// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import React from 'react'; import enMessages from '../../_locales/en/messages.json'; import { setupI18n } from '../util/setupI18n'; import { TextAttachment } from './TextAttachment'; import type { PropsType } from './TextAttachment'; const i18n = setupI18n('en', enMessages); const getDefaultProps = (): PropsType => ({ i18n, textAttachment: {}, }); export default { title: 'Components/TextAttachment', }; export const SolidBgTextBg = (): JSX.Element => ( ); SolidBgTextBg.story = { name: 'Solid bg + text bg', }; export const Gradient = (): JSX.Element => ( ); export const TextWithLineBreaksCondensedFont = (): JSX.Element => ( ); TextWithLineBreaksCondensedFont.story = { name: 'Text with line breaks (condensed font)', }; export const TextWithLineBreaksAutowrapSerifFont = (): JSX.Element => ( ); TextWithLineBreaksAutowrapSerifFont.story = { name: 'Text with line breaks + Autowrap (serif font)', }; export const AutowrapText = (): JSX.Element => ( ); AutowrapText.story = { name: 'Autowrap text', }; export const RomeoJuliet = (): JSX.Element => ( ); RomeoJuliet.story = { name: 'Romeo & Juliet', }; export const OverflowNewlineNumbers = (): JSX.Element => ( ); OverflowNewlineNumbers.story = { name: 'Overflow newline numbers', }; export const CharacterWrapBold = (): JSX.Element => ( ); CharacterWrapBold.story = { name: 'Character wrap (bold)', }; export const MixOfNewlinesOverflowAutowrap = (): JSX.Element => ( ); MixOfNewlinesOverflowAutowrap.story = { name: 'Mix of newlines, overflow, autowrap', }; export const LinkPreview = (): JSX.Element => ( > Careers', }, }} /> ); LinkPreview.story = { name: 'Link preview', }; export const LinkPreviewThumbnail = (): JSX.Element => ( > Careers', }, }} /> ); LinkPreviewThumbnail.story = { name: 'Link preview (thumbnail)', }; export const LinkPreviewLongTitle = (): JSX.Element => ( ); LinkPreviewLongTitle.story = { name: 'Link preview (long title)', }; export const LinkPreviewJustUrl = (): JSX.Element => ( ); LinkPreviewJustUrl.story = { name: 'Link preview (just url)', }; export const LinkPreviewJustUrlText = (): JSX.Element => ( ); LinkPreviewJustUrlText.story = { name: 'Link preview (just url + text)', }; export const LinkPreviewReallyLongDomain = (): JSX.Element => ( ); LinkPreviewReallyLongDomain.story = { name: 'Link preview (really long domain)', }; export const LinkPreviewWRJ = (): JSX.Element => ( ); LinkPreviewWRJ.story = { name: 'Link Preview w/ R&J', }; export const TextBackgroundAndLinkPreview = (): JSX.Element => ( );