const { assert } = require('chai'); const { findLinks, isLinkSafeToPreview, isLinkSneaky, } = require('../../js/modules/link_previews'); describe('Link previews', () => { describe('#isLinkSafeToPreview', () => { it('returns false for invalid URLs', () => { assert.isFalse(isLinkSafeToPreview('')); assert.isFalse(isLinkSafeToPreview('https')); assert.isFalse(isLinkSafeToPreview('https://')); assert.isFalse(isLinkSafeToPreview('https://bad url')); assert.isFalse(isLinkSafeToPreview('')); }); it('returns false for non-HTTPS URLs', () => { assert.isFalse(isLinkSafeToPreview('')); assert.isFalse(isLinkSafeToPreview('')); assert.isFalse(isLinkSafeToPreview('file://example')); }); it('returns false if the link is "sneaky"', () => { // See `isLinkSneaky` tests below for more thorough checking. assert.isFalse(isLinkSafeToPreview('')); assert.isFalse(isLinkSafeToPreview('https://aquí.example')); assert.isFalse(isLinkSafeToPreview('https://aqu%C3%AD.example')); }); it('returns true for "safe" urls', () => { assert.isTrue(isLinkSafeToPreview('')); assert.isTrue( isLinkSafeToPreview('') ); }); }); describe('#findLinks', () => { it('returns all links if no caretLocation is provided', () => { const text = 'Check out this link:\nAnd this one too:'; const expected = [ '', '', ]; const actual = findLinks(text); assert.deepEqual(expected, actual); }); it('includes all links if cursor is not in a link', () => { const text = 'Check out this link:\nAnd this one too:'; const caretLocation = 10; const expected = [ '', '', ]; const actual = findLinks(text, caretLocation); assert.deepEqual(expected, actual); }); it('excludes a link not at the end if the caret is inside of it', () => { const text = 'Check out this link:\nAnd this one too:'; const caretLocation = 30; const expected = ['']; const actual = findLinks(text, caretLocation); assert.deepEqual(expected, actual); }); it('excludes a link not at the end if the caret is at its end', () => { const text = 'Check out this link:\nAnd this one too:'; const caretLocation = 64; const expected = ['']; const actual = findLinks(text, caretLocation); assert.deepEqual(expected, actual); }); it('excludes a link at the end of the caret is inside of it', () => { const text = 'Check out this link:\nAnd this one too:'; const caretLocation = 100; const expected = ['']; const actual = findLinks(text, caretLocation); assert.deepEqual(expected, actual); }); it('includes link at the end if cursor is at its end', () => { const text = 'Check out this link:\nAnd this one too:'; const caretLocation = text.length; const expected = [ '', '', ]; const actual = findLinks(text, caretLocation); assert.deepEqual(expected, actual); }); }); describe('#isLinkSneaky', () => { it('returns false for all-latin domain', () => { const link = ''; const actual = isLinkSneaky(link); assert.strictEqual(actual, false); }); it('returns true for Latin + Cyrillic domain', () => { const link = 'https://www.aм'; const actual = isLinkSneaky(link); assert.strictEqual(actual, true); }); it('returns true for Latin + Greek domain', () => { const link = 'https://www.α'; const actual = isLinkSneaky(link); assert.strictEqual(actual, true); }); it('returns true for ASCII and non-ASCII mix', () => { const link = 'https://www.аррӏе.com'; const actual = isLinkSneaky(link); assert.strictEqual(actual, true); }); it('returns true for Latin + High Greek domain', () => { const link = `${String.fromCodePoint(0x101a0)}.com`; const actual = isLinkSneaky(link); assert.strictEqual(actual, true); }); it('returns true for =', () => { const link = ''; assert.strictEqual(isLinkSneaky(link), true); }); it('returns true for $', () => { const link = '$'; assert.strictEqual(isLinkSneaky(link), true); }); it('returns true for +', () => { const link = ''; assert.strictEqual(isLinkSneaky(link), true); }); it('returns true for ^', () => { const link = '^'; assert.strictEqual(isLinkSneaky(link), true); }); it('returns true for auth (or pretend auth)', () => { const link = ''; assert.strictEqual(isLinkSneaky(link), true); }); it("returns true if the domain doesn't contain a .", () => { assert.isTrue(isLinkSneaky('https://example')); assert.isTrue(isLinkSneaky('https://localhost')); assert.isTrue(isLinkSneaky('https://localhost:3000')); }); it('returns true if the domain is an IPv4 address', () => { assert.isTrue(isLinkSneaky('')); assert.isTrue(isLinkSneaky('')); assert.isTrue(isLinkSneaky('')); assert.isTrue(isLinkSneaky('')); }); it('returns true if the domain is an IPv6 address', () => { assert.isTrue( isLinkSneaky('https://[2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]/path') ); assert.isTrue(isLinkSneaky('https://[2001::]/path')); assert.isTrue(isLinkSneaky('https://[::]/path')); }); it('returns true if the domain has any empty labels', () => { assert.isTrue(isLinkSneaky('https://example.')); assert.isTrue(isLinkSneaky('')); assert.isTrue(isLinkSneaky('')); assert.isTrue(isLinkSneaky('')); }); it('returns true if the domain is longer than 2048 UTF-16 code points', () => { const domain = `${'a'.repeat(2041)}.example`; assert.lengthOf(domain, 2049, 'Test domain is the incorrect length'); const link = `https://${domain}/foo/bar`; assert.isTrue(isLinkSneaky(link)); }); it('returns false for regular @ in url', () => { const link = ''; assert.strictEqual(isLinkSneaky(link), false); }); }); });