// Copyright 2015-2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* global textsecure */ describe('encrypting and decrypting profile data', () => { const NAME_PADDED_LENGTH = 53; describe('encrypting and decrypting profile names', () => { it('pads, encrypts, decrypts, and unpads a short string', () => { const name = 'Alice'; const buffer = dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(name).toArrayBuffer(); const key = window.Signal.Crypto.getRandomBytes(32); return textsecure.crypto .encryptProfileName(buffer, key) .then(encrypted => { assert(encrypted.byteLength === NAME_PADDED_LENGTH + 16 + 12); return textsecure.crypto .decryptProfileName(encrypted, key) .then(({ given, family }) => { assert.strictEqual(family, null); assert.strictEqual( dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(given).toString('utf8'), name ); }); }); }); it('handles a given name of the max, 53 characters', () => { const name = '01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789123'; const buffer = dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(name).toArrayBuffer(); const key = window.Signal.Crypto.getRandomBytes(32); return textsecure.crypto .encryptProfileName(buffer, key) .then(encrypted => { assert(encrypted.byteLength === NAME_PADDED_LENGTH + 16 + 12); return textsecure.crypto .decryptProfileName(encrypted, key) .then(({ given, family }) => { assert.strictEqual( dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(given).toString('utf8'), name ); assert.strictEqual(family, null); }); }); }); it('handles family/given name of the max, 53 characters', () => { const name = '01234567890123456789\u000001234567890123456789012345678912'; const buffer = dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(name).toArrayBuffer(); const key = window.Signal.Crypto.getRandomBytes(32); return textsecure.crypto .encryptProfileName(buffer, key) .then(encrypted => { assert(encrypted.byteLength === NAME_PADDED_LENGTH + 16 + 12); return textsecure.crypto .decryptProfileName(encrypted, key) .then(({ given, family }) => { assert.strictEqual( dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(given).toString('utf8'), '01234567890123456789' ); assert.strictEqual( dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(family).toString('utf8'), '01234567890123456789012345678912' ); }); }); }); it('handles a string with family/given name', () => { const name = 'Alice\0Jones'; const buffer = dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(name).toArrayBuffer(); const key = window.Signal.Crypto.getRandomBytes(32); return textsecure.crypto .encryptProfileName(buffer, key) .then(encrypted => { assert(encrypted.byteLength === NAME_PADDED_LENGTH + 16 + 12); return textsecure.crypto .decryptProfileName(encrypted, key) .then(({ given, family }) => { assert.strictEqual( dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(given).toString('utf8'), 'Alice' ); assert.strictEqual( dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(family).toString('utf8'), 'Jones' ); }); }); }); it('works for empty string', async () => { const name = dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap('').toArrayBuffer(); const key = window.Signal.Crypto.getRandomBytes(32); const encrypted = await textsecure.crypto.encryptProfileName(name, key); assert(encrypted.byteLength === NAME_PADDED_LENGTH + 16 + 12); const { given, family } = await textsecure.crypto.decryptProfileName( encrypted, key ); assert.strictEqual(family, null); assert.strictEqual(given.byteLength, 0); assert.strictEqual(dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(given).toString('utf8'), ''); }); }); describe('encrypting and decrypting profile avatars', () => { it('encrypts and decrypts', () => { const buffer = dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap( 'This is an avatar' ).toArrayBuffer(); const key = window.Signal.Crypto.getRandomBytes(32); return textsecure.crypto.encryptProfile(buffer, key).then(encrypted => { assert(encrypted.byteLength === buffer.byteLength + 16 + 12); return textsecure.crypto .decryptProfile(encrypted, key) .then(decrypted => { assertEqualArrayBuffers(buffer, decrypted); }); }); }); it('throws when decrypting with the wrong key', () => { const buffer = dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap( 'This is an avatar' ).toArrayBuffer(); const key = window.Signal.Crypto.getRandomBytes(32); const badKey = window.Signal.Crypto.getRandomBytes(32); return textsecure.crypto.encryptProfile(buffer, key).then(encrypted => { assert(encrypted.byteLength === buffer.byteLength + 16 + 12); return textsecure.crypto .decryptProfile(encrypted, badKey) .catch(error => { assert.strictEqual(error.name, 'ProfileDecryptError'); }); }); }); }); });