undefined} i18n={i18n} onCancel={action('cancel')} onConfirm={action('confirm')} removeFromStory={action('removeFromStory')} renderSafetyNumber={() => { action('renderSafetyNumber'); return <div>This is a mock Safety Number View</div>; }} theme={theme} /> ); } export function NoContacts(): JSX.Element { const theme = useTheme(); return ( <SafetyNumberChangeDialog contacts={[ { story: { name: 'My Story', conversationId: 'our-conversation-id', distributionId: MY_STORY_ID, }, contacts: [], }, { story: { name: 'Custom List A', conversationId: 'our-conversation-id', distributionId: generateStoryDistributionId(), }, contacts: [], }, ]} getPreferredBadge={() => undefined} i18n={i18n} onCancel={action('cancel')} onConfirm={action('confirm')} removeFromStory={action('removeFromStory')} renderSafetyNumber={() => { action('renderSafetyNumber'); return <div>This is a mock Safety Number View</div>; }} theme={theme} /> ); } export function InMultipleStories(): JSX.Element { const theme = useTheme(); return ( <SafetyNumberChangeDialog contacts={[ { story: { name: 'Not to be trusted', conversationId: 'our-conversation-id', distributionId: MY_STORY_ID, }, contacts: [contactWithAllData, contactWithJustProfileVerified], }, { story: { name: 'Custom List A', conversationId: 'our-conversation-id', distributionId: generateStoryDistributionId(), }, contacts: [ contactWithAllData, contactWithAllData, contactWithAllData, ], }, { story: { name: 'Hiking Buds', conversationId: 'hiking-group-id', }, contacts: [ contactWithJustNumberVerified, contactWithAllData, contactWithAllData, ], }, ]} getPreferredBadge={() => undefined} i18n={i18n} onCancel={action('cancel')} onConfirm={action('confirm')} removeFromStory={action('removeFromStory')} renderSafetyNumber={() => { action('renderSafetyNumber'); return <div>This is a mock Safety Number View</div>; }} theme={theme} /> ); }