// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { ReadonlyDeep } from 'type-fest'; import { SocketStatus } from '../../types/SocketStatus'; import { trigger } from '../../shims/events'; import { assignWithNoUnnecessaryAllocation } from '../../util/assignWithNoUnnecessaryAllocation'; import type { BoundActionCreatorsMapObject } from '../../hooks/useBoundActions'; import { useBoundActions } from '../../hooks/useBoundActions'; // State export type NetworkStateType = ReadonlyDeep<{ isOnline: boolean; isOutage: boolean; socketStatus: SocketStatus; withinConnectingGracePeriod: boolean; challengeStatus: 'required' | 'pending' | 'idle'; }>; // Actions const CHECK_NETWORK_STATUS = 'network/CHECK_NETWORK_STATUS'; const CLOSE_CONNECTING_GRACE_PERIOD = 'network/CLOSE_CONNECTING_GRACE_PERIOD'; const RELINK_DEVICE = 'network/RELINK_DEVICE'; const SET_CHALLENGE_STATUS = 'network/SET_CHALLENGE_STATUS'; const SET_OUTAGE = 'network/SET_OUTAGE'; export type CheckNetworkStatusPayloadType = ReadonlyDeep<{ isOnline: boolean; socketStatus: SocketStatus; }>; type CheckNetworkStatusAction = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'network/CHECK_NETWORK_STATUS'; payload: CheckNetworkStatusPayloadType; }>; type CloseConnectingGracePeriodActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'network/CLOSE_CONNECTING_GRACE_PERIOD'; }>; type RelinkDeviceActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'network/RELINK_DEVICE'; }>; type SetChallengeStatusActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'network/SET_CHALLENGE_STATUS'; payload: { challengeStatus: NetworkStateType['challengeStatus']; }; }>; type SetOutageActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'network/SET_OUTAGE'; payload: { isOutage: boolean; }; }>; export type NetworkActionType = ReadonlyDeep< | CheckNetworkStatusAction | CloseConnectingGracePeriodActionType | RelinkDeviceActionType | SetChallengeStatusActionType | SetOutageActionType >; // Action Creators function checkNetworkStatus( payload: CheckNetworkStatusPayloadType ): CheckNetworkStatusAction { return { type: CHECK_NETWORK_STATUS, payload, }; } function closeConnectingGracePeriod(): CloseConnectingGracePeriodActionType { return { type: CLOSE_CONNECTING_GRACE_PERIOD, }; } function relinkDevice(): RelinkDeviceActionType { trigger('setupAsNewDevice'); return { type: RELINK_DEVICE, }; } function setChallengeStatus( challengeStatus: NetworkStateType['challengeStatus'] ): SetChallengeStatusActionType { return { type: SET_CHALLENGE_STATUS, payload: { challengeStatus }, }; } function setOutage(isOutage: boolean): SetOutageActionType { return { type: SET_OUTAGE, payload: { isOutage }, }; } export const actions = { checkNetworkStatus, closeConnectingGracePeriod, relinkDevice, setChallengeStatus, setOutage, }; export const useNetworkActions = (): BoundActionCreatorsMapObject< typeof actions > => useBoundActions(actions); // Reducer export function getEmptyState(): NetworkStateType { return { isOnline: navigator.onLine, isOutage: false, socketStatus: SocketStatus.OPEN, withinConnectingGracePeriod: true, challengeStatus: 'idle', }; } export function reducer( state: Readonly = getEmptyState(), action: Readonly ): NetworkStateType { if (action.type === CHECK_NETWORK_STATUS) { const { isOnline, socketStatus } = action.payload; // This action is dispatched frequently. We avoid allocating a new object if nothing // has changed to avoid an unnecessary re-render. return assignWithNoUnnecessaryAllocation(state, { isOnline, socketStatus, }); } if (action.type === CLOSE_CONNECTING_GRACE_PERIOD) { return { ...state, withinConnectingGracePeriod: false, }; } if (action.type === SET_CHALLENGE_STATUS) { return { ...state, challengeStatus: action.payload.challengeStatus, }; } if (action.type === SET_OUTAGE) { const { isOutage } = action.payload; // This action is dispatched frequently when offline. // We avoid allocating a new object if nothing has changed to // avoid an unnecessary re-render. return assignWithNoUnnecessaryAllocation(state, { isOutage, }); } return state; }