// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* eslint-disable camelcase */ import { join } from 'path'; import mkdirp from 'mkdirp'; import rimraf from 'rimraf'; import type { Database, Statement } from 'better-sqlite3'; import SQL from 'better-sqlite3'; import pProps from 'p-props'; import type { Dictionary } from 'lodash'; import { forEach, fromPairs, isNil, isNumber, isString, last, map, mapValues, omit, pick, } from 'lodash'; import { ReadStatus } from '../messages/MessageReadStatus'; import type { GroupV2MemberType } from '../model-types.d'; import type { ReactionType } from '../types/Reactions'; import { STORAGE_UI_KEYS } from '../types/StorageUIKeys'; import { UUID } from '../types/UUID'; import type { UUIDStringType } from '../types/UUID'; import type { StoredJob } from '../jobs/types'; import { assert, assertSync } from '../util/assert'; import { combineNames } from '../util/combineNames'; import { consoleLogger } from '../util/consoleLogger'; import { dropNull } from '../util/dropNull'; import { isNormalNumber } from '../util/isNormalNumber'; import { isNotNil } from '../util/isNotNil'; import { missingCaseError } from '../util/missingCaseError'; import { parseIntOrThrow } from '../util/parseIntOrThrow'; import * as durations from '../util/durations'; import { formatCountForLogging } from '../logging/formatCountForLogging'; import type { ConversationColorType, CustomColorType } from '../types/Colors'; import { ProcessGroupCallRingRequestResult } from '../types/Calling'; import { RemoveAllConfiguration } from '../types/RemoveAllConfiguration'; import type { BadgeType, BadgeImageType } from '../badges/types'; import { parseBadgeCategory } from '../badges/BadgeCategory'; import { parseBadgeImageTheme } from '../badges/BadgeImageTheme'; import type { LoggerType } from '../types/Logging'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import type { EmptyQuery, ArrayQuery, Query, JSONRows } from './util'; import { jsonToObject, objectToJSON, batchMultiVarQuery, getCountFromTable, removeById, removeAllFromTable, getAllFromTable, getById, bulkAdd, createOrUpdate, TableIterator, setUserVersion, getUserVersion, getSchemaVersion, } from './util'; import { updateSchema } from './migrations'; import type { AllItemsType, AttachmentDownloadJobType, ConversationMetricsType, ConversationType, DeleteSentProtoRecipientOptionsType, EmojiType, IdentityKeyType, IdentityKeyIdType, ItemKeyType, ItemType, LastConversationMessagesServerType, MessageMetricsType, MessageType, MessageTypeUnhydrated, PreKeyType, PreKeyIdType, SearchResultMessageType, SenderKeyType, SenderKeyIdType, SentMessageDBType, SentMessagesType, SentProtoType, SentProtoWithMessageIdsType, SentRecipientsDBType, SentRecipientsType, ServerInterface, SessionType, SessionIdType, SignedPreKeyType, SignedPreKeyIdType, StickerPackStatusType, StickerPackType, StickerType, UnprocessedType, UnprocessedUpdateType, } from './Interface'; type ConversationRow = Readonly<{ json: string; profileLastFetchedAt: null | number; }>; type ConversationRows = Array; type StickerRow = Readonly<{ id: number; packId: string; emoji: string | null; height: number; isCoverOnly: number; lastUsed: number; path: string; width: number; }>; // Because we can't force this module to conform to an interface, we narrow our exports // to this one default export, which does conform to the interface. // Note: In Javascript, you need to access the .default property when requiring it // https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/420 const dataInterface: ServerInterface = { close, removeDB, removeIndexedDBFiles, createOrUpdateIdentityKey, getIdentityKeyById, bulkAddIdentityKeys, removeIdentityKeyById, removeAllIdentityKeys, getAllIdentityKeys, createOrUpdatePreKey, getPreKeyById, bulkAddPreKeys, removePreKeyById, removeAllPreKeys, getAllPreKeys, createOrUpdateSignedPreKey, getSignedPreKeyById, getAllSignedPreKeys, bulkAddSignedPreKeys, removeSignedPreKeyById, removeAllSignedPreKeys, createOrUpdateItem, getItemById, getAllItems, removeItemById, removeAllItems, createOrUpdateSenderKey, getSenderKeyById, removeAllSenderKeys, getAllSenderKeys, removeSenderKeyById, insertSentProto, deleteSentProtosOlderThan, deleteSentProtoByMessageId, insertProtoRecipients, deleteSentProtoRecipient, getSentProtoByRecipient, removeAllSentProtos, getAllSentProtos, _getAllSentProtoRecipients, _getAllSentProtoMessageIds, createOrUpdateSession, createOrUpdateSessions, commitSessionsAndUnprocessed, bulkAddSessions, removeSessionById, removeSessionsByConversation, removeAllSessions, getAllSessions, getConversationCount, saveConversation, saveConversations, getConversationById, updateConversation, updateConversations, removeConversation, eraseStorageServiceStateFromConversations, getAllConversations, getAllConversationIds, getAllPrivateConversations, getAllGroupsInvolvingUuid, updateAllConversationColors, searchConversations, searchMessages, searchMessagesInConversation, getMessageCount, saveMessage, saveMessages, removeMessage, removeMessages, getUnreadCountForConversation, getUnreadByConversationAndMarkRead, getUnreadReactionsAndMarkRead, markReactionAsRead, addReaction, removeReactionFromConversation, _getAllReactions, getMessageBySender, getMessageById, getMessagesById, _getAllMessages, getAllMessageIds, getMessagesBySentAt, getExpiredMessages, getMessagesUnexpectedlyMissingExpirationStartTimestamp, getSoonestMessageExpiry, getNextTapToViewMessageTimestampToAgeOut, getTapToViewMessagesNeedingErase, getOlderMessagesByConversation, getNewerMessagesByConversation, getMessageMetricsForConversation, getLastConversationMessages, hasGroupCallHistoryMessage, migrateConversationMessages, getUnprocessedCount, getAllUnprocessed, updateUnprocessedWithData, updateUnprocessedsWithData, getUnprocessedById, removeUnprocessed, removeAllUnprocessed, getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs, saveAttachmentDownloadJob, setAttachmentDownloadJobPending, resetAttachmentDownloadPending, removeAttachmentDownloadJob, removeAllAttachmentDownloadJobs, createOrUpdateStickerPack, updateStickerPackStatus, createOrUpdateSticker, updateStickerLastUsed, addStickerPackReference, deleteStickerPackReference, getStickerCount, deleteStickerPack, getAllStickerPacks, getAllStickers, getRecentStickers, clearAllErrorStickerPackAttempts, updateEmojiUsage, getRecentEmojis, getAllBadges, updateOrCreateBadges, badgeImageFileDownloaded, removeAll, removeAllConfiguration, getMessagesNeedingUpgrade, getMessagesWithVisualMediaAttachments, getMessagesWithFileAttachments, getMessageServerGuidsForSpam, getJobsInQueue, insertJob, deleteJob, processGroupCallRingRequest, processGroupCallRingCancelation, cleanExpiredGroupCallRings, getMaxMessageCounter, getStatisticsForLogging, // Server-only getCorruptionLog, initialize, initializeRenderer, removeKnownAttachments, removeKnownStickers, removeKnownDraftAttachments, getAllBadgeImageFileLocalPaths, }; export default dataInterface; type DatabaseQueryCache = Map>>; const statementCache = new WeakMap(); function prepare(db: Database, query: string): Statement { let dbCache = statementCache.get(db); if (!dbCache) { dbCache = new Map(); statementCache.set(db, dbCache); } let result = dbCache.get(query) as Statement; if (!result) { result = db.prepare(query); dbCache.set(query, result); } return result; } function rowToConversation(row: ConversationRow): ConversationType { const parsedJson = JSON.parse(row.json); let profileLastFetchedAt: undefined | number; if (isNormalNumber(row.profileLastFetchedAt)) { profileLastFetchedAt = row.profileLastFetchedAt; } else { assert( isNil(row.profileLastFetchedAt), 'profileLastFetchedAt contained invalid data; defaulting to undefined' ); profileLastFetchedAt = undefined; } return { ...parsedJson, profileLastFetchedAt, }; } function rowToSticker(row: StickerRow): StickerType { return { ...row, isCoverOnly: Boolean(row.isCoverOnly), emoji: dropNull(row.emoji), }; } function isRenderer() { if (typeof process === 'undefined' || !process) { return true; } return process.type === 'renderer'; } function keyDatabase(db: Database, key: string): void { // https://www.zetetic.net/sqlcipher/sqlcipher-api/#key db.pragma(`key = "x'${key}'"`); } function switchToWAL(db: Database): void { // https://sqlite.org/wal.html db.pragma('journal_mode = WAL'); db.pragma('synchronous = FULL'); } function migrateSchemaVersion(db: Database): void { const userVersion = getUserVersion(db); if (userVersion > 0) { return; } const schemaVersion = getSchemaVersion(db); const newUserVersion = schemaVersion > 18 ? 16 : schemaVersion; logger.info( 'migrateSchemaVersion: Migrating from schema_version ' + `${schemaVersion} to user_version ${newUserVersion}` ); setUserVersion(db, newUserVersion); } function openAndMigrateDatabase(filePath: string, key: string) { let db: Database | undefined; // First, we try to open the database without any cipher changes try { db = new SQL(filePath); keyDatabase(db, key); switchToWAL(db); migrateSchemaVersion(db); return db; } catch (error) { if (db) { db.close(); } logger.info('migrateDatabase: Migration without cipher change failed'); } // If that fails, we try to open the database with 3.x compatibility to extract the // user_version (previously stored in schema_version, blown away by cipher_migrate). db = new SQL(filePath); keyDatabase(db, key); // https://www.zetetic.net/blog/2018/11/30/sqlcipher-400-release/#compatability-sqlcipher-4-0-0 db.pragma('cipher_compatibility = 3'); migrateSchemaVersion(db); db.close(); // After migrating user_version -> schema_version, we reopen database, because we can't // migrate to the latest ciphers after we've modified the defaults. db = new SQL(filePath); keyDatabase(db, key); db.pragma('cipher_migrate'); switchToWAL(db); return db; } const INVALID_KEY = /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/; function openAndSetUpSQLCipher(filePath: string, { key }: { key: string }) { const match = INVALID_KEY.exec(key); if (match) { throw new Error(`setupSQLCipher: key '${key}' is not valid`); } const db = openAndMigrateDatabase(filePath, key); // Because foreign key support is not enabled by default! db.pragma('foreign_keys = ON'); return db; } let globalInstance: Database | undefined; let logger = consoleLogger; let globalInstanceRenderer: Database | undefined; let databaseFilePath: string | undefined; let indexedDBPath: string | undefined; let corruptionLog = new Array(); SQL.setCorruptionLogger(line => { logger.error(`SQL corruption: ${line}`); corruptionLog.push(line); }); function getCorruptionLog(): string { const result = corruptionLog.join('\n'); corruptionLog = []; return result; } async function initialize({ configDir, key, logger: suppliedLogger, }: { configDir: string; key: string; logger: LoggerType; }): Promise { if (globalInstance) { throw new Error('Cannot initialize more than once!'); } if (!isString(configDir)) { throw new Error('initialize: configDir is required!'); } if (!isString(key)) { throw new Error('initialize: key is required!'); } logger = suppliedLogger; indexedDBPath = join(configDir, 'IndexedDB'); const dbDir = join(configDir, 'sql'); mkdirp.sync(dbDir); databaseFilePath = join(dbDir, 'db.sqlite'); let db: Database | undefined; try { db = openAndSetUpSQLCipher(databaseFilePath, { key }); // For profiling use: // db.pragma('cipher_profile=\'sqlcipher.log\''); updateSchema(db, logger); // At this point we can allow general access to the database globalInstance = db; // test database getMessageCountSync(); } catch (error) { logger.error('Database startup error:', error.stack); if (db) { db.close(); } throw error; } } async function initializeRenderer({ configDir, key, }: { configDir: string; key: string; }): Promise { if (!isRenderer()) { throw new Error('Cannot call from main process.'); } if (globalInstanceRenderer) { throw new Error('Cannot initialize more than once!'); } if (!isString(configDir)) { throw new Error('initialize: configDir is required!'); } if (!isString(key)) { throw new Error('initialize: key is required!'); } if (!indexedDBPath) { indexedDBPath = join(configDir, 'IndexedDB'); } const dbDir = join(configDir, 'sql'); if (!databaseFilePath) { databaseFilePath = join(dbDir, 'db.sqlite'); } let promisified: Database | undefined; try { promisified = openAndSetUpSQLCipher(databaseFilePath, { key }); // At this point we can allow general access to the database globalInstanceRenderer = promisified; // test database getMessageCountSync(); } catch (error) { log.error('Database startup error:', error.stack); throw error; } } async function close(): Promise { for (const dbRef of [globalInstanceRenderer, globalInstance]) { // SQLLite documentation suggests that we run `PRAGMA optimize` right // before closing the database connection. dbRef?.pragma('optimize'); dbRef?.close(); } globalInstance = undefined; globalInstanceRenderer = undefined; } async function removeDB(): Promise { if (globalInstance) { try { globalInstance.close(); } catch (error) { logger.error('removeDB: Failed to close database:', error.stack); } globalInstance = undefined; } if (!databaseFilePath) { throw new Error( 'removeDB: Cannot erase database without a databaseFilePath!' ); } rimraf.sync(databaseFilePath); rimraf.sync(`${databaseFilePath}-shm`); rimraf.sync(`${databaseFilePath}-wal`); } async function removeIndexedDBFiles(): Promise { if (!indexedDBPath) { throw new Error( 'removeIndexedDBFiles: Need to initialize and set indexedDBPath first!' ); } const pattern = join(indexedDBPath, '*.leveldb'); rimraf.sync(pattern); indexedDBPath = undefined; } function getInstance(): Database { if (isRenderer()) { if (!globalInstanceRenderer) { throw new Error('getInstance: globalInstanceRenderer not set!'); } return globalInstanceRenderer; } if (!globalInstance) { throw new Error('getInstance: globalInstance not set!'); } return globalInstance; } const IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE = 'identityKeys'; async function createOrUpdateIdentityKey(data: IdentityKeyType): Promise { return createOrUpdate(getInstance(), IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE, data); } async function getIdentityKeyById( id: IdentityKeyIdType ): Promise { return getById(getInstance(), IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE, id); } async function bulkAddIdentityKeys( array: Array ): Promise { return bulkAdd(getInstance(), IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE, array); } async function removeIdentityKeyById(id: IdentityKeyIdType): Promise { return removeById(getInstance(), IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE, id); } async function removeAllIdentityKeys(): Promise { return removeAllFromTable(getInstance(), IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE); } async function getAllIdentityKeys(): Promise> { return getAllFromTable(getInstance(), IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE); } const PRE_KEYS_TABLE = 'preKeys'; async function createOrUpdatePreKey(data: PreKeyType): Promise { return createOrUpdate(getInstance(), PRE_KEYS_TABLE, data); } async function getPreKeyById( id: PreKeyIdType ): Promise { return getById(getInstance(), PRE_KEYS_TABLE, id); } async function bulkAddPreKeys(array: Array): Promise { return bulkAdd(getInstance(), PRE_KEYS_TABLE, array); } async function removePreKeyById(id: PreKeyIdType): Promise { return removeById(getInstance(), PRE_KEYS_TABLE, id); } async function removeAllPreKeys(): Promise { return removeAllFromTable(getInstance(), PRE_KEYS_TABLE); } async function getAllPreKeys(): Promise> { return getAllFromTable(getInstance(), PRE_KEYS_TABLE); } const SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE = 'signedPreKeys'; async function createOrUpdateSignedPreKey( data: SignedPreKeyType ): Promise { return createOrUpdate(getInstance(), SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, data); } async function getSignedPreKeyById( id: SignedPreKeyIdType ): Promise { return getById(getInstance(), SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, id); } async function bulkAddSignedPreKeys( array: Array ): Promise { return bulkAdd(getInstance(), SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, array); } async function removeSignedPreKeyById(id: SignedPreKeyIdType): Promise { return removeById(getInstance(), SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, id); } async function removeAllSignedPreKeys(): Promise { return removeAllFromTable(getInstance(), SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE); } async function getAllSignedPreKeys(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM signedPreKeys ORDER BY id ASC; ` ) .all(); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } const ITEMS_TABLE = 'items'; async function createOrUpdateItem( data: ItemType ): Promise { return createOrUpdate(getInstance(), ITEMS_TABLE, data); } async function getItemById( id: K ): Promise | undefined> { return getById(getInstance(), ITEMS_TABLE, id); } async function getAllItems(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare('SELECT json FROM items ORDER BY id ASC;') .all(); type RawItemType = { id: ItemKeyType; value: unknown }; const items = rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); const result: Record = Object.create(null); for (const { id, value } of items) { result[id] = value; } return result as unknown as AllItemsType; } async function removeItemById(id: ItemKeyType): Promise { return removeById(getInstance(), ITEMS_TABLE, id); } async function removeAllItems(): Promise { return removeAllFromTable(getInstance(), ITEMS_TABLE); } async function createOrUpdateSenderKey(key: SenderKeyType): Promise { const db = getInstance(); prepare( db, ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO senderKeys ( id, senderId, distributionId, data, lastUpdatedDate ) values ( $id, $senderId, $distributionId, $data, $lastUpdatedDate ) ` ).run(key); } async function getSenderKeyById( id: SenderKeyIdType ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const row = prepare(db, 'SELECT * FROM senderKeys WHERE id = $id').get({ id, }); return row; } async function removeAllSenderKeys(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); prepare(db, 'DELETE FROM senderKeys').run(); } async function getAllSenderKeys(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows = prepare(db, 'SELECT * FROM senderKeys').all(); return rows; } async function removeSenderKeyById(id: SenderKeyIdType): Promise { const db = getInstance(); prepare(db, 'DELETE FROM senderKeys WHERE id = $id').run({ id }); } async function insertSentProto( proto: SentProtoType, options: { recipients: SentRecipientsType; messageIds: SentMessagesType; } ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const { recipients, messageIds } = options; // Note: we use `pluck` in this function to fetch only the first column of returned row. return db.transaction(() => { // 1. Insert the payload, fetching its primary key id const info = prepare( db, ` INSERT INTO sendLogPayloads ( contentHint, proto, timestamp ) VALUES ( $contentHint, $proto, $timestamp ); ` ).run(proto); const id = parseIntOrThrow( info.lastInsertRowid, 'insertSentProto/lastInsertRowid' ); // 2. Insert a record for each recipient device. const recipientStatement = prepare( db, ` INSERT INTO sendLogRecipients ( payloadId, recipientUuid, deviceId ) VALUES ( $id, $recipientUuid, $deviceId ); ` ); const recipientUuids = Object.keys(recipients); for (const recipientUuid of recipientUuids) { const deviceIds = recipients[recipientUuid]; for (const deviceId of deviceIds) { recipientStatement.run({ id, recipientUuid, deviceId, }); } } // 2. Insert a record for each message referenced by this payload. const messageStatement = prepare( db, ` INSERT INTO sendLogMessageIds ( payloadId, messageId ) VALUES ( $id, $messageId ); ` ); for (const messageId of messageIds) { messageStatement.run({ id, messageId, }); } return id; })(); } async function deleteSentProtosOlderThan(timestamp: number): Promise { const db = getInstance(); prepare( db, ` DELETE FROM sendLogPayloads WHERE timestamp IS NULL OR timestamp < $timestamp; ` ).run({ timestamp, }); } async function deleteSentProtoByMessageId(messageId: string): Promise { const db = getInstance(); prepare( db, ` DELETE FROM sendLogPayloads WHERE id IN ( SELECT payloadId FROM sendLogMessageIds WHERE messageId = $messageId ); ` ).run({ messageId, }); } async function insertProtoRecipients({ id, recipientUuid, deviceIds, }: { id: number; recipientUuid: string; deviceIds: Array; }): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.transaction(() => { const statement = prepare( db, ` INSERT INTO sendLogRecipients ( payloadId, recipientUuid, deviceId ) VALUES ( $id, $recipientUuid, $deviceId ); ` ); for (const deviceId of deviceIds) { statement.run({ id, recipientUuid, deviceId, }); } })(); } async function deleteSentProtoRecipient( options: | DeleteSentProtoRecipientOptionsType | ReadonlyArray ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const items = Array.isArray(options) ? options : [options]; // Note: we use `pluck` in this function to fetch only the first column of // returned row. db.transaction(() => { for (const item of items) { const { timestamp, recipientUuid, deviceId } = item; // 1. Figure out what payload we're talking about. const rows = prepare( db, ` SELECT sendLogPayloads.id FROM sendLogPayloads INNER JOIN sendLogRecipients ON sendLogRecipients.payloadId = sendLogPayloads.id WHERE sendLogPayloads.timestamp = $timestamp AND sendLogRecipients.recipientUuid = $recipientUuid AND sendLogRecipients.deviceId = $deviceId; ` ).all({ timestamp, recipientUuid, deviceId }); if (!rows.length) { continue; } if (rows.length > 1) { logger.warn( 'deleteSentProtoRecipient: More than one payload matches ' + `recipient and timestamp ${timestamp}. Using the first.` ); continue; } const { id } = rows[0]; // 2. Delete the recipient/device combination in question. prepare( db, ` DELETE FROM sendLogRecipients WHERE payloadId = $id AND recipientUuid = $recipientUuid AND deviceId = $deviceId; ` ).run({ id, recipientUuid, deviceId }); // 3. See how many more recipient devices there were for this payload. const remaining = prepare( db, 'SELECT count(*) FROM sendLogRecipients WHERE payloadId = $id;' ) .pluck(true) .get({ id }); if (!isNumber(remaining)) { throw new Error( 'deleteSentProtoRecipient: select count() returned non-number!' ); } if (remaining > 0) { continue; } // 4. Delete the entire payload if there are no more recipients left. logger.info( 'deleteSentProtoRecipient: ' + `Deleting proto payload for timestamp ${timestamp}` ); prepare(db, 'DELETE FROM sendLogPayloads WHERE id = $id;').run({ id, }); } })(); } async function getSentProtoByRecipient({ now, recipientUuid, timestamp, }: { now: number; recipientUuid: string; timestamp: number; }): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60; const oneDayAgo = now - HOUR * 24; await deleteSentProtosOlderThan(oneDayAgo); const row = prepare( db, ` SELECT sendLogPayloads.*, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT sendLogMessageIds.messageId) AS messageIds FROM sendLogPayloads INNER JOIN sendLogRecipients ON sendLogRecipients.payloadId = sendLogPayloads.id LEFT JOIN sendLogMessageIds ON sendLogMessageIds.payloadId = sendLogPayloads.id WHERE sendLogPayloads.timestamp = $timestamp AND sendLogRecipients.recipientUuid = $recipientUuid GROUP BY sendLogPayloads.id; ` ).get({ timestamp, recipientUuid, }); if (!row) { return undefined; } const { messageIds } = row; return { ...row, messageIds: messageIds ? messageIds.split(',') : [], }; } async function removeAllSentProtos(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); prepare(db, 'DELETE FROM sendLogPayloads;').run(); } async function getAllSentProtos(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows = prepare(db, 'SELECT * FROM sendLogPayloads;').all(); return rows; } async function _getAllSentProtoRecipients(): Promise< Array > { const db = getInstance(); const rows = prepare( db, 'SELECT * FROM sendLogRecipients;' ).all(); return rows; } async function _getAllSentProtoMessageIds(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows = prepare( db, 'SELECT * FROM sendLogMessageIds;' ).all(); return rows; } const SESSIONS_TABLE = 'sessions'; function createOrUpdateSessionSync(data: SessionType): void { const db = getInstance(); const { id, conversationId, ourUuid, uuid } = data; if (!id) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateSession: Provided data did not have a truthy id' ); } if (!conversationId) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateSession: Provided data did not have a truthy conversationId' ); } prepare( db, ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sessions ( id, conversationId, ourUuid, uuid, json ) values ( $id, $conversationId, $ourUuid, $uuid, $json ) ` ).run({ id, conversationId, ourUuid, uuid, json: objectToJSON(data), }); } async function createOrUpdateSession(data: SessionType): Promise { return createOrUpdateSessionSync(data); } async function createOrUpdateSessions( array: Array ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.transaction(() => { for (const item of array) { assertSync(createOrUpdateSessionSync(item)); } })(); } async function commitSessionsAndUnprocessed({ sessions, unprocessed, }: { sessions: Array; unprocessed: Array; }): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.transaction(() => { for (const item of sessions) { assertSync(createOrUpdateSessionSync(item)); } for (const item of unprocessed) { assertSync(saveUnprocessedSync(item)); } })(); } async function bulkAddSessions(array: Array): Promise { return bulkAdd(getInstance(), SESSIONS_TABLE, array); } async function removeSessionById(id: SessionIdType): Promise { return removeById(getInstance(), SESSIONS_TABLE, id); } async function removeSessionsByConversation( conversationId: string ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM sessions WHERE conversationId = $conversationId; ` ).run({ conversationId, }); } async function removeAllSessions(): Promise { return removeAllFromTable(getInstance(), SESSIONS_TABLE); } async function getAllSessions(): Promise> { return getAllFromTable(getInstance(), SESSIONS_TABLE); } // Conversations async function getConversationCount(): Promise { return getCountFromTable(getInstance(), 'conversations'); } function getConversationMembersList({ members, membersV2 }: ConversationType) { if (membersV2) { return membersV2.map((item: GroupV2MemberType) => item.uuid).join(' '); } if (members) { return members.join(' '); } return null; } function saveConversationSync( data: ConversationType, db = getInstance() ): void { const { active_at, e164, groupId, id, name, profileFamilyName, profileName, profileLastFetchedAt, type, uuid, } = data; const membersList = getConversationMembersList(data); db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO conversations ( id, json, e164, uuid, groupId, active_at, type, members, name, profileName, profileFamilyName, profileFullName, profileLastFetchedAt ) values ( $id, $json, $e164, $uuid, $groupId, $active_at, $type, $members, $name, $profileName, $profileFamilyName, $profileFullName, $profileLastFetchedAt ); ` ).run({ id, json: objectToJSON( omit(data, ['profileLastFetchedAt', 'unblurredAvatarPath']) ), e164: e164 || null, uuid: uuid || null, groupId: groupId || null, active_at: active_at || null, type, members: membersList, name: name || null, profileName: profileName || null, profileFamilyName: profileFamilyName || null, profileFullName: combineNames(profileName, profileFamilyName) || null, profileLastFetchedAt: profileLastFetchedAt || null, }); } async function saveConversation( data: ConversationType, db = getInstance() ): Promise { return saveConversationSync(data, db); } async function saveConversations( arrayOfConversations: Array ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.transaction(() => { for (const conversation of arrayOfConversations) { assertSync(saveConversationSync(conversation)); } })(); } function updateConversationSync( data: ConversationType, db = getInstance() ): void { const { id, active_at, type, name, profileName, profileFamilyName, profileLastFetchedAt, e164, uuid, } = data; const membersList = getConversationMembersList(data); db.prepare( ` UPDATE conversations SET json = $json, e164 = $e164, uuid = $uuid, active_at = $active_at, type = $type, members = $members, name = $name, profileName = $profileName, profileFamilyName = $profileFamilyName, profileFullName = $profileFullName, profileLastFetchedAt = $profileLastFetchedAt WHERE id = $id; ` ).run({ id, json: objectToJSON( omit(data, ['profileLastFetchedAt', 'unblurredAvatarPath']) ), e164: e164 || null, uuid: uuid || null, active_at: active_at || null, type, members: membersList, name: name || null, profileName: profileName || null, profileFamilyName: profileFamilyName || null, profileFullName: combineNames(profileName, profileFamilyName) || null, profileLastFetchedAt: profileLastFetchedAt || null, }); } async function updateConversation(data: ConversationType): Promise { return updateConversationSync(data); } async function updateConversations( array: Array ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.transaction(() => { for (const item of array) { assertSync(updateConversationSync(item)); } })(); } function removeConversationsSync(ids: Array): void { const db = getInstance(); // Our node interface doesn't seem to allow you to replace one single ? with an array db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM conversations WHERE id IN ( ${ids.map(() => '?').join(', ')} ); ` ).run(ids); } async function removeConversation(id: Array | string): Promise { const db = getInstance(); if (!Array.isArray(id)) { db.prepare('DELETE FROM conversations WHERE id = $id;').run({ id, }); return; } if (!id.length) { throw new Error('removeConversation: No ids to delete!'); } batchMultiVarQuery(db, id, removeConversationsSync); } async function getConversationById( id: string ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const row: { json: string } = db .prepare('SELECT json FROM conversations WHERE id = $id;') .get({ id }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } async function eraseStorageServiceStateFromConversations(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` UPDATE conversations SET json = json_remove(json, '$.storageID', '$.needsStorageServiceSync', '$.unknownFields', '$.storageProfileKey'); ` ).run(); } function getAllConversationsSync(db = getInstance()): Array { const rows: ConversationRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json, profileLastFetchedAt FROM conversations ORDER BY id ASC; ` ) .all(); return rows.map(row => rowToConversation(row)); } async function getAllConversations(): Promise> { return getAllConversationsSync(); } async function getAllConversationIds(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: Array<{ id: string }> = db .prepare( ` SELECT id FROM conversations ORDER BY id ASC; ` ) .all(); return rows.map(row => row.id); } async function getAllPrivateConversations(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: ConversationRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json, profileLastFetchedAt FROM conversations WHERE type = 'private' ORDER BY id ASC; ` ) .all(); return rows.map(row => rowToConversation(row)); } async function getAllGroupsInvolvingUuid( uuid: UUIDStringType ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: ConversationRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json, profileLastFetchedAt FROM conversations WHERE type = 'group' AND members LIKE $uuid ORDER BY id ASC; ` ) .all({ uuid: `%${uuid}%`, }); return rows.map(row => rowToConversation(row)); } async function searchConversations( query: string, { limit }: { limit?: number } = {} ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: ConversationRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json, profileLastFetchedAt FROM conversations WHERE ( e164 LIKE $query OR name LIKE $query OR profileFullName LIKE $query ) ORDER BY active_at DESC LIMIT $limit ` ) .all({ query: `%${query}%`, limit: limit || 100, }); return rows.map(row => rowToConversation(row)); } async function searchMessages( query: string, params: { limit?: number; conversationId?: string } = {} ): Promise> { const { limit = 500, conversationId } = params; const db = getInstance(); // sqlite queries with a join on a virtual table (like FTS5) are de-optimized // and can't use indices for ordering results. Instead an in-memory index of // the join rows is sorted on the fly, and this becomes substantially // slower when there are large columns in it (like `messages.json`). // // Thus here we take an indirect approach and store `rowid`s in a temporary // table for all messages that match the FTS query. Then we create another // table to sort and limit the results, and finally join on it when fetch // the snippets and json. The benefit of this is that the `ORDER BY` and // `LIMIT` happen without virtual table and are thus covered by // `messages_searchOrder` index. return db.transaction(() => { db.exec( ` CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_results(rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC); CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_filtered_results(rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC); ` ); db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO tmp_results (rowid) SELECT rowid FROM messages_fts WHERE messages_fts.body MATCH $query; ` ).run({ query }); if (conversationId === undefined) { db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO tmp_filtered_results (rowid) SELECT tmp_results.rowid FROM tmp_results INNER JOIN messages ON messages.rowid = tmp_results.rowid ORDER BY messages.received_at DESC, messages.sent_at DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ).run({ limit }); } else { db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO tmp_filtered_results (rowid) SELECT tmp_results.rowid FROM tmp_results INNER JOIN messages ON messages.rowid = tmp_results.rowid WHERE messages.conversationId = $conversationId ORDER BY messages.received_at DESC, messages.sent_at DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ).run({ conversationId, limit }); } // The `MATCH` is necessary in order to for `snippet()` helper function to // give us the right results. We can't call `snippet()` in the query above // because it would bloat the temporary table with text data and we want // to keep its size minimal for `ORDER BY` + `LIMIT` to be fast. const result = db .prepare( ` SELECT messages.json, snippet(messages_fts, -1, '<>', '<>', '...', 10) AS snippet FROM tmp_filtered_results INNER JOIN messages_fts ON messages_fts.rowid = tmp_filtered_results.rowid INNER JOIN messages ON messages.rowid = tmp_filtered_results.rowid WHERE messages_fts.body MATCH $query ORDER BY messages.received_at DESC, messages.sent_at DESC; ` ) .all({ query }); db.exec( ` DROP TABLE tmp_results; DROP TABLE tmp_filtered_results; ` ); return result; })(); } async function searchMessagesInConversation( query: string, conversationId: string, { limit = 100 }: { limit?: number } = {} ): Promise> { return searchMessages(query, { conversationId, limit }); } function getMessageCountSync( conversationId?: string, db = getInstance() ): number { if (conversationId === undefined) { return getCountFromTable(db, 'messages'); } const count = db .prepare( ` SELECT count(*) FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId; ` ) .pluck() .get({ conversationId }); return count; } async function getMessageCount(conversationId?: string): Promise { return getMessageCountSync(conversationId); } function hasUserInitiatedMessages(conversationId: string): boolean { const db = getInstance(); // We apply the limit in the sub-query so that `json_extract` wouldn't run // for additional messages. const row: { count: number } = db .prepare( ` SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM ( SELECT 1 FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND (type IS NULL OR type NOT IN ( 'profile-change', 'verified-change', 'message-history-unsynced', 'keychange', 'group-v1-migration', 'universal-timer-notification', 'change-number-notification', 'group-v2-change' ) ) LIMIT 1 ); ` ) .get({ conversationId }); return row.count !== 0; } function saveMessageSync( data: MessageType, options: { jobToInsert?: StoredJob; forceSave?: boolean; alreadyInTransaction?: boolean; db?: Database; } = {} ): string { const { jobToInsert, forceSave, alreadyInTransaction, db = getInstance(), } = options; if (!alreadyInTransaction) { return db.transaction(() => { return assertSync( saveMessageSync(data, { ...options, alreadyInTransaction: true, }) ); })(); } const { body, conversationId, hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments, id, isErased, isViewOnce, received_at, schemaVersion, sent_at, serverGuid, source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, type, readStatus, expireTimer, expirationStartTimestamp, } = data; const payload = { id, json: objectToJSON(data), body: body || null, conversationId, expirationStartTimestamp: expirationStartTimestamp || null, expireTimer: expireTimer || null, hasAttachments: hasAttachments ? 1 : 0, hasFileAttachments: hasFileAttachments ? 1 : 0, hasVisualMediaAttachments: hasVisualMediaAttachments ? 1 : 0, isErased: isErased ? 1 : 0, isViewOnce: isViewOnce ? 1 : 0, received_at: received_at || null, schemaVersion: schemaVersion || 0, serverGuid: serverGuid || null, sent_at: sent_at || null, source: source || null, sourceUuid: sourceUuid || null, sourceDevice: sourceDevice || null, type: type || null, readStatus: readStatus ?? null, }; if (id && !forceSave) { prepare( db, ` UPDATE messages SET id = $id, json = $json, body = $body, conversationId = $conversationId, expirationStartTimestamp = $expirationStartTimestamp, expireTimer = $expireTimer, hasAttachments = $hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments = $hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments = $hasVisualMediaAttachments, isErased = $isErased, isViewOnce = $isViewOnce, received_at = $received_at, schemaVersion = $schemaVersion, serverGuid = $serverGuid, sent_at = $sent_at, source = $source, sourceUuid = $sourceUuid, sourceDevice = $sourceDevice, type = $type, readStatus = $readStatus WHERE id = $id; ` ).run(payload); if (jobToInsert) { insertJobSync(db, jobToInsert); } return id; } const toCreate = { ...data, id: id || UUID.generate().toString(), }; prepare( db, ` INSERT INTO messages ( id, json, body, conversationId, expirationStartTimestamp, expireTimer, hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments, isErased, isViewOnce, received_at, schemaVersion, serverGuid, sent_at, source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, type, readStatus ) values ( $id, $json, $body, $conversationId, $expirationStartTimestamp, $expireTimer, $hasAttachments, $hasFileAttachments, $hasVisualMediaAttachments, $isErased, $isViewOnce, $received_at, $schemaVersion, $serverGuid, $sent_at, $source, $sourceUuid, $sourceDevice, $type, $readStatus ); ` ).run({ ...payload, id: toCreate.id, json: objectToJSON(toCreate), }); if (jobToInsert) { insertJobSync(db, jobToInsert); } return toCreate.id; } async function saveMessage( data: MessageType, options?: { jobToInsert?: StoredJob; forceSave?: boolean; alreadyInTransaction?: boolean; } ): Promise { return saveMessageSync(data, options); } async function saveMessages( arrayOfMessages: Array, options?: { forceSave?: boolean } ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const { forceSave } = options || {}; db.transaction(() => { for (const message of arrayOfMessages) { assertSync( saveMessageSync(message, { forceSave, alreadyInTransaction: true }) ); } })(); } async function removeMessage(id: string): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare('DELETE FROM messages WHERE id = $id;').run({ id }); } function removeMessagesSync(ids: Array): void { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM messages WHERE id IN ( ${ids.map(() => '?').join(', ')} ); ` ).run(ids); } async function removeMessages(ids: Array): Promise { batchMultiVarQuery(getInstance(), ids, removeMessagesSync); } async function getMessageById(id: string): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const row = db .prepare('SELECT json FROM messages WHERE id = $id;') .get({ id, }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } async function getMessagesById( messageIds: Array ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); return batchMultiVarQuery( db, messageIds, (batch: Array): Array => { const query = db.prepare( `SELECT json FROM messages WHERE id IN (${Array(batch.length) .fill('?') .join(',')});` ); const rows: JSONRows = query.all(batch); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } ); } async function _getAllMessages(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare('SELECT json FROM messages ORDER BY id ASC;') .all(); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getAllMessageIds(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: Array<{ id: string }> = db .prepare('SELECT id FROM messages ORDER BY id ASC;') .all(); return rows.map(row => row.id); } async function getMessageBySender({ source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, sent_at, }: { source: string; sourceUuid: string; sourceDevice: number; sent_at: number; }): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = prepare( db, ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE (source = $source OR sourceUuid = $sourceUuid) AND sourceDevice = $sourceDevice AND sent_at = $sent_at; ` ).all({ source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, sent_at, }); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getUnreadCountForConversation( conversationId: string ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const row = db .prepare( ` SELECT COUNT(*) AS unreadCount FROM messages WHERE readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread} AND conversationId = $conversationId AND type = 'incoming'; ` ) .get({ conversationId, }); return row.unreadCount; } async function getUnreadByConversationAndMarkRead( conversationId: string, newestUnreadId: number, readAt?: number ): Promise< Array> > { const db = getInstance(); return db.transaction(() => { const expirationStartTimestamp = Math.min(Date.now(), readAt ?? Infinity); db.prepare( ` UPDATE messages INDEXED BY expiring_message_by_conversation_and_received_at SET expirationStartTimestamp = $expirationStartTimestamp, json = json_patch(json, $jsonPatch) WHERE ( expirationStartTimestamp IS NULL OR expirationStartTimestamp > $expirationStartTimestamp ) AND expireTimer IS NOT NULL AND conversationId = $conversationId AND received_at <= $newestUnreadId; ` ).run({ conversationId, expirationStartTimestamp, jsonPatch: JSON.stringify({ expirationStartTimestamp }), newestUnreadId, }); const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT id, json FROM messages INDEXED BY messages_unread WHERE readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread} AND conversationId = $conversationId AND received_at <= $newestUnreadId ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC; ` ) .all({ conversationId, newestUnreadId, }); db.prepare( ` UPDATE messages SET readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Read}, json = json_patch(json, $jsonPatch) WHERE readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread} AND conversationId = $conversationId AND received_at <= $newestUnreadId; ` ).run({ conversationId, jsonPatch: JSON.stringify({ readStatus: ReadStatus.Read }), newestUnreadId, }); return rows.map(row => { const json = jsonToObject(row.json); return { readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, ...pick(json, [ 'expirationStartTimestamp', 'id', 'sent_at', 'source', 'sourceUuid', 'type', ]), }; }); })(); } async function getUnreadReactionsAndMarkRead( conversationId: string, newestUnreadId: number ): Promise< Array< Pick > > { const db = getInstance(); return db.transaction(() => { const unreadMessages = db .prepare( ` SELECT targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp, messageId FROM reactions WHERE unread = 1 AND conversationId = $conversationId AND messageReceivedAt <= $newestUnreadId; ` ) .all({ conversationId, newestUnreadId, }); db.prepare( ` UPDATE reactions SET unread = 0 WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND messageReceivedAt <= $newestUnreadId; ` ).run({ conversationId, newestUnreadId, }); return unreadMessages; })(); } async function markReactionAsRead( targetAuthorUuid: string, targetTimestamp: number ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); return db.transaction(() => { const readReaction = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM reactions WHERE targetAuthorUuid = $targetAuthorUuid AND targetTimestamp = $targetTimestamp AND unread = 1 ORDER BY rowId DESC LIMIT 1; ` ) .get({ targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp, }); db.prepare( ` UPDATE reactions SET unread = 0 WHERE targetAuthorUuid = $targetAuthorUuid AND targetTimestamp = $targetTimestamp; ` ).run({ targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp, }); return readReaction; })(); } async function addReaction({ conversationId, emoji, fromId, messageId, messageReceivedAt, targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp, }: ReactionType): Promise { const db = getInstance(); await db .prepare( `INSERT INTO reactions ( conversationId, emoji, fromId, messageId, messageReceivedAt, targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp, unread ) VALUES ( $conversationId, $emoji, $fromId, $messageId, $messageReceivedAt, $targetAuthorUuid, $targetTimestamp, $unread );` ) .run({ conversationId, emoji, fromId, messageId, messageReceivedAt, targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp, unread: 1, }); } async function removeReactionFromConversation({ emoji, fromId, targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp, }: { emoji: string; fromId: string; targetAuthorUuid: string; targetTimestamp: number; }): Promise { const db = getInstance(); await db .prepare( `DELETE FROM reactions WHERE emoji = $emoji AND fromId = $fromId AND targetAuthorUuid = $targetAuthorUuid AND targetTimestamp = $targetTimestamp;` ) .run({ emoji, fromId, targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp, }); } async function _getAllReactions(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); return db.prepare('SELECT * from reactions;').all(); } async function getOlderMessagesByConversation( conversationId: string, { limit = 100, receivedAt = Number.MAX_VALUE, sentAt = Number.MAX_VALUE, messageId, }: { limit?: number; receivedAt?: number; sentAt?: number; messageId?: string; } = {} ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); let rows: JSONRows; if (messageId) { rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND id != $messageId AND ( (received_at = $received_at AND sent_at < $sent_at) OR received_at < $received_at ) ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ conversationId, received_at: receivedAt, sent_at: sentAt, limit, messageId, }); } else { rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND ( (received_at = $received_at AND sent_at < $sent_at) OR received_at < $received_at ) ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ conversationId, received_at: receivedAt, sent_at: sentAt, limit, }); } return rows.reverse(); } async function getNewerMessagesByConversation( conversationId: string, { limit = 100, receivedAt = 0, sentAt = 0, }: { limit?: number; receivedAt?: number; sentAt?: number } = {} ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND ( (received_at = $received_at AND sent_at > $sent_at) OR received_at > $received_at ) ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ conversationId, received_at: receivedAt, sent_at: sentAt, limit, }); return rows; } function getOldestMessageForConversation( conversationId: string ): MessageMetricsType | undefined { const db = getInstance(); const row = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC LIMIT 1; ` ) .get({ conversationId, }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return row; } function getNewestMessageForConversation( conversationId: string ): MessageMetricsType | undefined { const db = getInstance(); const row = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT 1; ` ) .get({ conversationId, }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return row; } function getLastConversationActivity({ conversationId, ourUuid, }: { conversationId: string; ourUuid: UUIDStringType; }): MessageType | undefined { const db = getInstance(); const row = prepare( db, ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND (type IS NULL OR type NOT IN ( 'profile-change', 'verified-change', 'message-history-unsynced', 'keychange', 'group-v1-migration', 'universal-timer-notification', 'change-number-notification' ) ) AND ( json_extract(json, '$.expirationTimerUpdate.fromSync') IS NULL OR json_extract(json, '$.expirationTimerUpdate.fromSync') != 1 ) AND NOT ( type = 'group-v2-change' AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.from') != $ourUuid AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details.length') = 1 AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details[0].type') = 'member-remove' AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details[0].uuid') != $ourUuid ) ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT 1; ` ).get({ conversationId, ourUuid, }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } function getLastConversationPreview({ conversationId, ourUuid, }: { conversationId: string; ourUuid: UUIDStringType; }): MessageType | undefined { const db = getInstance(); const row = prepare( db, ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND ( expiresAt IS NULL OR (expiresAt > $now) ) AND ( type IS NULL OR type NOT IN ( 'profile-change', 'verified-change', 'message-history-unsynced', 'group-v1-migration', 'universal-timer-notification', 'change-number-notification' ) ) AND NOT ( type = 'group-v2-change' AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.from') != $ourUuid AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details.length') = 1 AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details[0].type') = 'member-remove' AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details[0].uuid') != $ourUuid ) ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT 1; ` ).get({ conversationId, ourUuid, now: Date.now(), }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } async function getLastConversationMessages({ conversationId, ourUuid, }: { conversationId: string; ourUuid: UUIDStringType; }): Promise { const db = getInstance(); return db.transaction(() => { return { activity: getLastConversationActivity({ conversationId, ourUuid, }), preview: getLastConversationPreview({ conversationId, ourUuid, }), hasUserInitiatedMessages: hasUserInitiatedMessages(conversationId), }; })(); } function getOldestUnreadMessageForConversation( conversationId: string ): MessageMetricsType | undefined { const db = getInstance(); const row = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread} ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC LIMIT 1; ` ) .get({ conversationId, }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return row; } function getTotalUnreadForConversation(conversationId: string): number { const db = getInstance(); const row = db .prepare( ` SELECT count(id) FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread}; ` ) .get({ conversationId, }); if (!row) { throw new Error('getTotalUnreadForConversation: Unable to get count'); } return row['count(id)']; } async function getMessageMetricsForConversation( conversationId: string ): Promise { const oldest = getOldestMessageForConversation(conversationId); const newest = getNewestMessageForConversation(conversationId); const oldestUnread = getOldestUnreadMessageForConversation(conversationId); const totalUnread = getTotalUnreadForConversation(conversationId); return { oldest: oldest ? pick(oldest, ['received_at', 'sent_at', 'id']) : undefined, newest: newest ? pick(newest, ['received_at', 'sent_at', 'id']) : undefined, oldestUnread: oldestUnread ? pick(oldestUnread, ['received_at', 'sent_at', 'id']) : undefined, totalUnread, }; } async function hasGroupCallHistoryMessage( conversationId: string, eraId: string ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const row: { 'count(*)': number } | undefined = db .prepare( ` SELECT count(*) FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND type = 'call-history' AND json_extract(json, '$.callHistoryDetails.callMode') = 'Group' AND json_extract(json, '$.callHistoryDetails.eraId') = $eraId LIMIT 1; ` ) .get({ conversationId, eraId, }); if (row) { return Boolean(row['count(*)']); } return false; } async function migrateConversationMessages( obsoleteId: string, currentId: string ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` UPDATE messages SET conversationId = $currentId, json = json_set(json, '$.conversationId', $currentId) WHERE conversationId = $obsoleteId; ` ).run({ obsoleteId, currentId, }); } async function getMessagesBySentAt( sentAt: number ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE sent_at = $sent_at ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC; ` ) .all({ sent_at: sentAt, }); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getExpiredMessages(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const now = Date.now(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE expiresAt IS NOT NULL AND expiresAt <= $now ORDER BY expiresAt ASC; ` ) .all({ now }); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getMessagesUnexpectedlyMissingExpirationStartTimestamp(): Promise< Array > { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages INDEXED BY messages_unexpectedly_missing_expiration_start_timestamp WHERE expireTimer > 0 AND expirationStartTimestamp IS NULL AND ( type IS 'outgoing' OR (type IS 'incoming' AND ( readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Read} OR readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Viewed} OR readStatus IS NULL )) ); ` ) .all(); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getSoonestMessageExpiry(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); // Note: we use `pluck` to only get the first column. const result: null | number = db .prepare( ` SELECT MIN(expiresAt) FROM messages; ` ) .pluck(true) .get(); return result || undefined; } async function getNextTapToViewMessageTimestampToAgeOut(): Promise< undefined | number > { const db = getInstance(); const row = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE isViewOnce = 1 AND (isErased IS NULL OR isErased != 1) ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC LIMIT 1; ` ) .get(); if (!row) { return undefined; } const data = jsonToObject(row.json); const result = data.received_at_ms || data.received_at; return isNormalNumber(result) ? result : undefined; } async function getTapToViewMessagesNeedingErase(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const THIRTY_DAYS_AGO = Date.now() - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE isViewOnce = 1 AND (isErased IS NULL OR isErased != 1) AND received_at <= $THIRTY_DAYS_AGO ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC; ` ) .all({ THIRTY_DAYS_AGO, }); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } const MAX_UNPROCESSED_ATTEMPTS = 3; function saveUnprocessedSync(data: UnprocessedType): string { const db = getInstance(); const { id, timestamp, version, attempts, envelope, source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, serverGuid, serverTimestamp, decrypted, } = data; if (!id) { throw new Error('saveUnprocessedSync: id was falsey'); } if (attempts >= MAX_UNPROCESSED_ATTEMPTS) { removeUnprocessedSync(id); return id; } prepare( db, ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO unprocessed ( id, timestamp, version, attempts, envelope, source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, serverGuid, serverTimestamp, decrypted ) values ( $id, $timestamp, $version, $attempts, $envelope, $source, $sourceUuid, $sourceDevice, $serverGuid, $serverTimestamp, $decrypted ); ` ).run({ id, timestamp, version, attempts, envelope: envelope || null, source: source || null, sourceUuid: sourceUuid || null, sourceDevice: sourceDevice || null, serverGuid: serverGuid || null, serverTimestamp: serverTimestamp || null, decrypted: decrypted || null, }); return id; } function updateUnprocessedWithDataSync( id: string, data: UnprocessedUpdateType ): void { const db = getInstance(); const { source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, serverGuid, serverTimestamp, decrypted, } = data; prepare( db, ` UPDATE unprocessed SET source = $source, sourceUuid = $sourceUuid, sourceDevice = $sourceDevice, serverGuid = $serverGuid, serverTimestamp = $serverTimestamp, decrypted = $decrypted WHERE id = $id; ` ).run({ id, source: source || null, sourceUuid: sourceUuid || null, sourceDevice: sourceDevice || null, serverGuid: serverGuid || null, serverTimestamp: serverTimestamp || null, decrypted: decrypted || null, }); } async function updateUnprocessedWithData( id: string, data: UnprocessedUpdateType ): Promise { return updateUnprocessedWithDataSync(id, data); } async function updateUnprocessedsWithData( arrayOfUnprocessed: Array<{ id: string; data: UnprocessedUpdateType }> ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.transaction(() => { for (const { id, data } of arrayOfUnprocessed) { assertSync(updateUnprocessedWithDataSync(id, data)); } })(); } async function getUnprocessedById( id: string ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const row = db .prepare('SELECT * FROM unprocessed WHERE id = $id;') .get({ id, }); return row; } async function getUnprocessedCount(): Promise { return getCountFromTable(getInstance(), 'unprocessed'); } async function getAllUnprocessed(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM unprocessed ORDER BY timestamp ASC; ` ) .all(); return rows; } function removeUnprocessedsSync(ids: Array): void { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM unprocessed WHERE id IN ( ${ids.map(() => '?').join(', ')} ); ` ).run(ids); } function removeUnprocessedSync(id: string | Array): void { const db = getInstance(); if (!Array.isArray(id)) { prepare(db, 'DELETE FROM unprocessed WHERE id = $id;').run({ id }); return; } if (!id.length) { throw new Error('removeUnprocessedSync: No ids to delete!'); } assertSync(batchMultiVarQuery(db, id, removeUnprocessedsSync)); } async function removeUnprocessed(id: string | Array): Promise { removeUnprocessedSync(id); } async function removeAllUnprocessed(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare('DELETE FROM unprocessed;').run(); } // Attachment Downloads const ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS_TABLE = 'attachment_downloads'; async function getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs( limit?: number, options: { timestamp?: number } = {} ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const timestamp = options && options.timestamp ? options.timestamp : Date.now(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM attachment_downloads WHERE pending = 0 AND timestamp <= $timestamp ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ limit: limit || 3, timestamp, }); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function saveAttachmentDownloadJob( job: AttachmentDownloadJobType ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const { id, pending, timestamp } = job; if (!id) { throw new Error( 'saveAttachmentDownloadJob: Provided job did not have a truthy id' ); } db.prepare( ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO attachment_downloads ( id, pending, timestamp, json ) values ( $id, $pending, $timestamp, $json ) ` ).run({ id, pending, timestamp, json: objectToJSON(job), }); } async function setAttachmentDownloadJobPending( id: string, pending: boolean ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` UPDATE attachment_downloads SET pending = $pending WHERE id = $id; ` ).run({ id, pending: pending ? 1 : 0, }); } async function resetAttachmentDownloadPending(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` UPDATE attachment_downloads SET pending = 0 WHERE pending != 0; ` ).run(); } async function removeAttachmentDownloadJob(id: string): Promise { return removeById(getInstance(), ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS_TABLE, id); } async function removeAllAttachmentDownloadJobs(): Promise { return removeAllFromTable(getInstance(), ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS_TABLE); } // Stickers async function createOrUpdateStickerPack(pack: StickerPackType): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const { attemptedStatus, author, coverStickerId, createdAt, downloadAttempts, id, installedAt, key, lastUsed, status, stickerCount, title, } = pack; if (!id) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateStickerPack: Provided data did not have a truthy id' ); } const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT id FROM sticker_packs WHERE id = $id; ` ) .all({ id }); const payload = { attemptedStatus: attemptedStatus ?? null, author, coverStickerId, createdAt: createdAt || Date.now(), downloadAttempts: downloadAttempts || 1, id, installedAt: installedAt ?? null, key, lastUsed: lastUsed || null, status, stickerCount, title, }; if (rows && rows.length) { db.prepare( ` UPDATE sticker_packs SET attemptedStatus = $attemptedStatus, author = $author, coverStickerId = $coverStickerId, createdAt = $createdAt, downloadAttempts = $downloadAttempts, installedAt = $installedAt, key = $key, lastUsed = $lastUsed, status = $status, stickerCount = $stickerCount, title = $title WHERE id = $id; ` ).run(payload); return; } db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO sticker_packs ( attemptedStatus, author, coverStickerId, createdAt, downloadAttempts, id, installedAt, key, lastUsed, status, stickerCount, title ) values ( $attemptedStatus, $author, $coverStickerId, $createdAt, $downloadAttempts, $id, $installedAt, $key, $lastUsed, $status, $stickerCount, $title ) ` ).run(payload); } async function updateStickerPackStatus( id: string, status: StickerPackStatusType, options?: { timestamp: number } ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const timestamp = options ? options.timestamp || Date.now() : Date.now(); const installedAt = status === 'installed' ? timestamp : null; db.prepare( ` UPDATE sticker_packs SET status = $status, installedAt = $installedAt WHERE id = $id; ` ).run({ id, status, installedAt, }); } async function clearAllErrorStickerPackAttempts(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` UPDATE sticker_packs SET downloadAttempts = 0 WHERE status = 'error'; ` ).run(); } async function createOrUpdateSticker(sticker: StickerType): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const { emoji, height, id, isCoverOnly, lastUsed, packId, path, width } = sticker; if (!isNumber(id)) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateSticker: Provided data did not have a numeric id' ); } if (!packId) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateSticker: Provided data did not have a truthy id' ); } db.prepare( ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO stickers ( emoji, height, id, isCoverOnly, lastUsed, packId, path, width ) values ( $emoji, $height, $id, $isCoverOnly, $lastUsed, $packId, $path, $width ) ` ).run({ emoji: emoji ?? null, height, id, isCoverOnly: isCoverOnly ? 1 : 0, lastUsed: lastUsed || null, packId, path, width, }); } async function updateStickerLastUsed( packId: string, stickerId: number, lastUsed: number ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` UPDATE stickers SET lastUsed = $lastUsed WHERE id = $id AND packId = $packId; ` ).run({ id: stickerId, packId, lastUsed, }); db.prepare( ` UPDATE sticker_packs SET lastUsed = $lastUsed WHERE id = $id; ` ).run({ id: packId, lastUsed, }); } async function addStickerPackReference( messageId: string, packId: string ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); if (!messageId) { throw new Error( 'addStickerPackReference: Provided data did not have a truthy messageId' ); } if (!packId) { throw new Error( 'addStickerPackReference: Provided data did not have a truthy packId' ); } db.prepare( ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sticker_references ( messageId, packId ) values ( $messageId, $packId ) ` ).run({ messageId, packId, }); } async function deleteStickerPackReference( messageId: string, packId: string ): Promise | undefined> { const db = getInstance(); if (!messageId) { throw new Error( 'addStickerPackReference: Provided data did not have a truthy messageId' ); } if (!packId) { throw new Error( 'addStickerPackReference: Provided data did not have a truthy packId' ); } return db .transaction(() => { // We use an immediate transaction here to immediately acquire an exclusive lock, // which would normally only happen when we did our first write. // We need this to ensure that our five queries are all atomic, with no // other changes happening while we do it: // 1. Delete our target messageId/packId references // 2. Check the number of references still pointing at packId // 3. If that number is zero, get pack from sticker_packs database // 4. If it's not installed, then grab all of its sticker paths // 5. If it's not installed, then sticker pack (which cascades to all // stickers and references) db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM sticker_references WHERE messageId = $messageId AND packId = $packId; ` ).run({ messageId, packId, }); const countRow = db .prepare( ` SELECT count(*) FROM sticker_references WHERE packId = $packId; ` ) .get({ packId }); if (!countRow) { throw new Error( 'deleteStickerPackReference: Unable to get count of references' ); } const count = countRow['count(*)']; if (count > 0) { return undefined; } const packRow: { status: StickerPackStatusType } = db .prepare( ` SELECT status FROM sticker_packs WHERE id = $packId; ` ) .get({ packId }); if (!packRow) { logger.warn('deleteStickerPackReference: did not find referenced pack'); return undefined; } const { status } = packRow; if (status === 'installed') { return undefined; } const stickerPathRows: Array<{ path: string }> = db .prepare( ` SELECT path FROM stickers WHERE packId = $packId; ` ) .all({ packId, }); db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM sticker_packs WHERE id = $packId; ` ).run({ packId, }); return (stickerPathRows || []).map(row => row.path); }) .immediate(); } async function deleteStickerPack(packId: string): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); if (!packId) { throw new Error( 'deleteStickerPack: Provided data did not have a truthy packId' ); } return db .transaction(() => { // We use an immediate transaction here to immediately acquire an exclusive lock, // which would normally only happen when we did our first write. // We need this to ensure that our two queries are atomic, with no other changes // happening while we do it: // 1. Grab all of target pack's sticker paths // 2. Delete sticker pack (which cascades to all stickers and references) const stickerPathRows: Array<{ path: string }> = db .prepare( ` SELECT path FROM stickers WHERE packId = $packId; ` ) .all({ packId, }); db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM sticker_packs WHERE id = $packId; ` ).run({ packId }); return (stickerPathRows || []).map(row => row.path); }) .immediate(); } async function getStickerCount(): Promise { return getCountFromTable(getInstance(), 'stickers'); } async function getAllStickerPacks(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM sticker_packs ORDER BY installedAt DESC, createdAt DESC ` ) .all(); return rows || []; } async function getAllStickers(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM stickers ORDER BY packId ASC, id ASC ` ) .all(); return (rows || []).map(row => rowToSticker(row)); } async function getRecentStickers({ limit }: { limit?: number } = {}): Promise< Array > { const db = getInstance(); // Note: we avoid 'IS NOT NULL' here because it does seem to bypass our index const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT stickers.* FROM stickers JOIN sticker_packs on stickers.packId = sticker_packs.id WHERE stickers.lastUsed > 0 AND sticker_packs.status = 'installed' ORDER BY stickers.lastUsed DESC LIMIT $limit ` ) .all({ limit: limit || 24, }); return (rows || []).map(row => rowToSticker(row)); } // Emojis async function updateEmojiUsage( shortName: string, timeUsed: number = Date.now() ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.transaction(() => { const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM emojis WHERE shortName = $shortName; ` ) .get({ shortName, }); if (rows) { db.prepare( ` UPDATE emojis SET lastUsage = $timeUsed WHERE shortName = $shortName; ` ).run({ shortName, timeUsed }); } else { db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO emojis(shortName, lastUsage) VALUES ($shortName, $timeUsed); ` ).run({ shortName, timeUsed }); } })(); } async function getRecentEmojis(limit = 32): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM emojis ORDER BY lastUsage DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ limit }); return rows || []; } async function getAllBadges(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const [badgeRows, badgeImageFileRows] = db.transaction(() => [ db.prepare('SELECT * FROM badges').all(), db.prepare('SELECT * FROM badgeImageFiles').all(), ])(); const badgeImagesByBadge = new Map< string, Array >(); for (const badgeImageFileRow of badgeImageFileRows) { const { badgeId, order, localPath, url, theme } = badgeImageFileRow; const badgeImages = badgeImagesByBadge.get(badgeId) || []; badgeImages[order] = { ...(badgeImages[order] || {}), [parseBadgeImageTheme(theme)]: { localPath: dropNull(localPath), url, }, }; badgeImagesByBadge.set(badgeId, badgeImages); } return badgeRows.map(badgeRow => ({ id: badgeRow.id, category: parseBadgeCategory(badgeRow.category), name: badgeRow.name, descriptionTemplate: badgeRow.descriptionTemplate, images: (badgeImagesByBadge.get(badgeRow.id) || []).filter(isNotNil), })); } // This should match the logic in the badges Redux reducer. async function updateOrCreateBadges( badges: ReadonlyArray ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const insertBadge = prepare( db, ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO badges ( id, category, name, descriptionTemplate ) VALUES ( $id, $category, $name, $descriptionTemplate ); ` ); const getImageFilesForBadge = prepare( db, 'SELECT url, localPath FROM badgeImageFiles WHERE badgeId = $badgeId' ); const insertBadgeImageFile = prepare( db, ` INSERT INTO badgeImageFiles ( badgeId, 'order', url, localPath, theme ) VALUES ( $badgeId, $order, $url, $localPath, $theme ); ` ); db.transaction(() => { badges.forEach(badge => { const { id: badgeId } = badge; const oldLocalPaths = new Map(); for (const { url, localPath } of getImageFilesForBadge.all({ badgeId })) { if (localPath) { oldLocalPaths.set(url, localPath); } } insertBadge.run({ id: badgeId, category: badge.category, name: badge.name, descriptionTemplate: badge.descriptionTemplate, }); for (const [order, image] of badge.images.entries()) { for (const [theme, imageFile] of Object.entries(image)) { insertBadgeImageFile.run({ badgeId, localPath: imageFile.localPath || oldLocalPaths.get(imageFile.url) || null, order, theme, url: imageFile.url, }); } } }); })(); } async function badgeImageFileDownloaded( url: string, localPath: string ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); prepare( db, 'UPDATE badgeImageFiles SET localPath = $localPath WHERE url = $url' ).run({ url, localPath }); } async function getAllBadgeImageFileLocalPaths(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const localPaths = db .prepare( 'SELECT localPath FROM badgeImageFiles WHERE localPath IS NOT NULL' ) .pluck() .all(); return new Set(localPaths); } // All data in database async function removeAll(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` DELETE FROM badges; DELETE FROM badgeImageFiles; DELETE FROM conversations; DELETE FROM identityKeys; DELETE FROM items; DELETE FROM messages; DELETE FROM preKeys; DELETE FROM senderKeys; DELETE FROM sessions; DELETE FROM signedPreKeys; DELETE FROM unprocessed; DELETE FROM attachment_downloads; DELETE FROM messages_fts; DELETE FROM stickers; DELETE FROM sticker_packs; DELETE FROM sticker_references; DELETE FROM jobs; `); })(); } // Anything that isn't user-visible data async function removeAllConfiguration( mode = RemoveAllConfiguration.Full ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.transaction(() => { db.exec( ` DELETE FROM identityKeys; DELETE FROM preKeys; DELETE FROM senderKeys; DELETE FROM sessions; DELETE FROM signedPreKeys; DELETE FROM unprocessed; DELETE FROM jobs; ` ); if (mode === RemoveAllConfiguration.Full) { db.exec( ` DELETE FROM items; ` ); } else if (mode === RemoveAllConfiguration.Soft) { const itemIds: ReadonlyArray = db .prepare('SELECT id FROM items') .pluck(true) .all(); const allowedSet = new Set(STORAGE_UI_KEYS); for (const id of itemIds) { if (!allowedSet.has(id)) { removeById(db, 'items', id); } } } else { throw missingCaseError(mode); } db.exec( "UPDATE conversations SET json = json_remove(json, '$.senderKeyInfo');" ); })(); } async function getMessagesNeedingUpgrade( limit: number, { maxVersion }: { maxVersion: number } ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE schemaVersion IS NULL OR schemaVersion < $maxVersion LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ maxVersion, limit, }); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getMessagesWithVisualMediaAttachments( conversationId: string, { limit }: { limit: number } ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND hasVisualMediaAttachments = 1 ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ conversationId, limit, }); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getMessagesWithFileAttachments( conversationId: string, { limit }: { limit: number } ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND hasFileAttachments = 1 ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ conversationId, limit, }); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getMessageServerGuidsForSpam( conversationId: string ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); // The server's maximum is 3, which is why you see `LIMIT 3` in this query. Note that we // use `pluck` here to only get the first column! return db .prepare( ` SELECT serverGuid FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND type = 'incoming' AND serverGuid IS NOT NULL ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT 3; ` ) .pluck(true) .all({ conversationId }); } function getExternalFilesForMessage(message: MessageType): Array { const { attachments, contact, quote, preview, sticker } = message; const files: Array = []; forEach(attachments, attachment => { const { path: file, thumbnail, screenshot } = attachment; if (file) { files.push(file); } if (thumbnail && thumbnail.path) { files.push(thumbnail.path); } if (screenshot && screenshot.path) { files.push(screenshot.path); } }); if (quote && quote.attachments && quote.attachments.length) { forEach(quote.attachments, attachment => { const { thumbnail } = attachment; if (thumbnail && thumbnail.path) { files.push(thumbnail.path); } }); } if (contact && contact.length) { forEach(contact, item => { const { avatar } = item; if (avatar && avatar.avatar && avatar.avatar.path) { files.push(avatar.avatar.path); } }); } if (preview && preview.length) { forEach(preview, item => { const { image } = item; if (image && image.path) { files.push(image.path); } }); } if (sticker && sticker.data && sticker.data.path) { files.push(sticker.data.path); if (sticker.data.thumbnail && sticker.data.thumbnail.path) { files.push(sticker.data.thumbnail.path); } } return files; } function getExternalFilesForConversation( conversation: Pick ): Array { const { avatar, profileAvatar } = conversation; const files: Array = []; if (avatar && avatar.path) { files.push(avatar.path); } if (profileAvatar && profileAvatar.path) { files.push(profileAvatar.path); } return files; } function getExternalDraftFilesForConversation( conversation: Pick ): Array { const draftAttachments = conversation.draftAttachments || []; const files: Array = []; forEach(draftAttachments, attachment => { if (attachment.pending) { return; } const { path: file, screenshotPath } = attachment; if (file) { files.push(file); } if (screenshotPath) { files.push(screenshotPath); } }); return files; } async function removeKnownAttachments( allAttachments: Array ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const lookup: Dictionary = fromPairs( map(allAttachments, file => [file, true]) ); const chunkSize = 500; const total = getMessageCountSync(); logger.info( `removeKnownAttachments: About to iterate through ${total} messages` ); let count = 0; for (const message of new TableIterator(db, 'messages')) { const externalFiles = getExternalFilesForMessage(message); forEach(externalFiles, file => { delete lookup[file]; }); count += 1; } logger.info(`removeKnownAttachments: Done processing ${count} messages`); let complete = false; count = 0; let id = ''; const conversationTotal = await getConversationCount(); logger.info( `removeKnownAttachments: About to iterate through ${conversationTotal} conversations` ); const fetchConversations = db.prepare( ` SELECT json FROM conversations WHERE id > $id ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT $chunkSize; ` ); while (!complete) { const rows = fetchConversations.all({ id, chunkSize, }); const conversations: Array = map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json) ); conversations.forEach(conversation => { const externalFiles = getExternalFilesForConversation(conversation); externalFiles.forEach(file => { delete lookup[file]; }); }); const lastMessage: ConversationType | undefined = last(conversations); if (lastMessage) { ({ id } = lastMessage); } complete = conversations.length < chunkSize; count += conversations.length; } logger.info(`removeKnownAttachments: Done processing ${count} conversations`); return Object.keys(lookup); } async function removeKnownStickers( allStickers: Array ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const lookup: Dictionary = fromPairs( map(allStickers, file => [file, true]) ); const chunkSize = 50; const total = await getStickerCount(); logger.info( `removeKnownStickers: About to iterate through ${total} stickers` ); let count = 0; let complete = false; let rowid = 0; while (!complete) { const rows: Array<{ rowid: number; path: string }> = db .prepare( ` SELECT rowid, path FROM stickers WHERE rowid > $rowid ORDER BY rowid ASC LIMIT $chunkSize; ` ) .all({ rowid, chunkSize, }); const files: Array = rows.map(row => row.path); files.forEach(file => { delete lookup[file]; }); const lastSticker = last(rows); if (lastSticker) { ({ rowid } = lastSticker); } complete = rows.length < chunkSize; count += rows.length; } logger.info(`removeKnownStickers: Done processing ${count} stickers`); return Object.keys(lookup); } async function removeKnownDraftAttachments( allStickers: Array ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const lookup: Dictionary = fromPairs( map(allStickers, file => [file, true]) ); const chunkSize = 50; const total = await getConversationCount(); logger.info( `removeKnownDraftAttachments: About to iterate through ${total} conversations` ); let complete = false; let count = 0; // Though conversations.id is a string, this ensures that, when coerced, this // value is still a string but it's smaller than every other string. let id: number | string = 0; while (!complete) { const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM conversations WHERE id > $id ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT $chunkSize; ` ) .all({ id, chunkSize, }); const conversations: Array = rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json) ); conversations.forEach(conversation => { const externalFiles = getExternalDraftFilesForConversation(conversation); externalFiles.forEach(file => { delete lookup[file]; }); }); const lastMessage: ConversationType | undefined = last(conversations); if (lastMessage) { ({ id } = lastMessage); } complete = conversations.length < chunkSize; count += conversations.length; } logger.info( `removeKnownDraftAttachments: Done processing ${count} conversations` ); return Object.keys(lookup); } async function getJobsInQueue(queueType: string): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); return db .prepare( ` SELECT id, timestamp, data FROM jobs WHERE queueType = $queueType ORDER BY timestamp; ` ) .all({ queueType }) .map(row => ({ id: row.id, queueType, timestamp: row.timestamp, data: isNotNil(row.data) ? JSON.parse(row.data) : undefined, })); } function insertJobSync(db: Database, job: Readonly): void { db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO jobs (id, queueType, timestamp, data) VALUES ($id, $queueType, $timestamp, $data); ` ).run({ id: job.id, queueType: job.queueType, timestamp: job.timestamp, data: isNotNil(job.data) ? JSON.stringify(job.data) : null, }); } async function insertJob(job: Readonly): Promise { const db = getInstance(); return insertJobSync(db, job); } async function deleteJob(id: string): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare('DELETE FROM jobs WHERE id = $id').run({ id }); } async function processGroupCallRingRequest( ringId: bigint ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); return db.transaction(() => { let result: ProcessGroupCallRingRequestResult; const wasRingPreviouslyCanceled = Boolean( db .prepare( ` SELECT 1 FROM groupCallRings WHERE ringId = $ringId AND isActive = 0 LIMIT 1; ` ) .pluck(true) .get({ ringId }) ); if (wasRingPreviouslyCanceled) { result = ProcessGroupCallRingRequestResult.RingWasPreviouslyCanceled; } else { const isThereAnotherActiveRing = Boolean( db .prepare( ` SELECT 1 FROM groupCallRings WHERE isActive = 1 LIMIT 1; ` ) .pluck(true) .get() ); if (isThereAnotherActiveRing) { result = ProcessGroupCallRingRequestResult.ThereIsAnotherActiveRing; } else { result = ProcessGroupCallRingRequestResult.ShouldRing; } db.prepare( ` INSERT OR IGNORE INTO groupCallRings (ringId, isActive, createdAt) VALUES ($ringId, 1, $createdAt); ` ); } return result; })(); } async function processGroupCallRingCancelation(ringId: bigint): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO groupCallRings (ringId, isActive, createdAt) VALUES ($ringId, 0, $createdAt) ON CONFLICT (ringId) DO UPDATE SET isActive = 0; ` ).run({ ringId, createdAt: Date.now() }); } // This age, in milliseconds, should be longer than any group call ring duration. Beyond // that, it doesn't really matter what the value is. const MAX_GROUP_CALL_RING_AGE = 30 * durations.MINUTE; async function cleanExpiredGroupCallRings(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM groupCallRings WHERE createdAt < $expiredRingTime; ` ).run({ expiredRingTime: Date.now() - MAX_GROUP_CALL_RING_AGE, }); } async function getMaxMessageCounter(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); return db .prepare( ` SELECT MAX(counter) FROM ( SELECT MAX(received_at) AS counter FROM messages UNION SELECT MAX(timestamp) AS counter FROM unprocessed ) ` ) .pluck() .get(); } async function getStatisticsForLogging(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const counts = await pProps({ messageCount: getMessageCount(), conversationCount: getConversationCount(), sessionCount: getCountFromTable(db, 'sessions'), senderKeyCount: getCountFromTable(db, 'senderKeys'), }); return mapValues(counts, formatCountForLogging); } async function updateAllConversationColors( conversationColor?: ConversationColorType, customColorData?: { id: string; value: CustomColorType; } ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` UPDATE conversations SET json = JSON_PATCH(json, $patch); ` ).run({ patch: JSON.stringify({ conversationColor: conversationColor || null, customColor: customColorData?.value || null, customColorId: customColorData?.id || null, }), }); }