// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import nodePath from 'path'; import { unstable_batchedUpdates as batchedUpdates } from 'react-dom'; import { debounce, flatten, omit, pick, reject, throttle } from 'lodash'; import { render } from 'mustache'; import { AttachmentDraftType, AttachmentType, InMemoryAttachmentDraftType, OnDiskAttachmentDraftType, isGIF, } from '../types/Attachment'; import type { StickerPackType as StickerPackDBType } from '../sql/Interface'; import * as Stickers from '../types/Stickers'; import { BodyRangeType, BodyRangesType } from '../types/Util'; import { IMAGE_JPEG, IMAGE_WEBP, isHeic, MIMEType, stringToMIMEType, } from '../types/MIME'; import { ConversationModel } from '../models/conversations'; import { GroupV2PendingMemberType, MessageModelCollectionType, MessageAttributesType, ConversationModelCollectionType, QuotedMessageType, } from '../model-types.d'; import { LinkPreviewType } from '../types/message/LinkPreviews'; import { MediaItemType, MessageAttributesType as MediaItemMessageType, } from '../types/MediaItem'; import { MessageModel } from '../models/messages'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { maybeParseUrl } from '../util/url'; import { replaceIndex } from '../util/replaceIndex'; import { addReportSpamJob } from '../jobs/helpers/addReportSpamJob'; import { reportSpamJobQueue } from '../jobs/reportSpamJobQueue'; import { GroupNameCollisionsWithIdsByTitle } from '../util/groupMemberNameCollisions'; import { isDirectConversation, isGroupV1, isMe, } from '../util/whatTypeOfConversation'; import { findAndFormatContact } from '../util/findAndFormatContact'; import * as Bytes from '../Bytes'; import { canReply, getAttachmentsForMessage, isOutgoing, isTapToView, } from '../state/selectors/message'; import { isMessageUnread } from '../util/isMessageUnread'; import { getConversationSelector, getMessagesByConversation, } from '../state/selectors/conversations'; import { ConversationDetailsMembershipList } from '../components/conversation/conversation-details/ConversationDetailsMembershipList'; import { showSafetyNumberChangeDialog } from '../shims/showSafetyNumberChangeDialog'; import { LinkPreviewResult, LinkPreviewImage, LinkPreviewWithDomain, } from '../types/LinkPreview'; import * as LinkPreview from '../types/LinkPreview'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../protobuf'; import { autoScale, handleImageAttachment, } from '../util/handleImageAttachment'; import { ReadStatus } from '../messages/MessageReadStatus'; import { markViewed } from '../services/MessageUpdater'; import { viewedReceiptsJobQueue } from '../jobs/viewedReceiptsJobQueue'; import { viewSyncJobQueue } from '../jobs/viewSyncJobQueue'; import type { EmbeddedContactType } from '../types/EmbeddedContact'; import type { AnyViewClass, BasicReactWrapperViewClass } from '../window.d'; import { isNotNil } from '../util/isNotNil'; import { dropNull } from '../util/dropNull'; import { CompositionAPIType } from '../components/CompositionArea'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; type AttachmentOptions = { messageId: string; attachment: AttachmentType; }; const FIVE_MINUTES = 1000 * 60 * 5; const LINK_PREVIEW_TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000; window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {}; const { Whisper } = window; const { Message, MIME, VisualAttachment } = window.Signal.Types; const { copyIntoTempDirectory, deleteDraftFile, deleteTempFile, getAbsoluteAttachmentPath, getAbsoluteDraftPath, getAbsoluteTempPath, loadAttachmentData, loadPreviewData, loadStickerData, openFileInFolder, readAttachmentData, readDraftData, saveAttachmentToDisk, upgradeMessageSchema, writeNewDraftData, } = window.Signal.Migrations; const { getOlderMessagesByConversation, getMessageMetricsForConversation, getMessageById, getMessagesBySentAt, getNewerMessagesByConversation, } = window.Signal.Data; type MessageActionsType = { deleteMessage: (messageId: string) => unknown; deleteMessageForEveryone: (messageId: string) => unknown; displayTapToViewMessage: (messageId: string) => unknown; downloadAttachment: (options: { attachment: AttachmentType; timestamp: number; isDangerous: boolean; }) => unknown; downloadNewVersion: () => unknown; kickOffAttachmentDownload: ( options: Readonly<{ messageId: string }> ) => unknown; markAttachmentAsCorrupted: (options: AttachmentOptions) => unknown; markViewed: (messageId: string) => unknown; openConversation: (conversationId: string, messageId?: string) => unknown; openLink: (url: string) => unknown; reactToMessage: ( messageId: string, reaction: { emoji: string; remove: boolean } ) => unknown; replyToMessage: (messageId: string) => unknown; retrySend: (messageId: string) => unknown; showContactDetail: (options: { contact: EmbeddedContactType; signalAccount?: string; }) => unknown; showContactModal: (contactId: string) => unknown; showSafetyNumber: (contactId: string) => unknown; showExpiredIncomingTapToViewToast: () => unknown; showExpiredOutgoingTapToViewToast: () => unknown; showForwardMessageModal: (messageId: string) => unknown; showIdentity: (conversationId: string) => unknown; showMessageDetail: (messageId: string) => unknown; showVisualAttachment: (options: { attachment: AttachmentType; messageId: string; showSingle?: boolean; }) => unknown; }; type MediaType = { path: string; objectURL: string; thumbnailObjectUrl?: string; contentType: MIMEType; index: number; attachment: AttachmentType; message: { attachments: Array; conversationId: string; id: string; // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase received_at: number; // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase received_at_ms: number; // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase sent_at: number; }; }; Whisper.ExpiredToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('expiredWarning') }; }, }); Whisper.BlockedToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('unblockToSend') }; }, }); Whisper.BlockedGroupToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('unblockGroupToSend') }; }, }); Whisper.CaptchaSolvedToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('verificationComplete') }; }, }); Whisper.CaptchaFailedToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('verificationFailed') }; }, }); Whisper.LeftGroupToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('youLeftTheGroup') }; }, }); Whisper.InvalidConversationToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('invalidConversation') }; }, }); Whisper.OriginalNotFoundToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('originalMessageNotFound') }; }, }); Whisper.OriginalNoLongerAvailableToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('originalMessageNotAvailable') }; }, }); Whisper.FoundButNotLoadedToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('messageFoundButNotLoaded') }; }, }); Whisper.VoiceNoteLimit = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('voiceNoteLimit') }; }, }); Whisper.VoiceNoteMustBeOnlyAttachmentToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('voiceNoteMustBeOnlyAttachment') }; }, }); Whisper.ConversationArchivedToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('conversationArchived') }; }, }); Whisper.ConversationUnarchivedToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('conversationReturnedToInbox') }; }, }); Whisper.ConversationMarkedUnreadToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('conversationMarkedUnread') }; }, }); Whisper.TapToViewExpiredIncomingToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n( 'Message--tap-to-view--incoming--expired-toast' ), }; }, }); Whisper.TapToViewExpiredOutgoingToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n( 'Message--tap-to-view--outgoing--expired-toast' ), }; }, }); Whisper.DecryptionErrorToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ className: 'toast toast-clickable decryption-error', events: { click: 'onClick', keydown: 'onKeyDown', }, render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('decryptionErrorToast'), }; }, // Note: this is the same thing as ToastView, except it's missing the setTimeout, so it // will stick around until the user interacts with it. render() { const toasts = document.getElementsByClassName('decryption-error'); if (toasts.length > 1) { log.info( 'DecryptionErrorToast: We are second decryption error toast. Closing.' ); this.close(); return; } this.$el.html( window.Mustache.render( window._.result(this, 'template', ''), window._.result(this, 'render_attributes', '') ) ); this.$el.attr('tabIndex', 0); this.$el.show(); if (window.getInteractionMode() === 'keyboard') { setTimeout(() => { this.$el.focus(); }, 1); } }, onClick() { this.close(); window.showDebugLog(); }, onKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent) { if (event.key !== 'Enter' && event.key !== ' ') { return; } this.onClick(); }, }); Whisper.FileSavedToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ className: 'toast toast-clickable', initialize(options: Readonly<{ fullPath: string }>) { if (!options.fullPath) { throw new Error('FileSavedToast: name option was not provided!'); } this.fullPath = options.fullPath; this.timeout = 10000; if (window.getInteractionMode() === 'keyboard') { setTimeout(() => { this.$el.focus(); }, 1); } }, events: { click: 'onClick', keydown: 'onKeydown', }, onClick() { openFileInFolder(this.fullPath); this.close(); }, onKeydown(event: KeyboardEvent) { if (event.key !== 'Enter' && event.key !== ' ') { return; } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); openFileInFolder(this.fullPath); this.close(); }, render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('attachmentSaved') }; }, }); Whisper.ReactionFailedToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ className: 'toast toast-clickable', initialize() { this.timeout = 4000; if (window.getInteractionMode() === 'keyboard') { setTimeout(() => { this.$el.focus(); }, 1); } }, events: { click: 'onClick', keydown: 'onKeydown', }, onClick() { this.close(); }, onKeydown(event: KeyboardEvent) { if (event.key !== 'Enter' && event.key !== ' ') { return; } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); this.close(); }, render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('Reactions--error') }; }, }); Whisper.DeleteForEveryoneFailedToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('deleteForEveryoneFailed') }; }, }); Whisper.GroupLinkCopiedToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('GroupLinkManagement--clipboard') }; }, }); Whisper.PinnedConversationsFullToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('pinnedConversationsFull') }; }, }); const MAX_MESSAGE_BODY_LENGTH = 64 * 1024; Whisper.MessageBodyTooLongToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('messageBodyTooLong') }; }, }); Whisper.FileSizeToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ template: () => $('#file-size-modal').html(), render_attributes() { return { 'file-size-warning': window.i18n('fileSizeWarning'), limit: this.model.limit, units: this.model.units, }; }, }); Whisper.UnableToLoadToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes() { return { toastMessage: window.i18n('unableToLoadAttachment') }; }, }); Whisper.CannotStartGroupCallToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ template: () => window.i18n('GroupV2--cannot-start-group-call'), }); Whisper.DangerousFileTypeToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ template: () => window.i18n('dangerousFileType'), }); Whisper.OneNonImageAtATimeToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ template: () => window.i18n('oneNonImageAtATimeToast'), }); Whisper.CannotMixImageAndNonImageAttachmentsToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ template: () => window.i18n('cannotMixImageAndNonImageAttachments'), }); Whisper.MaxAttachmentsToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ template: () => window.i18n('maximumAttachments'), }); Whisper.AlreadyGroupMemberToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ template: () => window.i18n('GroupV2--join--already-in-group'), }); Whisper.AlreadyRequestedToJoinToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ template: () => window.i18n('GroupV2--join--already-awaiting-approval'), }); const ReportedSpamAndBlockedToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ template: () => window.i18n('MessageRequests--block-and-report-spam-success-toast'), }); export class ConversationView extends window.Backbone.View { // Debounced functions private debouncedMaybeGrabLinkPreview: ( message: string, caretLocation?: number ) => void; private debouncedSaveDraft: ( messageText: string, bodyRanges: Array ) => Promise; private lazyUpdateVerified: () => void; // Composing messages private compositionApi: { current?: CompositionAPIType; } = { current: undefined }; private sendStart?: number; private voiceNoteAttachment?: AttachmentType; // Quotes private quote?: QuotedMessageType; private quotedMessage?: MessageModel; // Previews private currentlyMatchedLink?: string; private disableLinkPreviews?: boolean; private excludedPreviewUrls: Array = []; private linkPreviewAbortController?: AbortController; private preview?: Array; // Sub-views private captionEditorView?: Backbone.View; private captureAudioView?: Backbone.View; private compositionAreaView?: Backbone.View; private contactModalView?: Backbone.View; private forwardMessageModal?: Backbone.View; private lightboxView?: BasicReactWrapperViewClass; private migrationDialog?: Backbone.View; private stickerPreviewModalView?: Backbone.View; private timelineView?: Backbone.View; private titleView?: Backbone.View; // Panel support private panels: Array = []; private previousFocus?: HTMLElement; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any constructor(...args: Array) { super(...args); this.lazyUpdateVerified = debounce( this.model.updateVerified.bind(this.model), 1000 // one second ); this.model.throttledGetProfiles = this.model.throttledGetProfiles || throttle(this.model.getProfiles.bind(this.model), FIVE_MINUTES); this.debouncedMaybeGrabLinkPreview = debounce( this.maybeGrabLinkPreview.bind(this), 200 ); this.debouncedSaveDraft = debounce(this.saveDraft.bind(this), 200); // Events on Conversation model this.listenTo(this.model, 'destroy', this.stopListening); this.listenTo(this.model, 'newmessage', this.lazyUpdateVerified); // These are triggered by InboxView this.listenTo(this.model, 'opened', this.onOpened); this.listenTo(this.model, 'scroll-to-message', this.scrollToMessage); this.listenTo(this.model, 'unload', (reason: string) => this.unload(`model trigger - ${reason}`) ); // These are triggered by background.ts for keyboard handling this.listenTo(this.model, 'focus-composer', this.focusMessageField); this.listenTo(this.model, 'open-all-media', this.showAllMedia); this.listenTo(this.model, 'begin-recording', this.captureAudio); this.listenTo(this.model, 'attach-file', this.onChooseAttachment); this.listenTo(this.model, 'escape-pressed', this.resetPanel); this.listenTo(this.model, 'show-message-details', this.showMessageDetail); this.listenTo(this.model, 'show-contact-modal', this.showContactModal); this.listenTo( this.model, 'toggle-reply', (messageId: string | undefined) => { const target = this.quote || !messageId ? null : messageId; this.setQuoteMessage(target); } ); this.listenTo( this.model, 'save-attachment', this.downloadAttachmentWrapper ); this.listenTo(this.model, 'delete-message', this.deleteMessage); this.listenTo(this.model, 'remove-link-review', this.removeLinkPreview); this.listenTo( this.model, 'remove-all-draft-attachments', this.clearAttachments ); this.render(); this.setupHeader(); this.setupTimeline(); this.setupCompositionArea(); this.updateAttachmentsView(); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this events(): Record { return { 'click .capture-audio .microphone': 'captureAudio', 'change input.file-input': 'onChoseAttachment', drop: 'onDrop', paste: 'onPaste', }; } // We need this ignore because the backbone types really want this to be a string // property, but the property isn't set until after super() is run, meaning that this // classname wouldn't be applied when Backbone creates our el. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this className(): string { return 'conversation'; } // Same situation as className(). // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this id(): string { return `conversation-${this.model.cid}`; } // Backbone.View is demanded as the return type here, and we can't // satisfy it because of the above difference in signature: className is a function // when it should be a plain string property. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore render(): ConversationView { const template = $('#conversation').html(); this.$el.html(render(template, {})); return this; } getMuteExpirationLabel(): string | undefined { const muteExpiresAt = this.model.get('muteExpiresAt'); if (!this.model.isMuted()) { return; } const today = window.moment(Date.now()); const expires = window.moment(muteExpiresAt); if (today.isSame(expires, 'day')) { return expires.format('hh:mm A'); } return expires.format('M/D/YY, hh:mm A'); } setMuteExpiration(ms = 0): void { this.model.setMuteExpiration( ms >= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ? ms : Date.now() + ms ); } setPin(value: boolean): void { if (value) { const pinnedConversationIds = window.storage.get( 'pinnedConversationIds', new Array() ); if (pinnedConversationIds.length >= 4) { this.showToast(Whisper.PinnedConversationsFullToast); return; } this.model.pin(); } else { this.model.unpin(); } } setupHeader(): void { this.titleView = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'title-wrapper', JSX: window.Signal.State.Roots.createConversationHeader( window.reduxStore, { id: this.model.id, onShowContactModal: this.showContactModal.bind(this), onSetDisappearingMessages: (seconds: number) => this.setDisappearingMessages(seconds), onDeleteMessages: () => this.destroyMessages(), onResetSession: () => this.endSession(), onSearchInConversation: () => { const { searchInConversation } = window.reduxActions.search; const name = isMe(this.model.attributes) ? window.i18n('noteToSelf') : this.model.getTitle(); searchInConversation(this.model.id, name); }, onSetMuteNotifications: this.setMuteExpiration.bind(this), onSetPin: this.setPin.bind(this), // These are view only and don't update the Conversation model, so they // need a manual update call. onOutgoingAudioCallInConversation: async () => { log.info( 'onOutgoingAudioCallInConversation: about to start an audio call' ); const isVideoCall = false; if (await this.isCallSafe()) { log.info( 'onOutgoingAudioCallInConversation: call is deemed "safe". Making call' ); await window.Signal.Services.calling.startCallingLobby( this.model.id, isVideoCall ); log.info('onOutgoingAudioCallInConversation: started the call'); } else { log.info( 'onOutgoingAudioCallInConversation: call is deemed "unsafe". Stopping' ); } }, onOutgoingVideoCallInConversation: async () => { log.info( 'onOutgoingVideoCallInConversation: about to start a video call' ); const isVideoCall = true; if ( this.model.get('announcementsOnly') && !this.model.areWeAdmin() ) { this.showToast(Whisper.CannotStartGroupCallToast); return; } if (await this.isCallSafe()) { log.info( 'onOutgoingVideoCallInConversation: call is deemed "safe". Making call' ); await window.Signal.Services.calling.startCallingLobby( this.model.id, isVideoCall ); log.info('onOutgoingVideoCallInConversation: started the call'); } else { log.info( 'onOutgoingVideoCallInConversation: call is deemed "unsafe". Stopping' ); } }, onShowChatColorEditor: () => { this.showChatColorEditor(); }, onShowConversationDetails: () => { this.showConversationDetails(); }, onShowSafetyNumber: () => { this.showSafetyNumber(); }, onShowAllMedia: () => { this.showAllMedia(); }, onShowGroupMembers: () => { this.showGV1Members(); }, onGoBack: () => { this.resetPanel(); }, onArchive: () => { this.model.setArchived(true); this.model.trigger('unload', 'archive'); Whisper.ToastView.show( Whisper.ConversationArchivedToast, document.body ); }, onMarkUnread: () => { this.model.setMarkedUnread(true); Whisper.ToastView.show( Whisper.ConversationMarkedUnreadToast, document.body ); }, onMoveToInbox: () => { this.model.setArchived(false); Whisper.ToastView.show( Whisper.ConversationUnarchivedToast, document.body ); }, } ), }); this.$('.conversation-header').append(this.titleView.el); window.reduxActions.conversations.setSelectedConversationHeaderTitle(); } setupCompositionArea(): void { window.reduxActions.composer.resetComposer(); const micCellEl = $(`
`)[0]; const messageRequestEnum = Proto.SyncMessage.MessageRequestResponse.Type; const props = { id: this.model.id, compositionApi: this.compositionApi, onClickAddPack: () => this.showStickerManager(), onPickSticker: (packId: string, stickerId: number) => this.sendStickerMessage({ packId, stickerId }), onSubmit: ( message: string, mentions: BodyRangesType, timestamp: number ) => this.sendMessage(message, mentions, { timestamp }), onEditorStateChange: ( msg: string, bodyRanges: Array, caretLocation?: number ) => this.onEditorStateChange(msg, bodyRanges, caretLocation), onTextTooLong: () => this.showToast(Whisper.MessageBodyTooLongToast), onChooseAttachment: this.onChooseAttachment.bind(this), getQuotedMessage: () => this.model.get('quotedMessageId'), clearQuotedMessage: () => this.setQuoteMessage(null), micCellEl, onAccept: () => { this.syncMessageRequestResponse( 'onAccept', this.model, messageRequestEnum.ACCEPT ); }, onBlock: () => { this.syncMessageRequestResponse( 'onBlock', this.model, messageRequestEnum.BLOCK ); }, onUnblock: () => { this.syncMessageRequestResponse( 'onUnblock', this.model, messageRequestEnum.ACCEPT ); }, onDelete: () => { this.syncMessageRequestResponse( 'onDelete', this.model, messageRequestEnum.DELETE ); }, onBlockAndReportSpam: () => { this.blockAndReportSpam(this.model); }, onStartGroupMigration: () => this.startMigrationToGV2(), onCancelJoinRequest: async () => { await window.showConfirmationDialog({ message: window.i18n( 'GroupV2--join--cancel-request-to-join--confirmation' ), okText: window.i18n('GroupV2--join--cancel-request-to-join--yes'), cancelText: window.i18n('GroupV2--join--cancel-request-to-join--no'), resolve: () => { this.longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'onCancelJoinRequest', task: async () => this.model.cancelJoinRequest(), }); }, }); }, onAddAttachment: this.onChooseAttachment.bind(this), onClickAttachment: this.onClickAttachment.bind(this), onCloseAttachment: this.removeDraftAttachment.bind(this), onClearAttachments: this.clearAttachments.bind(this), onSelectMediaQuality: (isHQ: boolean) => { window.reduxActions.composer.setMediaQualitySetting(isHQ); }, onClickQuotedMessage: (id: string) => this.scrollToMessage(id), onCloseLinkPreview: () => { this.disableLinkPreviews = true; this.removeLinkPreview(); }, openConversation: this.openConversation.bind(this), }; this.compositionAreaView = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'composition-area-wrapper', JSX: window.Signal.State.Roots.createCompositionArea( window.reduxStore, props ), }); // Finally, add it to the DOM this.$('.CompositionArea__placeholder').append(this.compositionAreaView.el); } async longRunningTaskWrapper({ name, task, }: { name: string; task: () => Promise; }): Promise { const idForLogging = this.model.idForLogging(); return window.Signal.Util.longRunningTaskWrapper({ name, idForLogging, task, }); } getMessageActions(): MessageActionsType { const reactToMessage = ( messageId: string, reaction: { emoji: string; remove: boolean } ) => { this.sendReactionMessage(messageId, reaction); }; const replyToMessage = (messageId: string) => { this.setQuoteMessage(messageId); }; const retrySend = (messageId: string) => { this.retrySend(messageId); }; const deleteMessage = (messageId: string) => { this.deleteMessage(messageId); }; const deleteMessageForEveryone = (messageId: string) => { this.deleteMessageForEveryone(messageId); }; const showMessageDetail = (messageId: string) => { this.showMessageDetail(messageId); }; const showContactModal = (contactId: string) => { this.showContactModal(contactId); }; const openConversation = (conversationId: string, messageId?: string) => { this.openConversation(conversationId, messageId); }; const showContactDetail = (options: { contact: EmbeddedContactType; signalAccount?: string; }) => { this.showContactDetail(options); }; const kickOffAttachmentDownload = async ( options: Readonly<{ messageId: string }> ) => { const message = window.MessageController.getById(options.messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error( `kickOffAttachmentDownload: Message ${options.messageId} missing!` ); } await message.queueAttachmentDownloads(); }; const markAttachmentAsCorrupted = (options: AttachmentOptions) => { const message = window.MessageController.getById(options.messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error( `markAttachmentAsCorrupted: Message ${options.messageId} missing!` ); } message.markAttachmentAsCorrupted(options.attachment); }; const onMarkViewed = (messageId: string): void => { const message = window.MessageController.getById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error(`onMarkViewed: Message ${messageId} missing!`); } if (message.get('readStatus') === ReadStatus.Viewed) { return; } const senderE164 = message.get('source'); const senderUuid = message.get('sourceUuid'); const timestamp = message.get('sent_at'); message.set(markViewed(message.attributes, Date.now())); viewedReceiptsJobQueue.add({ viewedReceipt: { messageId, senderE164, senderUuid, timestamp, }, }); viewSyncJobQueue.add({ viewSyncs: [ { messageId, senderE164, senderUuid, timestamp, }, ], }); }; const showVisualAttachment = (options: { attachment: AttachmentType; messageId: string; showSingle?: boolean; }) => { this.showLightbox(options); }; const downloadAttachment = (options: { attachment: AttachmentType; timestamp: number; isDangerous: boolean; }) => { this.downloadAttachment(options); }; const displayTapToViewMessage = (messageId: string) => this.displayTapToViewMessage(messageId); const showIdentity = (conversationId: string) => { this.showSafetyNumber(conversationId); }; const openLink = (url: string) => { this.navigateTo(url); }; const downloadNewVersion = () => { this.downloadNewVersion(); }; const showSafetyNumber = (contactId: string) => { this.showSafetyNumber(contactId); }; const showExpiredIncomingTapToViewToast = () => { log.info('Showing expired tap-to-view toast for an incoming message'); this.showToast(Whisper.TapToViewExpiredIncomingToast); }; const showExpiredOutgoingTapToViewToast = () => { log.info('Showing expired tap-to-view toast for an outgoing message'); this.showToast(Whisper.TapToViewExpiredOutgoingToast); }; const showForwardMessageModal = this.showForwardMessageModal.bind(this); return { deleteMessage, deleteMessageForEveryone, displayTapToViewMessage, downloadAttachment, downloadNewVersion, kickOffAttachmentDownload, markAttachmentAsCorrupted, markViewed: onMarkViewed, openConversation, openLink, reactToMessage, replyToMessage, retrySend, showContactDetail, showContactModal, showSafetyNumber, showExpiredIncomingTapToViewToast, showExpiredOutgoingTapToViewToast, showForwardMessageModal, showIdentity, showMessageDetail, showVisualAttachment, }; } setupTimeline(): void { const messageRequestEnum = Proto.SyncMessage.MessageRequestResponse.Type; const contactSupport = () => { const baseUrl = 'https://support.signal.org/hc/LOCALE/requests/new?desktop&chat_refreshed'; const locale = window.getLocale(); const supportLocale = window.Signal.Util.mapToSupportLocale(locale); const url = baseUrl.replace('LOCALE', supportLocale); this.navigateTo(url); }; const learnMoreAboutDeliveryIssue = () => { this.navigateTo('https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/4404859745690'); }; const scrollToQuotedMessage = async ( options: Readonly<{ authorId: string; sentAt: number; }> ) => { const { authorId, sentAt } = options; const conversationId = this.model.id; const messages = await getMessagesBySentAt(sentAt, { MessageCollection: Whisper.MessageCollection, }); const message = messages.find(item => Boolean( item.get('conversationId') === conversationId && authorId && item.getContactId() === authorId ) ); if (!message) { this.showToast(Whisper.OriginalNotFoundToast); return; } this.scrollToMessage(message.id); }; const loadOlderMessages = async (oldestMessageId: string) => { const { messagesAdded, setMessagesLoading, repairOldestMessage, } = window.reduxActions.conversations; const conversationId = this.model.id; setMessagesLoading(conversationId, true); const finish = this.setInProgressFetch(); try { const message = await getMessageById(oldestMessageId, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); if (!message) { throw new Error( `loadOlderMessages: failed to load message ${oldestMessageId}` ); } const receivedAt = message.get('received_at'); const sentAt = message.get('sent_at'); const models = await getOlderMessagesByConversation(conversationId, { receivedAt, sentAt, messageId: oldestMessageId, limit: 30, MessageCollection: Whisper.MessageCollection, }); if (models.length < 1) { log.warn('loadOlderMessages: requested, but loaded no messages'); repairOldestMessage(conversationId); return; } const cleaned = await this.cleanModels(models); const isNewMessage = false; messagesAdded( this.model.id, cleaned.map((messageModel: MessageModel) => ({ ...messageModel.attributes, })), isNewMessage, window.isActive() ); } catch (error) { setMessagesLoading(conversationId, true); throw error; } finally { finish(); } }; const loadNewerMessages = async (newestMessageId: string) => { const { messagesAdded, setMessagesLoading, repairNewestMessage, } = window.reduxActions.conversations; const conversationId = this.model.id; setMessagesLoading(conversationId, true); const finish = this.setInProgressFetch(); try { const message = await getMessageById(newestMessageId, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); if (!message) { throw new Error( `loadNewerMessages: failed to load message ${newestMessageId}` ); } const receivedAt = message.get('received_at'); const sentAt = message.get('sent_at'); const models = await getNewerMessagesByConversation(conversationId, { receivedAt, sentAt, limit: 30, MessageCollection: Whisper.MessageCollection, }); if (models.length < 1) { log.warn('loadNewerMessages: requested, but loaded no messages'); repairNewestMessage(conversationId); return; } const cleaned = await this.cleanModels(models); const isNewMessage = false; messagesAdded( conversationId, cleaned.map((messageModel: MessageModel) => ({ ...messageModel.attributes, })), isNewMessage, window.isActive() ); } catch (error) { setMessagesLoading(conversationId, false); throw error; } finally { finish(); } }; const markMessageRead = async (messageId: string) => { if (!window.isActive()) { return; } const message = await getMessageById(messageId, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); if (!message) { throw new Error(`markMessageRead: failed to load message ${messageId}`); } await this.model.markRead(message.get('received_at')); }; const createMessageRequestResponseHandler = ( name: string, enumValue: number ): ((conversationId: string) => void) => conversationId => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { log.error( `createMessageRequestResponseHandler: Expected a conversation to be found in ${name}. Doing nothing` ); return; } this.syncMessageRequestResponse(name, conversation, enumValue); }; this.timelineView = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'timeline-wrapper', JSX: window.Signal.State.Roots.createTimeline(window.reduxStore, { id: this.model.id, ...this.getMessageActions(), acknowledgeGroupMemberNameCollisions: ( groupNameCollisions: Readonly ): void => { this.model.acknowledgeGroupMemberNameCollisions(groupNameCollisions); }, contactSupport, learnMoreAboutDeliveryIssue, loadNewerMessages, loadNewestMessages: this.loadNewestMessages.bind(this), loadAndScroll: this.loadAndScroll.bind(this), loadOlderMessages, markMessageRead, onBlock: createMessageRequestResponseHandler( 'onBlock', messageRequestEnum.BLOCK ), onBlockAndReportSpam: (conversationId: string) => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get( conversationId ); if (!conversation) { log.error( `onBlockAndReportSpam: Expected a conversation to be found for ${conversationId}. Doing nothing.` ); return; } this.blockAndReportSpam(conversation); }, onDelete: createMessageRequestResponseHandler( 'onDelete', messageRequestEnum.DELETE ), onUnblock: createMessageRequestResponseHandler( 'onUnblock', messageRequestEnum.ACCEPT ), onShowContactModal: this.showContactModal.bind(this), removeMember: (conversationId: string) => { this.longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'removeMember', task: () => this.model.removeFromGroupV2(conversationId), }); }, scrollToQuotedMessage, unblurAvatar: () => { this.model.unblurAvatar(); }, updateSharedGroups: this.model.throttledUpdateSharedGroups, }), }); this.$('.timeline-placeholder').append(this.timelineView.el); } private showToast( ToastView: typeof window.Whisper.ToastView, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any options?: any, element?: Element ): void { const toast = new ToastView(options); if (element) { toast.$el.appendTo(element); } else { const lightboxEl = $('.Lightbox'); if (lightboxEl.length > 0) { toast.$el.appendTo(lightboxEl); } else { toast.$el.appendTo(this.$el); } } toast.render(); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async cleanModels( collection: MessageModelCollectionType | Array ): Promise> { const result = collection .filter((message: MessageModel) => Boolean(message.id)) .map((message: MessageModel) => window.MessageController.register(message.id, message) ); const eliminated = collection.length - result.length; if (eliminated > 0) { log.warn(`cleanModels: Eliminated ${eliminated} messages without an id`); } for (let max = result.length, i = 0; i < max; i += 1) { const message = result[i]; const { attributes } = message; const { schemaVersion } = attributes; if (schemaVersion < Message.VERSION_NEEDED_FOR_DISPLAY) { // Yep, we really do want to wait for each of these // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const upgradedMessage = await upgradeMessageSchema(attributes); message.set(upgradedMessage); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(upgradedMessage); } } return result; } async scrollToMessage(messageId: string): Promise { const message = await getMessageById(messageId, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); if (!message) { throw new Error(`scrollToMessage: failed to load message ${messageId}`); } const state = window.reduxStore.getState(); let isInMemory = true; if (!window.MessageController.getById(messageId)) { isInMemory = false; } // Message might be in memory, but not in the redux anymore because // we call `messageReset()` in `loadAndScroll()`. const messagesByConversation = getMessagesByConversation(state)[ this.model.id ]; if (!messagesByConversation?.messageIds.includes(messageId)) { isInMemory = false; } if (isInMemory) { const { scrollToMessage } = window.reduxActions.conversations; scrollToMessage(this.model.id, messageId); return; } this.loadAndScroll(messageId); } setInProgressFetch(): () => unknown { let resolvePromise: (value?: unknown) => void; this.model.inProgressFetch = new Promise(resolve => { resolvePromise = resolve; }); const finish = () => { resolvePromise(); this.model.inProgressFetch = undefined; }; return finish; } async loadAndScroll( messageId: string, options?: { disableScroll?: boolean } ): Promise { const { messagesReset, setMessagesLoading, } = window.reduxActions.conversations; const conversationId = this.model.id; setMessagesLoading(conversationId, true); const finish = this.setInProgressFetch(); try { const message = await getMessageById(messageId, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); if (!message) { throw new Error( `loadMoreAndScroll: failed to load message ${messageId}` ); } const receivedAt = message.get('received_at'); const sentAt = message.get('sent_at'); const older = await getOlderMessagesByConversation(conversationId, { limit: 30, receivedAt, sentAt, messageId, MessageCollection: Whisper.MessageCollection, }); const newer = await getNewerMessagesByConversation(conversationId, { limit: 30, receivedAt, sentAt, MessageCollection: Whisper.MessageCollection, }); const metrics = await getMessageMetricsForConversation(conversationId); const all = [...older.models, message, ...newer.models]; const cleaned: Array = await this.cleanModels(all); const scrollToMessageId = options && options.disableScroll ? undefined : messageId; messagesReset( conversationId, cleaned.map((messageModel: MessageModel) => ({ ...messageModel.attributes, })), metrics, scrollToMessageId ); } catch (error) { setMessagesLoading(conversationId, false); throw error; } finally { finish(); } } async loadNewestMessages( newestMessageId: string | undefined, setFocus: boolean | undefined ): Promise { const { messagesReset, setMessagesLoading, } = window.reduxActions.conversations; const conversationId = this.model.id; setMessagesLoading(conversationId, true); const finish = this.setInProgressFetch(); try { let scrollToLatestUnread = true; if (newestMessageId) { const newestInMemoryMessage = await getMessageById(newestMessageId, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); if (newestInMemoryMessage) { // If newest in-memory message is unread, scrolling down would mean going to // the very bottom, not the oldest unread. if (isMessageUnread(newestInMemoryMessage.attributes)) { scrollToLatestUnread = false; } } else { log.warn( `loadNewestMessages: did not find message ${newestMessageId}` ); } } const metrics = await getMessageMetricsForConversation(conversationId); // If this is a message request that has not yet been accepted, we always show the // oldest messages, to ensure that the ConversationHero is shown. We don't want to // scroll directly to the oldest message, because that could scroll the hero off // the screen. if (!newestMessageId && !this.model.getAccepted() && metrics.oldest) { this.loadAndScroll(metrics.oldest.id, { disableScroll: true }); return; } if (scrollToLatestUnread && metrics.oldestUnread) { this.loadAndScroll(metrics.oldestUnread.id, { disableScroll: !setFocus, }); return; } const messages = await getOlderMessagesByConversation(conversationId, { limit: 30, MessageCollection: Whisper.MessageCollection, }); const cleaned: Array = await this.cleanModels(messages); const scrollToMessageId = setFocus && metrics.newest ? metrics.newest.id : undefined; // Because our `getOlderMessages` fetch above didn't specify a receivedAt, we got // the most recent 30 messages in the conversation. If it has a conflict with // metrics, fetched a bit before, that's likely a race condition. So we tell our // reducer to trust the message set we just fetched for determining if we have // the newest message loaded. const unboundedFetch = true; messagesReset( conversationId, cleaned.map((messageModel: MessageModel) => ({ ...messageModel.attributes, })), metrics, scrollToMessageId, unboundedFetch ); } catch (error) { setMessagesLoading(conversationId, false); throw error; } finally { finish(); } } async startMigrationToGV2(): Promise { const logId = this.model.idForLogging(); if (!isGroupV1(this.model.attributes)) { throw new Error( `startMigrationToGV2/${logId}: Cannot start, not a GroupV1 group` ); } const onClose = () => { if (this.migrationDialog) { this.migrationDialog.remove(); this.migrationDialog = undefined; } }; onClose(); const migrate = () => { onClose(); this.longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'initiateMigrationToGroupV2', task: () => window.Signal.Groups.initiateMigrationToGroupV2(this.model), }); }; // Note: this call will throw if, after generating member lists, we are no longer a // member or are in the pending member list. const { droppedGV2MemberIds, pendingMembersV2, } = await this.longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'getGroupMigrationMembers', task: () => window.Signal.Groups.getGroupMigrationMembers(this.model), }); const invitedMemberIds = pendingMembersV2.map( (item: GroupV2PendingMemberType) => item.conversationId ); this.migrationDialog = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'group-v1-migration-wrapper', JSX: window.Signal.State.Roots.createGroupV1MigrationModal( window.reduxStore, { areWeInvited: false, droppedMemberIds: droppedGV2MemberIds, hasMigrated: false, invitedMemberIds, migrate, onClose, } ), }); } onChooseAttachment(): void { this.$('input.file-input').click(); } async onChoseAttachment(): Promise { const fileField = this.$('input.file-input'); const files = fileField.prop('files'); for (let i = 0, max = files.length; i < max; i += 1) { const file = files[i]; // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.maybeAddAttachment(file); this.toggleMicrophone(); } fileField.val([]); } unload(reason: string): void { log.info( 'unloading conversation', this.model.idForLogging(), 'due to:', reason ); const { conversationUnloaded } = window.reduxActions.conversations; if (conversationUnloaded) { conversationUnloaded(this.model.id); } if (this.model.get('draftChanged')) { if (this.model.hasDraft()) { this.model.set({ draftChanged: false, draftTimestamp: Date.now(), timestamp: Date.now(), }); } else { this.model.set({ draftChanged: false, draftTimestamp: null, }); } // We don't wait here; we need to take down the view this.saveModel(); this.model.updateLastMessage(); } this.titleView?.remove(); this.timelineView?.remove(); this.compositionAreaView?.remove(); if (this.captionEditorView) { this.captionEditorView.remove(); } if (this.contactModalView) { this.contactModalView.remove(); } if (this.stickerPreviewModalView) { this.stickerPreviewModalView.remove(); } if (this.captureAudioView) { this.captureAudioView.remove(); } if (this.lightboxView) { this.lightboxView.remove(); } if (this.panels && this.panels.length) { for (let i = 0, max = this.panels.length; i < max; i += 1) { const panel = this.panels[i]; panel.remove(); } window.reduxActions.conversations.setSelectedConversationPanelDepth(0); } this.removeLinkPreview(); this.disableLinkPreviews = true; this.remove(); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this navigateTo(url: string): void { window.location.href = url; } downloadNewVersion(): void { this.navigateTo('https://signal.org/download'); } async onDrop(e: JQuery.TriggeredEvent): Promise { if (!e.originalEvent) { return; } const event = e.originalEvent as DragEvent; if (!event.dataTransfer) { return; } if (event.dataTransfer.types[0] !== 'Files') { return; } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); const { files } = event.dataTransfer; for (let i = 0, max = files.length; i < max; i += 1) { const file = files[i]; this.maybeAddAttachment(file); } } onPaste(e: JQuery.TriggeredEvent): void { if (!e.originalEvent) { return; } const event = e.originalEvent as ClipboardEvent; if (!event.clipboardData) { return; } const { items } = event.clipboardData; const anyImages = [...items].some( item => item.type.split('/')[0] === 'image' ); if (!anyImages) { return; } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i += 1) { if (items[i].type.split('/')[0] === 'image') { const file = items[i].getAsFile(); if (file) { this.maybeAddAttachment(file); } } } } syncMessageRequestResponse( name: string, model: ConversationModel, messageRequestType: number ): Promise { return this.longRunningTaskWrapper({ name, task: model.syncMessageRequestResponse.bind(model, messageRequestType), }); } blockAndReportSpam(model: ConversationModel): Promise { const messageRequestEnum = Proto.SyncMessage.MessageRequestResponse.Type; return this.longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'blockAndReportSpam', task: async () => { await Promise.all([ model.syncMessageRequestResponse(messageRequestEnum.BLOCK), addReportSpamJob({ conversation: model.format(), getMessageServerGuidsForSpam: window.Signal.Data.getMessageServerGuidsForSpam, jobQueue: reportSpamJobQueue, }), ]); this.showToast(ReportedSpamAndBlockedToast); }, }); } onClickAttachment(attachment: AttachmentDraftType): void { if (attachment.pending) { throw new Error( 'onClickAttachment: Cannot click to edit pending attachment' ); } const getProps = () => { if (attachment.pending) { throw new Error( 'onClickAttachment/onSave: Cannot render pending attachment' ); } return { url: attachment.url, caption: attachment.caption, attachment, onSave, }; }; const onSave = (caption?: string) => { const attachments = this.model.get('draftAttachments') || []; this.model.set({ draftAttachments: attachments.map((item: OnDiskAttachmentDraftType) => { if (item.pending || attachment.pending) { return item; } if ( (item.path && item.path === attachment.path) || (item.screenshotPath && item.screenshotPath === attachment.screenshotPath) ) { return { ...attachment, caption, }; } return item; }), draftChanged: true, }); if (this.captionEditorView) { this.captionEditorView.remove(); this.captionEditorView = undefined; } window.Signal.Backbone.Views.Lightbox.hide(); this.updateAttachmentsView(); this.saveModel(); }; this.captionEditorView = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'attachment-list-wrapper', Component: window.Signal.Components.CaptionEditor, props: getProps(), onClose: () => window.Signal.Backbone.Views.Lightbox.hide(), }); window.Signal.Backbone.Views.Lightbox.show(this.captionEditorView.el); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async deleteDraftAttachment( attachment: Pick ): Promise { if (attachment.screenshotPath) { await deleteDraftFile(attachment.screenshotPath); } if (attachment.path) { await deleteDraftFile(attachment.path); } } async saveModel(): Promise { window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(this.model.attributes); } async addAttachment(attachment: InMemoryAttachmentDraftType): Promise { const onDisk = await this.writeDraftAttachment(attachment); // Remove any pending attachments that were transcoding const draftAttachments = this.model.get('draftAttachments') || []; const index = draftAttachments.findIndex( draftAttachment => draftAttachment.path === attachment.path ); if (index < 0) { log.warn( `addAttachment: Failed to find pending attachment with path ${attachment.path}` ); this.model.set({ draftAttachments: [...draftAttachments, onDisk], }); } else { this.model.set({ draftAttachments: replaceIndex(draftAttachments, index, onDisk), }); } this.updateAttachmentsView(); await this.saveModel(); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this resolveOnDiskAttachment( attachment: OnDiskAttachmentDraftType ): AttachmentDraftType { let url = ''; if (attachment.pending) { return attachment; } if (attachment.screenshotPath) { url = getAbsoluteDraftPath(attachment.screenshotPath); } else if (attachment.path) { url = getAbsoluteDraftPath(attachment.path); } else { log.warn( 'resolveOnDiskAttachment: Attachment was missing both screenshotPath and path fields' ); } return { ...pick(attachment, [ 'blurHash', 'caption', 'contentType', 'fileName', 'path', 'size', ]), pending: false, url, }; } async removeDraftAttachment( attachment: Pick ): Promise { const draftAttachments = this.model.get('draftAttachments') || []; this.model.set({ draftAttachments: reject( draftAttachments, item => item.path === attachment.path ), draftChanged: true, }); this.updateAttachmentsView(); await this.saveModel(); await this.deleteDraftAttachment(attachment); } async clearAttachments(): Promise { this.voiceNoteAttachment = undefined; const draftAttachments = this.model.get('draftAttachments') || []; this.model.set({ draftAttachments: [], draftChanged: true, }); this.updateAttachmentsView(); // We're fine doing this all at once; at most it should be 32 attachments await Promise.all([ this.saveModel(), Promise.all( draftAttachments.map(attachment => this.deleteDraftAttachment(attachment) ) ), ]); } hasFiles(options: { includePending: boolean }): boolean { const draftAttachments = this.model.get('draftAttachments') || []; if (options.includePending) { return draftAttachments.length > 0; } return draftAttachments.some(item => !item.pending); } async getFiles(): Promise> { if (this.voiceNoteAttachment) { // We don't need to pull these off disk; we return them as-is return [this.voiceNoteAttachment]; } const draftAttachments = this.model.get('draftAttachments') || []; const items = await Promise.all( draftAttachments.map(attachment => this.getFile(attachment)) ); return items.filter(isNotNil); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async getFile( attachment?: OnDiskAttachmentDraftType ): Promise { if (!attachment || attachment.pending) { return; } const data = await readDraftData(attachment.path); if (data.byteLength !== attachment.size) { log.error( `Attachment size from disk ${data.byteLength} did not match attachment size ${attachment.size}` ); return; } return { ...attachment, data, }; } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this arrayBufferFromFile(file: Blob): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, rejectPromise) => { const FR = new FileReader(); FR.onload = () => { if (!FR.result || typeof FR.result === 'string') { rejectPromise(new Error('arrayBufferFromFile: No result!')); return; } resolve(FR.result); }; FR.onerror = rejectPromise; FR.onabort = rejectPromise; FR.readAsArrayBuffer(file); }); } showFileSizeError({ limit, units, u, }: Readonly<{ limit: number; units: Array; u: number; }>): void { const toast = new Whisper.FileSizeToast({ model: { limit, units: units[u] }, }); toast.$el.insertAfter(this.$el); toast.render(); } updateAttachmentsView(): void { const draftAttachments = this.model.get('draftAttachments') || []; window.reduxActions.composer.replaceAttachments( this.model.get('id'), draftAttachments.map((att: OnDiskAttachmentDraftType) => this.resolveOnDiskAttachment(att) ) ); this.toggleMicrophone(); if (this.hasFiles({ includePending: true })) { this.removeLinkPreview(); } } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async writeDraftAttachment( attachment: InMemoryAttachmentDraftType ): Promise { if (attachment.pending) { throw new Error('writeDraftAttachment: Cannot write pending attachment'); } const result: OnDiskAttachmentDraftType = { ...omit(attachment, ['data', 'screenshotData']), pending: false, }; if (attachment.data) { result.path = await writeNewDraftData(attachment.data); } if (attachment.screenshotData) { result.screenshotPath = await writeNewDraftData( attachment.screenshotData ); } return result; } async maybeAddAttachment(file: File): Promise { if (!file) { return; } const MB = 1000 * 1024; if (file.size > 100 * MB) { this.showFileSizeError({ limit: 100, units: ['MB'], u: 0 }); return; } if (window.Signal.Util.isFileDangerous(file.name)) { this.showToast(Whisper.DangerousFileTypeToast); return; } const draftAttachments = this.model.get('draftAttachments') || []; if (draftAttachments.length >= 32) { this.showToast(Whisper.MaxAttachmentsToast); return; } const haveNonImage = draftAttachments.some( (attachment: OnDiskAttachmentDraftType) => !MIME.isImage(attachment.contentType) ); // You can't add another attachment if you already have a non-image staged if (haveNonImage) { this.showToast(Whisper.OneNonImageAtATimeToast); return; } const fileType = stringToMIMEType(file.type); // You can't add a non-image attachment if you already have attachments staged if (!MIME.isImage(fileType) && draftAttachments.length > 0) { this.showToast(Whisper.CannotMixImageAndNonImageAttachmentsToast); return; } // Add a pending attachment since async processing happens below const path = file.name; const fileName = nodePath.parse(file.name).name; this.model.set({ draftAttachments: [ ...draftAttachments, { contentType: fileType, fileName, path, pending: true, }, ], }); this.updateAttachmentsView(); let attachment: InMemoryAttachmentDraftType; try { if ( window.Signal.Util.GoogleChrome.isImageTypeSupported(fileType) || isHeic(fileType) ) { attachment = await handleImageAttachment(file); const hasDraftAttachmentPending = ( this.model.get('draftAttachments') || [] ).some( draftAttachment => draftAttachment.pending && draftAttachment.path === path ); // User has canceled the draft so we don't need to continue processing if (!hasDraftAttachmentPending) { return; } } else if ( window.Signal.Util.GoogleChrome.isVideoTypeSupported(fileType) ) { attachment = await this.handleVideoAttachment(file); } else { const data = await this.arrayBufferFromFile(file); attachment = { contentType: fileType, data, fileName: file.name, path: file.name, pending: false, size: data.byteLength, }; } } catch (e) { log.error( `Was unable to generate thumbnail for fileType ${fileType}`, e && e.stack ? e.stack : e ); const data = await this.arrayBufferFromFile(file); attachment = { contentType: fileType, data, fileName: file.name, path: file.name, pending: false, size: data.byteLength, }; } try { if (!this.isSizeOkay(attachment)) { this.removeDraftAttachment(attachment); } } catch (error) { log.error( 'Error ensuring that image is properly sized:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); this.removeDraftAttachment(attachment); this.showToast(Whisper.UnableToLoadToast); return; } try { await this.addAttachment(attachment); } catch (error) { log.error( 'Error saving draft attachment:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); this.showToast(Whisper.UnableToLoadToast); } } isSizeOkay(attachment: Readonly): boolean { const limitKb = window.Signal.Types.Attachment.getUploadSizeLimitKb( attachment.contentType ); // this needs to be cast properly // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore if ((attachment.data.byteLength / 1024).toFixed(4) >= limitKb) { const units = ['kB', 'MB', 'GB']; let u = -1; let limit = limitKb * 1000; do { limit /= 1000; u += 1; } while (limit >= 1000 && u < units.length - 1); this.showFileSizeError({ limit, units, u }); return false; } return true; } async handleVideoAttachment( file: Readonly ): Promise { const objectUrl = URL.createObjectURL(file); if (!objectUrl) { throw new Error('Failed to create object url for video!'); } try { const screenshotContentType = 'image/png'; const screenshotBlob = await VisualAttachment.makeVideoScreenshot({ objectUrl, contentType: screenshotContentType, logger: log, }); const screenshotData = await VisualAttachment.blobToArrayBuffer( screenshotBlob ); const data = await this.arrayBufferFromFile(file); return { contentType: stringToMIMEType(file.type), data, fileName: file.name, path: file.name, pending: false, screenshotContentType, screenshotData, screenshotSize: screenshotData.byteLength, size: data.byteLength, }; } finally { URL.revokeObjectURL(objectUrl); } } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async markAllAsVerifiedDefault( unverified: ReadonlyArray ): Promise { await Promise.all( unverified.map(contact => { if (contact.isUnverified()) { return contact.setVerifiedDefault(); } return null; }) ); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async markAllAsApproved( untrusted: ReadonlyArray ): Promise { await Promise.all(untrusted.map(contact => contact.setApproved())); } toggleMicrophone(): void { this.compositionApi.current?.setShowMic( !this.hasFiles({ includePending: true }) ); } captureAudio(e?: Event): void { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } if (this.compositionApi.current?.isDirty()) { return; } if (this.hasFiles({ includePending: true })) { this.showToast(Whisper.VoiceNoteMustBeOnlyAttachmentToast); return; } this.showToast(Whisper.VoiceNoteLimit); // Note - clicking anywhere will close the audio capture panel, due to // the onClick handler in InboxView, which calls its closeRecording method. if (this.captureAudioView) { this.captureAudioView.remove(); this.captureAudioView = undefined; } this.captureAudioView = new Whisper.RecorderView(); const view = this.captureAudioView; view.render(); view.on('send', this.handleAudioCapture.bind(this)); view.on('confirm', this.handleAudioConfirm.bind(this)); view.on('closed', this.endCaptureAudio.bind(this)); view.$el.appendTo(this.$('.capture-audio')); view.$('.finish').focus(); this.compositionApi.current?.setMicActive(true); this.disableMessageField(); this.$('.microphone').hide(); } handleAudioConfirm(blob: Blob, lostFocus?: boolean): void { window.showConfirmationDialog({ confirmStyle: 'negative', cancelText: window.i18n('discard'), message: lostFocus ? window.i18n('voiceRecordingInterruptedBlur') : window.i18n('voiceRecordingInterruptedMax'), okText: window.i18n('sendAnyway'), resolve: async () => { await this.handleAudioCapture(blob); }, }); } async handleAudioCapture(blob: Blob): Promise { if (this.hasFiles({ includePending: true })) { throw new Error('A voice note cannot be sent with other attachments'); } const data = await this.arrayBufferFromFile(blob); // These aren't persisted to disk; they are meant to be sent immediately this.voiceNoteAttachment = { contentType: stringToMIMEType(blob.type), data, size: data.byteLength, flags: Proto.AttachmentPointer.Flags.VOICE_MESSAGE, }; // Note: The RecorderView removes itself on send this.captureAudioView = undefined; this.sendMessage(); } endCaptureAudio(): void { this.enableMessageField(); this.$('.microphone').show(); // Note: The RecorderView removes itself on close this.captureAudioView = undefined; this.compositionApi.current?.setMicActive(false); } async onOpened(messageId: string): Promise { if (messageId) { const message = await getMessageById(messageId, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); if (message) { this.loadAndScroll(messageId); return; } log.warn(`onOpened: Did not find message ${messageId}`); } const { retryPlaceholders } = window.Signal.Services; if (retryPlaceholders) { await retryPlaceholders.findByConversationAndMarkOpened(this.model.id); } this.loadNewestMessages(undefined, undefined); this.model.updateLastMessage(); this.focusMessageField(); const quotedMessageId = this.model.get('quotedMessageId'); if (quotedMessageId) { this.setQuoteMessage(quotedMessageId); } this.model.fetchLatestGroupV2Data(); strictAssert( this.model.throttledMaybeMigrateV1Group !== undefined, 'Conversation model should be initialized' ); this.model.throttledMaybeMigrateV1Group(); strictAssert( this.model.throttledFetchSMSOnlyUUID !== undefined, 'Conversation model should be initialized' ); this.model.throttledFetchSMSOnlyUUID(); strictAssert( this.model.throttledGetProfiles !== undefined, 'Conversation model should be initialized' ); await this.model.throttledGetProfiles(); this.model.updateVerified(); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async retrySend(messageId: string): Promise { const message = window.MessageController.getById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error(`retrySend: Message ${messageId} missing!`); } await message.retrySend(); } async showForwardMessageModal(messageId: string): Promise { const messageFromCache = window.MessageController.getById(messageId); if (!messageFromCache) { log.info('showForwardMessageModal: Fetching message from database'); } const message = messageFromCache || (await window.Signal.Data.getMessageById(messageId, { Message: window.Whisper.Message, })); if (!message) { throw new Error(`showForwardMessageModal: Message ${messageId} missing!`); } const attachments = getAttachmentsForMessage(message.attributes); this.forwardMessageModal = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ JSX: window.Signal.State.Roots.createForwardMessageModal( window.reduxStore, { attachments, doForwardMessage: async ( conversationIds: Array, messageBody?: string, includedAttachments?: Array, linkPreview?: LinkPreviewType ) => { try { const didForwardSuccessfully = await this.maybeForwardMessage( message, conversationIds, messageBody, includedAttachments, linkPreview ); if (didForwardSuccessfully && this.forwardMessageModal) { this.forwardMessageModal.remove(); this.forwardMessageModal = undefined; } } catch (err) { log.warn('doForwardMessage', err && err.stack ? err.stack : err); } }, isSticker: Boolean(message.get('sticker')), messageBody: message.getRawText(), onClose: () => { if (this.forwardMessageModal) { this.forwardMessageModal.remove(); this.forwardMessageModal = undefined; } this.resetLinkPreview(); }, onEditorStateChange: ( messageText: string, _: Array, caretLocation?: number ) => { if (!attachments.length) { this.debouncedMaybeGrabLinkPreview(messageText, caretLocation); } }, onTextTooLong: () => this.showToast( Whisper.MessageBodyTooLongToast, {}, document.querySelector('.module-ForwardMessageModal') || undefined ), } ), }); this.forwardMessageModal.render(); } async maybeForwardMessage( message: MessageModel, conversationIds: Array, messageBody?: string, attachments?: Array, linkPreview?: LinkPreviewType ): Promise { log.info(`maybeForwardMessage/${message.idForLogging()}: Starting...`); const attachmentLookup = new Set(); if (attachments) { attachments.forEach(attachment => { attachmentLookup.add( `${attachment.fileName}/${attachment.contentType}` ); }); } const conversations = conversationIds.map(id => window.ConversationController.get(id) ); const cannotSend = conversations.some( conversation => conversation?.get('announcementsOnly') && !conversation.areWeAdmin() ); if (cannotSend) { throw new Error('Cannot send to group'); } // Verify that all contacts that we're forwarding // to are verified and trusted const unverifiedContacts: Array = []; const untrustedContacts: Array = []; await Promise.all( conversations.map(async conversation => { if (conversation) { await conversation.updateVerified(); const unverifieds = conversation.getUnverified(); if (unverifieds.length) { unverifieds.forEach(unverifiedConversation => unverifiedContacts.push(unverifiedConversation) ); } const untrusted = conversation.getUntrusted(); if (untrusted.length) { untrusted.forEach(untrustedConversation => untrustedContacts.push(untrustedConversation) ); } } }) ); // If there are any unverified or untrusted contacts, show the // SendAnywayDialog and if we're fine with sending then mark all as // verified and trusted and continue the send. const iffyConversations = [...unverifiedContacts, ...untrustedContacts]; if (iffyConversations.length) { const forwardMessageModal = document.querySelector( '.module-ForwardMessageModal' ); if (forwardMessageModal) { forwardMessageModal.style.display = 'none'; } const sendAnyway = await this.showSendAnywayDialog(iffyConversations); if (!sendAnyway) { if (forwardMessageModal) { forwardMessageModal.style.display = 'block'; } return false; } let verifyPromise: Promise | undefined; let approvePromise: Promise | undefined; if (unverifiedContacts.length) { verifyPromise = this.markAllAsVerifiedDefault(unverifiedContacts); } if (untrustedContacts.length) { approvePromise = this.markAllAsApproved(untrustedContacts); } await Promise.all([verifyPromise, approvePromise]); } const sendMessageOptions = { dontClearDraft: true }; const baseTimestamp = Date.now(); // Actually send the message // load any sticker data, attachments, or link previews that we need to // send along with the message and do the send to each conversation. await Promise.all( conversations.map(async (conversation, offset) => { const timestamp = baseTimestamp + offset; if (conversation) { const sticker = message.get('sticker'); if (sticker) { const stickerWithData = await loadStickerData(sticker); const stickerNoPath = stickerWithData ? { ...stickerWithData, data: { ...stickerWithData.data, path: undefined, }, } : undefined; conversation.enqueueMessageForSend( undefined, // body [], undefined, // quote [], stickerNoPath, undefined, // BodyRanges { ...sendMessageOptions, timestamp } ); } else { const preview = linkPreview ? await loadPreviewData([linkPreview]) : []; const attachmentsWithData = await Promise.all( (attachments || []).map(async item => ({ ...(await loadAttachmentData(item)), path: undefined, })) ); const attachmentsToSend = attachmentsWithData.filter( (attachment: Partial) => attachmentLookup.has( `${attachment.fileName}/${attachment.contentType}` ) ); conversation.enqueueMessageForSend( messageBody || undefined, attachmentsToSend, undefined, // quote preview, undefined, // sticker undefined, // BodyRanges { ...sendMessageOptions, timestamp } ); } } }) ); // Cancel any link still pending, even if it didn't make it into the message this.resetLinkPreview(); return true; } async showAllMedia(): Promise { // We fetch more documents than media as they don’t require to be loaded // into memory right away. Revisit this once we have infinite scrolling: const DEFAULT_MEDIA_FETCH_COUNT = 50; const DEFAULT_DOCUMENTS_FETCH_COUNT = 150; const conversationId = this.model.get('id'); const getProps = async () => { const rawMedia = await window.Signal.Data.getMessagesWithVisualMediaAttachments( conversationId, { limit: DEFAULT_MEDIA_FETCH_COUNT, } ); const rawDocuments = await window.Signal.Data.getMessagesWithFileAttachments( conversationId, { limit: DEFAULT_DOCUMENTS_FETCH_COUNT, } ); // First we upgrade these messages to ensure that they have thumbnails for (let max = rawMedia.length, i = 0; i < max; i += 1) { const message = rawMedia[i]; const { schemaVersion } = message; if ( schemaVersion && schemaVersion < Message.VERSION_NEEDED_FOR_DISPLAY ) { // Yep, we really do want to wait for each of these // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop rawMedia[i] = await upgradeMessageSchema(message); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(rawMedia[i]); } } const media: Array = flatten( rawMedia.map(message => { return (message.attachments || []).map( ( attachment: AttachmentType, index: number ): MediaType | undefined => { if ( !attachment.path || !attachment.thumbnail || attachment.pending || attachment.error ) { return; } const { thumbnail } = attachment; return { path: attachment.path, objectURL: getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(attachment.path), thumbnailObjectUrl: thumbnail ? getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(thumbnail.path) : undefined, contentType: attachment.contentType, index, attachment, message: { attachments: message.attachments || [], conversationId: window.ConversationController.get( window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ uuid: message.sourceUuid, e164: message.source, }) )?.id || message.conversationId, id: message.id, received_at: message.received_at, received_at_ms: Number(message.received_at_ms), sent_at: message.sent_at, }, }; } ); }) ).filter(isNotNil); // Unlike visual media, only one non-image attachment is supported const documents = rawDocuments .filter(message => Boolean(message.attachments && message.attachments.length) ) .map(message => { const attachments = message.attachments || []; const attachment = attachments[0]; return { contentType: attachment.contentType, index: 0, attachment, message, }; }); const saveAttachment = async ({ attachment, message, }: { attachment: AttachmentType; message: Pick; }) => { const timestamp = message.sent_at; const fullPath = await window.Signal.Types.Attachment.save({ attachment, readAttachmentData, saveAttachmentToDisk, timestamp, }); if (fullPath) { this.showToast(Whisper.FileSavedToast, { fullPath }); } }; const onItemClick = async ({ message, attachment, type, }: { message: MessageAttributesType; attachment: AttachmentType; type: 'documents' | 'media'; }) => { switch (type) { case 'documents': { saveAttachment({ message, attachment }); break; } case 'media': { const selectedMedia = media.find(item => attachment.path === item.path) || media[0]; this.showLightboxForMedia(selectedMedia, media); break; } default: throw new TypeError(`Unknown attachment type: '${type}'`); } }; return { documents, media, onItemClick, }; }; const view = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'panel', Component: window.Signal.Components.MediaGallery, props: await getProps(), onClose: () => { unsubscribe(); }, }); view.headerTitle = window.i18n('allMedia'); const update = async () => { view.update(await getProps()); }; function getMessageIds(): Array | undefined { const state = window.reduxStore.getState(); const byConversation = state?.conversations?.messagesByConversation; const messages = byConversation && byConversation[conversationId]; if (!messages || !messages.messageIds) { return undefined; } return messages.messageIds; } // Detect message changes in the current conversation let previousMessageList: Array | undefined; previousMessageList = getMessageIds(); const unsubscribe = window.reduxStore.subscribe(() => { const currentMessageList = getMessageIds(); if (currentMessageList !== previousMessageList) { update(); previousMessageList = currentMessageList; } }); this.listenBack(view); } focusMessageField(): void { if (this.panels && this.panels.length) { return; } this.compositionApi.current?.focusInput(); } disableMessageField(): void { this.compositionApi.current?.setDisabled(true); } enableMessageField(): void { this.compositionApi.current?.setDisabled(false); } resetEmojiResults(): void { this.compositionApi.current?.resetEmojiResults(); } showGV1Members(): void { const { contactCollection } = this.model; const memberships = contactCollection?.map((conversation: ConversationModel) => { return { isAdmin: false, member: conversation.format(), }; }) || []; const view = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'group-member-list panel', Component: ConversationDetailsMembershipList, props: { canAddNewMembers: false, i18n: window.i18n, maxShownMemberCount: 32, memberships, showContactModal: this.showContactModal.bind(this), }, }); this.listenBack(view); view.render(); } showSafetyNumber(id?: string): void { let conversation: undefined | ConversationModel; if (!id && isDirectConversation(this.model.attributes)) { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring conversation = this.model; } else { conversation = window.ConversationController.get(id); } if (conversation) { const view = new Whisper.KeyVerificationPanelView({ model: conversation, }); this.listenBack(view); } } downloadAttachmentWrapper( messageId: string, providedAttachment?: AttachmentType ): void { const message = window.MessageController.getById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error( `downloadAttachmentWrapper: Message ${messageId} missing!` ); } const { attachments, sent_at: timestamp } = message.attributes; if (!attachments || attachments.length < 1) { return; } const attachment = providedAttachment && attachments.includes(providedAttachment) ? providedAttachment : attachments[0]; const { fileName } = attachment; const isDangerous = window.Signal.Util.isFileDangerous(fileName || ''); this.downloadAttachment({ attachment, timestamp, isDangerous }); } async downloadAttachment({ attachment, timestamp, isDangerous, }: { attachment: AttachmentType; timestamp: number; isDangerous: boolean; }): Promise { if (isDangerous) { this.showToast(Whisper.DangerousFileTypeToast); return; } const fullPath = await window.Signal.Types.Attachment.save({ attachment, readAttachmentData, saveAttachmentToDisk, timestamp, }); if (fullPath) { this.showToast(Whisper.FileSavedToast, { fullPath }); } } async displayTapToViewMessage(messageId: string): Promise { log.info('displayTapToViewMessage: attempting to display message'); const message = window.MessageController.getById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error(`displayTapToViewMessage: Message ${messageId} missing!`); } if (!isTapToView(message.attributes)) { throw new Error( `displayTapToViewMessage: Message ${message.idForLogging()} is not a tap to view message` ); } if (message.isErased()) { throw new Error( `displayTapToViewMessage: Message ${message.idForLogging()} is already erased` ); } const firstAttachment = (message.get('attachments') || [])[0]; if (!firstAttachment || !firstAttachment.path) { throw new Error( `displayTapToViewMessage: Message ${message.idForLogging()} had no first attachment with path` ); } const absolutePath = getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(firstAttachment.path); const tempPath = await copyIntoTempDirectory(absolutePath); const tempAttachment = { ...firstAttachment, path: tempPath, }; await message.markViewOnceMessageViewed(); const closeLightbox = async () => { log.info('displayTapToViewMessage: attempting to close lightbox'); if (!this.lightboxView) { log.info('displayTapToViewMessage: lightbox was already closed'); return; } const { lightboxView } = this; this.lightboxView = undefined; this.stopListening(message); window.Signal.Backbone.Views.Lightbox.hide(); lightboxView.remove(); await deleteTempFile(tempPath); }; this.listenTo(message, 'expired', closeLightbox); this.listenTo(message, 'change', () => { if (this.lightboxView) { this.lightboxView.update(getProps()); } }); const getProps = () => { const { path, contentType } = tempAttachment; return { media: [ { attachment: tempAttachment, objectURL: getAbsoluteTempPath(path), contentType, index: 0, message: { attachments: message.get('attachments'), id: message.get('id'), conversationId: message.get('conversationId'), received_at: message.get('received_at'), received_at_ms: Number(message.get('received_at_ms')), sent_at: message.get('sent_at'), }, }, ], isViewOnce: true, }; }; if (this.lightboxView) { this.lightboxView.remove(); this.lightboxView = undefined; } this.lightboxView = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'lightbox-wrapper', Component: window.Signal.Components.Lightbox, props: getProps(), onClose: closeLightbox, }); window.Signal.Backbone.Views.Lightbox.show(this.lightboxView.el); log.info('displayTapToViewMessage: showed lightbox'); } deleteMessage(messageId: string): void { const message = window.MessageController.getById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error(`deleteMessage: Message ${messageId} missing!`); } window.showConfirmationDialog({ confirmStyle: 'negative', message: window.i18n('deleteWarning'), okText: window.i18n('delete'), resolve: () => { window.Signal.Data.removeMessage(message.id, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); message.cleanup(); if (isOutgoing(message.attributes)) { this.model.decrementSentMessageCount(); } else { this.model.decrementMessageCount(); } this.resetPanel(); }, }); } deleteMessageForEveryone(messageId: string): void { const message = window.MessageController.getById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error( `deleteMessageForEveryone: Message ${messageId} missing!` ); } window.showConfirmationDialog({ confirmStyle: 'negative', message: window.i18n('deleteForEveryoneWarning'), okText: window.i18n('delete'), resolve: async () => { try { await this.model.sendDeleteForEveryoneMessage({ id: message.id, timestamp: message.get('sent_at'), }); } catch (error) { log.error( 'Error sending delete-for-everyone', error && error.stack, messageId ); this.showToast(Whisper.DeleteForEveryoneFailedToast); } this.resetPanel(); }, }); } showStickerPackPreview(packId: string, packKey: string): void { Stickers.downloadEphemeralPack(packId, packKey); const props = { packId, onClose: async () => { if (this.stickerPreviewModalView) { this.stickerPreviewModalView.remove(); this.stickerPreviewModalView = undefined; } await Stickers.removeEphemeralPack(packId); }, }; this.stickerPreviewModalView = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'sticker-preview-modal-wrapper', JSX: window.Signal.State.Roots.createStickerPreviewModal( window.reduxStore, props ), }); } showLightboxForMedia( selectedMediaItem: MediaItemType, media: Array = [] ): void { const onSave = async ({ attachment, message, index, }: { attachment: AttachmentType; message: MediaItemMessageType; index: number; }) => { const fullPath = await window.Signal.Types.Attachment.save({ attachment, index: index + 1, readAttachmentData, saveAttachmentToDisk, timestamp: message.sent_at, }); if (fullPath) { this.showToast(Whisper.FileSavedToast, { fullPath }); } }; const selectedIndex = media.findIndex( mediaItem => mediaItem.attachment.path === selectedMediaItem.attachment.path ); if (this.lightboxView) { this.lightboxView.remove(); this.lightboxView = undefined; } this.lightboxView = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'lightbox-wrapper', Component: window.Signal.Components.Lightbox, props: { getConversation: getConversationSelector(window.reduxStore.getState()), media, onForward: this.showForwardMessageModal.bind(this), onSave, selectedIndex: selectedIndex >= 0 ? selectedIndex : 0, }, onClose: () => window.Signal.Backbone.Views.Lightbox.hide(), }); window.Signal.Backbone.Views.Lightbox.show(this.lightboxView.el); } showLightbox({ attachment, messageId, }: { attachment: AttachmentType; messageId: string; showSingle?: boolean; }): void { const message = window.MessageController.getById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error(`showLightbox: Message ${messageId} missing!`); } const sticker = message.get('sticker'); if (sticker) { const { packId, packKey } = sticker; this.showStickerPackPreview(packId, packKey); return; } const { contentType } = attachment; if ( !window.Signal.Util.GoogleChrome.isImageTypeSupported(contentType) && !window.Signal.Util.GoogleChrome.isVideoTypeSupported(contentType) ) { this.downloadAttachmentWrapper(messageId, attachment); return; } const attachments: Array = message.get('attachments') || []; const loop = isGIF(attachments); const media = attachments .filter(item => item.thumbnail && !item.pending && !item.error) .map((item, index) => ({ objectURL: getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(item.path ?? ''), path: item.path, contentType: item.contentType, loop, index, message: { attachments: message.get('attachments') || [], id: message.get('id'), conversationId: window.ConversationController.get( window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ uuid: message.get('sourceUuid'), e164: message.get('source'), }) )?.id || message.get('conversationId'), received_at: message.get('received_at'), received_at_ms: Number(message.get('received_at_ms')), sent_at: message.get('sent_at'), }, attachment: item, thumbnailObjectUrl: item.thumbnail?.objectUrl || getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(item.thumbnail?.path ?? ''), })); const selectedMedia = media.find(item => attachment.path === item.path) || media[0]; this.showLightboxForMedia(selectedMedia, media); } showContactModal(contactId: string): void { if (this.contactModalView) { this.contactModalView.remove(); this.contactModalView = undefined; } this.previousFocus = document.activeElement as HTMLElement; const hideContactModal = () => { if (this.contactModalView) { this.contactModalView.remove(); this.contactModalView = undefined; if (this.previousFocus && this.previousFocus.focus) { this.previousFocus.focus(); this.previousFocus = undefined; } } }; this.contactModalView = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ JSX: window.Signal.State.Roots.createContactModal(window.reduxStore, { contactId, currentConversationId: this.model.id, onClose: hideContactModal, openConversation: (conversationId: string) => { hideContactModal(); this.openConversation(conversationId); }, removeMember: (conversationId: string) => { hideContactModal(); this.model.removeFromGroupV2(conversationId); }, showSafetyNumber: (conversationId: string) => { hideContactModal(); this.showSafetyNumber(conversationId); }, toggleAdmin: (conversationId: string) => { hideContactModal(); const isAdmin = this.model.isAdmin(conversationId); const conversationModel = window.ConversationController.get( conversationId ); if (!conversationModel) { log.info( 'conversation_view/toggleAdmin: Could not find conversation to toggle admin privileges' ); return; } window.showConfirmationDialog({ cancelText: window.i18n('cancel'), message: isAdmin ? window.i18n('ContactModal--rm-admin-info', [ conversationModel.getTitle(), ]) : window.i18n('ContactModal--make-admin-info', [ conversationModel.getTitle(), ]), okText: isAdmin ? window.i18n('ContactModal--rm-admin') : window.i18n('ContactModal--make-admin'), resolve: () => this.model.toggleAdmin(conversationId), }); }, updateSharedGroups: () => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(contactId); if (conversation && conversation.throttledUpdateSharedGroups) { conversation.throttledUpdateSharedGroups(); } }, }), }); this.contactModalView.render(); } showGroupLinkManagement(): void { const view = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'panel', JSX: window.Signal.State.Roots.createGroupLinkManagement( window.reduxStore, { changeHasGroupLink: this.changeHasGroupLink.bind(this), conversationId: this.model.id, copyGroupLink: this.copyGroupLink.bind(this), generateNewGroupLink: this.generateNewGroupLink.bind(this), setAccessControlAddFromInviteLinkSetting: this.setAccessControlAddFromInviteLinkSetting.bind( this ), } ), }); view.headerTitle = window.i18n('ConversationDetails--group-link'); this.listenBack(view); view.render(); } showGroupV2Permissions(): void { const view = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'panel', JSX: window.Signal.State.Roots.createGroupV2Permissions( window.reduxStore, { conversationId: this.model.id, setAccessControlAttributesSetting: this.setAccessControlAttributesSetting.bind( this ), setAccessControlMembersSetting: this.setAccessControlMembersSetting.bind( this ), setAnnouncementsOnly: this.setAnnouncementsOnly.bind(this), } ), }); view.headerTitle = window.i18n('permissions'); this.listenBack(view); view.render(); } showPendingInvites(): void { const view = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'panel', JSX: window.Signal.State.Roots.createPendingInvites(window.reduxStore, { conversationId: this.model.id, ourConversationId: window.ConversationController.getOurConversationId(), approvePendingMembership: (conversationId: string) => { this.model.approvePendingMembershipFromGroupV2(conversationId); }, revokePendingMemberships: conversationIds => { this.model.revokePendingMembershipsFromGroupV2(conversationIds); }, }), }); view.headerTitle = window.i18n('ConversationDetails--requests-and-invites'); this.listenBack(view); view.render(); } showConversationNotificationsSettings(): void { const view = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'panel', JSX: window.Signal.State.Roots.createConversationNotificationsSettings( window.reduxStore, { conversationId: this.model.id, setDontNotifyForMentionsIfMuted: this.model.setDontNotifyForMentionsIfMuted.bind( this.model ), setMuteExpiration: this.setMuteExpiration.bind(this), } ), }); view.headerTitle = window.i18n('ConversationDetails--notifications'); this.listenBack(view); view.render(); } showChatColorEditor(): void { const view = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'panel', JSX: window.Signal.State.Roots.createChatColorPicker(window.reduxStore, { conversationId: this.model.get('id'), }), }); view.headerTitle = window.i18n('ChatColorPicker__menu-title'); this.listenBack(view); view.render(); } showConversationDetails(): void { // Run a getProfiles in case member's capabilities have changed // Redux should cover us on the return here so no need to await this. if (this.model.throttledGetProfiles) { this.model.throttledGetProfiles(); } const messageRequestEnum = Proto.SyncMessage.MessageRequestResponse.Type; // these methods are used in more than one place and should probably be // dried up and hoisted to methods on ConversationView const onLeave = () => { this.longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'onLeave', task: () => this.model.leaveGroupV2(), }); }; const onBlock = () => { this.syncMessageRequestResponse( 'onBlock', this.model, messageRequestEnum.BLOCK ); }; const props = { addMembers: this.model.addMembersV2.bind(this.model), conversationId: this.model.get('id'), loadRecentMediaItems: this.loadRecentMediaItems.bind(this), setDisappearingMessages: this.setDisappearingMessages.bind(this), showAllMedia: this.showAllMedia.bind(this), showContactModal: this.showContactModal.bind(this), showGroupChatColorEditor: this.showChatColorEditor.bind(this), showGroupLinkManagement: this.showGroupLinkManagement.bind(this), showGroupV2Permissions: this.showGroupV2Permissions.bind(this), showConversationNotificationsSettings: this.showConversationNotificationsSettings.bind( this ), showPendingInvites: this.showPendingInvites.bind(this), showLightboxForMedia: this.showLightboxForMedia.bind(this), updateGroupAttributes: this.model.updateGroupAttributesV2.bind( this.model ), onLeave, onBlock, }; const view = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'conversation-details-pane panel', JSX: window.Signal.State.Roots.createConversationDetails( window.reduxStore, props ), }); view.headerTitle = ''; this.listenBack(view); view.render(); } showMessageDetail(messageId: string): void { const message = window.MessageController.getById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error(`showMessageDetail: Message ${messageId} missing!`); } if (!message.isNormalBubble()) { return; } const getProps = () => ({ ...message.getPropsForMessageDetail( window.ConversationController.getOurConversationIdOrThrow() ), ...this.getMessageActions(), }); const onClose = () => { this.stopListening(message, 'change', update); this.resetPanel(); }; const view = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'panel message-detail-wrapper', JSX: window.Signal.State.Roots.createMessageDetail( window.reduxStore, getProps() ), onClose, }); const update = () => view.update(getProps()); this.listenTo(message, 'change', update); this.listenTo(message, 'expired', onClose); // We could listen to all involved contacts, but we'll call that overkill this.listenBack(view); view.render(); } showStickerManager(): void { const view = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: ['sticker-manager-wrapper', 'panel'].join(' '), JSX: window.Signal.State.Roots.createStickerManager(window.reduxStore), onClose: () => { this.resetPanel(); }, }); this.listenBack(view); view.render(); } showContactDetail({ contact, signalAccount, }: { contact: EmbeddedContactType; signalAccount?: string; }): void { const view = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ Component: window.Signal.Components.ContactDetail, className: 'contact-detail-pane panel', props: { contact, hasSignalAccount: Boolean(signalAccount), onSendMessage: () => { if (signalAccount) { this.openConversation(signalAccount); } }, }, onClose: () => { this.resetPanel(); }, }); this.listenBack(view); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async openConversation( conversationId: string, messageId?: string ): Promise { window.Whisper.events.trigger( 'showConversation', conversationId, messageId ); } listenBack(view: AnyViewClass): void { this.panels = this.panels || []; if (this.panels.length === 0) { this.previousFocus = document.activeElement as HTMLElement; } this.panels.unshift(view); view.$el.insertAfter(this.$('.panel').last()); view.$el.one('animationend', () => { view.$el.addClass('panel--static'); }); window.reduxActions.conversations.setSelectedConversationPanelDepth( this.panels.length ); window.reduxActions.conversations.setSelectedConversationHeaderTitle( view.headerTitle ); } resetPanel(): void { if (!this.panels || !this.panels.length) { return; } const view = this.panels.shift(); if ( this.panels.length === 0 && this.previousFocus && this.previousFocus.focus ) { this.previousFocus.focus(); this.previousFocus = undefined; } if (this.panels.length > 0) { this.panels[0].$el.fadeIn(250); } if (view) { view.$el.addClass('panel--remove').one('transitionend', () => { view.remove(); if (this.panels.length === 0) { // Make sure poppers are positioned properly window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); } }); } window.reduxActions.conversations.setSelectedConversationPanelDepth( this.panels.length ); window.reduxActions.conversations.setSelectedConversationHeaderTitle( this.panels[0]?.headerTitle ); } endSession(): void { const { model }: { model: ConversationModel } = this; model.endSession(); } async loadRecentMediaItems(limit: number): Promise { const { model }: { model: ConversationModel } = this; const messages: Array = await window.Signal.Data.getMessagesWithVisualMediaAttachments( model.id, { limit, } ); const loadedRecentMediaItems = messages .filter(message => message.attachments !== undefined) .reduce( (acc, message) => [ ...acc, ...(message.attachments || []).map( (attachment: AttachmentType, index: number): MediaItemType => { const { thumbnail } = attachment; return { objectURL: getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(attachment.path || ''), thumbnailObjectUrl: thumbnail ? getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(thumbnail.path) : '', contentType: attachment.contentType, index, attachment, message: { attachments: message.attachments || [], conversationId: window.ConversationController.get(message.sourceUuid)?.id || message.conversationId, id: message.id, received_at: message.received_at, received_at_ms: Number(message.received_at_ms), sent_at: message.sent_at, }, }; } ), ], [] as Array ); window.reduxActions.conversations.setRecentMediaItems( model.id, loadedRecentMediaItems ); } async setDisappearingMessages(seconds: number): Promise { const { model }: { model: ConversationModel } = this; const valueToSet = seconds > 0 ? seconds : undefined; await this.longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'updateExpirationTimer', task: async () => model.updateExpirationTimer(valueToSet), }); } async changeHasGroupLink(value: boolean): Promise { const { model }: { model: ConversationModel } = this; await this.longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'toggleGroupLink', task: async () => model.toggleGroupLink(value), }); } async copyGroupLink(groupLink: string): Promise { await navigator.clipboard.writeText(groupLink); this.showToast(Whisper.GroupLinkCopiedToast); } async generateNewGroupLink(): Promise { const { model }: { model: ConversationModel } = this; window.showConfirmationDialog({ confirmStyle: 'negative', message: window.i18n('GroupLinkManagement--confirm-reset'), okText: window.i18n('GroupLinkManagement--reset'), resolve: async () => { await this.longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'refreshGroupLink', task: async () => model.refreshGroupLink(), }); }, }); } async setAccessControlAddFromInviteLinkSetting( value: boolean ): Promise { const { model }: { model: ConversationModel } = this; await this.longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'updateAccessControlAddFromInviteLink', task: async () => model.updateAccessControlAddFromInviteLink(value), }); } async setAccessControlAttributesSetting(value: number): Promise { const { model }: { model: ConversationModel } = this; await this.longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'updateAccessControlAttributes', task: async () => model.updateAccessControlAttributes(value), }); } async setAccessControlMembersSetting(value: number): Promise { const { model }: { model: ConversationModel } = this; await this.longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'updateAccessControlMembers', task: async () => model.updateAccessControlMembers(value), }); } async setAnnouncementsOnly(value: boolean): Promise { const { model }: { model: ConversationModel } = this; await this.longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'updateAnnouncementsOnly', task: async () => model.updateAnnouncementsOnly(value), }); } async destroyMessages(): Promise { const { model }: { model: ConversationModel } = this; window.showConfirmationDialog({ confirmStyle: 'negative', message: window.i18n('deleteConversationConfirmation'), okText: window.i18n('delete'), resolve: () => { this.longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'destroymessages', task: async () => { model.trigger('unload', 'delete messages'); await model.destroyMessages(); model.updateLastMessage(); }, }); }, reject: () => { log.info('destroyMessages: User canceled delete'); }, }); } async isCallSafe(): Promise { const contacts = await this.getUntrustedContacts(); if (contacts && contacts.length) { const callAnyway = await this.showSendAnywayDialog( contacts.models, window.i18n('callAnyway') ); if (!callAnyway) { log.info( 'Safety number change dialog not accepted, new call not allowed.' ); return false; } } return true; } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this showSendAnywayDialog( contacts: Array, confirmText?: string ): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { showSafetyNumberChangeDialog({ confirmText, contacts, reject: () => { resolve(false); }, resolve: () => { resolve(true); }, }); }); } async sendReactionMessage( messageId: string, reaction: { emoji: string; remove: boolean } ): Promise { const messageModel = messageId ? await getMessageById(messageId, { Message: Whisper.Message, }) : undefined; try { if (!messageModel) { throw new Error('sendReactionMessage: Message not found'); } const targetAuthorUuid = messageModel.getSourceUuid(); if (!targetAuthorUuid) { throw new Error( `sendReactionMessage: Message ${messageModel.idForLogging()} had no source uuid! Cannot send reaction.` ); } await this.model.sendReactionMessage(reaction, { messageId, targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp: messageModel.get('sent_at'), }); } catch (error) { log.error('Error sending reaction', error, messageId, reaction); this.showToast(Whisper.ReactionFailedToast); } } async sendStickerMessage(options: { packId: string; stickerId: number; force?: boolean; }): Promise { const { model }: { model: ConversationModel } = this; try { const contacts = await this.getUntrustedContacts(options); if (contacts && contacts.length) { const sendAnyway = await this.showSendAnywayDialog(contacts.models); if (sendAnyway) { this.sendStickerMessage({ ...options, force: true }); } return; } if (this.showInvalidMessageToast()) { return; } const { packId, stickerId } = options; model.sendStickerMessage(packId, stickerId); } catch (error) { log.error('clickSend error:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error); } } async getUntrustedContacts( options: { force?: boolean } = {} ): Promise { const { model }: { model: ConversationModel } = this; // This will go to the trust store for the latest identity key information, // and may result in the display of a new banner for this conversation. await model.updateVerified(); const unverifiedContacts = model.getUnverified(); if (options.force) { if (unverifiedContacts.length) { await this.markAllAsVerifiedDefault(unverifiedContacts.models); // We only want force to break us through one layer of checks // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign options.force = false; } } else if (unverifiedContacts.length) { return unverifiedContacts; } const untrustedContacts = model.getUntrusted(); if (options.force) { if (untrustedContacts.length) { await this.markAllAsApproved(untrustedContacts.models); } } else if (untrustedContacts.length) { return untrustedContacts; } return null; } async setQuoteMessage(messageId: null | string): Promise { const { model }: { model: ConversationModel } = this; const message: MessageModel | undefined = messageId ? await getMessageById(messageId, { Message: Whisper.Message, }) : undefined; if ( message && !canReply( message.attributes, window.ConversationController.getOurConversationIdOrThrow(), findAndFormatContact ) ) { return; } if (message && !message.isNormalBubble()) { return; } this.quote = undefined; this.quotedMessage = undefined; const existing = model.get('quotedMessageId'); if (existing !== messageId) { this.model.set({ quotedMessageId: messageId, draftChanged: true, }); await this.saveModel(); } if (message) { const quotedMessage = window.MessageController.register( message.id, message ); this.quotedMessage = quotedMessage; if (quotedMessage) { this.quote = await model.makeQuote(this.quotedMessage); this.enableMessageField(); this.focusMessageField(); } } this.renderQuotedMessage(); } renderQuotedMessage(): void { const { model }: { model: ConversationModel } = this; if (!this.quotedMessage) { window.reduxActions.composer.setQuotedMessage(undefined); return; } window.reduxActions.composer.setQuotedMessage({ conversationId: model.id, quote: this.quote, }); } showInvalidMessageToast(messageText?: string): boolean { const { model }: { model: ConversationModel } = this; let ToastView: undefined | typeof window.Whisper.ToastView; if (window.reduxStore.getState().expiration.hasExpired) { ToastView = Whisper.ExpiredToast; } if (!model.isValid()) { ToastView = Whisper.InvalidConversationToast; } const e164 = this.model.get('e164'); const uuid = this.model.get('uuid'); if ( isDirectConversation(this.model.attributes) && ((e164 && window.storage.blocked.isBlocked(e164)) || (uuid && window.storage.blocked.isUuidBlocked(uuid))) ) { ToastView = Whisper.BlockedToast; } const groupId = this.model.get('groupId'); if ( !isDirectConversation(this.model.attributes) && groupId && window.storage.blocked.isGroupBlocked(groupId) ) { ToastView = Whisper.BlockedGroupToast; } if (!isDirectConversation(model.attributes) && model.get('left')) { ToastView = Whisper.LeftGroupToast; } if (messageText && messageText.length > MAX_MESSAGE_BODY_LENGTH) { ToastView = Whisper.MessageBodyTooLongToast; } if (ToastView) { this.showToast(ToastView); return true; } return false; } async sendMessage( message = '', mentions: BodyRangesType = [], options: { timestamp?: number; force?: boolean } = {} ): Promise { const { model }: { model: ConversationModel } = this; const timestamp = options.timestamp || Date.now(); this.sendStart = Date.now(); try { const contacts = await this.getUntrustedContacts(options); this.disableMessageField(); if (contacts && contacts.length) { const sendAnyway = await this.showSendAnywayDialog(contacts.models); if (sendAnyway) { this.sendMessage(message, mentions, { force: true, timestamp }); return; } this.enableMessageField(); return; } } catch (error) { this.enableMessageField(); log.error( 'sendMessage error:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); return; } model.clearTypingTimers(); if (this.showInvalidMessageToast(message)) { this.enableMessageField(); return; } try { if ( !message.length && !this.hasFiles({ includePending: false }) && !this.voiceNoteAttachment ) { return; } const attachments = await this.getFiles(); const sendHQImages = window.reduxStore && window.reduxStore.getState().composer.shouldSendHighQualityAttachments; const sendDelta = Date.now() - this.sendStart; log.info('Send pre-checks took', sendDelta, 'milliseconds'); batchedUpdates(() => { model.enqueueMessageForSend( message, attachments, this.quote, this.getLinkPreviewForSend(message), undefined, // sticker mentions, { sendHQImages, timestamp, } ); this.compositionApi.current?.reset(); model.setMarkedUnread(false); this.setQuoteMessage(null); this.resetLinkPreview(); this.clearAttachments(); window.reduxActions.composer.resetComposer(); }); } catch (error) { log.error( 'Error pulling attached files before send', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } finally { this.enableMessageField(); } } onEditorStateChange( messageText: string, bodyRanges: Array, caretLocation?: number ): void { this.maybeBumpTyping(messageText); this.debouncedSaveDraft(messageText, bodyRanges); this.debouncedMaybeGrabLinkPreview(messageText, caretLocation); } async saveDraft( messageText: string, bodyRanges: Array ): Promise { const { model }: { model: ConversationModel } = this; const trimmed = messageText && messageText.length > 0 ? messageText.trim() : ''; if (model.get('draft') && (!messageText || trimmed.length === 0)) { this.model.set({ draft: null, draftChanged: true, draftBodyRanges: [], }); await this.saveModel(); return; } if (messageText !== model.get('draft')) { this.model.set({ draft: messageText, draftChanged: true, draftBodyRanges: bodyRanges, }); await this.saveModel(); } } maybeGrabLinkPreview(message: string, caretLocation?: number): void { // Don't generate link previews if user has turned them off if (!window.Events.getLinkPreviewSetting()) { return; } // Do nothing if we're offline if (!window.textsecure.messaging) { return; } // If we have attachments, don't add link preview if (this.hasFiles({ includePending: true })) { return; } // If we're behind a user-configured proxy, we don't support link previews if (window.isBehindProxy()) { return; } if (!message) { this.resetLinkPreview(); return; } if (this.disableLinkPreviews) { return; } const links = LinkPreview.findLinks(message, caretLocation); const { currentlyMatchedLink } = this; if (currentlyMatchedLink && links.includes(currentlyMatchedLink)) { return; } this.currentlyMatchedLink = undefined; this.excludedPreviewUrls = this.excludedPreviewUrls || []; const link = links.find( item => LinkPreview.isLinkSafeToPreview(item) && !this.excludedPreviewUrls.includes(item) ); if (!link) { this.removeLinkPreview(); return; } this.addLinkPreview(link); } resetLinkPreview(): void { this.disableLinkPreviews = false; this.excludedPreviewUrls = []; this.removeLinkPreview(); } removeLinkPreview(): void { (this.preview || []).forEach((item: LinkPreviewResult) => { if (item.url) { URL.revokeObjectURL(item.url); } }); this.preview = undefined; this.currentlyMatchedLink = undefined; this.linkPreviewAbortController?.abort(); this.linkPreviewAbortController = undefined; window.reduxActions.linkPreviews.removeLinkPreview(); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async getStickerPackPreview( url: string, abortSignal: Readonly ): Promise { const isPackDownloaded = ( pack?: StickerPackDBType ): pack is StickerPackDBType => { if (!pack) { return false; } return pack.status === 'downloaded' || pack.status === 'installed'; }; const isPackValid = ( pack?: StickerPackDBType ): pack is StickerPackDBType => { if (!pack) { return false; } return ( pack.status === 'ephemeral' || pack.status === 'downloaded' || pack.status === 'installed' ); }; const dataFromLink = Stickers.getDataFromLink(url); if (!dataFromLink) { return null; } const { id, key } = dataFromLink; try { const keyBytes = window.Signal.Crypto.bytesFromHexString(key); const keyBase64 = window.Signal.Crypto.arrayBufferToBase64(keyBytes); const existing = Stickers.getStickerPack(id); if (!isPackDownloaded(existing)) { await Stickers.downloadEphemeralPack(id, keyBase64); } if (abortSignal.aborted) { return null; } const pack = Stickers.getStickerPack(id); if (!isPackValid(pack)) { return null; } if (pack.key !== keyBase64) { return null; } const { title, coverStickerId } = pack; const sticker = pack.stickers[coverStickerId]; const data = pack.status === 'ephemeral' ? await window.Signal.Migrations.readTempData(sticker.path) : await window.Signal.Migrations.readStickerData(sticker.path); if (abortSignal.aborted) { return null; } return { date: null, description: null, image: { ...sticker, data, size: data.byteLength, contentType: IMAGE_WEBP, }, title, url, }; } catch (error) { log.error( 'getStickerPackPreview error:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); return null; } finally { if (id) { await Stickers.removeEphemeralPack(id); } } } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async getGroupPreview( url: string, abortSignal: Readonly ): Promise { const urlObject = maybeParseUrl(url); if (!urlObject) { return null; } const { hash } = urlObject; if (!hash) { return null; } const groupData = hash.slice(1); const { inviteLinkPassword, masterKey, } = window.Signal.Groups.parseGroupLink(groupData); const fields = window.Signal.Groups.deriveGroupFields( Bytes.fromBase64(masterKey) ); const id = Bytes.toBase64(fields.id); const logId = `groupv2(${id})`; const secretParams = Bytes.toBase64(fields.secretParams); log.info(`getGroupPreview/${logId}: Fetching pre-join state`); const result = await window.Signal.Groups.getPreJoinGroupInfo( inviteLinkPassword, masterKey ); if (abortSignal.aborted) { return null; } const title = window.Signal.Groups.decryptGroupTitle(result.title, secretParams) || window.i18n('unknownGroup'); const description = result.memberCount === 1 || result.memberCount === undefined ? window.i18n('GroupV2--join--member-count--single') : window.i18n('GroupV2--join--member-count--multiple', { count: result.memberCount.toString(), }); let image: undefined | LinkPreviewImage; if (result.avatar) { try { const data = await window.Signal.Groups.decryptGroupAvatar( result.avatar, secretParams ); image = { data, size: data.byteLength, contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, blurHash: await window.imageToBlurHash( new Blob([data], { type: IMAGE_JPEG, }) ), }; } catch (error) { const errorString = error && error.stack ? error.stack : error; log.error( `getGroupPreview/${logId}: Failed to fetch avatar ${errorString}` ); } } if (abortSignal.aborted) { return null; } return { date: null, description, image, title, url, }; } async getPreview( url: string, abortSignal: Readonly ): Promise { if (LinkPreview.isStickerPack(url)) { return this.getStickerPackPreview(url, abortSignal); } if (LinkPreview.isGroupLink(url)) { return this.getGroupPreview(url, abortSignal); } // This is already checked elsewhere, but we want to be extra-careful. if (!LinkPreview.isLinkSafeToPreview(url)) { return null; } const linkPreviewMetadata = await window.textsecure.messaging.fetchLinkPreviewMetadata( url, abortSignal ); if (!linkPreviewMetadata || abortSignal.aborted) { return null; } const { title, imageHref, description, date } = linkPreviewMetadata; let image; if (imageHref && LinkPreview.isLinkSafeToPreview(imageHref)) { let objectUrl: void | string; try { const fullSizeImage = await window.textsecure.messaging.fetchLinkPreviewImage( imageHref, abortSignal ); if (abortSignal.aborted) { return null; } if (!fullSizeImage) { throw new Error('Failed to fetch link preview image'); } // Ensure that this file is either small enough or is resized to meet our // requirements for attachments const withBlob = await autoScale({ contentType: fullSizeImage.contentType, file: new Blob([fullSizeImage.data], { type: fullSizeImage.contentType, }), fileName: title, }); const data = await this.arrayBufferFromFile(withBlob.file); objectUrl = URL.createObjectURL(withBlob.file); const blurHash = await window.imageToBlurHash(withBlob.file); const dimensions = await VisualAttachment.getImageDimensions({ objectUrl, logger: log, }); image = { data, size: data.byteLength, ...dimensions, contentType: withBlob.file.type, blurHash, }; } catch (error) { // We still want to show the preview if we failed to get an image log.error( 'getPreview failed to get image for link preview:', error.message ); } finally { if (objectUrl) { URL.revokeObjectURL(objectUrl); } } } if (abortSignal.aborted) { return null; } return { date: date || null, description: description || null, image, title, url, }; } async addLinkPreview(url: string): Promise { if (this.currentlyMatchedLink === url) { log.warn( 'addLinkPreview should not be called with the same URL like this' ); return; } (this.preview || []).forEach((item: LinkPreviewResult) => { if (item.url) { URL.revokeObjectURL(item.url); } }); window.reduxActions.linkPreviews.removeLinkPreview(); this.preview = undefined; // Cancel other in-flight link preview requests. if (this.linkPreviewAbortController) { log.info( 'addLinkPreview: canceling another in-flight link preview request' ); this.linkPreviewAbortController.abort(); } const thisRequestAbortController = new AbortController(); this.linkPreviewAbortController = thisRequestAbortController; const timeout = setTimeout(() => { thisRequestAbortController.abort(); }, LINK_PREVIEW_TIMEOUT); this.currentlyMatchedLink = url; this.renderLinkPreview(); try { const result = await this.getPreview( url, thisRequestAbortController.signal ); if (!result) { log.info( 'addLinkPreview: failed to load preview (not necessarily a problem)' ); // This helps us disambiguate between two kinds of failure: // // 1. We failed to fetch the preview because of (1) a network failure (2) an // invalid response (3) a timeout // 2. We failed to fetch the preview because we aborted the request because the // user changed the link (e.g., by continuing to type the URL) const failedToFetch = this.currentlyMatchedLink === url; if (failedToFetch) { this.excludedPreviewUrls.push(url); this.removeLinkPreview(); } return; } if (result.image && result.image.data) { const blob = new Blob([result.image.data], { type: result.image.contentType, }); result.image.url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); } else if (!result.title) { // A link preview isn't worth showing unless we have either a title or an image this.removeLinkPreview(); return; } window.reduxActions.linkPreviews.addLinkPreview({ ...result, description: dropNull(result.description), date: dropNull(result.date), domain: LinkPreview.getDomain(result.url), isStickerPack: LinkPreview.isStickerPack(result.url), }); this.preview = [result]; this.renderLinkPreview(); } catch (error) { log.error( 'Problem loading link preview, disabling.', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); this.disableLinkPreviews = true; this.removeLinkPreview(); } finally { clearTimeout(timeout); } } renderLinkPreview(): void { if (this.forwardMessageModal) { return; } window.reduxActions.composer.setLinkPreviewResult( Boolean(this.currentlyMatchedLink), this.getLinkPreviewWithDomain() ); } getLinkPreviewForSend(message: string): Array { // Don't generate link previews if user has turned them off if (!window.storage.get('linkPreviews', false)) { return []; } if (!this.preview) { return []; } const urlsInMessage = new Set(LinkPreview.findLinks(message)); return ( this.preview // This bullet-proofs against sending link previews for URLs that are no longer in // the message. This can happen if you have a link preview, then quickly delete // the link and send the message. .filter(({ url }: Readonly<{ url: string }>) => urlsInMessage.has(url)) .map((item: LinkPreviewResult) => { if (item.image) { // We eliminate the ObjectURL here, unneeded for send or save return { ...item, image: omit(item.image, 'url'), description: dropNull(item.description), date: dropNull(item.date), domain: LinkPreview.getDomain(item.url), isStickerPack: LinkPreview.isStickerPack(item.url), }; } return { ...item, description: dropNull(item.description), date: dropNull(item.date), domain: LinkPreview.getDomain(item.url), isStickerPack: LinkPreview.isStickerPack(item.url), }; }) ); } getLinkPreviewWithDomain(): LinkPreviewWithDomain | undefined { if (!this.preview || !this.preview.length) { return undefined; } const [preview] = this.preview; return { ...preview, domain: LinkPreview.getDomain(preview.url), }; } // Called whenever the user changes the message composition field. But only // fires if there's content in the message field after the change. maybeBumpTyping(messageText: string): void { if (messageText.length && this.model.throttledBumpTyping) { this.model.throttledBumpTyping(); } } } window.Whisper.ConversationView = ConversationView;