// Copyright 2014-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { ConversationModel } from '../models/conversations'; window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {}; const { Whisper } = window; const StickerPackInstallFailedToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('stickers--toast--InstallFailed') }; }, }); const ConversationStack = Whisper.View.extend({ className: 'conversation-stack', lastConversation: null, open(conversation: ConversationModel, messageId: string) { const id = `conversation-${conversation.cid}`; if (id !== this.el.lastChild.id) { const view = new Whisper.ConversationView({ model: conversation, }); this.listenTo(conversation, 'unload', () => this.onUnload(conversation)); view.$el.appendTo(this.el); if (this.lastConversation && this.lastConversation !== conversation) { this.lastConversation.trigger('unload', 'opened another conversation'); this.stopListening(this.lastConversation); this.lastConversation = null; } this.lastConversation = conversation; conversation.trigger('opened', messageId); } else if (messageId) { conversation.trigger('scroll-to-message', messageId); } // Make sure poppers are positioned properly window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); }, unload() { const { lastConversation } = this; if (!lastConversation) { return; } lastConversation.trigger('unload', 'force unload requested'); }, onUnload(conversation: ConversationModel) { if (this.lastConversation === conversation) { this.stopListening(this.lastConversation); this.lastConversation = null; } }, }); const AppLoadingScreen = Whisper.View.extend({ template: () => $('#app-loading-screen').html(), className: 'app-loading-screen', updateProgress(count: number) { if (count > 0) { const message = window.i18n('loadingMessages', [count.toString()]); this.$('.message').text(message); } }, render_attributes: { message: window.i18n('loading'), }, }); Whisper.InboxView = Whisper.View.extend({ template: () => $('#two-column').html(), className: 'inbox index', initialize( options: { initialLoadComplete?: boolean; window?: typeof window; } = {} ) { this.ready = false; this.render(); this.conversation_stack = new ConversationStack({ el: this.$('.conversation-stack'), model: { window: options.window }, }); this.renderWhatsNew(); Whisper.events.on('refreshConversation', ({ oldId, newId }) => { const convo = this.conversation_stack.lastConversation; if (convo && convo.get('id') === oldId) { this.conversation_stack.open(newId); } }); // Close current opened conversation to reload the group information once // linked. Whisper.events.on('setupAsNewDevice', () => { this.conversation_stack.unload(); }); window.Whisper.events.on('showConversation', async (id, messageId) => { const conversation = await window.ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( id, 'private' ); conversation.setMarkedUnread(false); const { openConversationExternal } = window.reduxActions.conversations; if (openConversationExternal) { openConversationExternal(conversation.id, messageId); } this.conversation_stack.open(conversation, messageId); this.focusConversation(); }); window.Whisper.events.on('loadingProgress', count => { const view = this.appLoadingScreen; if (view) { view.updateProgress(count); } }); if (!options.initialLoadComplete) { this.appLoadingScreen = new AppLoadingScreen(); this.appLoadingScreen.render(); this.appLoadingScreen.$el.prependTo(this.el); this.startConnectionListener(); } else { this.setupLeftPane(); } Whisper.events.on('pack-install-failed', () => { const toast = new StickerPackInstallFailedToast(); toast.$el.appendTo(this.$el); toast.render(); }); }, render_attributes: { welcomeToSignal: window.i18n('welcomeToSignal'), // TODO DESKTOP-1451: add back the selectAContact message selectAContact: '', }, events: { click: 'onClick', }, renderWhatsNew() { if (this.whatsNewView) { return; } this.whatsNewView = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ Component: window.Signal.Components.WhatsNew, props: { i18n: window.i18n, }, }); this.$('.whats-new-placeholder').append(this.whatsNewView.el); }, setupLeftPane() { if (this.leftPaneView) { return; } this.leftPaneView = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'left-pane-wrapper', JSX: window.Signal.State.Roots.createLeftPane(window.reduxStore), }); this.$('.left-pane-placeholder').append(this.leftPaneView.el); }, startConnectionListener() { this.interval = setInterval(() => { const status = window.getSocketStatus(); switch (status) { case 'CONNECTING': break; case 'OPEN': clearInterval(this.interval); // if we've connected, we can wait for real empty event this.interval = null; break; case 'CLOSING': case 'CLOSED': clearInterval(this.interval); this.interval = null; // if we failed to connect, we pretend we got an empty event this.onEmpty(); break; default: log.warn( `startConnectionListener: Found unexpected socket status ${status}; calling onEmpty() manually.` ); this.onEmpty(); break; } }, 1000); }, onEmpty() { this.setupLeftPane(); const view = this.appLoadingScreen; if (view) { this.appLoadingScreen = null; view.remove(); const searchInput = document.querySelector( '.module-main-header__search__input' ) as HTMLElement; searchInput?.focus?.(); } }, focusConversation(e: MouseEvent) { if (e && this.$(e.target).closest('.placeholder').length) { return; } this.$('#header, .gutter').addClass('inactive'); this.$('.conversation-stack').removeClass('inactive'); }, closeRecording(e: MouseEvent) { if (e && this.$(e.target).closest('.capture-audio').length > 0) { return; } this.$('.conversation:first .recorder').trigger('close'); }, onClick(e: MouseEvent) { this.closeRecording(e); }, });