// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* eslint-disable no-nested-ternary */ /* eslint-disable camelcase */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types */ /* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */ /* eslint-disable no-console */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ import { join } from 'path'; import mkdirp from 'mkdirp'; import rimraf from 'rimraf'; import SQL, { Database, Statement } from 'better-sqlite3'; import { v4 as generateUUID } from 'uuid'; import { Dictionary, forEach, fromPairs, isNil, isNumber, isString, keyBy, last, map, omit, pick, } from 'lodash'; import { GroupV2MemberType } from '../model-types.d'; import { ReactionType } from '../types/Reactions'; import { StoredJob } from '../jobs/types'; import { assert } from '../util/assert'; import { combineNames } from '../util/combineNames'; import { dropNull } from '../util/dropNull'; import { isNormalNumber } from '../util/isNormalNumber'; import { isNotNil } from '../util/isNotNil'; import { parseIntOrThrow } from '../util/parseIntOrThrow'; import { ConversationColorType, CustomColorType } from '../types/Colors'; import { AllItemsType, AttachmentDownloadJobType, ConversationMetricsType, ConversationType, EmojiType, IdentityKeyType, ItemKeyType, ItemType, MessageMetricsType, MessageType, MessageTypeUnhydrated, PreKeyType, SearchResultMessageType, SenderKeyType, SentMessageDBType, SentMessagesType, SentProtoType, SentProtoWithMessageIdsType, SentRecipientsDBType, SentRecipientsType, ServerInterface, SessionType, SignedPreKeyType, StickerPackStatusType, StickerPackType, StickerType, UnprocessedType, UnprocessedUpdateType, } from './Interface'; type JSONRows = Array<{ readonly json: string }>; type ConversationRow = Readonly<{ json: string; profileLastFetchedAt: null | number; }>; type ConversationRows = Array; type StickerRow = Readonly<{ id: number; packId: string; emoji: string | null; height: number; isCoverOnly: number; lastUsed: number; path: string; width: number; }>; type EmptyQuery = []; type ArrayQuery = Array>; type Query = { [key: string]: null | number | string | Buffer }; // This value needs to be below SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER. const MAX_VARIABLE_COUNT = 100; // Because we can't force this module to conform to an interface, we narrow our exports // to this one default export, which does conform to the interface. // Note: In Javascript, you need to access the .default property when requiring it // https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/420 const dataInterface: ServerInterface = { close, removeDB, removeIndexedDBFiles, createOrUpdateIdentityKey, getIdentityKeyById, bulkAddIdentityKeys, removeIdentityKeyById, removeAllIdentityKeys, getAllIdentityKeys, createOrUpdatePreKey, getPreKeyById, bulkAddPreKeys, removePreKeyById, removeAllPreKeys, getAllPreKeys, createOrUpdateSignedPreKey, getSignedPreKeyById, getAllSignedPreKeys, bulkAddSignedPreKeys, removeSignedPreKeyById, removeAllSignedPreKeys, createOrUpdateItem, getItemById, getAllItems, removeItemById, removeAllItems, createOrUpdateSenderKey, getSenderKeyById, removeAllSenderKeys, getAllSenderKeys, removeSenderKeyById, insertSentProto, deleteSentProtosOlderThan, deleteSentProtoByMessageId, insertProtoRecipients, deleteSentProtoRecipient, getSentProtoByRecipient, removeAllSentProtos, getAllSentProtos, _getAllSentProtoRecipients, _getAllSentProtoMessageIds, createOrUpdateSession, createOrUpdateSessions, commitSessionsAndUnprocessed, bulkAddSessions, removeSessionById, removeSessionsByConversation, removeAllSessions, getAllSessions, getConversationCount, saveConversation, saveConversations, getConversationById, updateConversation, updateConversations, removeConversation, eraseStorageServiceStateFromConversations, getAllConversations, getAllConversationIds, getAllPrivateConversations, getAllGroupsInvolvingId, updateAllConversationColors, searchConversations, searchMessages, searchMessagesInConversation, getMessageCount, hasUserInitiatedMessages, saveMessage, saveMessages, removeMessage, removeMessages, getUnreadCountForConversation, getUnreadByConversationAndMarkRead, getUnreadReactionsAndMarkRead, markReactionAsRead, addReaction, removeReactionFromConversation, getMessageBySender, getMessageById, _getAllMessages, getAllMessageIds, getMessagesBySentAt, getExpiredMessages, getMessagesUnexpectedlyMissingExpirationStartTimestamp, getSoonestMessageExpiry, getNextTapToViewMessageTimestampToAgeOut, getTapToViewMessagesNeedingErase, getOlderMessagesByConversation, getNewerMessagesByConversation, getMessageMetricsForConversation, getLastConversationActivity, getLastConversationPreview, hasGroupCallHistoryMessage, migrateConversationMessages, getUnprocessedCount, getAllUnprocessed, updateUnprocessedAttempts, updateUnprocessedWithData, updateUnprocessedsWithData, getUnprocessedById, removeUnprocessed, removeAllUnprocessed, getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs, saveAttachmentDownloadJob, setAttachmentDownloadJobPending, resetAttachmentDownloadPending, removeAttachmentDownloadJob, removeAllAttachmentDownloadJobs, createOrUpdateStickerPack, updateStickerPackStatus, createOrUpdateSticker, updateStickerLastUsed, addStickerPackReference, deleteStickerPackReference, getStickerCount, deleteStickerPack, getAllStickerPacks, getAllStickers, getRecentStickers, clearAllErrorStickerPackAttempts, updateEmojiUsage, getRecentEmojis, removeAll, removeAllConfiguration, getMessagesNeedingUpgrade, getMessagesWithVisualMediaAttachments, getMessagesWithFileAttachments, getMessageServerGuidsForSpam, getJobsInQueue, insertJob, deleteJob, // Server-only initialize, initializeRenderer, removeKnownAttachments, removeKnownStickers, removeKnownDraftAttachments, }; export default dataInterface; type DatabaseQueryCache = Map>>; const statementCache = new WeakMap(); function prepare(db: Database, query: string): Statement { let dbCache = statementCache.get(db); if (!dbCache) { dbCache = new Map(); statementCache.set(db, dbCache); } let result = dbCache.get(query) as Statement; if (!result) { result = db.prepare(query); dbCache.set(query, result); } return result; } function assertSync(value: T extends Promise ? never : T): T { return value; } function objectToJSON(data: any) { return JSON.stringify(data); } function jsonToObject(json: string): any { return JSON.parse(json); } function rowToConversation(row: ConversationRow): ConversationType { const parsedJson = JSON.parse(row.json); let profileLastFetchedAt: undefined | number; if (isNormalNumber(row.profileLastFetchedAt)) { profileLastFetchedAt = row.profileLastFetchedAt; } else { assert( isNil(row.profileLastFetchedAt), 'profileLastFetchedAt contained invalid data; defaulting to undefined' ); profileLastFetchedAt = undefined; } return { ...parsedJson, profileLastFetchedAt, }; } function rowToSticker(row: StickerRow): StickerType { return { ...row, isCoverOnly: Boolean(row.isCoverOnly), emoji: dropNull(row.emoji), }; } function isRenderer() { if (typeof process === 'undefined' || !process) { return true; } return process.type === 'renderer'; } function getSQLiteVersion(db: Database): string { const { sqlite_version } = db .prepare('select sqlite_version() AS sqlite_version') .get(); return sqlite_version; } function getSchemaVersion(db: Database): number { return db.pragma('schema_version', { simple: true }); } function setUserVersion(db: Database, version: number): void { if (!isNumber(version)) { throw new Error(`setUserVersion: version ${version} is not a number`); } db.pragma(`user_version = ${version}`); } function keyDatabase(db: Database, key: string): void { // https://www.zetetic.net/sqlcipher/sqlcipher-api/#key db.pragma(`key = "x'${key}'"`); } function switchToWAL(db: Database): void { // https://sqlite.org/wal.html db.pragma('journal_mode = WAL'); db.pragma('synchronous = FULL'); } function getUserVersion(db: Database): number { return db.pragma('user_version', { simple: true }); } function getSQLCipherVersion(db: Database): string | undefined { return db.pragma('cipher_version', { simple: true }); } function getSQLCipherIntegrityCheck(db: Database): Array | undefined { const rows: Array<{ cipher_integrity_check: string }> = db.pragma( 'cipher_integrity_check' ); if (rows.length === 0) { return undefined; } return rows.map(row => row.cipher_integrity_check); } function getSQLIntegrityCheck(db: Database): string | undefined { const checkResult = db.pragma('quick_check', { simple: true }); if (checkResult !== 'ok') { return checkResult; } return undefined; } function migrateSchemaVersion(db: Database): void { const userVersion = getUserVersion(db); if (userVersion > 0) { return; } const schemaVersion = getSchemaVersion(db); const newUserVersion = schemaVersion > 18 ? 16 : schemaVersion; console.log( 'migrateSchemaVersion: Migrating from schema_version ' + `${schemaVersion} to user_version ${newUserVersion}` ); setUserVersion(db, newUserVersion); } function openAndMigrateDatabase(filePath: string, key: string) { let db: Database | undefined; // First, we try to open the database without any cipher changes try { db = new SQL(filePath); keyDatabase(db, key); switchToWAL(db); migrateSchemaVersion(db); return db; } catch (error) { if (db) { db.close(); } console.log('migrateDatabase: Migration without cipher change failed'); } // If that fails, we try to open the database with 3.x compatibility to extract the // user_version (previously stored in schema_version, blown away by cipher_migrate). db = new SQL(filePath); keyDatabase(db, key); // https://www.zetetic.net/blog/2018/11/30/sqlcipher-400-release/#compatability-sqlcipher-4-0-0 db.pragma('cipher_compatibility = 3'); migrateSchemaVersion(db); db.close(); // After migrating user_version -> schema_version, we reopen database, because we can't // migrate to the latest ciphers after we've modified the defaults. db = new SQL(filePath); keyDatabase(db, key); db.pragma('cipher_migrate'); switchToWAL(db); return db; } const INVALID_KEY = /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/; function openAndSetUpSQLCipher(filePath: string, { key }: { key: string }) { const match = INVALID_KEY.exec(key); if (match) { throw new Error(`setupSQLCipher: key '${key}' is not valid`); } const db = openAndMigrateDatabase(filePath, key); // Because foreign key support is not enabled by default! db.pragma('foreign_keys = ON'); return db; } function updateToSchemaVersion1(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 1) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion1: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` CREATE TABLE messages( id STRING PRIMARY KEY ASC, json TEXT, unread INTEGER, expires_at INTEGER, sent_at INTEGER, schemaVersion INTEGER, conversationId STRING, received_at INTEGER, source STRING, sourceDevice STRING, hasAttachments INTEGER, hasFileAttachments INTEGER, hasVisualMediaAttachments INTEGER ); CREATE INDEX messages_unread ON messages ( unread ); CREATE INDEX messages_expires_at ON messages ( expires_at ); CREATE INDEX messages_receipt ON messages ( sent_at ); CREATE INDEX messages_schemaVersion ON messages ( schemaVersion ); CREATE INDEX messages_conversation ON messages ( conversationId, received_at ); CREATE INDEX messages_duplicate_check ON messages ( source, sourceDevice, sent_at ); CREATE INDEX messages_hasAttachments ON messages ( conversationId, hasAttachments, received_at ); CREATE INDEX messages_hasFileAttachments ON messages ( conversationId, hasFileAttachments, received_at ); CREATE INDEX messages_hasVisualMediaAttachments ON messages ( conversationId, hasVisualMediaAttachments, received_at ); CREATE TABLE unprocessed( id STRING, timestamp INTEGER, json TEXT ); CREATE INDEX unprocessed_id ON unprocessed ( id ); CREATE INDEX unprocessed_timestamp ON unprocessed ( timestamp ); `); db.pragma('user_version = 1'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion1: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion2(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 2) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion2: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN expireTimer INTEGER; ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN expirationStartTimestamp INTEGER; ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN type STRING; CREATE INDEX messages_expiring ON messages ( expireTimer, expirationStartTimestamp, expires_at ); UPDATE messages SET expirationStartTimestamp = json_extract(json, '$.expirationStartTimestamp'), expireTimer = json_extract(json, '$.expireTimer'), type = json_extract(json, '$.type'); `); db.pragma('user_version = 2'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion2: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion3(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 3) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion3: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` DROP INDEX messages_expiring; DROP INDEX messages_unread; CREATE INDEX messages_without_timer ON messages ( expireTimer, expires_at, type ) WHERE expires_at IS NULL AND expireTimer IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX messages_unread ON messages ( conversationId, unread ) WHERE unread IS NOT NULL; ANALYZE; `); db.pragma('user_version = 3'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion3: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion4(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 4) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion4: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` CREATE TABLE conversations( id STRING PRIMARY KEY ASC, json TEXT, active_at INTEGER, type STRING, members TEXT, name TEXT, profileName TEXT ); CREATE INDEX conversations_active ON conversations ( active_at ) WHERE active_at IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX conversations_type ON conversations ( type ) WHERE type IS NOT NULL; `); db.pragma('user_version = 4'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion4: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion6(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 6) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion6: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` -- key-value, ids are strings, one extra column CREATE TABLE sessions( id STRING PRIMARY KEY ASC, number STRING, json TEXT ); CREATE INDEX sessions_number ON sessions ( number ) WHERE number IS NOT NULL; -- key-value, ids are strings CREATE TABLE groups( id STRING PRIMARY KEY ASC, json TEXT ); CREATE TABLE identityKeys( id STRING PRIMARY KEY ASC, json TEXT ); CREATE TABLE items( id STRING PRIMARY KEY ASC, json TEXT ); -- key-value, ids are integers CREATE TABLE preKeys( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, json TEXT ); CREATE TABLE signedPreKeys( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, json TEXT ); `); db.pragma('user_version = 6'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion6: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion7(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 7) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion7: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` -- SQLite has been coercing our STRINGs into numbers, so we force it with TEXT -- We create a new table then copy the data into it, since we can't modify columns DROP INDEX sessions_number; ALTER TABLE sessions RENAME TO sessions_old; CREATE TABLE sessions( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, number TEXT, json TEXT ); CREATE INDEX sessions_number ON sessions ( number ) WHERE number IS NOT NULL; INSERT INTO sessions(id, number, json) SELECT "+" || id, number, json FROM sessions_old; DROP TABLE sessions_old; `); db.pragma('user_version = 7'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion7: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion8(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 8) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion8: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` -- First, we pull a new body field out of the message table's json blob ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN body TEXT; UPDATE messages SET body = json_extract(json, '$.body'); -- Then we create our full-text search table and populate it CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE messages_fts USING fts5(id UNINDEXED, body); INSERT INTO messages_fts(id, body) SELECT id, body FROM messages; -- Then we set up triggers to keep the full-text search table up to date CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_insert AFTER INSERT ON messages BEGIN INSERT INTO messages_fts ( id, body ) VALUES ( new.id, new.body ); END; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_delete AFTER DELETE ON messages BEGIN DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE id = old.id; END; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_update AFTER UPDATE ON messages BEGIN DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE id = old.id; INSERT INTO messages_fts( id, body ) VALUES ( new.id, new.body ); END; `); // For formatting search results: // https://sqlite.org/fts5.html#the_highlight_function // https://sqlite.org/fts5.html#the_snippet_function db.pragma('user_version = 8'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion8: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion9(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 9) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion9: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` CREATE TABLE attachment_downloads( id STRING primary key, timestamp INTEGER, pending INTEGER, json TEXT ); CREATE INDEX attachment_downloads_timestamp ON attachment_downloads ( timestamp ) WHERE pending = 0; CREATE INDEX attachment_downloads_pending ON attachment_downloads ( pending ) WHERE pending != 0; `); db.pragma('user_version = 9'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion9: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion10(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 10) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion10: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` DROP INDEX unprocessed_id; DROP INDEX unprocessed_timestamp; ALTER TABLE unprocessed RENAME TO unprocessed_old; CREATE TABLE unprocessed( id STRING, timestamp INTEGER, version INTEGER, attempts INTEGER, envelope TEXT, decrypted TEXT, source TEXT, sourceDevice TEXT, serverTimestamp INTEGER ); CREATE INDEX unprocessed_id ON unprocessed ( id ); CREATE INDEX unprocessed_timestamp ON unprocessed ( timestamp ); INSERT INTO unprocessed ( id, timestamp, version, attempts, envelope, decrypted, source, sourceDevice, serverTimestamp ) SELECT id, timestamp, json_extract(json, '$.version'), json_extract(json, '$.attempts'), json_extract(json, '$.envelope'), json_extract(json, '$.decrypted'), json_extract(json, '$.source'), json_extract(json, '$.sourceDevice'), json_extract(json, '$.serverTimestamp') FROM unprocessed_old; DROP TABLE unprocessed_old; `); db.pragma('user_version = 10'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion10: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion11(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 11) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion11: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` DROP TABLE groups; `); db.pragma('user_version = 11'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion11: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion12(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 12) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion12: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` CREATE TABLE sticker_packs( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, key TEXT NOT NULL, author STRING, coverStickerId INTEGER, createdAt INTEGER, downloadAttempts INTEGER, installedAt INTEGER, lastUsed INTEGER, status STRING, stickerCount INTEGER, title STRING ); CREATE TABLE stickers( id INTEGER NOT NULL, packId TEXT NOT NULL, emoji STRING, height INTEGER, isCoverOnly INTEGER, lastUsed INTEGER, path STRING, width INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (id, packId), CONSTRAINT stickers_fk FOREIGN KEY (packId) REFERENCES sticker_packs(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE INDEX stickers_recents ON stickers ( lastUsed ) WHERE lastUsed IS NOT NULL; CREATE TABLE sticker_references( messageId STRING, packId TEXT, CONSTRAINT sticker_references_fk FOREIGN KEY(packId) REFERENCES sticker_packs(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); `); db.pragma('user_version = 12'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion12: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion13(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 13) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion13: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` ALTER TABLE sticker_packs ADD COLUMN attemptedStatus STRING; `); db.pragma('user_version = 13'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion13: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion14(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 14) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion14: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` CREATE TABLE emojis( shortName STRING PRIMARY KEY, lastUsage INTEGER ); CREATE INDEX emojis_lastUsage ON emojis ( lastUsage ); `); db.pragma('user_version = 14'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion14: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion15(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 15) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion15: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` -- SQLite has again coerced our STRINGs into numbers, so we force it with TEXT -- We create a new table then copy the data into it, since we can't modify columns DROP INDEX emojis_lastUsage; ALTER TABLE emojis RENAME TO emojis_old; CREATE TABLE emojis( shortName TEXT PRIMARY KEY, lastUsage INTEGER ); CREATE INDEX emojis_lastUsage ON emojis ( lastUsage ); DELETE FROM emojis WHERE shortName = 1; INSERT INTO emojis(shortName, lastUsage) SELECT shortName, lastUsage FROM emojis_old; DROP TABLE emojis_old; `); db.pragma('user_version = 15'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion15: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion16(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 16) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion16: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN messageTimer INTEGER; ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN messageTimerStart INTEGER; ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN messageTimerExpiresAt INTEGER; ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN isErased INTEGER; CREATE INDEX messages_message_timer ON messages ( messageTimer, messageTimerStart, messageTimerExpiresAt, isErased ) WHERE messageTimer IS NOT NULL; -- Updating full-text triggers to avoid anything with a messageTimer set DROP TRIGGER messages_on_insert; DROP TRIGGER messages_on_delete; DROP TRIGGER messages_on_update; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_insert AFTER INSERT ON messages WHEN new.messageTimer IS NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO messages_fts ( id, body ) VALUES ( new.id, new.body ); END; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_delete AFTER DELETE ON messages BEGIN DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE id = old.id; END; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_update AFTER UPDATE ON messages WHEN new.messageTimer IS NULL BEGIN DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE id = old.id; INSERT INTO messages_fts( id, body ) VALUES ( new.id, new.body ); END; `); db.pragma('user_version = 16'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion16: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion17(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 17) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion17: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { try { db.exec(` ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN isViewOnce INTEGER; DROP INDEX messages_message_timer; `); } catch (error) { console.log( 'updateToSchemaVersion17: Message table already had isViewOnce column' ); } try { db.exec('DROP INDEX messages_view_once;'); } catch (error) { console.log( 'updateToSchemaVersion17: Index messages_view_once did not already exist' ); } db.exec(` CREATE INDEX messages_view_once ON messages ( isErased ) WHERE isViewOnce = 1; -- Updating full-text triggers to avoid anything with isViewOnce = 1 DROP TRIGGER messages_on_insert; DROP TRIGGER messages_on_update; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_insert AFTER INSERT ON messages WHEN new.isViewOnce != 1 BEGIN INSERT INTO messages_fts ( id, body ) VALUES ( new.id, new.body ); END; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_update AFTER UPDATE ON messages WHEN new.isViewOnce != 1 BEGIN DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE id = old.id; INSERT INTO messages_fts( id, body ) VALUES ( new.id, new.body ); END; `); db.pragma('user_version = 17'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion17: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion18(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 18) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion18: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` -- Delete and rebuild full-text search index to capture everything DELETE FROM messages_fts; INSERT INTO messages_fts(messages_fts) VALUES('rebuild'); INSERT INTO messages_fts(id, body) SELECT id, body FROM messages WHERE isViewOnce IS NULL OR isViewOnce != 1; -- Fixing full-text triggers DROP TRIGGER messages_on_insert; DROP TRIGGER messages_on_update; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_insert AFTER INSERT ON messages WHEN new.isViewOnce IS NULL OR new.isViewOnce != 1 BEGIN INSERT INTO messages_fts ( id, body ) VALUES ( new.id, new.body ); END; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_update AFTER UPDATE ON messages WHEN new.isViewOnce IS NULL OR new.isViewOnce != 1 BEGIN DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE id = old.id; INSERT INTO messages_fts( id, body ) VALUES ( new.id, new.body ); END; `); db.pragma('user_version = 18'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion18: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion19(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 19) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion19: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` ALTER TABLE conversations ADD COLUMN profileFamilyName TEXT; ALTER TABLE conversations ADD COLUMN profileFullName TEXT; -- Preload new field with the profileName we already have UPDATE conversations SET profileFullName = profileName; `); db.pragma('user_version = 19'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion19: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion20(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 20) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion20: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { // The triggers on the messages table slow down this migration // significantly, so we drop them and recreate them later. // Drop triggers const triggers = db .prepare( 'SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = "trigger" AND tbl_name = "messages"' ) .all(); for (const trigger of triggers) { db.exec(`DROP TRIGGER ${trigger.name}`); } // Create new columns and indices db.exec(` ALTER TABLE conversations ADD COLUMN e164 TEXT; ALTER TABLE conversations ADD COLUMN uuid TEXT; ALTER TABLE conversations ADD COLUMN groupId TEXT; ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN sourceUuid TEXT; ALTER TABLE sessions RENAME COLUMN number TO conversationId; CREATE INDEX conversations_e164 ON conversations(e164); CREATE INDEX conversations_uuid ON conversations(uuid); CREATE INDEX conversations_groupId ON conversations(groupId); CREATE INDEX messages_sourceUuid on messages(sourceUuid); -- Migrate existing IDs UPDATE conversations SET e164 = '+' || id WHERE type = 'private'; UPDATE conversations SET groupId = id WHERE type = 'group'; `); // Drop invalid groups and any associated messages const maybeInvalidGroups = db .prepare( "SELECT * FROM conversations WHERE type = 'group' AND members IS NULL;" ) .all(); for (const group of maybeInvalidGroups) { const json: { id: string; members: Array } = JSON.parse(group.json); if (!json.members || !json.members.length) { db.prepare('DELETE FROM conversations WHERE id = $id;').run({ id: json.id, }); db.prepare( 'DELETE FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $id;' ).run({ id: json.id }); } } // Generate new IDs and alter data const allConversations = db .prepare('SELECT * FROM conversations;') .all(); const allConversationsByOldId = keyBy(allConversations, 'id'); for (const row of allConversations) { const oldId = row.id; const newId = generateUUID(); allConversationsByOldId[oldId].id = newId; const patchObj: any = { id: newId }; if (row.type === 'private') { patchObj.e164 = `+${oldId}`; } else if (row.type === 'group') { patchObj.groupId = oldId; } const patch = JSON.stringify(patchObj); db.prepare( ` UPDATE conversations SET id = $newId, json = JSON_PATCH(json, $patch) WHERE id = $oldId ` ).run({ newId, oldId, patch, }); const messagePatch = JSON.stringify({ conversationId: newId }); db.prepare( ` UPDATE messages SET conversationId = $newId, json = JSON_PATCH(json, $patch) WHERE conversationId = $oldId ` ).run({ newId, oldId, patch: messagePatch }); } const groupConversations: Array<{ id: string; members: string; json: string; }> = db .prepare( ` SELECT id, members, json FROM conversations WHERE type = 'group'; ` ) .all(); // Update group conversations, point members at new conversation ids groupConversations.forEach(groupRow => { const members = groupRow.members.split(/\s?\+/).filter(Boolean); const newMembers = []; for (const m of members) { const memberRow = allConversationsByOldId[m]; if (memberRow) { newMembers.push(memberRow.id); } else { // We didn't previously have a private conversation for this member, // we need to create one const id = generateUUID(); saveConversation({ id, e164: m, type: 'private', version: 2, unreadCount: 0, verified: 0, // Not directly used by saveConversation, but are necessary // for conversation model inbox_position: 0, isPinned: false, lastMessageDeletedForEveryone: false, markedUnread: false, messageCount: 0, sentMessageCount: 0, profileSharing: false, }); newMembers.push(id); } } const json = { ...jsonToObject(groupRow.json), members: newMembers }; const newMembersValue = newMembers.join(' '); db.prepare( ` UPDATE conversations SET members = $newMembersValue, json = $newJsonValue WHERE id = $id ` ).run({ id: groupRow.id, newMembersValue, newJsonValue: objectToJSON(json), }); }); // Update sessions to stable IDs const allSessions = db.prepare('SELECT * FROM sessions;').all(); for (const session of allSessions) { // Not using patch here so we can explicitly delete a property rather than // implicitly delete via null const newJson = JSON.parse(session.json); const conversation = allConversationsByOldId[newJson.number.substr(1)]; if (conversation) { newJson.conversationId = conversation.id; newJson.id = `${newJson.conversationId}.${newJson.deviceId}`; } delete newJson.number; db.prepare( ` UPDATE sessions SET id = $newId, json = $newJson, conversationId = $newConversationId WHERE id = $oldId ` ).run({ newId: newJson.id, newJson: objectToJSON(newJson), oldId: session.id, newConversationId: newJson.conversationId, }); } // Update identity keys to stable IDs const allIdentityKeys = db .prepare('SELECT * FROM identityKeys;') .all(); for (const identityKey of allIdentityKeys) { const newJson = JSON.parse(identityKey.json); newJson.id = allConversationsByOldId[newJson.id]; db.prepare( ` UPDATE identityKeys SET id = $newId, json = $newJson WHERE id = $oldId ` ).run({ newId: newJson.id, newJson: objectToJSON(newJson), oldId: identityKey.id, }); } // Recreate triggers for (const trigger of triggers) { db.exec(trigger.sql); } db.pragma('user_version = 20'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion20: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion21(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 21) { return; } db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` UPDATE conversations SET json = json_set( json, '$.messageCount', (SELECT count(*) FROM messages WHERE messages.conversationId = conversations.id) ); UPDATE conversations SET json = json_set( json, '$.sentMessageCount', (SELECT count(*) FROM messages WHERE messages.conversationId = conversations.id AND messages.type = 'outgoing') ); `); db.pragma('user_version = 21'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion21: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion22(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 22) { return; } db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` ALTER TABLE unprocessed ADD COLUMN sourceUuid STRING; `); db.pragma('user_version = 22'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion22: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion23(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 23) { return; } db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` -- Remove triggers which keep full-text search up to date DROP TRIGGER messages_on_insert; DROP TRIGGER messages_on_update; DROP TRIGGER messages_on_delete; `); db.pragma('user_version = 23'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion23: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion24(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 24) { return; } db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` ALTER TABLE conversations ADD COLUMN profileLastFetchedAt INTEGER; `); db.pragma('user_version = 24'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion24: success!'); } async function updateToSchemaVersion25(currentVersion: number, db: Database) { if (currentVersion >= 25) { return; } db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` ALTER TABLE messages RENAME TO old_messages `); const indicesToDrop = [ 'messages_expires_at', 'messages_receipt', 'messages_schemaVersion', 'messages_conversation', 'messages_duplicate_check', 'messages_hasAttachments', 'messages_hasFileAttachments', 'messages_hasVisualMediaAttachments', 'messages_without_timer', 'messages_unread', 'messages_view_once', 'messages_sourceUuid', ]; for (const index of indicesToDrop) { db.exec(`DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ${index};`); } db.exec(` -- -- Create a new table with a different primary key -- CREATE TABLE messages( rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, id STRING UNIQUE, json TEXT, unread INTEGER, expires_at INTEGER, sent_at INTEGER, schemaVersion INTEGER, conversationId STRING, received_at INTEGER, source STRING, sourceDevice STRING, hasAttachments INTEGER, hasFileAttachments INTEGER, hasVisualMediaAttachments INTEGER, expireTimer INTEGER, expirationStartTimestamp INTEGER, type STRING, body TEXT, messageTimer INTEGER, messageTimerStart INTEGER, messageTimerExpiresAt INTEGER, isErased INTEGER, isViewOnce INTEGER, sourceUuid TEXT); -- Create index in lieu of old PRIMARY KEY CREATE INDEX messages_id ON messages (id ASC); -- -- Recreate indices -- CREATE INDEX messages_expires_at ON messages (expires_at); CREATE INDEX messages_receipt ON messages (sent_at); CREATE INDEX messages_schemaVersion ON messages (schemaVersion); CREATE INDEX messages_conversation ON messages (conversationId, received_at); CREATE INDEX messages_duplicate_check ON messages (source, sourceDevice, sent_at); CREATE INDEX messages_hasAttachments ON messages (conversationId, hasAttachments, received_at); CREATE INDEX messages_hasFileAttachments ON messages (conversationId, hasFileAttachments, received_at); CREATE INDEX messages_hasVisualMediaAttachments ON messages (conversationId, hasVisualMediaAttachments, received_at); CREATE INDEX messages_without_timer ON messages (expireTimer, expires_at, type) WHERE expires_at IS NULL AND expireTimer IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX messages_unread ON messages (conversationId, unread) WHERE unread IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX messages_view_once ON messages (isErased) WHERE isViewOnce = 1; CREATE INDEX messages_sourceUuid on messages(sourceUuid); -- New index for searchMessages CREATE INDEX messages_searchOrder on messages(received_at, sent_at); -- -- Re-create messages_fts and add triggers -- DROP TABLE messages_fts; CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE messages_fts USING fts5(body); CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_insert AFTER INSERT ON messages WHEN new.isViewOnce IS NULL OR new.isViewOnce != 1 BEGIN INSERT INTO messages_fts (rowid, body) VALUES (new.rowid, new.body); END; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_delete AFTER DELETE ON messages BEGIN DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE rowid = old.rowid; END; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_update AFTER UPDATE ON messages WHEN new.isViewOnce IS NULL OR new.isViewOnce != 1 BEGIN DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE rowid = old.rowid; INSERT INTO messages_fts (rowid, body) VALUES (new.rowid, new.body); END; -- -- Copy data over -- INSERT INTO messages ( id, json, unread, expires_at, sent_at, schemaVersion, conversationId, received_at, source, sourceDevice, hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments, expireTimer, expirationStartTimestamp, type, body, messageTimer, messageTimerStart, messageTimerExpiresAt, isErased, isViewOnce, sourceUuid ) SELECT id, json, unread, expires_at, sent_at, schemaVersion, conversationId, received_at, source, sourceDevice, hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments, expireTimer, expirationStartTimestamp, type, body, messageTimer, messageTimerStart, messageTimerExpiresAt, isErased, isViewOnce, sourceUuid FROM old_messages; -- Drop old database DROP TABLE old_messages; `); db.pragma('user_version = 25'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion25: success!'); } async function updateToSchemaVersion26(currentVersion: number, db: Database) { if (currentVersion >= 26) { return; } db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` DROP TRIGGER messages_on_insert; DROP TRIGGER messages_on_update; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_insert AFTER INSERT ON messages WHEN new.isViewOnce IS NULL OR new.isViewOnce != 1 BEGIN INSERT INTO messages_fts (rowid, body) VALUES (new.rowid, new.body); END; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_update AFTER UPDATE ON messages WHEN new.body != old.body AND (new.isViewOnce IS NULL OR new.isViewOnce != 1) BEGIN DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE rowid = old.rowid; INSERT INTO messages_fts (rowid, body) VALUES (new.rowid, new.body); END; `); db.pragma('user_version = 26'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion26: success!'); } async function updateToSchemaVersion27(currentVersion: number, db: Database) { if (currentVersion >= 27) { return; } db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE rowid IN (SELECT rowid FROM messages WHERE body IS NULL); DROP TRIGGER messages_on_update; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_update AFTER UPDATE ON messages WHEN new.body IS NULL OR ((old.body IS NULL OR new.body != old.body) AND (new.isViewOnce IS NULL OR new.isViewOnce != 1)) BEGIN DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE rowid = old.rowid; INSERT INTO messages_fts (rowid, body) VALUES (new.rowid, new.body); END; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_view_once_update AFTER UPDATE ON messages WHEN new.body IS NOT NULL AND new.isViewOnce = 1 BEGIN DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE rowid = old.rowid; END; `); db.pragma('user_version = 27'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion27: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion28(currentVersion: number, db: Database) { if (currentVersion >= 28) { return; } db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` CREATE TABLE jobs( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, queueType TEXT STRING NOT NULL, timestamp INTEGER NOT NULL, data STRING TEXT ); CREATE INDEX jobs_timestamp ON jobs (timestamp); `); db.pragma('user_version = 28'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion28: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion29(currentVersion: number, db: Database) { if (currentVersion >= 29) { return; } db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` CREATE TABLE reactions( conversationId STRING, emoji STRING, fromId STRING, messageReceivedAt INTEGER, targetAuthorUuid STRING, targetTimestamp INTEGER, unread INTEGER ); CREATE INDEX reactions_unread ON reactions ( unread, conversationId ); CREATE INDEX reaction_identifier ON reactions ( emoji, targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp ); `); db.pragma('user_version = 29'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion29: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion30(currentVersion: number, db: Database) { if (currentVersion >= 30) { return; } db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` CREATE TABLE senderKeys( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, senderId TEXT NOT NULL, distributionId TEXT NOT NULL, data BLOB NOT NULL, lastUpdatedDate NUMBER NOT NULL ); `); db.pragma('user_version = 30'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion30: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion31(currentVersion: number, db: Database): void { if (currentVersion >= 31) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion31: starting...'); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` DROP INDEX unprocessed_id; DROP INDEX unprocessed_timestamp; ALTER TABLE unprocessed RENAME TO unprocessed_old; CREATE TABLE unprocessed( id STRING PRIMARY KEY ASC, timestamp INTEGER, version INTEGER, attempts INTEGER, envelope TEXT, decrypted TEXT, source TEXT, sourceDevice TEXT, serverTimestamp INTEGER, sourceUuid STRING ); CREATE INDEX unprocessed_timestamp ON unprocessed ( timestamp ); INSERT OR REPLACE INTO unprocessed (id, timestamp, version, attempts, envelope, decrypted, source, sourceDevice, serverTimestamp, sourceUuid) SELECT id, timestamp, version, attempts, envelope, decrypted, source, sourceDevice, serverTimestamp, sourceUuid FROM unprocessed_old; DROP TABLE unprocessed_old; `); db.pragma('user_version = 31'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion31: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion32(currentVersion: number, db: Database) { if (currentVersion >= 32) { return; } db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN serverGuid STRING NULL; ALTER TABLE unprocessed ADD COLUMN serverGuid STRING NULL; `); db.pragma('user_version = 32'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion32: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion33(currentVersion: number, db: Database) { if (currentVersion >= 33) { return; } db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` -- These indexes should exist, but we add "IF EXISTS" for safety. DROP INDEX IF EXISTS messages_expires_at; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS messages_without_timer; ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN expiresAt INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (expirationStartTimestamp + (expireTimer * 1000)); CREATE INDEX message_expires_at ON messages ( expiresAt ); CREATE INDEX outgoing_messages_without_expiration_start_timestamp ON messages ( expireTimer, expirationStartTimestamp, type ) WHERE expireTimer IS NOT NULL AND expirationStartTimestamp IS NULL; `); db.pragma('user_version = 33'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion33: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion34(currentVersion: number, db: Database) { if (currentVersion >= 34) { return; } db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` -- This index should exist, but we add "IF EXISTS" for safety. DROP INDEX IF EXISTS outgoing_messages_without_expiration_start_timestamp; CREATE INDEX messages_unexpectedly_missing_expiration_start_timestamp ON messages ( expireTimer, expirationStartTimestamp, type ) WHERE expireTimer IS NOT NULL AND expirationStartTimestamp IS NULL; `); db.pragma('user_version = 34'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion34: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion35(currentVersion: number, db: Database) { if (currentVersion >= 35) { return; } db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` CREATE INDEX expiring_message_by_conversation_and_received_at ON messages ( expirationStartTimestamp, expireTimer, conversationId, received_at ); `); db.pragma('user_version = 35'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion35: success!'); } // Reverted function updateToSchemaVersion36(currentVersion: number, db: Database) { if (currentVersion >= 36) { return; } db.pragma('user_version = 36'); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion36: success!'); } function updateToSchemaVersion37(currentVersion: number, db: Database) { if (currentVersion >= 37) { return; } db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` -- Create send log primary table CREATE TABLE sendLogPayloads( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, timestamp INTEGER NOT NULL, contentHint INTEGER NOT NULL, proto BLOB NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX sendLogPayloadsByTimestamp ON sendLogPayloads (timestamp); -- Create send log recipients table with foreign key relationship to payloads CREATE TABLE sendLogRecipients( payloadId INTEGER NOT NULL, recipientUuid STRING NOT NULL, deviceId INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (payloadId, recipientUuid, deviceId), CONSTRAINT sendLogRecipientsForeignKey FOREIGN KEY (payloadId) REFERENCES sendLogPayloads(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE INDEX sendLogRecipientsByRecipient ON sendLogRecipients (recipientUuid, deviceId); -- Create send log messages table with foreign key relationship to payloads CREATE TABLE sendLogMessageIds( payloadId INTEGER NOT NULL, messageId STRING NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (payloadId, messageId), CONSTRAINT sendLogMessageIdsForeignKey FOREIGN KEY (payloadId) REFERENCES sendLogPayloads(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE INDEX sendLogMessageIdsByMessage ON sendLogMessageIds (messageId); -- Recreate messages table delete trigger with send log support DROP TRIGGER messages_on_delete; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_delete AFTER DELETE ON messages BEGIN DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE rowid = old.rowid; DELETE FROM sendLogPayloads WHERE id IN ( SELECT payloadId FROM sendLogMessageIds WHERE messageId = old.id ); END; --- Add messageId column to reactions table to properly track proto associations ALTER TABLE reactions ADD column messageId STRING; `); db.pragma('user_version = 37'); })(); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion37: success!'); } const SCHEMA_VERSIONS = [ updateToSchemaVersion1, updateToSchemaVersion2, updateToSchemaVersion3, updateToSchemaVersion4, (_v: number, _i: Database) => null, // version 5 was dropped updateToSchemaVersion6, updateToSchemaVersion7, updateToSchemaVersion8, updateToSchemaVersion9, updateToSchemaVersion10, updateToSchemaVersion11, updateToSchemaVersion12, updateToSchemaVersion13, updateToSchemaVersion14, updateToSchemaVersion15, updateToSchemaVersion16, updateToSchemaVersion17, updateToSchemaVersion18, updateToSchemaVersion19, updateToSchemaVersion20, updateToSchemaVersion21, updateToSchemaVersion22, updateToSchemaVersion23, updateToSchemaVersion24, updateToSchemaVersion25, updateToSchemaVersion26, updateToSchemaVersion27, updateToSchemaVersion28, updateToSchemaVersion29, updateToSchemaVersion30, updateToSchemaVersion31, updateToSchemaVersion32, updateToSchemaVersion33, updateToSchemaVersion34, updateToSchemaVersion35, updateToSchemaVersion36, updateToSchemaVersion37, ]; function updateSchema(db: Database): void { const sqliteVersion = getSQLiteVersion(db); const sqlcipherVersion = getSQLCipherVersion(db); const userVersion = getUserVersion(db); const maxUserVersion = SCHEMA_VERSIONS.length; const schemaVersion = getSchemaVersion(db); console.log( 'updateSchema:\n', ` Current user_version: ${userVersion};\n`, ` Most recent db schema: ${maxUserVersion};\n`, ` SQLite version: ${sqliteVersion};\n`, ` SQLCipher version: ${sqlcipherVersion};\n`, ` (deprecated) schema_version: ${schemaVersion};\n` ); if (userVersion > maxUserVersion) { throw new Error( `SQL: User version is ${userVersion} but the expected maximum version is ${maxUserVersion}. Did you try to start an old version of Signal?` ); } for (let index = 0; index < maxUserVersion; index += 1) { const runSchemaUpdate = SCHEMA_VERSIONS[index]; runSchemaUpdate(userVersion, db); } } let globalInstance: Database | undefined; let globalInstanceRenderer: Database | undefined; let databaseFilePath: string | undefined; let indexedDBPath: string | undefined; async function initialize({ configDir, key, }: { configDir: string; key: string; }) { if (globalInstance) { throw new Error('Cannot initialize more than once!'); } if (!isString(configDir)) { throw new Error('initialize: configDir is required!'); } if (!isString(key)) { throw new Error('initialize: key is required!'); } indexedDBPath = join(configDir, 'IndexedDB'); const dbDir = join(configDir, 'sql'); mkdirp.sync(dbDir); databaseFilePath = join(dbDir, 'db.sqlite'); let db: Database | undefined; try { db = openAndSetUpSQLCipher(databaseFilePath, { key }); // For profiling use: // db.pragma('cipher_profile=\'sqlcipher.log\''); updateSchema(db); // test database const cipherIntegrityResult = getSQLCipherIntegrityCheck(db); if (cipherIntegrityResult) { console.log( 'Database cipher integrity check failed:', cipherIntegrityResult ); throw new Error( `Cipher integrity check failed: ${cipherIntegrityResult}` ); } const integrityResult = getSQLIntegrityCheck(db); if (integrityResult) { console.log('Database integrity check failed:', integrityResult); throw new Error(`Integrity check failed: ${integrityResult}`); } // At this point we can allow general access to the database globalInstance = db; // test database await getMessageCount(); } catch (error) { console.log('Database startup error:', error.stack); if (db) { db.close(); } throw error; } } async function initializeRenderer({ configDir, key, }: { configDir: string; key: string; }) { if (!isRenderer()) { throw new Error('Cannot call from main process.'); } if (globalInstanceRenderer) { throw new Error('Cannot initialize more than once!'); } if (!isString(configDir)) { throw new Error('initialize: configDir is required!'); } if (!isString(key)) { throw new Error('initialize: key is required!'); } if (!indexedDBPath) { indexedDBPath = join(configDir, 'IndexedDB'); } const dbDir = join(configDir, 'sql'); if (!databaseFilePath) { databaseFilePath = join(dbDir, 'db.sqlite'); } let promisified: Database | undefined; try { promisified = openAndSetUpSQLCipher(databaseFilePath, { key }); // At this point we can allow general access to the database globalInstanceRenderer = promisified; // test database await getMessageCount(); } catch (error) { window.log.error('Database startup error:', error.stack); throw error; } } async function close(): Promise { if (!globalInstance) { return; } const dbRef = globalInstance; globalInstance = undefined; // SQLLite documentation suggests that we run `PRAGMA optimize` right before // closing the database connection. dbRef.pragma('optimize'); dbRef.close(); } async function removeDB(): Promise { if (globalInstance) { throw new Error('removeDB: Cannot erase database when it is open!'); } if (!databaseFilePath) { throw new Error( 'removeDB: Cannot erase database without a databaseFilePath!' ); } rimraf.sync(databaseFilePath); rimraf.sync(`${databaseFilePath}-shm`); rimraf.sync(`${databaseFilePath}-wal`); } async function removeIndexedDBFiles(): Promise { if (!indexedDBPath) { throw new Error( 'removeIndexedDBFiles: Need to initialize and set indexedDBPath first!' ); } const pattern = join(indexedDBPath, '*.leveldb'); rimraf.sync(pattern); indexedDBPath = undefined; } function getInstance(): Database { if (isRenderer()) { if (!globalInstanceRenderer) { throw new Error('getInstance: globalInstanceRenderer not set!'); } return globalInstanceRenderer; } if (!globalInstance) { throw new Error('getInstance: globalInstance not set!'); } return globalInstance; } function batchMultiVarQuery( values: Array, query: (batch: Array) => void ): void { const db = getInstance(); if (values.length > MAX_VARIABLE_COUNT) { db.transaction(() => { for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i += MAX_VARIABLE_COUNT) { const batch = values.slice(i, i + MAX_VARIABLE_COUNT); query(batch); } })(); return; } query(values); } const IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE = 'identityKeys'; function createOrUpdateIdentityKey(data: IdentityKeyType): Promise { return createOrUpdate(IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE, data); } function getIdentityKeyById(id: string): Promise { return getById(IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE, id); } function bulkAddIdentityKeys(array: Array): Promise { return bulkAdd(IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE, array); } function removeIdentityKeyById(id: string): Promise { return removeById(IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE, id); } function removeAllIdentityKeys(): Promise { return removeAllFromTable(IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE); } function getAllIdentityKeys(): Promise> { return getAllFromTable(IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE); } const PRE_KEYS_TABLE = 'preKeys'; function createOrUpdatePreKey(data: PreKeyType): Promise { return createOrUpdate(PRE_KEYS_TABLE, data); } function getPreKeyById(id: number): Promise { return getById(PRE_KEYS_TABLE, id); } function bulkAddPreKeys(array: Array): Promise { return bulkAdd(PRE_KEYS_TABLE, array); } function removePreKeyById(id: number): Promise { return removeById(PRE_KEYS_TABLE, id); } function removeAllPreKeys(): Promise { return removeAllFromTable(PRE_KEYS_TABLE); } function getAllPreKeys(): Promise> { return getAllFromTable(PRE_KEYS_TABLE); } const SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE = 'signedPreKeys'; function createOrUpdateSignedPreKey(data: SignedPreKeyType): Promise { return createOrUpdate(SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, data); } function getSignedPreKeyById( id: number ): Promise { return getById(SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, id); } function bulkAddSignedPreKeys(array: Array): Promise { return bulkAdd(SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, array); } function removeSignedPreKeyById(id: number): Promise { return removeById(SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, id); } function removeAllSignedPreKeys(): Promise { return removeAllFromTable(SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE); } async function getAllSignedPreKeys(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM signedPreKeys ORDER BY id ASC; ` ) .all(); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } const ITEMS_TABLE = 'items'; function createOrUpdateItem( data: ItemType ): Promise { return createOrUpdate(ITEMS_TABLE, data); } function getItemById( id: K ): Promise | undefined> { return getById(ITEMS_TABLE, id); } async function getAllItems(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare('SELECT json FROM items ORDER BY id ASC;') .all(); const items = rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); const result: AllItemsType = Object.create(null); for (const { id, value } of items) { const key = id as ItemKeyType; result[key] = value; } return result; } function removeItemById(id: ItemKeyType): Promise { return removeById(ITEMS_TABLE, id); } function removeAllItems(): Promise { return removeAllFromTable(ITEMS_TABLE); } async function createOrUpdateSenderKey(key: SenderKeyType): Promise { const db = getInstance(); prepare( db, ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO senderKeys ( id, senderId, distributionId, data, lastUpdatedDate ) values ( $id, $senderId, $distributionId, $data, $lastUpdatedDate ) ` ).run(key); } async function getSenderKeyById( id: string ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const row = prepare(db, 'SELECT * FROM senderKeys WHERE id = $id').get({ id, }); return row; } async function removeAllSenderKeys(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); prepare(db, 'DELETE FROM senderKeys').run(); } async function getAllSenderKeys(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows = prepare(db, 'SELECT * FROM senderKeys').all(); return rows; } async function removeSenderKeyById(id: string): Promise { const db = getInstance(); prepare(db, 'DELETE FROM senderKeys WHERE id = $id').run({ id }); } async function insertSentProto( proto: SentProtoType, options: { recipients: SentRecipientsType; messageIds: SentMessagesType; } ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const { recipients, messageIds } = options; // Note: we use `pluck` in this function to fetch only the first column of returned row. return db.transaction(() => { // 1. Insert the payload, fetching its primary key id const info = prepare( db, ` INSERT INTO sendLogPayloads ( contentHint, proto, timestamp ) VALUES ( $contentHint, $proto, $timestamp ); ` ).run(proto); const id = parseIntOrThrow( info.lastInsertRowid, 'insertSentProto/lastInsertRowid' ); // 2. Insert a record for each recipient device. const recipientStatement = prepare( db, ` INSERT INTO sendLogRecipients ( payloadId, recipientUuid, deviceId ) VALUES ( $id, $recipientUuid, $deviceId ); ` ); const recipientUuids = Object.keys(recipients); for (const recipientUuid of recipientUuids) { const deviceIds = recipients[recipientUuid]; for (const deviceId of deviceIds) { recipientStatement.run({ id, recipientUuid, deviceId, }); } } // 2. Insert a record for each message referenced by this payload. const messageStatement = prepare( db, ` INSERT INTO sendLogMessageIds ( payloadId, messageId ) VALUES ( $id, $messageId ); ` ); for (const messageId of messageIds) { messageStatement.run({ id, messageId, }); } return id; })(); } async function deleteSentProtosOlderThan(timestamp: number): Promise { const db = getInstance(); prepare( db, ` DELETE FROM sendLogPayloads WHERE timestamp IS NULL OR timestamp < $timestamp; ` ).run({ timestamp, }); } async function deleteSentProtoByMessageId(messageId: string): Promise { const db = getInstance(); prepare( db, ` DELETE FROM sendLogPayloads WHERE id IN ( SELECT payloadId FROM sendLogMessageIds WHERE messageId = $messageId ); ` ).run({ messageId, }); } async function insertProtoRecipients({ id, recipientUuid, deviceIds, }: { id: number; recipientUuid: string; deviceIds: Array; }): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.transaction(() => { const statement = prepare( db, ` INSERT INTO sendLogRecipients ( payloadId, recipientUuid, deviceId ) VALUES ( $id, $recipientUuid, $deviceId ); ` ); for (const deviceId of deviceIds) { statement.run({ id, recipientUuid, deviceId, }); } })(); } async function deleteSentProtoRecipient({ timestamp, recipientUuid, deviceId, }: { timestamp: number; recipientUuid: string; deviceId: number; }): Promise { const db = getInstance(); // Note: we use `pluck` in this function to fetch only the first column of returned row. db.transaction(() => { // 1. Figure out what payload we're talking about. const rows = prepare( db, ` SELECT sendLogPayloads.id FROM sendLogPayloads INNER JOIN sendLogRecipients ON sendLogRecipients.payloadId = sendLogPayloads.id WHERE sendLogPayloads.timestamp = $timestamp AND sendLogRecipients.recipientUuid = $recipientUuid AND sendLogRecipients.deviceId = $deviceId; ` ).all({ timestamp, recipientUuid, deviceId }); if (!rows.length) { return; } if (rows.length > 1) { console.warn( `deleteSentProtoRecipient: More than one payload matches recipient and timestamp ${timestamp}. Using the first.` ); return; } const { id } = rows[0]; // 2. Delete the recipient/device combination in question. prepare( db, ` DELETE FROM sendLogRecipients WHERE payloadId = $id AND recipientUuid = $recipientUuid AND deviceId = $deviceId; ` ).run({ id, recipientUuid, deviceId }); // 3. See how many more recipient devices there were for this payload. const remaining = prepare( db, 'SELECT count(*) FROM sendLogRecipients WHERE payloadId = $id;' ) .pluck(true) .get({ id }); if (!isNumber(remaining)) { throw new Error( 'deleteSentProtoRecipient: select count() returned non-number!' ); } if (remaining > 0) { return; } // 4. Delete the entire payload if there are no more recipients left. console.info( `deleteSentProtoRecipient: Deleting proto payload for timestamp ${timestamp}` ); prepare(db, 'DELETE FROM sendLogPayloads WHERE id = $id;').run({ id, }); })(); } async function getSentProtoByRecipient({ now, recipientUuid, timestamp, }: { now: number; recipientUuid: string; timestamp: number; }): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60; const oneDayAgo = now - HOUR * 24; await deleteSentProtosOlderThan(oneDayAgo); const row = prepare( db, ` SELECT sendLogPayloads.*, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT sendLogMessageIds.messageId) AS messageIds FROM sendLogPayloads INNER JOIN sendLogRecipients ON sendLogRecipients.payloadId = sendLogPayloads.id LEFT JOIN sendLogMessageIds ON sendLogMessageIds.payloadId = sendLogPayloads.id WHERE sendLogPayloads.timestamp = $timestamp AND sendLogRecipients.recipientUuid = $recipientUuid GROUP BY sendLogPayloads.id; ` ).get({ timestamp, recipientUuid, }); if (!row) { return undefined; } const { messageIds } = row; return { ...row, messageIds: messageIds ? messageIds.split(',') : [], }; } async function removeAllSentProtos(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); prepare(db, 'DELETE FROM sendLogPayloads;').run(); } async function getAllSentProtos(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows = prepare(db, 'SELECT * FROM sendLogPayloads;').all(); return rows; } async function _getAllSentProtoRecipients(): Promise< Array > { const db = getInstance(); const rows = prepare( db, 'SELECT * FROM sendLogRecipients;' ).all(); return rows; } async function _getAllSentProtoMessageIds(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows = prepare( db, 'SELECT * FROM sendLogMessageIds;' ).all(); return rows; } const SESSIONS_TABLE = 'sessions'; function createOrUpdateSessionSync(data: SessionType): void { const db = getInstance(); const { id, conversationId } = data; if (!id) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateSession: Provided data did not have a truthy id' ); } if (!conversationId) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateSession: Provided data did not have a truthy conversationId' ); } prepare( db, ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sessions ( id, conversationId, json ) values ( $id, $conversationId, $json ) ` ).run({ id, conversationId, json: objectToJSON(data), }); } async function createOrUpdateSession(data: SessionType): Promise { return createOrUpdateSessionSync(data); } async function createOrUpdateSessions( array: Array ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.transaction(() => { for (const item of array) { assertSync(createOrUpdateSessionSync(item)); } })(); } async function commitSessionsAndUnprocessed({ sessions, unprocessed, }: { sessions: Array; unprocessed: Array; }): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.transaction(() => { for (const item of sessions) { assertSync(createOrUpdateSessionSync(item)); } for (const item of unprocessed) { assertSync(saveUnprocessedSync(item)); } })(); } function bulkAddSessions(array: Array): Promise { return bulkAdd(SESSIONS_TABLE, array); } function removeSessionById(id: string): Promise { return removeById(SESSIONS_TABLE, id); } async function removeSessionsByConversation( conversationId: string ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM sessions WHERE conversationId = $conversationId; ` ).run({ conversationId, }); } function removeAllSessions(): Promise { return removeAllFromTable(SESSIONS_TABLE); } function getAllSessions(): Promise> { return getAllFromTable(SESSIONS_TABLE); } function createOrUpdateSync( table: string, data: Record & { id: string | number } ): void { const db = getInstance(); const { id } = data; if (!id) { throw new Error('createOrUpdate: Provided data did not have a truthy id'); } db.prepare( ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ${table} ( id, json ) values ( $id, $json ) ` ).run({ id, json: objectToJSON(data), }); } async function createOrUpdate( table: string, data: Record & { id: string | number } ): Promise { return createOrUpdateSync(table, data); } async function bulkAdd( table: string, array: Array & { id: string | number }> ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.transaction(() => { for (const data of array) { assertSync(createOrUpdateSync(table, data)); } })(); } async function getById( table: string, id: string | number ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const row = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE id = $id; ` ) .get({ id, }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } async function removeById( table: string, id: string | number | Array ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); if (!Array.isArray(id)) { db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM ${table} WHERE id = $id; ` ).run({ id }); return; } if (!id.length) { throw new Error('removeById: No ids to delete!'); } const removeByIdsSync = (ids: Array): void => { db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM ${table} WHERE id IN ( ${id.map(() => '?').join(', ')} ); ` ).run(ids); }; batchMultiVarQuery(id, removeByIdsSync); } async function removeAllFromTable(table: string): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare(`DELETE FROM ${table};`).run(); } async function getAllFromTable(table: string): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare(`SELECT json FROM ${table};`) .all(); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } // Conversations async function getConversationCount(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const row = db .prepare('SELECT count(*) from conversations;') .get(); if (!row) { throw new Error( 'getConversationCount: Unable to get count of conversations' ); } return row['count(*)']; } function saveConversationSync( data: ConversationType, db = getInstance() ): void { const { active_at, e164, groupId, id, members, membersV2, name, profileFamilyName, profileName, profileLastFetchedAt, type, uuid, } = data; // prettier-ignore const membersList = membersV2 ? membersV2.map((item: GroupV2MemberType) => item.conversationId).join(' ') : members ? members.join(' ') : null; db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO conversations ( id, json, e164, uuid, groupId, active_at, type, members, name, profileName, profileFamilyName, profileFullName, profileLastFetchedAt ) values ( $id, $json, $e164, $uuid, $groupId, $active_at, $type, $members, $name, $profileName, $profileFamilyName, $profileFullName, $profileLastFetchedAt ); ` ).run({ id, json: objectToJSON( omit(data, ['profileLastFetchedAt', 'unblurredAvatarPath']) ), e164: e164 || null, uuid: uuid || null, groupId: groupId || null, active_at: active_at || null, type, members: membersList, name: name || null, profileName: profileName || null, profileFamilyName: profileFamilyName || null, profileFullName: combineNames(profileName, profileFamilyName) || null, profileLastFetchedAt: profileLastFetchedAt || null, }); } async function saveConversation( data: ConversationType, db = getInstance() ): Promise { return saveConversationSync(data, db); } async function saveConversations( arrayOfConversations: Array ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.transaction(() => { for (const conversation of arrayOfConversations) { assertSync(saveConversationSync(conversation)); } })(); } function updateConversationSync(data: ConversationType): void { const db = getInstance(); const { id, active_at, type, members, membersV2, name, profileName, profileFamilyName, profileLastFetchedAt, e164, uuid, } = data; // prettier-ignore const membersList = membersV2 ? membersV2.map((item: GroupV2MemberType) => item.conversationId).join(' ') : members ? members.join(' ') : null; db.prepare( ` UPDATE conversations SET json = $json, e164 = $e164, uuid = $uuid, active_at = $active_at, type = $type, members = $members, name = $name, profileName = $profileName, profileFamilyName = $profileFamilyName, profileFullName = $profileFullName, profileLastFetchedAt = $profileLastFetchedAt WHERE id = $id; ` ).run({ id, json: objectToJSON( omit(data, ['profileLastFetchedAt', 'unblurredAvatarPath']) ), e164: e164 || null, uuid: uuid || null, active_at: active_at || null, type, members: membersList, name: name || null, profileName: profileName || null, profileFamilyName: profileFamilyName || null, profileFullName: combineNames(profileName, profileFamilyName) || null, profileLastFetchedAt: profileLastFetchedAt || null, }); } async function updateConversation(data: ConversationType): Promise { return updateConversationSync(data); } async function updateConversations( array: Array ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.transaction(() => { for (const item of array) { assertSync(updateConversationSync(item)); } })(); } function removeConversationsSync(ids: Array): void { const db = getInstance(); // Our node interface doesn't seem to allow you to replace one single ? with an array db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM conversations WHERE id IN ( ${ids.map(() => '?').join(', ')} ); ` ).run(ids); } async function removeConversation(id: Array | string): Promise { if (!Array.isArray(id)) { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare('DELETE FROM conversations WHERE id = $id;').run({ id, }); return; } if (!id.length) { throw new Error('removeConversation: No ids to delete!'); } batchMultiVarQuery(id, removeConversationsSync); } async function getConversationById( id: string ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const row: { json: string } = db .prepare('SELECT json FROM conversations WHERE id = $id;') .get({ id }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } async function eraseStorageServiceStateFromConversations(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` UPDATE conversations SET json = json_remove(json, '$.storageID', '$.needsStorageServiceSync', '$.unknownFields', '$.storageProfileKey'); ` ).run(); } async function getAllConversations(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: ConversationRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json, profileLastFetchedAt FROM conversations ORDER BY id ASC; ` ) .all(); return rows.map(row => rowToConversation(row)); } async function getAllConversationIds(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: Array<{ id: string }> = db .prepare( ` SELECT id FROM conversations ORDER BY id ASC; ` ) .all(); return rows.map(row => row.id); } async function getAllPrivateConversations(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: ConversationRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json, profileLastFetchedAt FROM conversations WHERE type = 'private' ORDER BY id ASC; ` ) .all(); return rows.map(row => rowToConversation(row)); } async function getAllGroupsInvolvingId( id: string ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: ConversationRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json, profileLastFetchedAt FROM conversations WHERE type = 'group' AND members LIKE $id ORDER BY id ASC; ` ) .all({ id: `%${id}%`, }); return rows.map(row => rowToConversation(row)); } async function searchConversations( query: string, { limit }: { limit?: number } = {} ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: ConversationRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json, profileLastFetchedAt FROM conversations WHERE ( e164 LIKE $query OR name LIKE $query OR profileFullName LIKE $query ) ORDER BY active_at DESC LIMIT $limit ` ) .all({ query: `%${query}%`, limit: limit || 100, }); return rows.map(row => rowToConversation(row)); } async function searchMessages( query: string, params: { limit?: number; conversationId?: string } = {} ): Promise> { const { limit = 500, conversationId } = params; const db = getInstance(); // sqlite queries with a join on a virtual table (like FTS5) are de-optimized // and can't use indices for ordering results. Instead an in-memory index of // the join rows is sorted on the fly, and this becomes substantially // slower when there are large columns in it (like `messages.json`). // // Thus here we take an indirect approach and store `rowid`s in a temporary // table for all messages that match the FTS query. Then we create another // table to sort and limit the results, and finally join on it when fetch // the snippets and json. The benefit of this is that the `ORDER BY` and // `LIMIT` happen without virtual table and are thus covered by // `messages_searchOrder` index. return db.transaction(() => { db.exec( ` CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_results(rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC); CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_filtered_results(rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC); ` ); db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO tmp_results (rowid) SELECT rowid FROM messages_fts WHERE messages_fts.body MATCH $query; ` ).run({ query }); if (conversationId === undefined) { db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO tmp_filtered_results (rowid) SELECT tmp_results.rowid FROM tmp_results INNER JOIN messages ON messages.rowid = tmp_results.rowid ORDER BY messages.received_at DESC, messages.sent_at DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ).run({ limit }); } else { db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO tmp_filtered_results (rowid) SELECT tmp_results.rowid FROM tmp_results INNER JOIN messages ON messages.rowid = tmp_results.rowid WHERE messages.conversationId = $conversationId ORDER BY messages.received_at DESC, messages.sent_at DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ).run({ conversationId, limit }); } // The `MATCH` is necessary in order to for `snippet()` helper function to // give us the right results. We can't call `snippet()` in the query above // because it would bloat the temporary table with text data and we want // to keep its size minimal for `ORDER BY` + `LIMIT` to be fast. const result = db .prepare( ` SELECT messages.json, snippet(messages_fts, -1, '<>', '<>', '...', 10) AS snippet FROM tmp_filtered_results INNER JOIN messages_fts ON messages_fts.rowid = tmp_filtered_results.rowid INNER JOIN messages ON messages.rowid = tmp_filtered_results.rowid WHERE messages_fts.body MATCH $query ORDER BY messages.received_at DESC, messages.sent_at DESC; ` ) .all({ query }); db.exec( ` DROP TABLE tmp_results; DROP TABLE tmp_filtered_results; ` ); return result; })(); } async function searchMessagesInConversation( query: string, conversationId: string, { limit = 100 }: { limit?: number } = {} ): Promise> { return searchMessages(query, { conversationId, limit }); } async function getMessageCount(conversationId?: string): Promise { const db = getInstance(); let row: { 'count(*)': number } | undefined; if (conversationId !== undefined) { row = db .prepare( ` SELECT count(*) FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId; ` ) .get({ conversationId }); } else { row = db.prepare('SELECT count(*) FROM messages;').get(); } if (!row) { throw new Error('getMessageCount: Unable to get count of messages'); } return row['count(*)']; } // Called only for private conversations async function hasUserInitiatedMessages( conversationId: string ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); // We apply the limit in the sub-query so that `json_extract` wouldn't run // for additional messages. const row: { count: number } = db .prepare( ` SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM ( SELECT 1 FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND (type IS NULL OR type NOT IN ( 'profile-change', 'verified-change', 'message-history-unsynced', 'keychange', 'group-v1-migration', 'universal-timer-notification' ) ) AND json_extract(json, '$.expirationTimerUpdate') IS NULL LIMIT 1 ); ` ) .get({ conversationId }); return row.count !== 0; } function saveMessageSync( data: MessageType, options?: { forceSave?: boolean; alreadyInTransaction?: boolean } ): string { const db = getInstance(); const { forceSave, alreadyInTransaction } = options || {}; if (!alreadyInTransaction) { return db.transaction(() => { return assertSync( saveMessageSync(data, { ...options, alreadyInTransaction: true, }) ); })(); } const { body, conversationId, hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments, id, isErased, isViewOnce, received_at, schemaVersion, sent_at, serverGuid, source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, type, unread, expireTimer, expirationStartTimestamp, } = data; const payload = { id, json: objectToJSON(data), body: body || null, conversationId, expirationStartTimestamp: expirationStartTimestamp || null, expireTimer: expireTimer || null, hasAttachments: hasAttachments ? 1 : 0, hasFileAttachments: hasFileAttachments ? 1 : 0, hasVisualMediaAttachments: hasVisualMediaAttachments ? 1 : 0, isErased: isErased ? 1 : 0, isViewOnce: isViewOnce ? 1 : 0, received_at: received_at || null, schemaVersion: schemaVersion || 0, serverGuid: serverGuid || null, sent_at: sent_at || null, source: source || null, sourceUuid: sourceUuid || null, sourceDevice: sourceDevice || null, type: type || null, unread: unread ? 1 : 0, }; if (id && !forceSave) { prepare( db, ` UPDATE messages SET id = $id, json = $json, body = $body, conversationId = $conversationId, expirationStartTimestamp = $expirationStartTimestamp, expireTimer = $expireTimer, hasAttachments = $hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments = $hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments = $hasVisualMediaAttachments, isErased = $isErased, isViewOnce = $isViewOnce, received_at = $received_at, schemaVersion = $schemaVersion, serverGuid = $serverGuid, sent_at = $sent_at, source = $source, sourceUuid = $sourceUuid, sourceDevice = $sourceDevice, type = $type, unread = $unread WHERE id = $id; ` ).run(payload); return id; } const toCreate = { ...data, id: id || generateUUID(), }; prepare( db, ` INSERT INTO messages ( id, json, body, conversationId, expirationStartTimestamp, expireTimer, hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments, isErased, isViewOnce, received_at, schemaVersion, serverGuid, sent_at, source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, type, unread ) values ( $id, $json, $body, $conversationId, $expirationStartTimestamp, $expireTimer, $hasAttachments, $hasFileAttachments, $hasVisualMediaAttachments, $isErased, $isViewOnce, $received_at, $schemaVersion, $serverGuid, $sent_at, $source, $sourceUuid, $sourceDevice, $type, $unread ); ` ).run({ ...payload, id: toCreate.id, json: objectToJSON(toCreate), }); return toCreate.id; } async function saveMessage( data: MessageType, options?: { forceSave?: boolean; alreadyInTransaction?: boolean } ): Promise { return saveMessageSync(data, options); } async function saveMessages( arrayOfMessages: Array, options?: { forceSave?: boolean } ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const { forceSave } = options || {}; db.transaction(() => { for (const message of arrayOfMessages) { assertSync( saveMessageSync(message, { forceSave, alreadyInTransaction: true }) ); } })(); } async function removeMessage(id: string): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare('DELETE FROM messages WHERE id = $id;').run({ id }); } function removeMessagesSync(ids: Array): void { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM messages WHERE id IN ( ${ids.map(() => '?').join(', ')} ); ` ).run(ids); } async function removeMessages(ids: Array): Promise { batchMultiVarQuery(ids, removeMessagesSync); } async function getMessageById(id: string): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const row = db .prepare('SELECT json FROM messages WHERE id = $id;') .get({ id, }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } async function _getAllMessages(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare('SELECT json FROM messages ORDER BY id ASC;') .all(); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getAllMessageIds(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: Array<{ id: string }> = db .prepare('SELECT id FROM messages ORDER BY id ASC;') .all(); return rows.map(row => row.id); } async function getMessageBySender({ source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, sent_at, }: { source: string; sourceUuid: string; sourceDevice: string; sent_at: number; }): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = prepare( db, ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE (source = $source OR sourceUuid = $sourceUuid) AND sourceDevice = $sourceDevice AND sent_at = $sent_at; ` ).all({ source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, sent_at, }); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getUnreadCountForConversation( conversationId: string ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const row = db .prepare( ` SELECT COUNT(*) AS unreadCount FROM messages WHERE unread = 1 AND conversationId = $conversationId AND type = 'incoming'; ` ) .get({ conversationId, }); return row.unreadCount; } async function getUnreadByConversationAndMarkRead( conversationId: string, newestUnreadId: number, readAt?: number ): Promise< Array> > { const db = getInstance(); return db.transaction(() => { const expirationStartTimestamp = Math.min(Date.now(), readAt ?? Infinity); db.prepare( ` UPDATE messages INDEXED BY expiring_message_by_conversation_and_received_at SET expirationStartTimestamp = $expirationStartTimestamp, json = json_patch(json, $jsonPatch) WHERE ( expirationStartTimestamp IS NULL OR expirationStartTimestamp > $expirationStartTimestamp ) AND expireTimer IS NOT NULL AND conversationId = $conversationId AND received_at <= $newestUnreadId; ` ).run({ conversationId, expirationStartTimestamp, jsonPatch: JSON.stringify({ expirationStartTimestamp }), newestUnreadId, }); const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT id, json FROM messages INDEXED BY messages_unread WHERE unread = $unread AND conversationId = $conversationId AND received_at <= $newestUnreadId ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC; ` ) .all({ unread: 1, conversationId, newestUnreadId, }); db.prepare( ` UPDATE messages SET unread = 0, json = json_patch(json, $jsonPatch) WHERE unread = $unread AND conversationId = $conversationId AND received_at <= $newestUnreadId; ` ).run({ conversationId, jsonPatch: JSON.stringify({ unread: 0 }), newestUnreadId, unread: 1, }); return rows.map(row => { const json = jsonToObject(row.json); return { unread: false, ...pick(json, [ 'expirationStartTimestamp', 'id', 'sent_at', 'source', 'sourceUuid', 'type', ]), }; }); })(); } async function getUnreadReactionsAndMarkRead( conversationId: string, newestUnreadId: number ): Promise< Array< Pick > > { const db = getInstance(); return db.transaction(() => { const unreadMessages = db .prepare( ` SELECT targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp, messageId FROM reactions WHERE unread = 1 AND conversationId = $conversationId AND messageReceivedAt <= $newestUnreadId; ` ) .all({ conversationId, newestUnreadId, }); db.prepare( ` UPDATE reactions SET unread = 0 WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND messageReceivedAt <= $newestUnreadId; ` ).run({ conversationId, newestUnreadId, }); return unreadMessages; })(); } async function markReactionAsRead( targetAuthorUuid: string, targetTimestamp: number ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); return db.transaction(() => { const readReaction = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM reactions WHERE targetAuthorUuid = $targetAuthorUuid AND targetTimestamp = $targetTimestamp AND unread = 1 ORDER BY rowId DESC LIMIT 1; ` ) .get({ targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp, }); db.prepare( ` UPDATE reactions SET unread = 0 WHERE targetAuthorUuid = $targetAuthorUuid AND targetTimestamp = $targetTimestamp; ` ).run({ targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp, }); return readReaction; })(); } async function addReaction({ conversationId, emoji, fromId, messageId, messageReceivedAt, targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp, }: ReactionType): Promise { const db = getInstance(); await db .prepare( `INSERT INTO reactions ( conversationId, emoji, fromId, messageId, messageReceivedAt, targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp, unread ) VALUES ( $conversationId, $emoji, $fromId, $messageId, $messageReceivedAt, $targetAuthorUuid, $targetTimestamp, $unread );` ) .run({ conversationId, emoji, fromId, messageId, messageReceivedAt, targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp, unread: 1, }); } async function removeReactionFromConversation({ emoji, fromId, targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp, }: { emoji: string; fromId: string; targetAuthorUuid: string; targetTimestamp: number; }): Promise { const db = getInstance(); await db .prepare( `DELETE FROM reactions WHERE emoji = $emoji AND fromId = $fromId AND targetAuthorUuid = $targetAuthorUuid AND targetTimestamp = $targetTimestamp;` ) .run({ emoji, fromId, targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp, }); } async function getOlderMessagesByConversation( conversationId: string, { limit = 100, receivedAt = Number.MAX_VALUE, sentAt = Number.MAX_VALUE, messageId, }: { limit?: number; receivedAt?: number; sentAt?: number; messageId?: string; } = {} ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); let rows: JSONRows; if (messageId) { rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND id != $messageId AND ( (received_at = $received_at AND sent_at < $sent_at) OR received_at < $received_at ) ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ conversationId, received_at: receivedAt, sent_at: sentAt, limit, messageId, }); } else { rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND ( (received_at = $received_at AND sent_at < $sent_at) OR received_at < $received_at ) ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ conversationId, received_at: receivedAt, sent_at: sentAt, limit, }); } return rows.reverse(); } async function getNewerMessagesByConversation( conversationId: string, { limit = 100, receivedAt = 0, sentAt = 0, }: { limit?: number; receivedAt?: number; sentAt?: number } = {} ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND ( (received_at = $received_at AND sent_at > $sent_at) OR received_at > $received_at ) ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ conversationId, received_at: receivedAt, sent_at: sentAt, limit, }); return rows; } function getOldestMessageForConversation( conversationId: string ): MessageMetricsType | undefined { const db = getInstance(); const row = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC LIMIT 1; ` ) .get({ conversationId, }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return row; } function getNewestMessageForConversation( conversationId: string ): MessageMetricsType | undefined { const db = getInstance(); const row = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT 1; ` ) .get({ conversationId, }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return row; } async function getLastConversationActivity({ conversationId, ourConversationId, }: { conversationId: string; ourConversationId: string; }): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const row = prepare( db, ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND (type IS NULL OR type NOT IN ( 'profile-change', 'verified-change', 'message-history-unsynced', 'keychange', 'group-v1-migration', 'universal-timer-notification' ) ) AND ( json_extract(json, '$.expirationTimerUpdate.fromSync') IS NULL OR json_extract(json, '$.expirationTimerUpdate.fromSync') != 1 ) AND NOT ( type = 'group-v2-change' AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.from') != $ourConversationId AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details.length') = 1 AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details[0].type') = 'member-remove' AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details[0].conversationId') != $ourConversationId ) ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT 1; ` ).get({ conversationId, ourConversationId, }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } async function getLastConversationPreview({ conversationId, ourConversationId, }: { conversationId: string; ourConversationId: string; }): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const row = prepare( db, ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND ( type IS NULL OR type NOT IN ( 'profile-change', 'verified-change', 'message-history-unsynced', 'group-v1-migration', 'universal-timer-notification' ) ) AND NOT ( type = 'group-v2-change' AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.from') != $ourConversationId AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details.length') = 1 AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details[0].type') = 'member-remove' AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details[0].conversationId') != $ourConversationId ) ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT 1; ` ).get({ conversationId, ourConversationId, }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } function getOldestUnreadMessageForConversation( conversationId: string ): MessageMetricsType | undefined { const db = getInstance(); const row = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND unread = 1 ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC LIMIT 1; ` ) .get({ conversationId, }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return row; } function getTotalUnreadForConversation(conversationId: string): number { const db = getInstance(); const row = db .prepare( ` SELECT count(id) FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND unread = 1; ` ) .get({ conversationId, }); if (!row) { throw new Error('getTotalUnreadForConversation: Unable to get count'); } return row['count(id)']; } async function getMessageMetricsForConversation( conversationId: string ): Promise { const oldest = getOldestMessageForConversation(conversationId); const newest = getNewestMessageForConversation(conversationId); const oldestUnread = getOldestUnreadMessageForConversation(conversationId); const totalUnread = getTotalUnreadForConversation(conversationId); return { oldest: oldest ? pick(oldest, ['received_at', 'sent_at', 'id']) : undefined, newest: newest ? pick(newest, ['received_at', 'sent_at', 'id']) : undefined, oldestUnread: oldestUnread ? pick(oldestUnread, ['received_at', 'sent_at', 'id']) : undefined, totalUnread, }; } async function hasGroupCallHistoryMessage( conversationId: string, eraId: string ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const row: { 'count(*)': number } | undefined = db .prepare( ` SELECT count(*) FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND type = 'call-history' AND json_extract(json, '$.callHistoryDetails.callMode') = 'Group' AND json_extract(json, '$.callHistoryDetails.eraId') = $eraId LIMIT 1; ` ) .get({ conversationId, eraId, }); if (row) { return Boolean(row['count(*)']); } return false; } async function migrateConversationMessages( obsoleteId: string, currentId: string ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` UPDATE messages SET conversationId = $currentId, json = json_set(json, '$.conversationId', $currentId) WHERE conversationId = $obsoleteId; ` ).run({ obsoleteId, currentId, }); } async function getMessagesBySentAt( sentAt: number ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE sent_at = $sent_at ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC; ` ) .all({ sent_at: sentAt, }); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getExpiredMessages(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const now = Date.now(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE expiresAt IS NOT NULL AND expiresAt <= $now ORDER BY expiresAt ASC; ` ) .all({ now }); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getMessagesUnexpectedlyMissingExpirationStartTimestamp(): Promise< Array > { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages INDEXED BY messages_unexpectedly_missing_expiration_start_timestamp WHERE expireTimer > 0 AND expirationStartTimestamp IS NULL AND ( type IS 'outgoing' OR (type IS 'incoming' AND ( unread = 0 OR unread IS NULL )) ); ` ) .all(); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getSoonestMessageExpiry(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); // Note: we use `pluck` to only get the first column. const result: null | number = db .prepare( ` SELECT MIN(expiresAt) FROM messages; ` ) .pluck(true) .get(); return result || undefined; } async function getNextTapToViewMessageTimestampToAgeOut(): Promise< undefined | number > { const db = getInstance(); const row = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE isViewOnce = 1 AND (isErased IS NULL OR isErased != 1) ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC LIMIT 1; ` ) .get(); if (!row) { return undefined; } const data = jsonToObject(row.json); const result = data.received_at_ms || data.received_at; return isNormalNumber(result) ? result : undefined; } async function getTapToViewMessagesNeedingErase(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const THIRTY_DAYS_AGO = Date.now() - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE isViewOnce = 1 AND (isErased IS NULL OR isErased != 1) AND received_at <= $THIRTY_DAYS_AGO ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC; ` ) .all({ THIRTY_DAYS_AGO, }); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } function saveUnprocessedSync(data: UnprocessedType): string { const db = getInstance(); const { id, timestamp, version, attempts, envelope, source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, serverGuid, serverTimestamp, decrypted, } = data; if (!id) { throw new Error('saveUnprocessedSync: id was falsey'); } prepare( db, ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO unprocessed ( id, timestamp, version, attempts, envelope, source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, serverGuid, serverTimestamp, decrypted ) values ( $id, $timestamp, $version, $attempts, $envelope, $source, $sourceUuid, $sourceDevice, $serverGuid, $serverTimestamp, $decrypted ); ` ).run({ id, timestamp, version, attempts, envelope: envelope || null, source: source || null, sourceUuid: sourceUuid || null, sourceDevice: sourceDevice || null, serverGuid: serverGuid || null, serverTimestamp: serverTimestamp || null, decrypted: decrypted || null, }); return id; } async function updateUnprocessedAttempts( id: string, attempts: number ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` UPDATE unprocessed SET attempts = $attempts WHERE id = $id; ` ).run({ id, attempts, }); } function updateUnprocessedWithDataSync( id: string, data: UnprocessedUpdateType ): void { const db = getInstance(); const { source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, serverGuid, serverTimestamp, decrypted, } = data; prepare( db, ` UPDATE unprocessed SET source = $source, sourceUuid = $sourceUuid, sourceDevice = $sourceDevice, serverGuid = $serverGuid, serverTimestamp = $serverTimestamp, decrypted = $decrypted WHERE id = $id; ` ).run({ id, source: source || null, sourceUuid: sourceUuid || null, sourceDevice: sourceDevice || null, serverGuid: serverGuid || null, serverTimestamp: serverTimestamp || null, decrypted: decrypted || null, }); } async function updateUnprocessedWithData( id: string, data: UnprocessedUpdateType ): Promise { return updateUnprocessedWithDataSync(id, data); } async function updateUnprocessedsWithData( arrayOfUnprocessed: Array<{ id: string; data: UnprocessedUpdateType }> ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.transaction(() => { for (const { id, data } of arrayOfUnprocessed) { assertSync(updateUnprocessedWithDataSync(id, data)); } })(); } async function getUnprocessedById( id: string ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const row = db .prepare('SELECT * FROM unprocessed WHERE id = $id;') .get({ id, }); return row; } async function getUnprocessedCount(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const row = db.prepare('SELECT count(*) from unprocessed;').get(); if (!row) { throw new Error('getUnprocessedCount: Unable to get count of unprocessed'); } return row['count(*)']; } async function getAllUnprocessed(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM unprocessed ORDER BY timestamp ASC; ` ) .all(); return rows; } function removeUnprocessedsSync(ids: Array): void { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM unprocessed WHERE id IN ( ${ids.map(() => '?').join(', ')} ); ` ).run(ids); } async function removeUnprocessed(id: string | Array): Promise { if (!Array.isArray(id)) { const db = getInstance(); prepare(db, 'DELETE FROM unprocessed WHERE id = $id;').run({ id }); return; } if (!id.length) { throw new Error('removeUnprocessed: No ids to delete!'); } batchMultiVarQuery(id, removeUnprocessedsSync); } async function removeAllUnprocessed(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare('DELETE FROM unprocessed;').run(); } // Attachment Downloads const ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS_TABLE = 'attachment_downloads'; async function getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs( limit?: number, options: { timestamp?: number } = {} ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const timestamp = options && options.timestamp ? options.timestamp : Date.now(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM attachment_downloads WHERE pending = 0 AND timestamp <= $timestamp ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ limit: limit || 3, timestamp, }); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function saveAttachmentDownloadJob( job: AttachmentDownloadJobType ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const { id, pending, timestamp } = job; if (!id) { throw new Error( 'saveAttachmentDownloadJob: Provided job did not have a truthy id' ); } db.prepare( ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO attachment_downloads ( id, pending, timestamp, json ) values ( $id, $pending, $timestamp, $json ) ` ).run({ id, pending, timestamp, json: objectToJSON(job), }); } async function setAttachmentDownloadJobPending( id: string, pending: boolean ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` UPDATE attachment_downloads SET pending = $pending WHERE id = $id; ` ).run({ id, pending: pending ? 1 : 0, }); } async function resetAttachmentDownloadPending(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` UPDATE attachment_downloads SET pending = 0 WHERE pending != 0; ` ).run(); } function removeAttachmentDownloadJob(id: string): Promise { return removeById(ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS_TABLE, id); } function removeAllAttachmentDownloadJobs(): Promise { return removeAllFromTable(ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS_TABLE); } // Stickers async function createOrUpdateStickerPack(pack: StickerPackType): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const { attemptedStatus, author, coverStickerId, createdAt, downloadAttempts, id, installedAt, key, lastUsed, status, stickerCount, title, } = pack; if (!id) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateStickerPack: Provided data did not have a truthy id' ); } const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT id FROM sticker_packs WHERE id = $id; ` ) .all({ id }); const payload = { attemptedStatus: attemptedStatus ?? null, author, coverStickerId, createdAt: createdAt || Date.now(), downloadAttempts: downloadAttempts || 1, id, installedAt: installedAt ?? null, key, lastUsed: lastUsed || null, status, stickerCount, title, }; if (rows && rows.length) { db.prepare( ` UPDATE sticker_packs SET attemptedStatus = $attemptedStatus, author = $author, coverStickerId = $coverStickerId, createdAt = $createdAt, downloadAttempts = $downloadAttempts, installedAt = $installedAt, key = $key, lastUsed = $lastUsed, status = $status, stickerCount = $stickerCount, title = $title WHERE id = $id; ` ).run(payload); return; } db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO sticker_packs ( attemptedStatus, author, coverStickerId, createdAt, downloadAttempts, id, installedAt, key, lastUsed, status, stickerCount, title ) values ( $attemptedStatus, $author, $coverStickerId, $createdAt, $downloadAttempts, $id, $installedAt, $key, $lastUsed, $status, $stickerCount, $title ) ` ).run(payload); } async function updateStickerPackStatus( id: string, status: StickerPackStatusType, options?: { timestamp: number } ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const timestamp = options ? options.timestamp || Date.now() : Date.now(); const installedAt = status === 'installed' ? timestamp : null; db.prepare( ` UPDATE sticker_packs SET status = $status, installedAt = $installedAt WHERE id = $id; ` ).run({ id, status, installedAt, }); } async function clearAllErrorStickerPackAttempts(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` UPDATE sticker_packs SET downloadAttempts = 0 WHERE status = 'error'; ` ).run(); } async function createOrUpdateSticker(sticker: StickerType): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const { emoji, height, id, isCoverOnly, lastUsed, packId, path, width, } = sticker; if (!isNumber(id)) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateSticker: Provided data did not have a numeric id' ); } if (!packId) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateSticker: Provided data did not have a truthy id' ); } db.prepare( ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO stickers ( emoji, height, id, isCoverOnly, lastUsed, packId, path, width ) values ( $emoji, $height, $id, $isCoverOnly, $lastUsed, $packId, $path, $width ) ` ).run({ emoji: emoji ?? null, height, id, isCoverOnly: isCoverOnly ? 1 : 0, lastUsed: lastUsed || null, packId, path, width, }); } async function updateStickerLastUsed( packId: string, stickerId: number, lastUsed: number ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` UPDATE stickers SET lastUsed = $lastUsed WHERE id = $id AND packId = $packId; ` ).run({ id: stickerId, packId, lastUsed, }); db.prepare( ` UPDATE sticker_packs SET lastUsed = $lastUsed WHERE id = $id; ` ).run({ id: packId, lastUsed, }); } async function addStickerPackReference( messageId: string, packId: string ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); if (!messageId) { throw new Error( 'addStickerPackReference: Provided data did not have a truthy messageId' ); } if (!packId) { throw new Error( 'addStickerPackReference: Provided data did not have a truthy packId' ); } db.prepare( ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sticker_references ( messageId, packId ) values ( $messageId, $packId ) ` ).run({ messageId, packId, }); } async function deleteStickerPackReference( messageId: string, packId: string ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); if (!messageId) { throw new Error( 'addStickerPackReference: Provided data did not have a truthy messageId' ); } if (!packId) { throw new Error( 'addStickerPackReference: Provided data did not have a truthy packId' ); } return db .transaction(() => { // We use an immediate transaction here to immediately acquire an exclusive lock, // which would normally only happen when we did our first write. // We need this to ensure that our five queries are all atomic, with no // other changes happening while we do it: // 1. Delete our target messageId/packId references // 2. Check the number of references still pointing at packId // 3. If that number is zero, get pack from sticker_packs database // 4. If it's not installed, then grab all of its sticker paths // 5. If it's not installed, then sticker pack (which cascades to all // stickers and references) db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM sticker_references WHERE messageId = $messageId AND packId = $packId; ` ).run({ messageId, packId, }); const countRow = db .prepare( ` SELECT count(*) FROM sticker_references WHERE packId = $packId; ` ) .get({ packId }); if (!countRow) { throw new Error( 'deleteStickerPackReference: Unable to get count of references' ); } const count = countRow['count(*)']; if (count > 0) { return []; } const packRow: { status: StickerPackStatusType } = db .prepare( ` SELECT status FROM sticker_packs WHERE id = $packId; ` ) .get({ packId }); if (!packRow) { console.log('deleteStickerPackReference: did not find referenced pack'); return []; } const { status } = packRow; if (status === 'installed') { return []; } const stickerPathRows: Array<{ path: string }> = db .prepare( ` SELECT path FROM stickers WHERE packId = $packId; ` ) .all({ packId, }); db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM sticker_packs WHERE id = $packId; ` ).run({ packId, }); return (stickerPathRows || []).map(row => row.path); }) .immediate(); } async function deleteStickerPack(packId: string): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); if (!packId) { throw new Error( 'deleteStickerPack: Provided data did not have a truthy packId' ); } return db .transaction(() => { // We use an immediate transaction here to immediately acquire an exclusive lock, // which would normally only happen when we did our first write. // We need this to ensure that our two queries are atomic, with no other changes // happening while we do it: // 1. Grab all of target pack's sticker paths // 2. Delete sticker pack (which cascades to all stickers and references) const stickerPathRows: Array<{ path: string }> = db .prepare( ` SELECT path FROM stickers WHERE packId = $packId; ` ) .all({ packId, }); db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM sticker_packs WHERE id = $packId; ` ).run({ packId }); return (stickerPathRows || []).map(row => row.path); }) .immediate(); } async function getStickerCount(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const row = db.prepare('SELECT count(*) from stickers;').get(); if (!row) { throw new Error('getStickerCount: Unable to get count of stickers'); } return row['count(*)']; } async function getAllStickerPacks(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM sticker_packs ORDER BY installedAt DESC, createdAt DESC ` ) .all(); return rows || []; } async function getAllStickers(): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM stickers ORDER BY packId ASC, id ASC ` ) .all(); return (rows || []).map(row => rowToSticker(row)); } async function getRecentStickers({ limit }: { limit?: number } = {}): Promise< Array > { const db = getInstance(); // Note: we avoid 'IS NOT NULL' here because it does seem to bypass our index const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT stickers.* FROM stickers JOIN sticker_packs on stickers.packId = sticker_packs.id WHERE stickers.lastUsed > 0 AND sticker_packs.status = 'installed' ORDER BY stickers.lastUsed DESC LIMIT $limit ` ) .all({ limit: limit || 24, }); return (rows || []).map(row => rowToSticker(row)); } // Emojis async function updateEmojiUsage( shortName: string, timeUsed: number = Date.now() ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.transaction(() => { const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM emojis WHERE shortName = $shortName; ` ) .get({ shortName, }); if (rows) { db.prepare( ` UPDATE emojis SET lastUsage = $timeUsed WHERE shortName = $shortName; ` ).run({ shortName, timeUsed }); } else { db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO emojis(shortName, lastUsage) VALUES ($shortName, $timeUsed); ` ).run({ shortName, timeUsed }); } })(); } async function getRecentEmojis(limit = 32): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM emojis ORDER BY lastUsage DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ limit }); return rows || []; } // All data in database async function removeAll(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` DELETE FROM conversations; DELETE FROM identityKeys; DELETE FROM items; DELETE FROM messages; DELETE FROM preKeys; DELETE FROM senderKeys; DELETE FROM sessions; DELETE FROM signedPreKeys; DELETE FROM unprocessed; DELETE FROM attachment_downloads; DELETE FROM messages_fts; DELETE FROM stickers; DELETE FROM sticker_packs; DELETE FROM sticker_references; DELETE FROM jobs; `); })(); } // Anything that isn't user-visible data async function removeAllConfiguration(): Promise { const db = getInstance(); const patch: Partial = { senderKeyInfo: undefined }; db.transaction(() => { db.exec( ` DELETE FROM identityKeys; DELETE FROM items; DELETE FROM preKeys; DELETE FROM senderKeys; DELETE FROM sessions; DELETE FROM signedPreKeys; DELETE FROM unprocessed; DELETE FROM jobs; ` ); db.prepare('UPDATE conversations SET json = json_patch(json, $patch);').run( { patch: JSON.stringify(patch), } ); })(); } async function getMessagesNeedingUpgrade( limit: number, { maxVersion }: { maxVersion: number } ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE schemaVersion IS NULL OR schemaVersion < $maxVersion LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ maxVersion, limit, }); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getMessagesWithVisualMediaAttachments( conversationId: string, { limit }: { limit: number } ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND hasVisualMediaAttachments = 1 ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ conversationId, limit, }); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getMessagesWithFileAttachments( conversationId: string, { limit }: { limit: number } ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND hasFileAttachments = 1 ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ conversationId, limit, }); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getMessageServerGuidsForSpam( conversationId: string ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); // The server's maximum is 3, which is why you see `LIMIT 3` in this query. Note that we // use `pluck` here to only get the first column! return db .prepare( ` SELECT serverGuid FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND type = 'incoming' AND serverGuid IS NOT NULL ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT 3; ` ) .pluck(true) .all({ conversationId }); } function getExternalFilesForMessage(message: MessageType): Array { const { attachments, contact, quote, preview, sticker } = message; const files: Array = []; forEach(attachments, attachment => { const { path: file, thumbnail, screenshot } = attachment; if (file) { files.push(file); } if (thumbnail && thumbnail.path) { files.push(thumbnail.path); } if (screenshot && screenshot.path) { files.push(screenshot.path); } }); if (quote && quote.attachments && quote.attachments.length) { forEach(quote.attachments, attachment => { const { thumbnail } = attachment; if (thumbnail && thumbnail.path) { files.push(thumbnail.path); } }); } if (contact && contact.length) { forEach(contact, item => { const { avatar } = item; if (avatar && avatar.avatar && avatar.avatar.path) { files.push(avatar.avatar.path); } }); } if (preview && preview.length) { forEach(preview, item => { const { image } = item; if (image && image.path) { files.push(image.path); } }); } if (sticker && sticker.data && sticker.data.path) { files.push(sticker.data.path); if (sticker.data.thumbnail && sticker.data.thumbnail.path) { files.push(sticker.data.thumbnail.path); } } return files; } function getExternalFilesForConversation( conversation: Pick ): Array { const { avatar, profileAvatar } = conversation; const files: Array = []; if (avatar && avatar.path) { files.push(avatar.path); } if (profileAvatar && profileAvatar.path) { files.push(profileAvatar.path); } return files; } function getExternalDraftFilesForConversation( conversation: Pick ): Array { const draftAttachments = conversation.draftAttachments || []; const files: Array = []; forEach(draftAttachments, attachment => { const { path: file, screenshotPath } = attachment; if (file) { files.push(file); } if (screenshotPath) { files.push(screenshotPath); } }); return files; } async function removeKnownAttachments( allAttachments: Array ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const lookup: Dictionary = fromPairs( map(allAttachments, file => [file, true]) ); const chunkSize = 50; const total = await getMessageCount(); console.log( `removeKnownAttachments: About to iterate through ${total} messages` ); let count = 0; let complete = false; let id: string | number = ''; while (!complete) { const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE id > $id ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT $chunkSize; ` ) .all({ id, chunkSize, }); const messages: Array = rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json) ); messages.forEach(message => { const externalFiles = getExternalFilesForMessage(message); forEach(externalFiles, file => { delete lookup[file]; }); }); const lastMessage: MessageType | undefined = last(messages); if (lastMessage) { ({ id } = lastMessage); } complete = messages.length < chunkSize; count += messages.length; } console.log(`removeKnownAttachments: Done processing ${count} messages`); complete = false; count = 0; // Though conversations.id is a string, this ensures that, when coerced, this // value is still a string but it's smaller than every other string. id = 0; const conversationTotal = await getConversationCount(); console.log( `removeKnownAttachments: About to iterate through ${conversationTotal} conversations` ); while (!complete) { const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM conversations WHERE id > $id ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT $chunkSize; ` ) .all({ id, chunkSize, }); const conversations: Array = map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json) ); conversations.forEach(conversation => { const externalFiles = getExternalFilesForConversation(conversation); externalFiles.forEach(file => { delete lookup[file]; }); }); const lastMessage: ConversationType | undefined = last(conversations); if (lastMessage) { ({ id } = lastMessage); } complete = conversations.length < chunkSize; count += conversations.length; } console.log(`removeKnownAttachments: Done processing ${count} conversations`); return Object.keys(lookup); } async function removeKnownStickers( allStickers: Array ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const lookup: Dictionary = fromPairs( map(allStickers, file => [file, true]) ); const chunkSize = 50; const total = getStickerCount(); console.log( `removeKnownStickers: About to iterate through ${total} stickers` ); let count = 0; let complete = false; let rowid = 0; while (!complete) { const rows: Array<{ rowid: number; path: string }> = db .prepare( ` SELECT rowid, path FROM stickers WHERE rowid > $rowid ORDER BY rowid ASC LIMIT $chunkSize; ` ) .all({ rowid, chunkSize, }); const files: Array = rows.map(row => row.path); files.forEach(file => { delete lookup[file]; }); const lastSticker = last(rows); if (lastSticker) { ({ rowid } = lastSticker); } complete = rows.length < chunkSize; count += rows.length; } console.log(`removeKnownStickers: Done processing ${count} stickers`); return Object.keys(lookup); } async function removeKnownDraftAttachments( allStickers: Array ): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); const lookup: Dictionary = fromPairs( map(allStickers, file => [file, true]) ); const chunkSize = 50; const total = await getConversationCount(); console.log( `removeKnownDraftAttachments: About to iterate through ${total} conversations` ); let complete = false; let count = 0; // Though conversations.id is a string, this ensures that, when coerced, this // value is still a string but it's smaller than every other string. let id: number | string = 0; while (!complete) { const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM conversations WHERE id > $id ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT $chunkSize; ` ) .all({ id, chunkSize, }); const conversations: Array = rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json) ); conversations.forEach(conversation => { const externalFiles = getExternalDraftFilesForConversation(conversation); externalFiles.forEach(file => { delete lookup[file]; }); }); const lastMessage: ConversationType | undefined = last(conversations); if (lastMessage) { ({ id } = lastMessage); } complete = conversations.length < chunkSize; count += conversations.length; } console.log( `removeKnownDraftAttachments: Done processing ${count} conversations` ); return Object.keys(lookup); } async function getJobsInQueue(queueType: string): Promise> { const db = getInstance(); return db .prepare( ` SELECT id, timestamp, data FROM jobs WHERE queueType = $queueType ORDER BY timestamp; ` ) .all({ queueType }) .map(row => ({ id: row.id, queueType, timestamp: row.timestamp, data: isNotNil(row.data) ? JSON.parse(row.data) : undefined, })); } async function insertJob(job: Readonly): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO jobs (id, queueType, timestamp, data) VALUES ($id, $queueType, $timestamp, $data); ` ).run({ id: job.id, queueType: job.queueType, timestamp: job.timestamp, data: isNotNil(job.data) ? JSON.stringify(job.data) : null, }); } async function deleteJob(id: string): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare('DELETE FROM jobs WHERE id = $id').run({ id }); } async function updateAllConversationColors( conversationColor?: ConversationColorType, customColorData?: { id: string; value: CustomColorType; } ): Promise { const db = getInstance(); db.prepare( ` UPDATE conversations SET json = JSON_PATCH(json, $patch); ` ).run({ patch: JSON.stringify({ conversationColor: conversationColor || null, customColor: customColorData?.value || null, customColorId: customColorData?.id || null, }), }); }