// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only // Captures the globals put in place by preload.js, background.js and others import type { Store } from 'redux'; import type * as Backbone from 'backbone'; import type PQueue from 'p-queue/dist'; import type { assert } from 'chai'; import type { PhoneNumber, PhoneNumberFormat } from 'google-libphonenumber'; import type { ConversationModelCollectionType } from './model-types.d'; import type { textsecure } from './textsecure'; import type { Storage } from './textsecure/Storage'; import type { ChallengeHandler, IPCRequest as IPCChallengeRequest, } from './challenge'; import type AccountManager from './textsecure/AccountManager'; import type { WebAPIConnectType } from './textsecure/WebAPI'; import type { CallingClass } from './services/calling'; import type * as StorageService from './services/storage'; import type { BackupsService } from './services/backups'; import type * as Groups from './groups'; import type * as Crypto from './Crypto'; import type * as Curve from './Curve'; import type * as RemoteConfig from './RemoteConfig'; import type { OSType } from './util/os/shared'; import type { getEnvironment } from './environment'; import type { LocalizerType, ThemeType } from './types/Util'; import type { Receipt } from './types/Receipt'; import type { ConversationController } from './ConversationController'; import type { ReduxActions } from './state/types'; import type { createApp } from './state/roots/createApp'; import type Data from './sql/Client'; import type { MessageModel } from './models/messages'; import type { ConversationModel } from './models/conversations'; import type { BatcherType } from './util/batcher'; import type { ConfirmationDialog } from './components/ConfirmationDialog'; import type { SignalProtocolStore } from './SignalProtocolStore'; import type { SocketStatus } from './types/SocketStatus'; import type SyncRequest from './textsecure/SyncRequest'; import type { MessageCache } from './services/MessageCache'; import type { StateType } from './state/reducer'; import type { Address } from './types/Address'; import type { QualifiedAddress } from './types/QualifiedAddress'; import type { CIType } from './CI'; import type { IPCEventsType } from './util/createIPCEvents'; import type { SignalContextType } from './windows/context'; import type * as Message2 from './types/Message2'; import type { initializeMigrations } from './signal'; import type { RetryPlaceholders } from './util/retryPlaceholders'; import type { PropsPreloadType as PreferencesPropsType } from './components/Preferences'; import type { WindowsNotificationData } from './services/notifications'; export { Long } from 'long'; export type IPCType = { addSetupMenuItems: () => void; clearAllWindowsNotifications: () => Promise; closeAbout: () => void; crashReports: { getCount: () => Promise; writeToLog: () => Promise; erase: () => Promise; }; drawAttention: () => void; getAutoLaunch: () => Promise; getMediaAccessStatus: ( mediaType: 'screen' | 'microphone' | 'camera' ) => Promise; getMediaCameraPermissions: () => Promise; getMediaPermissions: () => Promise; logAppLoadedEvent?: (options: { processedCount?: number }) => void; readyForUpdates: () => void; removeSetupMenuItems: () => unknown; setAutoHideMenuBar: (value: boolean) => void; setAutoLaunch: (value: boolean) => Promise; setBadge: (badge: number | 'marked-unread') => void; setMenuBarVisibility: (value: boolean) => void; showDebugLog: () => void; showPermissionsPopup: ( forCalling: boolean, forCamera: boolean ) => Promise; showSettings: () => void; showWindow: () => void; showWindowsNotification: (data: WindowsNotificationData) => Promise; shutdown: () => void; titleBarDoubleClick: () => void; updateTrayIcon: (count: number) => void; }; export type FeatureFlagType = { GV2_ENABLE_SINGLE_CHANGE_PROCESSING: boolean; GV2_ENABLE_CHANGE_PROCESSING: boolean; GV2_ENABLE_STATE_PROCESSING: boolean; GV2_ENABLE_PRE_JOIN_FETCH: boolean; GV2_MIGRATION_DISABLE_ADD: boolean; GV2_MIGRATION_DISABLE_INVITE: boolean; }; type AboutWindowPropsType = { arch: string; environmentText: string; platform: string; }; type DebugLogWindowPropsType = { downloadLog: (text: string) => unknown; fetchLogs: () => Promise; uploadLogs: (text: string) => Promise; }; type PermissionsWindowPropsType = { forCamera: boolean; forCalling: boolean; onAccept: () => void; onClose: () => void; }; type ScreenShareWindowPropsType = { onStopSharing: () => void; presentedSourceName: string; }; type SettingsOnRenderCallbackType = (props: PreferencesPropsType) => void; type SettingsWindowPropsType = { onRender: (callback: SettingsOnRenderCallbackType) => void; }; export type SignalCoreType = { AboutWindowProps?: AboutWindowPropsType; Crypto: typeof Crypto; Curve: typeof Curve; Data: typeof Data; DebugLogWindowProps?: DebugLogWindowPropsType; Groups: typeof Groups; PermissionsWindowProps?: PermissionsWindowPropsType; RemoteConfig: typeof RemoteConfig; ScreenShareWindowProps?: ScreenShareWindowPropsType; Services: { calling: CallingClass; backups: BackupsService; initializeGroupCredentialFetcher: () => Promise; initializeNetworkObserver: (network: ReduxActions['network']) => void; initializeUpdateListener: (updates: ReduxActions['updates']) => void; retryPlaceholders?: RetryPlaceholders; lightSessionResetQueue?: PQueue; storage: typeof StorageService; }; SettingsWindowProps?: SettingsWindowPropsType; Migrations: ReturnType; Types: { Message: typeof Message2; Address: typeof Address; QualifiedAddress: typeof QualifiedAddress; }; Components: { ConfirmationDialog: typeof ConfirmationDialog; }; OS: OSType; State: { Roots: { createApp: typeof createApp; }; }; conversationControllerStart: () => void; challengeHandler?: ChallengeHandler; }; declare global { // We want to extend various globals, so we need to use interfaces. /* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */ interface Window { // Used in Sticker Creator to create proper paths to emoji images ROOT_PATH?: string; // Used for sticker creator localization localeMessages: { [key: string]: { message: string } }; isBehindProxy: () => boolean; openArtCreator: (opts: { username: string; password: string }) => void; enterKeyboardMode: () => void; enterMouseMode: () => void; getAccountManager: () => AccountManager; getAppInstance: () => string | undefined; getConversations: () => ConversationModelCollectionType; getBuildCreation: () => number; getBuildExpiration: () => number; getEnvironment: typeof getEnvironment; getHostName: () => string; getInteractionMode: () => 'mouse' | 'keyboard'; getServerPublicParams: () => string; getGenericServerPublicParams: () => string; getBackupServerPublicParams: () => string; getSfuUrl: () => string; getIceServerOverride: () => string; getSocketStatus: () => SocketStatus; getSyncRequest: (timeoutMillis?: number) => SyncRequest; getTitle: () => string; waitForEmptyEventQueue: () => Promise; getVersion: () => string; isAfterVersion: (version: string, anotherVersion: string) => boolean; isBeforeVersion: (version: string, anotherVersion: string) => boolean; initialTheme?: ThemeType; libphonenumberInstance: { parse: (number: string) => PhoneNumber; getRegionCodeForNumber: (number: PhoneNumber) => string | undefined; format: (number: PhoneNumber, format: PhoneNumberFormat) => string; }; libphonenumberFormat: typeof PhoneNumberFormat; nodeSetImmediate: typeof setImmediate; platform: string; preloadedImages: Array; setImmediate: typeof setImmediate; sendChallengeRequest: (request: IPCChallengeRequest) => void; showKeyboardShortcuts: () => void; storage: Storage; systemTheme: ThemeType; Signal: SignalCoreType; getServerTrustRoot: () => string; logAuthenticatedConnect?: () => void; // ======================================================================== // The types below have been somewhat organized. See DESKTOP-4801 // ======================================================================== // Backbone Backbone: typeof Backbone; ConversationController: ConversationController; Events: IPCEventsType; FontFace: typeof FontFace; MessageCache: MessageCache; SignalProtocolStore: typeof SignalProtocolStore; WebAPI: WebAPIConnectType; Whisper: WhisperType; getSignalProtocolStore: () => SignalProtocolStore; i18n: LocalizerType; // Note: used in background.html, and not type-checked startApp: () => void; textsecure: typeof textsecure; // IPC IPC: IPCType; // State reduxActions: ReduxActions; reduxStore: Store; // Feature Flags Flags: FeatureFlagType; // Paths BasePaths: { attachments: string; draft: string; stickers: string; temp: string; }; // Test only SignalCI?: CIType; // TODO DESKTOP-4801 SignalContext: SignalContextType; // Used only in preload to calculate load time preloadStartTime: number; preloadEndTime: number; // Test only RETRY_DELAY: boolean; assert: typeof assert; testUtilities: { debug: (info: unknown) => void; initialize: () => Promise; onComplete: (info: unknown) => void; prepareTests: () => void; }; } interface Element { // WebKit-specific scrollIntoViewIfNeeded: (bringToCenter?: boolean) => void; } // Uint8Array and ArrayBuffer are type-compatible in TypeScript's covariant // type checker, but in reality they are not. Let's assert correct use! interface Uint8Array { __uint8array: never; } interface ArrayBuffer { __arrayBuffer: never; } interface SharedArrayBuffer { __arrayBuffer: never; } } export type WhisperType = { Conversation: typeof ConversationModel; ConversationCollection: typeof ConversationModelCollectionType; Message: typeof MessageModel; deliveryReceiptQueue: PQueue; deliveryReceiptBatcher: BatcherType; events: Backbone.Events; };