// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import { Proto } from '@signalapp/mock-server'; import * as durations from '../../util/durations'; import type { App, Bootstrap } from './fixtures'; import { initStorage, debug } from './fixtures'; const IdentifierType = Proto.ManifestRecord.Identifier.Type; describe('storage service', function (this: Mocha.Suite) { this.timeout(durations.MINUTE); let bootstrap: Bootstrap; let app: App; beforeEach(async () => { ({ bootstrap, app } = await initStorage()); }); afterEach(async function (this: Mocha.Context) { if (!bootstrap) { return; } await bootstrap.maybeSaveLogs(this.currentTest, app); await app.close(); await bootstrap.teardown(); }); it('should drop gv1 record if there is a matching gv2 record', async () => { const { phone } = bootstrap; debug('adding both records'); { const state = await phone.expectStorageState('consistency check'); const groupV1Id = Buffer.from('Wi9258rCEp7AdSdp+jCMlQ==', 'base64'); const masterKey = Buffer.from( '2+rdvzFGCOJI8POHcPNZHrYQWS/JXmT63R5OXKxhrPk=', 'base64' ); const updatedState = await phone.setStorageState( state .addRecord({ type: IdentifierType.GROUPV1, record: { groupV1: { id: groupV1Id, }, }, }) .addRecord({ type: IdentifierType.GROUPV2, record: { groupV2: { masterKey, }, }, }) ); debug('sending fetch storage'); await phone.sendFetchStorage({ timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), }); debug('waiting for next storage state'); const nextState = await phone.waitForStorageState({ after: updatedState, }); assert.isFalse( nextState.hasRecord(({ type }) => { return type === IdentifierType.GROUPV1; }), 'should not have gv1 record' ); assert.isTrue( nextState.hasRecord(({ type, record }) => { if (type !== IdentifierType.GROUPV2) { return false; } if (!record.groupV2?.masterKey) { return false; } return Buffer.from(masterKey).equals(record.groupV2.masterKey); }), 'should have gv2 record' ); } }); it('should drop duplicate account record', async () => { const { phone } = bootstrap; debug('duplicating account record'); const state = await phone.expectStorageState('consistency check'); const oldAccount = state.findRecord(({ type }) => { return type === IdentifierType.ACCOUNT; }); if (oldAccount === undefined) { throw new Error('should have initial account record'); } const updatedState = await phone.setStorageState( state.addRecord({ type: IdentifierType.ACCOUNT, record: oldAccount.record, }) ); debug('sending fetch storage'); await phone.sendFetchStorage({ timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), }); debug('waiting for next storage state'); const nextState = await phone.waitForStorageState({ after: updatedState, }); assert.isFalse( nextState.hasRecord(({ type, key }) => { return type === IdentifierType.ACCOUNT && key.equals(oldAccount.key); }), 'should not have old account record' ); assert.isTrue( nextState.hasRecord(({ type }) => { return type === IdentifierType.ACCOUNT; }), 'should have new account record' ); }); });