// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import { sampleSize, times } from 'lodash'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import { SendAction, SendActionType, SendState, SendStateByConversationId, SendStatus, isDelivered, isMessageJustForMe, isRead, isSent, isViewed, maxStatus, sendStateReducer, someSendStatus, } from '../../messages/MessageSendState'; describe('message send state utilities', () => { describe('maxStatus', () => { const expectedOrder = [ SendStatus.Failed, SendStatus.Pending, SendStatus.Sent, SendStatus.Delivered, SendStatus.Read, SendStatus.Viewed, ]; it('returns the input if arguments are equal', () => { expectedOrder.forEach(status => { assert.strictEqual(maxStatus(status, status), status); }); }); it('orders the statuses', () => { times(100, () => { const [a, b] = sampleSize(expectedOrder, 2); const isABigger = expectedOrder.indexOf(a) > expectedOrder.indexOf(b); const expected = isABigger ? a : b; const actual = maxStatus(a, b); assert.strictEqual(actual, expected); }); }); }); describe('isViewed', () => { it('returns true for viewed statuses', () => { assert.isTrue(isViewed(SendStatus.Viewed)); }); it('returns false for non-viewed statuses', () => { assert.isFalse(isViewed(SendStatus.Read)); assert.isFalse(isViewed(SendStatus.Delivered)); assert.isFalse(isViewed(SendStatus.Sent)); assert.isFalse(isViewed(SendStatus.Pending)); assert.isFalse(isViewed(SendStatus.Failed)); }); }); describe('isRead', () => { it('returns true for read and viewed statuses', () => { assert.isTrue(isRead(SendStatus.Read)); assert.isTrue(isRead(SendStatus.Viewed)); }); it('returns false for non-read statuses', () => { assert.isFalse(isRead(SendStatus.Delivered)); assert.isFalse(isRead(SendStatus.Sent)); assert.isFalse(isRead(SendStatus.Pending)); assert.isFalse(isRead(SendStatus.Failed)); }); }); describe('isDelivered', () => { it('returns true for delivered, read, and viewed statuses', () => { assert.isTrue(isDelivered(SendStatus.Delivered)); assert.isTrue(isDelivered(SendStatus.Read)); assert.isTrue(isDelivered(SendStatus.Viewed)); }); it('returns false for non-delivered statuses', () => { assert.isFalse(isDelivered(SendStatus.Sent)); assert.isFalse(isDelivered(SendStatus.Pending)); assert.isFalse(isDelivered(SendStatus.Failed)); }); }); describe('isSent', () => { it('returns true for all statuses sent and "above"', () => { assert.isTrue(isSent(SendStatus.Sent)); assert.isTrue(isSent(SendStatus.Delivered)); assert.isTrue(isSent(SendStatus.Read)); assert.isTrue(isSent(SendStatus.Viewed)); }); it('returns false for non-sent statuses', () => { assert.isFalse(isSent(SendStatus.Pending)); assert.isFalse(isSent(SendStatus.Failed)); }); }); describe('someSendStatus', () => { it('returns false if there are no send states', () => { const alwaysTrue = () => true; assert.isFalse(someSendStatus(undefined, alwaysTrue)); assert.isFalse(someSendStatus({}, alwaysTrue)); }); it('returns false if no send states match', () => { const sendStateByConversationId: SendStateByConversationId = { abc: { status: SendStatus.Sent, updatedAt: Date.now(), }, def: { status: SendStatus.Read, updatedAt: Date.now(), }, }; assert.isFalse( someSendStatus( sendStateByConversationId, (status: SendStatus) => status === SendStatus.Delivered ) ); }); it('returns true if at least one send state matches', () => { const sendStateByConversationId: SendStateByConversationId = { abc: { status: SendStatus.Sent, updatedAt: Date.now(), }, def: { status: SendStatus.Read, updatedAt: Date.now(), }, }; assert.isTrue( someSendStatus( sendStateByConversationId, (status: SendStatus) => status === SendStatus.Read ) ); }); }); describe('isMessageJustForMe', () => { const ourConversationId = uuid(); it('returns false if the conversation has an empty send state', () => { assert.isFalse(isMessageJustForMe(undefined, ourConversationId)); assert.isFalse(isMessageJustForMe({}, ourConversationId)); }); it('returns false if the message is for anyone else', () => { assert.isFalse( isMessageJustForMe( { [ourConversationId]: { status: SendStatus.Sent, updatedAt: 123, }, [uuid()]: { status: SendStatus.Pending, updatedAt: 123, }, }, ourConversationId ) ); // This is an invalid state, but we still want to test the behavior. assert.isFalse( isMessageJustForMe( { [uuid()]: { status: SendStatus.Pending, updatedAt: 123, }, }, ourConversationId ) ); }); it('returns true if the message is just for you', () => { assert.isTrue( isMessageJustForMe( { [ourConversationId]: { status: SendStatus.Sent, updatedAt: 123, }, }, ourConversationId ) ); }); }); describe('sendStateReducer', () => { const assertTransition = ( startStatus: SendStatus, actionType: SendActionType, expectedStatus: SendStatus ): void => { const startState: SendState = { status: startStatus, updatedAt: 1, }; const action: SendAction = { type: actionType, updatedAt: 2, }; const result = sendStateReducer(startState, action); assert.strictEqual(result.status, expectedStatus); assert.strictEqual( result.updatedAt, startStatus === expectedStatus ? 1 : 2 ); }; describe('transitions from Pending', () => { it('goes from Pending → Failed with a failure', () => { const result = sendStateReducer( { status: SendStatus.Pending, updatedAt: 999 }, { type: SendActionType.Failed, updatedAt: 123 } ); assert.deepEqual(result, { status: SendStatus.Failed, updatedAt: 123, }); }); it('does nothing when receiving ManuallyRetried', () => { assertTransition( SendStatus.Pending, SendActionType.ManuallyRetried, SendStatus.Pending ); }); it('goes from Pending to all other sent states', () => { assertTransition( SendStatus.Pending, SendActionType.Sent, SendStatus.Sent ); assertTransition( SendStatus.Pending, SendActionType.GotDeliveryReceipt, SendStatus.Delivered ); assertTransition( SendStatus.Pending, SendActionType.GotReadReceipt, SendStatus.Read ); assertTransition( SendStatus.Pending, SendActionType.GotViewedReceipt, SendStatus.Viewed ); }); }); describe('transitions from Failed', () => { it('does nothing when receiving a Failed action', () => { const result = sendStateReducer( { status: SendStatus.Failed, updatedAt: 123, }, { type: SendActionType.Failed, updatedAt: 999, } ); assert.deepEqual(result, { status: SendStatus.Failed, updatedAt: 123, }); }); it('goes from Failed to all other states', () => { assertTransition( SendStatus.Failed, SendActionType.ManuallyRetried, SendStatus.Pending ); assertTransition( SendStatus.Failed, SendActionType.Sent, SendStatus.Sent ); assertTransition( SendStatus.Failed, SendActionType.GotDeliveryReceipt, SendStatus.Delivered ); assertTransition( SendStatus.Failed, SendActionType.GotReadReceipt, SendStatus.Read ); assertTransition( SendStatus.Failed, SendActionType.GotViewedReceipt, SendStatus.Viewed ); }); }); describe('transitions from Sent', () => { it('does nothing when trying to go "backwards"', () => { [SendActionType.Failed, SendActionType.ManuallyRetried].forEach( type => { assertTransition(SendStatus.Sent, type, SendStatus.Sent); } ); }); it('does nothing when receiving a Sent action', () => { assertTransition(SendStatus.Sent, SendActionType.Sent, SendStatus.Sent); }); it('can go forward to other states', () => { assertTransition( SendStatus.Sent, SendActionType.GotDeliveryReceipt, SendStatus.Delivered ); assertTransition( SendStatus.Sent, SendActionType.GotReadReceipt, SendStatus.Read ); assertTransition( SendStatus.Sent, SendActionType.GotViewedReceipt, SendStatus.Viewed ); }); }); describe('transitions from Delivered', () => { it('does nothing when trying to go "backwards"', () => { [ SendActionType.Failed, SendActionType.ManuallyRetried, SendActionType.Sent, ].forEach(type => { assertTransition(SendStatus.Delivered, type, SendStatus.Delivered); }); }); it('does nothing when receiving a delivery receipt', () => { assertTransition( SendStatus.Delivered, SendActionType.GotDeliveryReceipt, SendStatus.Delivered ); }); it('can go forward to other states', () => { assertTransition( SendStatus.Delivered, SendActionType.GotReadReceipt, SendStatus.Read ); assertTransition( SendStatus.Delivered, SendActionType.GotViewedReceipt, SendStatus.Viewed ); }); }); describe('transitions from Read', () => { it('does nothing when trying to go "backwards"', () => { [ SendActionType.Failed, SendActionType.ManuallyRetried, SendActionType.Sent, SendActionType.GotDeliveryReceipt, ].forEach(type => { assertTransition(SendStatus.Read, type, SendStatus.Read); }); }); it('does nothing when receiving a read receipt', () => { assertTransition( SendStatus.Read, SendActionType.GotReadReceipt, SendStatus.Read ); }); it('can go forward to the "viewed" state', () => { assertTransition( SendStatus.Read, SendActionType.GotViewedReceipt, SendStatus.Viewed ); }); }); describe('transitions from Viewed', () => { it('ignores all actions', () => { [ SendActionType.Failed, SendActionType.ManuallyRetried, SendActionType.Sent, SendActionType.GotDeliveryReceipt, SendActionType.GotReadReceipt, SendActionType.GotViewedReceipt, ].forEach(type => { assertTransition(SendStatus.Viewed, type, SendStatus.Viewed); }); }); }); describe('legacy transitions', () => { it('allows actions without timestamps', () => { const startState: SendState = { status: SendStatus.Pending, updatedAt: Date.now(), }; const action: SendAction = { type: SendActionType.Sent, updatedAt: undefined, }; const result = sendStateReducer(startState, action); assert.isUndefined(result.updatedAt); }); }); }); });