/* global Signal: false */ /* global Whisper: false */ /* global assert: false */ /* global textsecure: false */ /* global _: false */ 'use strict'; describe('Backup', () => { describe('_sanitizeFileName', () => { it('leaves a basic string alone', () => { const initial = "Hello, how are you #5 ('fine' + great).jpg"; const expected = initial; assert.strictEqual(Signal.Backup._sanitizeFileName(initial), expected); }); it('replaces all unknown characters', () => { const initial = '!@$%^&*='; const expected = '________'; assert.strictEqual(Signal.Backup._sanitizeFileName(initial), expected); }); }); describe('_trimFileName', () => { it('handles a file with no extension', () => { const initial = '0123456789012345678901234567890123456789'; const expected = '012345678901234567890123456789'; assert.strictEqual(Signal.Backup._trimFileName(initial), expected); }); it('handles a file with a long extension', () => { const initial = '0123456789012345678901234567890123456789.01234567890123456789'; const expected = '012345678901234567890123456789'; assert.strictEqual(Signal.Backup._trimFileName(initial), expected); }); it('handles a file with a normal extension', () => { const initial = '01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.jpg'; const expected = '012345678901234567890123.jpg'; assert.strictEqual(Signal.Backup._trimFileName(initial), expected); }); }); describe('_getExportAttachmentFileName', () => { it('uses original filename if attachment has one', () => { const message = { body: 'something', }; const index = 0; const attachment = { fileName: 'blah.jpg', }; const expected = 'blah.jpg'; const actual = Signal.Backup._getExportAttachmentFileName( message, index, attachment ); assert.strictEqual(actual, expected); }); it('uses attachment id if no filename', () => { const message = { body: 'something', }; const index = 0; const attachment = { id: '123', }; const expected = '123'; const actual = Signal.Backup._getExportAttachmentFileName( message, index, attachment ); assert.strictEqual(actual, expected); }); it('uses filename and contentType if available', () => { const message = { body: 'something', }; const index = 0; const attachment = { id: '123', contentType: 'image/jpeg', }; const expected = '123.jpeg'; const actual = Signal.Backup._getExportAttachmentFileName( message, index, attachment ); assert.strictEqual(actual, expected); }); it('handles strange contentType', () => { const message = { body: 'something', }; const index = 0; const attachment = { id: '123', contentType: 'something', }; const expected = '123.something'; const actual = Signal.Backup._getExportAttachmentFileName( message, index, attachment ); assert.strictEqual(actual, expected); }); }); describe('_getAnonymousAttachmentFileName', () => { it('uses message id', () => { const message = { id: 'id-45', body: 'something', }; const index = 0; const attachment = { fileName: 'blah.jpg', }; const expected = 'id-45'; const actual = Signal.Backup._getAnonymousAttachmentFileName( message, index, attachment ); assert.strictEqual(actual, expected); }); it('appends index if it is above zero', () => { const message = { id: 'id-45', body: 'something', }; const index = 1; const attachment = { fileName: 'blah.jpg', }; const expected = 'id-45-1'; const actual = Signal.Backup._getAnonymousAttachmentFileName( message, index, attachment ); assert.strictEqual(actual, expected); }); }); describe('_getConversationDirName', () => { it('uses name if available', () => { const conversation = { active_at: 123, name: '0123456789012345678901234567890123456789', id: 'id', }; const expected = '123 (012345678901234567890123456789 id)'; assert.strictEqual( Signal.Backup._getConversationDirName(conversation), expected ); }); it('uses just id if name is not available', () => { const conversation = { active_at: 123, id: 'id', }; const expected = '123 (id)'; assert.strictEqual( Signal.Backup._getConversationDirName(conversation), expected ); }); it('uses inactive for missing active_at', () => { const conversation = { name: 'name', id: 'id', }; const expected = 'inactive (name id)'; assert.strictEqual( Signal.Backup._getConversationDirName(conversation), expected ); }); }); describe('_getConversationLoggingName', () => { it('uses plain id if conversation is private', () => { const conversation = { active_at: 123, id: 'id', type: 'private', }; const expected = '123 (id)'; assert.strictEqual( Signal.Backup._getConversationLoggingName(conversation), expected ); }); it('uses just id if name is not available', () => { const conversation = { active_at: 123, id: 'groupId', type: 'group', }; const expected = '123 ([REDACTED_GROUP]pId)'; assert.strictEqual( Signal.Backup._getConversationLoggingName(conversation), expected ); }); it('uses inactive for missing active_at', () => { const conversation = { id: 'id', type: 'private', }; const expected = 'inactive (id)'; assert.strictEqual( Signal.Backup._getConversationLoggingName(conversation), expected ); }); }); describe('end-to-end', () => { it('exports then imports to produce the same data we started with', async () => { const { attachmentsPath, fse, glob, path, tmp } = window.test; const { upgradeMessageSchema, loadAttachmentData, } = window.Signal.Migrations; const key = new Uint8Array([ 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 23, 34, 1, 34, 3, 5, 45, 45, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 23, 34, 1, 34, 3, 5, 45, 45, ]); const attachmentsPattern = path.join(attachmentsPath, '**'); const OUR_NUMBER = '+12025550000'; const CONTACT_ONE_NUMBER = '+12025550001'; const CONTACT_TWO_NUMBER = '+12025550002'; async function wrappedLoadAttachment(attachment) { return _.omit(await loadAttachmentData(attachment), ['path']); } async function clearAllData() { await textsecure.storage.protocol.removeAllData(); await fse.emptyDir(attachmentsPath); } function removeId(model) { return _.omit(model, ['id']); } const getUndefinedKeys = object => Object.entries(object) .filter(([, value]) => value === undefined) .map(([name]) => name); const omitUndefinedKeys = object => _.omit(object, getUndefinedKeys(object)); // We want to know which paths have two slashes, since that tells us which files // in the attachment fan-out are files vs. directories. const TWO_SLASHES = /[^/]*\/[^/]*\/[^/]*/; // On windows, attachmentsPath has a normal windows path format (\ separators), but // glob returns only /. We normalize to / separators for our manipulations. const normalizedBase = attachmentsPath.replace(/\\/g, '/'); function removeDirs(dirs) { return _.filter(dirs, fullDir => { const dir = fullDir.replace(normalizedBase, ''); return TWO_SLASHES.test(dir); }); } function _mapQuotedAttachments(mapper) { return async (message, context) => { if (!message.quote) { return message; } const wrappedMapper = async attachment => { if (!attachment || !attachment.thumbnail) { return attachment; } return Object.assign({}, attachment, { thumbnail: await mapper(attachment.thumbnail, context), }); }; const quotedAttachments = (message.quote && message.quote.attachments) || []; return Object.assign({}, message, { quote: Object.assign({}, message.quote, { attachments: await Promise.all( quotedAttachments.map(wrappedMapper) ), }), }); }; } async function loadAllFilesFromDisk(message) { const loadThumbnails = _mapQuotedAttachments(thumbnail => { // we want to be bulletproof to thumbnails without data if (!thumbnail.path) { return thumbnail; } return wrappedLoadAttachment(thumbnail); }); return Object.assign({}, await loadThumbnails(message), { contact: await Promise.all( (message.contact || []).map(async contact => { return contact && contact.avatar && contact.avatar.avatar ? Object.assign({}, contact, { avatar: Object.assign({}, contact.avatar, { avatar: await wrappedLoadAttachment( contact.avatar.avatar ), }), }) : contact; }) ), attachments: await Promise.all( (message.attachments || []).map(attachment => wrappedLoadAttachment(attachment) ) ), }); } let backupDir; try { const ATTACHMENT_COUNT = 3; const MESSAGE_COUNT = 1; const CONVERSATION_COUNT = 1; const messageWithAttachments = { conversationId: CONTACT_ONE_NUMBER, body: 'Totally!', source: OUR_NUMBER, received_at: 1524185933350, timestamp: 1524185933350, errors: [], attachments: [ { contentType: 'image/gif', fileName: 'sad_cat.gif', data: new Uint8Array([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ]).buffer, }, ], hasAttachments: 1, hasFileAttachments: undefined, hasVisualMediaAttachments: 1, quote: { text: "Isn't it cute?", author: CONTACT_ONE_NUMBER, id: 12345678, attachments: [ { contentType: 'audio/mp3', fileName: 'song.mp3', }, { contentType: 'image/gif', fileName: 'happy_cat.gif', thumbnail: { contentType: 'image/png', data: new Uint8Array([ 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ]).buffer, }, }, ], }, contact: [ { name: { displayName: 'Someone Somewhere', }, number: [ { value: CONTACT_TWO_NUMBER, type: 1, }, ], avatar: { isProfile: false, avatar: { contentType: 'image/png', data: new Uint8Array([ 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ]).buffer, }, }, }, ], }; console.log('Backup test: Clear all data'); await clearAllData(); console.log('Backup test: Create models, save to db/disk'); const message = await upgradeMessageSchema(messageWithAttachments); console.log({ message }); const messageModel = new Whisper.Message(message); await window.wrapDeferred(messageModel.save()); const conversation = { active_at: 1524185933350, color: 'orange', expireTimer: 0, id: CONTACT_ONE_NUMBER, lastMessage: 'Heyo!', name: 'Someone Somewhere', profileAvatar: { contentType: 'image/jpeg', data: new Uint8Array([ 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ]).buffer, size: 64, }, profileKey: new Uint8Array([ 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ]).buffer, profileName: 'Someone! 🤔', profileSharing: true, timestamp: 1524185933350, tokens: [ 'someone somewhere', 'someone', 'somewhere', '2025550001', '12025550001', ], type: 'private', unreadCount: 0, verified: 0, }; console.log({ conversation }); const conversationModel = new Whisper.Conversation(conversation); await window.wrapDeferred(conversationModel.save()); console.log( 'Backup test: Ensure that all attachments were saved to disk' ); const attachmentFiles = removeDirs(glob.sync(attachmentsPattern)); console.log({ attachmentFiles }); assert.strictEqual(ATTACHMENT_COUNT, attachmentFiles.length); console.log('Backup test: Export!'); backupDir = tmp.dirSync().name; console.log({ backupDir }); await Signal.Backup.exportToDirectory(backupDir, { key }); console.log('Backup test: Ensure that messages.zip exists'); const zipPath = path.join(backupDir, 'messages.zip'); const messageZipExists = fse.existsSync(zipPath); assert.strictEqual(true, messageZipExists); console.log( 'Backup test: Ensure that all attachments made it to backup dir' ); const backupAttachmentPattern = path.join(backupDir, 'attachments/*'); const backupAttachments = glob.sync(backupAttachmentPattern); console.log({ backupAttachments }); assert.strictEqual(ATTACHMENT_COUNT, backupAttachments.length); console.log('Backup test: Clear all data'); await clearAllData(); console.log('Backup test: Import!'); await Signal.Backup.importFromDirectory(backupDir, { key }); console.log('Backup test: ensure that all attachments were imported'); const recreatedAttachmentFiles = removeDirs( glob.sync(attachmentsPattern) ); console.log({ recreatedAttachmentFiles }); assert.strictEqual(ATTACHMENT_COUNT, recreatedAttachmentFiles.length); assert.deepEqual(attachmentFiles, recreatedAttachmentFiles); console.log('Backup test: Check messages'); const messageCollection = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); await window.wrapDeferred(messageCollection.fetch()); assert.strictEqual(messageCollection.length, MESSAGE_COUNT); const messageFromDB = removeId(messageCollection.at(0).attributes); const expectedMessage = omitUndefinedKeys(message); console.log({ messageFromDB, expectedMessage }); assert.deepEqual(messageFromDB, expectedMessage); console.log( 'Backup test: Check that all attachments were successfully imported' ); const messageWithAttachmentsFromDB = await loadAllFilesFromDisk( messageFromDB ); const expectedMessageWithAttachments = omitUndefinedKeys( messageWithAttachments ); console.log({ messageWithAttachmentsFromDB, expectedMessageWithAttachments, }); assert.deepEqual( _.omit(messageWithAttachmentsFromDB, ['schemaVersion']), expectedMessageWithAttachments ); console.log('Backup test: Check conversations'); const conversationCollection = new Whisper.ConversationCollection(); await window.wrapDeferred(conversationCollection.fetch()); assert.strictEqual(conversationCollection.length, CONVERSATION_COUNT); const conversationFromDB = conversationCollection.at(0).attributes; console.log({ conversationFromDB, conversation }); assert.deepEqual( conversationFromDB, _.omit(conversation, ['profileAvatar']) ); console.log('Backup test: Clear all data'); await clearAllData(); console.log('Backup test: Complete!'); } finally { if (backupDir) { console.log({ backupDir }); console.log('Deleting', backupDir); await fse.remove(backupDir); } } }); }); });