/* eslint-env node */ const is = require('@sindresorhus/is'); const path = require('path'); const { compose } = require('lodash/fp'); const { escapeRegExp } = require('lodash'); const APP_ROOT_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..'); const PHONE_NUMBER_PATTERN = /\+\d{7,12}(\d{3})/g; const GROUP_ID_PATTERN = /(group\()([^)]+)(\))/g; const REDACTION_PLACEHOLDER = '[REDACTED]'; // _redactPath :: Path -> String -> String exports._redactPath = (filePath) => { if (!is.string(filePath)) { throw new TypeError("'filePath' must be a string"); } const filePathPattern = exports._pathToRegExp(filePath); return (text) => { if (!is.string(text)) { throw new TypeError("'text' must be a string"); } if (!is.regExp(filePathPattern)) { return text; } return text.replace(filePathPattern, REDACTION_PLACEHOLDER); }; }; // _pathToRegExp :: Path -> Maybe RegExp exports._pathToRegExp = (filePath) => { try { const pathWithNormalizedSlashes = filePath.replace(/\//g, '\\'); const pathWithEscapedSlashes = filePath.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\'); const urlEncodedPath = encodeURI(filePath); // Safe `String::replaceAll`: // https://github.com/lodash/lodash/issues/1084#issuecomment-86698786 const patternString = [ filePath, pathWithNormalizedSlashes, pathWithEscapedSlashes, urlEncodedPath, ].map(escapeRegExp).join('|'); return new RegExp(patternString, 'g'); } catch (error) { return null; } }; // Public API // redactPhoneNumbers :: String -> String exports.redactPhoneNumbers = (text) => { if (!is.string(text)) { throw new TypeError("'text' must be a string"); } return text.replace(PHONE_NUMBER_PATTERN, `+${REDACTION_PLACEHOLDER}$1`); }; // redactGroupIds :: String -> String exports.redactGroupIds = (text) => { if (!is.string(text)) { throw new TypeError("'text' must be a string"); } return text.replace( GROUP_ID_PATTERN, (match, before, id, after) => `${before}${REDACTION_PLACEHOLDER}${id.slice(-3)}${after}` ); }; // redactSensitivePaths :: String -> String exports.redactSensitivePaths = exports._redactPath(APP_ROOT_PATH); // redactAll :: String -> String exports.redactAll = compose( exports.redactSensitivePaths, exports.redactGroupIds, exports.redactPhoneNumbers );