// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { isEmpty, isEqual, mapValues, noop, omit, union } from 'lodash'; import { CustomError, GroupV1Update, MessageAttributesType, RetryOptions, ReactionAttributesType, ShallowChallengeError, QuotedMessageType, WhatIsThis, } from '../model-types.d'; import { filter, find, map, reduce } from '../util/iterables'; import { isNotNil } from '../util/isNotNil'; import { isNormalNumber } from '../util/isNormalNumber'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { missingCaseError } from '../util/missingCaseError'; import { dropNull } from '../util/dropNull'; import { ConversationModel } from './conversations'; import { OwnProps as SmartMessageDetailPropsType, Contact as SmartMessageDetailContact, } from '../state/smart/MessageDetail'; import { getCallingNotificationText } from '../util/callingNotification'; import { ProcessedDataMessage, ProcessedQuote, ProcessedUnidentifiedDeliveryStatus, CallbackResultType, } from '../textsecure/Types.d'; import { SendMessageProtoError } from '../textsecure/Errors'; import * as expirationTimer from '../util/expirationTimer'; import { ReactionType } from '../types/Reactions'; import { copyStickerToAttachments, deletePackReference, savePackMetadata, getStickerPackStatus, } from '../types/Stickers'; import * as Stickers from '../types/Stickers'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import * as EmbeddedContact from '../types/EmbeddedContact'; import { AttachmentType, isImage, isVideo } from '../types/Attachment'; import * as Attachment from '../types/Attachment'; import { stringToMIMEType } from '../types/MIME'; import * as MIME from '../types/MIME'; import { ReadStatus } from '../messages/MessageReadStatus'; import { SendActionType, SendStateByConversationId, SendStatus, isMessageJustForMe, isSent, sendStateReducer, someSendStatus, } from '../messages/MessageSendState'; import { migrateLegacyReadStatus } from '../messages/migrateLegacyReadStatus'; import { migrateLegacySendAttributes } from '../messages/migrateLegacySendAttributes'; import { getOwn } from '../util/getOwn'; import { markRead, markViewed } from '../services/MessageUpdater'; import { isMessageUnread } from '../util/isMessageUnread'; import { isDirectConversation, isGroupV1, isGroupV2, isMe, } from '../util/whatTypeOfConversation'; import { handleMessageSend } from '../util/handleMessageSend'; import { getSendOptions } from '../util/getSendOptions'; import { findAndFormatContact } from '../util/findAndFormatContact'; import { getLastChallengeError, getMessagePropStatus, getPropsForCallHistory, getPropsForMessage, hasErrors, isCallHistory, isChatSessionRefreshed, isDeliveryIssue, isEndSession, isExpirationTimerUpdate, isGroupUpdate, isGroupV1Migration, isGroupV2Change, isIncoming, isKeyChange, isMessageHistoryUnsynced, isOutgoing, isProfileChange, isTapToView, isUniversalTimerNotification, isUnsupportedMessage, isVerifiedChange, processBodyRanges, } from '../state/selectors/message'; import { isInCall, getCallSelector, getActiveCall, } from '../state/selectors/calling'; import { getAccountSelector } from '../state/selectors/accounts'; import { getContactNameColorSelector } from '../state/selectors/conversations'; import { MessageReceipts, MessageReceiptType, } from '../messageModifiers/MessageReceipts'; import { Deletes } from '../messageModifiers/Deletes'; import { Reactions, ReactionModel } from '../messageModifiers/Reactions'; import { ReadSyncs } from '../messageModifiers/ReadSyncs'; import { ViewSyncs } from '../messageModifiers/ViewSyncs'; import { ViewOnceOpenSyncs } from '../messageModifiers/ViewOnceOpenSyncs'; import * as AttachmentDownloads from '../messageModifiers/AttachmentDownloads'; import * as LinkPreview from '../types/LinkPreview'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../protobuf'; import { normalMessageSendJobQueue } from '../jobs/normalMessageSendJobQueue'; import { notificationService } from '../services/notifications'; import type { LinkPreviewType } from '../types/message/LinkPreviews'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import * as Bytes from '../Bytes'; import { computeHash } from '../Crypto'; /* eslint-disable camelcase */ /* eslint-disable more/no-then */ type PropsForMessageDetail = Pick< SmartMessageDetailPropsType, 'sentAt' | 'receivedAt' | 'message' | 'errors' | 'contacts' >; declare const _: typeof window._; window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {}; const { Message: TypedMessage } = window.Signal.Types; const { deleteExternalMessageFiles, upgradeMessageSchema, } = window.Signal.Migrations; const { getTextWithMentions, GoogleChrome } = window.Signal.Util; const { addStickerPackReference, getMessageBySender } = window.Signal.Data; export function isQuoteAMatch( message: MessageModel | null | undefined, conversationId: string, quote: QuotedMessageType ): message is MessageModel { if (!message) { return false; } const { authorUuid, id } = quote; const authorConversationId = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ e164: 'author' in quote ? quote.author : undefined, uuid: authorUuid, }); return ( message.get('sent_at') === id && message.get('conversationId') === conversationId && message.getContactId() === authorConversationId ); } const isCustomError = (e: unknown): e is CustomError => e instanceof Error; export class MessageModel extends window.Backbone.Model { static getLongMessageAttachment: ( attachment: typeof window.WhatIsThis ) => typeof window.WhatIsThis; CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION?: number; // Set when sending some sync messages, so we get the functionality of // send(), without zombie messages going into the database. doNotSave?: boolean; INITIAL_PROTOCOL_VERSION?: number; OUR_UUID?: string; isSelected?: boolean; private pendingMarkRead?: number; syncPromise?: Promise; cachedOutgoingPreviewData?: Array; cachedOutgoingQuoteData?: WhatIsThis; cachedOutgoingStickerData?: WhatIsThis; initialize(attributes: unknown): void { if (_.isObject(attributes)) { this.set( TypedMessage.initializeSchemaVersion({ message: attributes, logger: log, }) ); } const readStatus = migrateLegacyReadStatus(this.attributes); if (readStatus !== undefined) { this.set('readStatus', readStatus, { silent: true }); } const sendStateByConversationId = migrateLegacySendAttributes( this.attributes, window.ConversationController.get.bind(window.ConversationController), window.ConversationController.getOurConversationIdOrThrow() ); if (sendStateByConversationId) { this.set('sendStateByConversationId', sendStateByConversationId, { silent: true, }); } this.CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION = Proto.DataMessage.ProtocolVersion.CURRENT; this.INITIAL_PROTOCOL_VERSION = Proto.DataMessage.ProtocolVersion.INITIAL; this.OUR_UUID = window.textsecure.storage.user.getUuid()?.toString(); this.on('change', this.notifyRedux); } notifyRedux(): void { const { messageChanged } = window.reduxActions.conversations; if (messageChanged) { const conversationId = this.get('conversationId'); // Note: The clone is important for triggering a re-run of selectors messageChanged(this.id, conversationId, { ...this.attributes }); } } getSenderIdentifier(): string { const sentAt = this.get('sent_at'); const source = this.get('source'); const sourceUuid = this.get('sourceUuid'); const sourceDevice = this.get('sourceDevice'); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const sourceId = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ e164: source, uuid: sourceUuid, })!; return `${sourceId}.${sourceDevice}-${sentAt}`; } getReceivedAt(): number { // We would like to get the received_at_ms ideally since received_at is // now an incrementing counter for messages and not the actual time that // the message was received. If this field doesn't exist on the message // then we can trust received_at. return Number(this.get('received_at_ms') || this.get('received_at')); } isNormalBubble(): boolean { const { attributes } = this; return ( !isCallHistory(attributes) && !isChatSessionRefreshed(attributes) && !isEndSession(attributes) && !isExpirationTimerUpdate(attributes) && !isGroupUpdate(attributes) && !isGroupV2Change(attributes) && !isGroupV1Migration(attributes) && !isKeyChange(attributes) && !isMessageHistoryUnsynced(attributes) && !isProfileChange(attributes) && !isUniversalTimerNotification(attributes) && !isUnsupportedMessage(attributes) && !isVerifiedChange(attributes) ); } getPropsForMessageDetail(ourConversationId: string): PropsForMessageDetail { const newIdentity = window.i18n('newIdentity'); const OUTGOING_KEY_ERROR = 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError'; const sendStateByConversationId = this.get('sendStateByConversationId') || {}; const unidentifiedDeliveries = this.get('unidentifiedDeliveries') || []; const unidentifiedDeliveriesSet = new Set( map( unidentifiedDeliveries, identifier => window.ConversationController.getConversationId(identifier) as string ) ); let conversationIds: Array; /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion */ if (isIncoming(this.attributes)) { conversationIds = [this.getContactId()!]; } else if (!isEmpty(sendStateByConversationId)) { if (isMessageJustForMe(sendStateByConversationId, ourConversationId)) { conversationIds = [ourConversationId]; } else { conversationIds = Object.keys(sendStateByConversationId).filter( id => id !== ourConversationId ); } } else { // Older messages don't have the recipients included on the message, so we fall back // to the conversation's current recipients conversationIds = (this.getConversation()?.getRecipients() || []).map( (id: string) => window.ConversationController.getConversationId(id)! ); } /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion */ // This will make the error message for outgoing key errors a bit nicer const allErrors = (this.get('errors') || []).map(error => { if (error.name === OUTGOING_KEY_ERROR) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign error.message = newIdentity; } return error; }); // If an error has a specific number it's associated with, we'll show it next to // that contact. Otherwise, it will be a standalone entry. const errors = _.reject(allErrors, error => Boolean(error.identifier || error.number) ); const errorsGroupedById = _.groupBy(allErrors, error => { const identifier = error.identifier || error.number; if (!identifier) { return null; } return window.ConversationController.getConversationId(identifier); }); const contacts: ReadonlyArray = conversationIds.map( id => { const errorsForContact = getOwn(errorsGroupedById, id); const isOutgoingKeyError = Boolean( errorsForContact?.some(error => error.name === OUTGOING_KEY_ERROR) ); const isUnidentifiedDelivery = window.storage.get('unidentifiedDeliveryIndicators', false) && this.isUnidentifiedDelivery(id, unidentifiedDeliveriesSet); const sendState = getOwn(sendStateByConversationId, id); let status = sendState?.status; // If a message was only sent to yourself (Note to Self or a lonely group), it // is shown read. if (id === ourConversationId && status && isSent(status)) { status = SendStatus.Read; } const statusTimestamp = sendState?.updatedAt; return { ...findAndFormatContact(id), status, statusTimestamp: statusTimestamp === this.get('sent_at') ? undefined : statusTimestamp, errors: errorsForContact, isOutgoingKeyError, isUnidentifiedDelivery, }; } ); return { sentAt: this.get('sent_at'), receivedAt: this.getReceivedAt(), message: getPropsForMessage(this.attributes, { conversationSelector: findAndFormatContact, ourConversationId, ourNumber: window.textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(), ourUuid: this.OUR_UUID, regionCode: window.storage.get('regionCode', 'ZZ'), accountSelector: (identifier?: string) => { const state = window.reduxStore.getState(); const accountSelector = getAccountSelector(state); return accountSelector(identifier); }, contactNameColorSelector: ( conversationId: string, contactId: string ) => { const state = window.reduxStore.getState(); const contactNameColorSelector = getContactNameColorSelector(state); return contactNameColorSelector(conversationId, contactId); }, }), errors, contacts, }; } // Dependencies of prop-generation functions getConversation(): ConversationModel | undefined { return window.ConversationController.get(this.get('conversationId')); } getNotificationData(): { emoji?: string; text: string } { const { attributes } = this; if (isDeliveryIssue(attributes)) { return { emoji: '⚠️', text: window.i18n('DeliveryIssue--preview'), }; } if (isChatSessionRefreshed(attributes)) { return { emoji: '🔁', text: window.i18n('ChatRefresh--notification'), }; } if (isUnsupportedMessage(attributes)) { return { text: window.i18n('message--getDescription--unsupported-message'), }; } if (isGroupV1Migration(attributes)) { return { text: window.i18n('GroupV1--Migration--was-upgraded'), }; } if (isProfileChange(attributes)) { const change = this.get('profileChange'); const changedId = this.get('changedId'); const changedContact = findAndFormatContact(changedId); if (!change) { throw new Error('getNotificationData: profileChange was missing!'); } return { text: window.Signal.Util.getStringForProfileChange( change, changedContact, window.i18n ), }; } if (isGroupV2Change(attributes)) { const change = this.get('groupV2Change'); const lines = window.Signal.GroupChange.renderChange(change, { AccessControlEnum: Proto.AccessControl.AccessRequired, i18n: window.i18n, ourConversationId: window.ConversationController.getOurConversationId(), renderContact: (conversationId: string) => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get( conversationId ); return conversation ? conversation.getTitle() : window.i18n('unknownUser'); }, renderString: ( key: string, _i18n: unknown, placeholders: Array ) => window.i18n(key, placeholders), RoleEnum: Proto.Member.Role, }); return { text: lines.join(' ') }; } const attachments = this.get('attachments') || []; if (isTapToView(attributes)) { if (this.isErased()) { return { text: window.i18n('message--getDescription--disappearing-media'), }; } if (Attachment.isImage(attachments)) { return { text: window.i18n('message--getDescription--disappearing-photo'), emoji: '📷', }; } if (Attachment.isVideo(attachments)) { return { text: window.i18n('message--getDescription--disappearing-video'), emoji: '🎥', }; } // There should be an image or video attachment, but we have a fallback just in // case. return { text: window.i18n('mediaMessage'), emoji: '📎' }; } if (isGroupUpdate(attributes)) { const groupUpdate = this.get('group_update'); const fromContact = this.getContact(); const messages = []; if (!groupUpdate) { throw new Error('getNotificationData: Missing group_update'); } if (groupUpdate.left === 'You') { return { text: window.i18n('youLeftTheGroup') }; } if (groupUpdate.left) { return { text: window.i18n('leftTheGroup', [ this.getNameForNumber(groupUpdate.left), ]), }; } if (!fromContact) { return { text: '' }; } if (isMe(fromContact.attributes)) { messages.push(window.i18n('youUpdatedTheGroup')); } else { messages.push(window.i18n('updatedTheGroup', [fromContact.getTitle()])); } if (groupUpdate.joined && groupUpdate.joined.length) { const joinedContacts = _.map(groupUpdate.joined, item => window.ConversationController.getOrCreate(item, 'private') ); const joinedWithoutMe = joinedContacts.filter( contact => !isMe(contact.attributes) ); if (joinedContacts.length > 1) { messages.push( window.i18n('multipleJoinedTheGroup', [ _.map(joinedWithoutMe, contact => contact.getTitle()).join(', '), ]) ); if (joinedWithoutMe.length < joinedContacts.length) { messages.push(window.i18n('youJoinedTheGroup')); } } else { const joinedContact = window.ConversationController.getOrCreate( groupUpdate.joined[0], 'private' ); if (isMe(joinedContact.attributes)) { messages.push(window.i18n('youJoinedTheGroup')); } else { messages.push( window.i18n('joinedTheGroup', [joinedContacts[0].getTitle()]) ); } } } if (groupUpdate.name) { messages.push(window.i18n('titleIsNow', [groupUpdate.name])); } if (groupUpdate.avatarUpdated) { messages.push(window.i18n('updatedGroupAvatar')); } return { text: messages.join(' ') }; } if (isEndSession(attributes)) { return { text: window.i18n('sessionEnded') }; } if (isIncoming(attributes) && hasErrors(attributes)) { return { text: window.i18n('incomingError') }; } const body = (this.get('body') || '').trim(); if (attachments.length) { // This should never happen but we want to be extra-careful. const attachment = attachments[0] || {}; const { contentType } = attachment; if (contentType === MIME.IMAGE_GIF || Attachment.isGIF(attachments)) { return { text: body || window.i18n('message--getNotificationText--gif'), emoji: '🎡', }; } if (Attachment.isImage(attachments)) { return { text: body || window.i18n('message--getNotificationText--photo'), emoji: '📷', }; } if (Attachment.isVideo(attachments)) { return { text: body || window.i18n('message--getNotificationText--video'), emoji: '🎥', }; } if (Attachment.isVoiceMessage(attachment)) { return { text: body || window.i18n('message--getNotificationText--voice-message'), emoji: '🎤', }; } if (Attachment.isAudio(attachments)) { return { text: body || window.i18n('message--getNotificationText--audio-message'), emoji: '🔈', }; } return { text: body || window.i18n('message--getNotificationText--file'), emoji: '📎', }; } const stickerData = this.get('sticker'); if (stickerData) { const sticker = Stickers.getSticker( stickerData.packId, stickerData.stickerId ); const { emoji } = sticker || {}; if (!emoji) { log.warn('Unable to get emoji for sticker'); } return { text: window.i18n('message--getNotificationText--stickers'), emoji: dropNull(emoji), }; } if (isCallHistory(attributes)) { const state = window.reduxStore.getState(); const callingNotification = getPropsForCallHistory(attributes, { conversationSelector: findAndFormatContact, callSelector: getCallSelector(state), activeCall: getActiveCall(state), }); if (callingNotification) { return { text: getCallingNotificationText(callingNotification, window.i18n), }; } log.error("This call history message doesn't have valid call history"); } if (isExpirationTimerUpdate(attributes)) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const { expireTimer } = this.get('expirationTimerUpdate')!; if (!expireTimer) { return { text: window.i18n('disappearingMessagesDisabled') }; } return { text: window.i18n('timerSetTo', [ expirationTimer.format(window.i18n, expireTimer), ]), }; } if (isKeyChange(attributes)) { const identifier = this.get('key_changed'); const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(identifier); return { text: window.i18n('safetyNumberChangedGroup', [ conversation ? conversation.getTitle() : '', ]), }; } const contacts = this.get('contact'); if (contacts && contacts.length) { return { text: EmbeddedContact.getName(contacts[0]) || window.i18n('unknownContact'), emoji: '👤', }; } if (body) { return { text: body }; } return { text: '' }; } getRawText(): string { const body = (this.get('body') || '').trim(); const { attributes } = this; const bodyRanges = processBodyRanges(attributes, { conversationSelector: findAndFormatContact, }); if (bodyRanges) { return getTextWithMentions(bodyRanges, body); } return body; } getNotificationText(): string { const { text, emoji } = this.getNotificationData(); const { attributes } = this; let modifiedText = text; const bodyRanges = processBodyRanges(attributes, { conversationSelector: findAndFormatContact, }); if (bodyRanges && bodyRanges.length) { modifiedText = getTextWithMentions(bodyRanges, modifiedText); } // Linux emoji support is mixed, so we disable it. (Note that this doesn't touch // the `text`, which can contain emoji.) const shouldIncludeEmoji = Boolean(emoji) && !window.Signal.OS.isLinux(); if (shouldIncludeEmoji) { return window.i18n('message--getNotificationText--text-with-emoji', { text: modifiedText, emoji, }); } return modifiedText; } // General idForLogging(): string { const account = this.getSourceUuid() || this.getSource(); const device = this.getSourceDevice(); const timestamp = this.get('sent_at'); return `${account}.${device} ${timestamp}`; } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this defaults(): Partial { return { timestamp: new Date().getTime(), attachments: [], }; } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this validate(attributes: Record): void { const required = ['conversationId', 'received_at', 'sent_at']; const missing = _.filter(required, attr => !attributes[attr]); if (missing.length) { log.warn(`Message missing attributes: ${missing}`); } } merge(model: MessageModel): void { const attributes = model.attributes || model; this.set(attributes); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this getNameForNumber(number: string): string { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(number); if (!conversation) { return number; } return conversation.getTitle(); } async cleanup(): Promise { window.reduxActions?.conversations?.messageDeleted( this.id, this.get('conversationId') ); this.getConversation()?.debouncedUpdateLastMessage?.(); window.MessageController.unregister(this.id); await this.deleteData(); } async deleteData(): Promise { await deleteExternalMessageFiles(this.attributes); const sticker = this.get('sticker'); if (!sticker) { return; } const { packId } = sticker; if (packId) { await deletePackReference(this.id, packId); } } isValidTapToView(): boolean { const body = this.get('body'); if (body) { return false; } const attachments = this.get('attachments'); if (!attachments || attachments.length !== 1) { return false; } const firstAttachment = attachments[0]; if ( !window.Signal.Util.GoogleChrome.isImageTypeSupported( firstAttachment.contentType ) && !window.Signal.Util.GoogleChrome.isVideoTypeSupported( firstAttachment.contentType ) ) { return false; } const quote = this.get('quote'); const sticker = this.get('sticker'); const contact = this.get('contact'); const preview = this.get('preview'); if ( quote || sticker || (contact && contact.length > 0) || (preview && preview.length > 0) ) { return false; } return true; } async markViewOnceMessageViewed(options?: { fromSync?: boolean; }): Promise { const { fromSync } = options || {}; if (!this.isValidTapToView()) { log.warn( `markViewOnceMessageViewed: Message ${this.idForLogging()} is not a valid tap to view message!` ); return; } if (this.isErased()) { log.warn( `markViewOnceMessageViewed: Message ${this.idForLogging()} is already erased!` ); return; } if (this.get('readStatus') !== ReadStatus.Viewed) { this.set(markViewed(this.attributes)); } await this.eraseContents(); if (!fromSync) { const sender = this.getSource(); const senderUuid = this.getSourceUuid(); if (senderUuid === undefined) { throw new Error('senderUuid is undefined'); } const timestamp = this.get('sent_at'); const ourConversation = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationOrThrow(); const sendOptions = await getSendOptions(ourConversation.attributes, { syncMessage: true, }); if (window.ConversationController.areWePrimaryDevice()) { log.warn( 'markViewOnceMessageViewed: We are primary device; not sending view once open sync' ); return; } await handleMessageSend( window.textsecure.messaging.syncViewOnceOpen( sender, senderUuid, timestamp, sendOptions ), { messageIds: [this.id], sendType: 'viewOnceSync' } ); } } async doubleCheckMissingQuoteReference(): Promise { const logId = this.idForLogging(); const quote = this.get('quote'); if (!quote) { log.warn(`doubleCheckMissingQuoteReference/${logId}: Missing quote!`); return; } const { authorUuid, author, id: sentAt, referencedMessageNotFound } = quote; const contact = window.ConversationController.get(authorUuid || author); // Is the quote really without a reference? Check with our in memory store // first to make sure it's not there. if (referencedMessageNotFound && contact) { log.info( `doubleCheckMissingQuoteReference/${logId}: Verifying reference to ${sentAt}` ); const inMemoryMessages = window.MessageController.filterBySentAt( Number(sentAt) ); const matchingMessage = find(inMemoryMessages, message => isQuoteAMatch(message, this.get('conversationId'), quote) ); if (!matchingMessage) { log.info( `doubleCheckMissingQuoteReference/${logId}: No match for ${sentAt}.` ); return; } this.set({ quote: { ...quote, referencedMessageNotFound: false, }, }); log.info( `doubleCheckMissingQuoteReference/${logId}: Found match for ${sentAt}, updating.` ); await this.copyQuoteContentFromOriginal(matchingMessage, quote); this.set({ quote: { ...quote, referencedMessageNotFound: false, }, }); window.Signal.Util.queueUpdateMessage(this.attributes); } } isErased(): boolean { return Boolean(this.get('isErased')); } async eraseContents( additionalProperties = {}, shouldPersist = true ): Promise { log.info(`Erasing data for message ${this.idForLogging()}`); // Note: There are cases where we want to re-erase a given message. For example, when // a viewed (or outgoing) View-Once message is deleted for everyone. try { await this.deleteData(); } catch (error) { log.error( `Error erasing data for message ${this.idForLogging()}:`, error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } this.set({ isErased: true, body: '', bodyRanges: undefined, attachments: [], quote: undefined, contact: [], sticker: undefined, preview: [], ...additionalProperties, }); this.getConversation()?.debouncedUpdateLastMessage?.(); if (shouldPersist) { await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes); } await window.Signal.Data.deleteSentProtoByMessageId(this.id); } isEmpty(): boolean { const { attributes } = this; // Core message types - we check for all four because they can each stand alone const hasBody = Boolean(this.get('body')); const hasAttachment = (this.get('attachments') || []).length > 0; const hasEmbeddedContact = (this.get('contact') || []).length > 0; const isSticker = Boolean(this.get('sticker')); // Rendered sync messages const isCallHistoryValue = isCallHistory(attributes); const isChatSessionRefreshedValue = isChatSessionRefreshed(attributes); const isDeliveryIssueValue = isDeliveryIssue(attributes); const isGroupUpdateValue = isGroupUpdate(attributes); const isGroupV2ChangeValue = isGroupV2Change(attributes); const isEndSessionValue = isEndSession(attributes); const isExpirationTimerUpdateValue = isExpirationTimerUpdate(attributes); const isVerifiedChangeValue = isVerifiedChange(attributes); // Placeholder messages const isUnsupportedMessageValue = isUnsupportedMessage(attributes); const isTapToViewValue = isTapToView(attributes); // Errors const hasErrorsValue = hasErrors(attributes); // Locally-generated notifications const isKeyChangeValue = isKeyChange(attributes); const isMessageHistoryUnsyncedValue = isMessageHistoryUnsynced(attributes); const isProfileChangeValue = isProfileChange(attributes); const isUniversalTimerNotificationValue = isUniversalTimerNotification( attributes ); // Note: not all of these message types go through message.handleDataMessage const hasSomethingToDisplay = // Core message types hasBody || hasAttachment || hasEmbeddedContact || isSticker || // Rendered sync messages isCallHistoryValue || isChatSessionRefreshedValue || isDeliveryIssueValue || isGroupUpdateValue || isGroupV2ChangeValue || isEndSessionValue || isExpirationTimerUpdateValue || isVerifiedChangeValue || // Placeholder messages isUnsupportedMessageValue || isTapToViewValue || // Errors hasErrorsValue || // Locally-generated notifications isKeyChangeValue || isMessageHistoryUnsyncedValue || isProfileChangeValue || isUniversalTimerNotificationValue; return !hasSomethingToDisplay; } isUnidentifiedDelivery( contactId: string, unidentifiedDeliveriesSet: Readonly> ): boolean { if (isIncoming(this.attributes)) { return Boolean(this.get('unidentifiedDeliveryReceived')); } return unidentifiedDeliveriesSet.has(contactId); } getSource(): string | undefined { if (isIncoming(this.attributes)) { return this.get('source'); } if (!isOutgoing(this.attributes)) { log.warn( 'Message.getSource: Called for non-incoming/non-outoing message' ); } return window.textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); } getSourceDevice(): string | number | undefined { const sourceDevice = this.get('sourceDevice'); if (isIncoming(this.attributes)) { return sourceDevice; } if (!isOutgoing(this.attributes)) { log.warn( 'Message.getSourceDevice: Called for non-incoming/non-outoing message' ); } return sourceDevice || window.textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(); } getSourceUuid(): string | undefined { if (isIncoming(this.attributes)) { return this.get('sourceUuid'); } if (!isOutgoing(this.attributes)) { log.warn( 'Message.getSourceUuid: Called for non-incoming/non-outoing message' ); } return this.OUR_UUID; } getContactId(): string | undefined { const source = this.getSource(); const sourceUuid = this.getSourceUuid(); if (!source && !sourceUuid) { return window.ConversationController.getOurConversationId(); } return window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ e164: source, uuid: sourceUuid, }); } getContact(): ConversationModel | undefined { const id = this.getContactId(); return window.ConversationController.get(id); } async saveErrors( providedErrors: Error | Array, options: { skipSave?: boolean } = {} ): Promise { const { skipSave } = options; let errors: Array; if (!(providedErrors instanceof Array)) { errors = [providedErrors]; } else { errors = providedErrors; } errors.forEach(e => { log.error( 'Message.saveErrors:', e && e.reason ? e.reason : null, e && e.stack ? e.stack : e ); }); errors = errors.map(e => { // Note: in our environment, instanceof can be scary, so we have a backup check // (Node.js vs Browser context). // We check instanceof second because typescript believes that anything that comes // through here must be an instance of Error, so e is 'never' after that check. if ((e.message && e.stack) || e instanceof Error) { return _.pick( e, 'name', 'message', 'code', 'number', 'identifier', 'retryAfter', 'data', 'reason' ) as Required; } return e; }); errors = errors.concat(this.get('errors') || []); this.set({ errors }); if ( !this.doNotSave && errors.some(error => error.name === 'SendMessageChallengeError') ) { await window.Signal.challengeHandler.register(this); } if (!skipSave && !this.doNotSave) { await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes); } } markRead(readAt?: number, options = {}): void { this.set(markRead(this.attributes, readAt, options)); } getIncomingContact(): ConversationModel | undefined | null { if (!isIncoming(this.attributes)) { return null; } const source = this.get('source'); if (!source) { return null; } return window.ConversationController.getOrCreate(source, 'private'); } async retrySend(): Promise { const retryOptions = this.get('retryOptions'); if (retryOptions) { if (!window.textsecure.messaging) { log.error('retrySend: Cannot retry since we are offline!'); return; } this.unset('errors'); this.unset('retryOptions'); return this.sendUtilityMessageWithRetry(retryOptions); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const conversation = this.getConversation()!; const currentConversationRecipients = conversation.getRecipientConversationIds(); // Determine retry recipients and get their most up-to-date addressing information const oldSendStateByConversationId = this.get('sendStateByConversationId') || {}; const newSendStateByConversationId = { ...oldSendStateByConversationId }; for (const [conversationId, sendState] of Object.entries( oldSendStateByConversationId )) { if (isSent(sendState.status)) { continue; } const recipient = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if ( !recipient || (!currentConversationRecipients.has(conversationId) && !isMe(recipient.attributes)) ) { continue; } newSendStateByConversationId[conversationId] = sendStateReducer( sendState, { type: SendActionType.ManuallyRetried, updatedAt: Date.now(), } ); } this.set('sendStateByConversationId', newSendStateByConversationId); await normalMessageSendJobQueue.add( { messageId: this.id, conversationId: conversation.id }, async jobToInsert => { await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes, { jobToInsert }); } ); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this isReplayableError(e: Error): boolean { return ( e.name === 'MessageError' || e.name === 'OutgoingMessageError' || e.name === 'SendMessageNetworkError' || e.name === 'SendMessageChallengeError' || e.name === 'SignedPreKeyRotationError' || e.name === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError' ); } public hasSuccessfulDelivery(): boolean { const sendStateByConversationId = this.get('sendStateByConversationId'); const withoutMe = omit( sendStateByConversationId, window.ConversationController.getOurConversationIdOrThrow() ); return isEmpty(withoutMe) || someSendStatus(withoutMe, isSent); } /** * Change any Pending send state to Failed. Note that this will not mark successful * sends failed. */ public markFailed(): void { const now = Date.now(); this.set( 'sendStateByConversationId', mapValues(this.get('sendStateByConversationId') || {}, sendState => sendStateReducer(sendState, { type: SendActionType.Failed, updatedAt: now, }) ) ); } removeOutgoingErrors(incomingIdentifier: string): CustomError { const incomingConversationId = window.ConversationController.getConversationId( incomingIdentifier ); const errors = _.partition( this.get('errors'), e => window.ConversationController.getConversationId( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion e.identifier || e.number! ) === incomingConversationId && (e.name === 'MessageError' || e.name === 'OutgoingMessageError' || e.name === 'SendMessageNetworkError' || e.name === 'SendMessageChallengeError' || e.name === 'SignedPreKeyRotationError' || e.name === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError') ); this.set({ errors: errors[1] }); return errors[0][0]; } async send( promise: Promise, saveErrors?: (errors: Array) => void ): Promise { const updateLeftPane = this.getConversation()?.debouncedUpdateLastMessage || noop; updateLeftPane(); let result: | { success: true; value: CallbackResultType } | { success: false; value: CustomError | SendMessageProtoError; }; try { const value = await (promise as Promise); result = { success: true, value }; } catch (err) { result = { success: false, value: err }; } updateLeftPane(); const attributesToUpdate: Partial = {}; // This is used by sendSyncMessage, then set to null if ('dataMessage' in result.value && result.value.dataMessage) { attributesToUpdate.dataMessage = result.value.dataMessage; } if (!this.doNotSave) { await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes); } const sendStateByConversationId = { ...(this.get('sendStateByConversationId') || {}), }; const successfulIdentifiers: Array = 'successfulIdentifiers' in result.value && Array.isArray(result.value.successfulIdentifiers) ? result.value.successfulIdentifiers : []; const sentToAtLeastOneRecipient = result.success || Boolean(successfulIdentifiers.length); successfulIdentifiers.forEach(identifier => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(identifier); if (!conversation) { return; } // If we successfully sent to a user, we can remove our unregistered flag. if (conversation.isEverUnregistered()) { conversation.setRegistered(); } const previousSendState = getOwn( sendStateByConversationId, conversation.id ); if (previousSendState) { sendStateByConversationId[conversation.id] = sendStateReducer( previousSendState, { type: SendActionType.Sent, updatedAt: Date.now(), } ); } }); const previousUnidentifiedDeliveries = this.get('unidentifiedDeliveries') || []; const newUnidentifiedDeliveries = 'unidentifiedDeliveries' in result.value && Array.isArray(result.value.unidentifiedDeliveries) ? result.value.unidentifiedDeliveries : []; const promises: Array> = []; let errors: Array; if (result.value instanceof SendMessageProtoError && result.value.errors) { ({ errors } = result.value); } else if (isCustomError(result.value)) { errors = [result.value]; } else if (Array.isArray(result.value.errors)) { ({ errors } = result.value); } else { errors = []; } // In groups, we don't treat unregistered users as a user-visible // error. The message will look successful, but the details // screen will show that we didn't send to these unregistered users. const errorsToSave: Array = []; let hadSignedPreKeyRotationError = false; errors.forEach(error => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(error.identifier) || window.ConversationController.get(error.number); if (conversation && !saveErrors) { const previousSendState = getOwn( sendStateByConversationId, conversation.id ); if (previousSendState) { sendStateByConversationId[conversation.id] = sendStateReducer( previousSendState, { type: SendActionType.Failed, updatedAt: Date.now(), } ); } } let shouldSaveError = true; switch (error.name) { case 'SignedPreKeyRotationError': hadSignedPreKeyRotationError = true; break; case 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError': { if (conversation) { promises.push(conversation.getProfiles()); } break; } case 'UnregisteredUserError': shouldSaveError = false; // If we just found out that we couldn't send to a user because they are no // longer registered, we will update our unregistered flag. In groups we // will not event try to send to them for 6 hours. And we will never try // to fetch them on startup again. // // The way to discover registration once more is: // 1) any attempt to send to them in 1:1 conversation // 2) the six-hour time period has passed and we send in a group again conversation?.setUnregistered(); break; default: break; } if (shouldSaveError) { errorsToSave.push(error); } }); if (hadSignedPreKeyRotationError) { promises.push(window.getAccountManager().rotateSignedPreKey()); } attributesToUpdate.sendStateByConversationId = sendStateByConversationId; attributesToUpdate.expirationStartTimestamp = sentToAtLeastOneRecipient ? Date.now() : undefined; attributesToUpdate.unidentifiedDeliveries = union( previousUnidentifiedDeliveries, newUnidentifiedDeliveries ); // We may overwrite this in the `saveErrors` call below. attributesToUpdate.errors = []; this.set(attributesToUpdate); if (saveErrors) { saveErrors(errorsToSave); } else { // We skip save because we'll save in the next step. this.saveErrors(errorsToSave, { skipSave: true }); } if (!this.doNotSave) { await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes); } updateLeftPane(); if (sentToAtLeastOneRecipient) { promises.push(this.sendSyncMessage()); } await Promise.all(promises); const isTotalSuccess: boolean = result.success && !this.get('errors')?.length; if (isTotalSuccess) { delete this.cachedOutgoingPreviewData; delete this.cachedOutgoingQuoteData; delete this.cachedOutgoingStickerData; } updateLeftPane(); } // Currently used only for messages that have to be retried when the server // responds with 428 and we have to retry sending the message on challenge // solution. // // Supported types of messages: // * `session-reset` see `endSession` in `ts/models/conversations.ts` async sendUtilityMessageWithRetry(options: RetryOptions): Promise { if (options.type === 'session-reset') { const conv = this.getConversation(); if (!conv) { throw new Error( `Failed to find conversation for message: ${this.idForLogging()}` ); } if (!window.textsecure.messaging) { throw new Error('Offline'); } this.set({ retryOptions: options, }); const sendOptions = await getSendOptions(conv.attributes); await this.send( handleMessageSend( window.textsecure.messaging.resetSession( options.uuid, options.e164, options.now, sendOptions ), { messageIds: [], sendType: 'resetSession' } ) ); return; } throw new Error(`Unsupported retriable type: ${options.type}`); } async sendSyncMessageOnly( dataMessage: Uint8Array, saveErrors?: (errors: Array) => void ): Promise { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const conv = this.getConversation()!; this.set({ dataMessage }); const updateLeftPane = conv?.debouncedUpdateLastMessage; try { this.set({ // This is the same as a normal send() expirationStartTimestamp: Date.now(), }); const result = await this.sendSyncMessage(); this.set({ // We have to do this afterward, since we didn't have a previous send! unidentifiedDeliveries: result && result.unidentifiedDeliveries ? result.unidentifiedDeliveries : undefined, }); } catch (result) { const resultErrors = result?.errors; const errors = Array.isArray(resultErrors) ? resultErrors : [new Error('Unknown error')]; if (saveErrors) { saveErrors(errors); } else { // We don't save because we're about to save below. this.saveErrors(errors, { skipSave: true }); } } finally { await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes); if (updateLeftPane) { updateLeftPane(); } } } async sendSyncMessage(): Promise { const ourConversation = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationOrThrow(); const sendOptions = await getSendOptions(ourConversation.attributes, { syncMessage: true, }); if (window.ConversationController.areWePrimaryDevice()) { log.warn( 'sendSyncMessage: We are primary device; not sending sync message' ); this.set({ dataMessage: undefined }); return; } this.syncPromise = this.syncPromise || Promise.resolve(); const next = async () => { const dataMessage = this.get('dataMessage'); if (!dataMessage) { return; } const isUpdate = Boolean(this.get('synced')); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const conv = this.getConversation()!; const sendEntries = Object.entries( this.get('sendStateByConversationId') || {} ); const sentEntries = filter(sendEntries, ([_conversationId, { status }]) => isSent(status) ); const allConversationIdsSentTo = map( sentEntries, ([conversationId]) => conversationId ); const conversationIdsSentTo = filter( allConversationIdsSentTo, conversationId => conversationId !== ourConversation.id ); const unidentifiedDeliveries = this.get('unidentifiedDeliveries') || []; const maybeConversationsWithSealedSender = map( unidentifiedDeliveries, identifier => window.ConversationController.get(identifier) ); const conversationsWithSealedSender = filter( maybeConversationsWithSealedSender, isNotNil ); const conversationIdsWithSealedSender = new Set( map(conversationsWithSealedSender, c => c.id) ); return handleMessageSend( window.textsecure.messaging.sendSyncMessage({ encodedDataMessage: dataMessage, timestamp: this.get('sent_at'), destination: conv.get('e164'), destinationUuid: conv.get('uuid'), expirationStartTimestamp: this.get('expirationStartTimestamp') || null, conversationIdsSentTo, conversationIdsWithSealedSender, isUpdate, options: sendOptions, }), // Note: in some situations, for doNotSave messages, the message has no // id, so we provide an empty array here. { messageIds: this.id ? [this.id] : [], sendType: 'sentSync' } ).then(async result => { let newSendStateByConversationId: undefined | SendStateByConversationId; const sendStateByConversationId = this.get('sendStateByConversationId') || {}; const ourOldSendState = getOwn( sendStateByConversationId, ourConversation.id ); if (ourOldSendState) { const ourNewSendState = sendStateReducer(ourOldSendState, { type: SendActionType.Sent, updatedAt: Date.now(), }); if (ourNewSendState !== ourOldSendState) { newSendStateByConversationId = { ...sendStateByConversationId, [ourConversation.id]: ourNewSendState, }; } } this.set({ synced: true, dataMessage: null, ...(newSendStateByConversationId ? { sendStateByConversationId: newSendStateByConversationId } : {}), }); // Return early, skip the save if (this.doNotSave) { return result; } await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes); return result; }); }; this.syncPromise = this.syncPromise.then(next, next); return this.syncPromise; } hasRequiredAttachmentDownloads(): boolean { const attachments: ReadonlyArray = this.get('attachments') || []; const hasLongMessageAttachments = attachments.some(attachment => { return MIME.isLongMessage(attachment.contentType); }); if (hasLongMessageAttachments) { return true; } const sticker = this.get('sticker'); if (sticker) { return !sticker.data || !sticker.data.path; } return false; } getLastChallengeError(): ShallowChallengeError | undefined { return getLastChallengeError(this.attributes); } // NOTE: If you're modifying this function then you'll likely also need // to modify queueAttachmentDownloads since it contains the logic below hasAttachmentDownloads(): boolean { const attachments = this.get('attachments') || []; const [longMessageAttachments, normalAttachments] = _.partition( attachments, attachment => MIME.isLongMessage(attachment.contentType) ); if (longMessageAttachments.length > 0) { return true; } const hasNormalAttachments = normalAttachments.some(attachment => { if (!attachment) { return false; } // We've already downloaded this! if (attachment.path) { return false; } return true; }); if (hasNormalAttachments) { return true; } const previews = this.get('preview') || []; const hasPreviews = previews.some(item => { if (!item.image) { return false; } // We've already downloaded this! if (item.image.path) { return false; } return true; }); if (hasPreviews) { return true; } const contacts = this.get('contact') || []; const hasContacts = contacts.some(item => { if (!item.avatar || !item.avatar.avatar) { return false; } if (item.avatar.avatar.path) { return false; } return true; }); if (hasContacts) { return true; } const quote = this.get('quote'); const quoteAttachments = quote && quote.attachments ? quote.attachments : []; const hasQuoteAttachments = quoteAttachments.some(item => { if (!item.thumbnail) { return false; } // We've already downloaded this! if (item.thumbnail.path) { return false; } return true; }); if (hasQuoteAttachments) { return true; } const sticker = this.get('sticker'); if (sticker) { return !sticker.data || (sticker.data && !sticker.data.path); } return false; } // Receive logic // NOTE: If you're changing any logic in this function that deals with the // count then you'll also have to modify the above function // hasAttachmentDownloads async queueAttachmentDownloads(): Promise { const attachmentsToQueue = this.get('attachments') || []; const messageId = this.id; let count = 0; let bodyPending; log.info( `Queueing ${ attachmentsToQueue.length } attachment downloads for message ${this.idForLogging()}` ); const [ longMessageAttachments, normalAttachments, ] = _.partition(attachmentsToQueue, attachment => MIME.isLongMessage(attachment.contentType) ); if (longMessageAttachments.length > 1) { log.error( `Received more than one long message attachment in message ${this.idForLogging()}` ); } log.info( `Queueing ${ longMessageAttachments.length } long message attachment downloads for message ${this.idForLogging()}` ); if (longMessageAttachments.length > 0) { count += 1; bodyPending = true; await AttachmentDownloads.addJob(longMessageAttachments[0], { messageId, type: 'long-message', index: 0, }); } log.info( `Queueing ${ normalAttachments.length } normal attachment downloads for message ${this.idForLogging()}` ); const attachments = await Promise.all( normalAttachments.map((attachment, index) => { if (!attachment) { return attachment; } // We've already downloaded this! if (attachment.path) { log.info( `Normal attachment already downloaded for message ${this.idForLogging()}` ); return attachment; } count += 1; return AttachmentDownloads.addJob(attachment, { messageId, type: 'attachment', index, }); }) ); const previewsToQueue = this.get('preview') || []; log.info( `Queueing ${ previewsToQueue.length } preview attachment downloads for message ${this.idForLogging()}` ); const preview = await Promise.all( previewsToQueue.map(async (item, index) => { if (!item.image) { return item; } // We've already downloaded this! if (item.image.path) { log.info( `Preview attachment already downloaded for message ${this.idForLogging()}` ); return item; } count += 1; return { ...item, image: await AttachmentDownloads.addJob(item.image, { messageId, type: 'preview', index, }), }; }) ); const contactsToQueue = this.get('contact') || []; log.info( `Queueing ${ contactsToQueue.length } contact attachment downloads for message ${this.idForLogging()}` ); const contact = await Promise.all( contactsToQueue.map(async (item, index) => { if (!item.avatar || !item.avatar.avatar) { return item; } // We've already downloaded this! if (item.avatar.avatar.path) { log.info( `Contact attachment already downloaded for message ${this.idForLogging()}` ); return item; } count += 1; return { ...item, avatar: { ...item.avatar, avatar: await AttachmentDownloads.addJob(item.avatar.avatar, { messageId, type: 'contact', index, }), }, }; }) ); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion let quote = this.get('quote')!; const quoteAttachmentsToQueue = quote && quote.attachments ? quote.attachments : []; log.info( `Queueing ${ quoteAttachmentsToQueue.length } quote attachment downloads for message ${this.idForLogging()}` ); if (quoteAttachmentsToQueue.length > 0) { quote = { ...quote, attachments: await Promise.all( (quote.attachments || []).map(async (item, index) => { if (!item.thumbnail) { return item; } // We've already downloaded this! if (item.thumbnail.path) { log.info( `Quote attachment already downloaded for message ${this.idForLogging()}` ); return item; } count += 1; return { ...item, thumbnail: await AttachmentDownloads.addJob(item.thumbnail, { messageId, type: 'quote', index, }), }; }) ), }; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion let sticker = this.get('sticker')!; if (sticker && sticker.data && sticker.data.path) { log.info( `Sticker attachment already downloaded for message ${this.idForLogging()}` ); } else if (sticker) { log.info(`Queueing sticker download for message ${this.idForLogging()}`); count += 1; const { packId, stickerId, packKey } = sticker; const status = getStickerPackStatus(packId); let data: AttachmentType | undefined; if (status && (status === 'downloaded' || status === 'installed')) { try { data = await copyStickerToAttachments(packId, stickerId); } catch (error) { log.error( `Problem copying sticker (${packId}, ${stickerId}) to attachments:`, error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } } if (!data && sticker.data) { data = await AttachmentDownloads.addJob(sticker.data, { messageId, type: 'sticker', index: 0, }); } if (!status) { // Save the packId/packKey for future download/install savePackMetadata(packId, packKey, { messageId }); } else { await addStickerPackReference(messageId, packId); } if (!data) { throw new Error( 'queueAttachmentDownloads: Failed to fetch sticker data' ); } sticker = { ...sticker, packId, data, }; } log.info( `Queued ${count} total attachment downloads for message ${this.idForLogging()}` ); if (count > 0) { this.set({ bodyPending, attachments, preview, contact, quote, sticker, }); return true; } return false; } markAttachmentAsCorrupted(attachment: AttachmentType): void { if (!attachment.path) { throw new Error( "Attachment can't be marked as corrupted because it wasn't loaded" ); } // We intentionally don't check in quotes/stickers/contacts/... here, // because this function should be called only for something that can // be displayed as a generic attachment. const attachments: ReadonlyArray = this.get('attachments') || []; let changed = false; const newAttachments = attachments.map(existing => { if (existing.path !== attachment.path) { return existing; } changed = true; return { ...existing, isCorrupted: true, }; }); if (!changed) { throw new Error( "Attachment can't be marked as corrupted because it wasn't found" ); } log.info('markAttachmentAsCorrupted: marking an attachment as corrupted'); this.set({ attachments: newAttachments, }); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async copyFromQuotedMessage( quote: ProcessedQuote | undefined, conversationId: string ): Promise { if (!quote) { return undefined; } const { id } = quote; strictAssert(id, 'Quote must have an id'); const result: QuotedMessageType = { ...quote, id, attachments: quote.attachments.slice(), bodyRanges: quote.bodyRanges.map(({ start, length, mentionUuid }) => { strictAssert( start !== undefined && start !== null, 'Received quote with a bodyRange.start == null' ); strictAssert( length !== undefined && length !== null, 'Received quote with a bodyRange.length == null' ); return { start, length, mentionUuid: dropNull(mentionUuid), }; }), // Just placeholder values for the fields referencedMessageNotFound: false, isViewOnce: false, messageId: '', }; const inMemoryMessages = window.MessageController.filterBySentAt(id); const matchingMessage = find(inMemoryMessages, item => isQuoteAMatch(item, conversationId, result) ); let queryMessage: undefined | MessageModel; if (matchingMessage) { queryMessage = matchingMessage; } else { log.info('copyFromQuotedMessage: db lookup needed', id); const collection = await window.Signal.Data.getMessagesBySentAt(id, { MessageCollection: window.Whisper.MessageCollection, }); const found = collection.find(item => isQuoteAMatch(item, conversationId, result) ); if (!found) { result.referencedMessageNotFound = true; return result; } queryMessage = window.MessageController.register(found.id, found); } if (queryMessage) { await this.copyQuoteContentFromOriginal(queryMessage, result); } return result; } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async copyQuoteContentFromOriginal( originalMessage: MessageModel, quote: QuotedMessageType ): Promise { const { attachments } = quote; const firstAttachment = attachments ? attachments[0] : undefined; if (isTapToView(originalMessage.attributes)) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign quote.text = undefined; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign quote.attachments = [ { contentType: 'image/jpeg', }, ]; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign quote.isViewOnce = true; return; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign quote.isViewOnce = false; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign quote.text = originalMessage.get('body'); if (firstAttachment) { firstAttachment.thumbnail = undefined; } if ( !firstAttachment || !firstAttachment.contentType || (!GoogleChrome.isImageTypeSupported( stringToMIMEType(firstAttachment.contentType) ) && !GoogleChrome.isVideoTypeSupported( stringToMIMEType(firstAttachment.contentType) )) ) { return; } try { const schemaVersion = originalMessage.get('schemaVersion'); if ( schemaVersion && schemaVersion < TypedMessage.VERSION_NEEDED_FOR_DISPLAY ) { const upgradedMessage = await upgradeMessageSchema( originalMessage.attributes ); originalMessage.set(upgradedMessage); await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(upgradedMessage); } } catch (error) { log.error( 'Problem upgrading message quoted message from database', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return; } const queryAttachments = originalMessage.get('attachments') || []; if (queryAttachments.length > 0) { const queryFirst = queryAttachments[0]; const { thumbnail } = queryFirst; if (thumbnail && thumbnail.path) { firstAttachment.thumbnail = { ...thumbnail, copied: true, }; } } const queryPreview = originalMessage.get('preview') || []; if (queryPreview.length > 0) { const queryFirst = queryPreview[0]; const { image } = queryFirst; if (image && image.path) { firstAttachment.thumbnail = { ...image, copied: true, }; } } const sticker = originalMessage.get('sticker'); if (sticker && sticker.data && sticker.data.path) { firstAttachment.thumbnail = { ...sticker.data, copied: true, }; } } handleDataMessage( initialMessage: ProcessedDataMessage, confirm: () => void, options: { data?: typeof window.WhatIsThis } = {} ): WhatIsThis { const { data } = options; // This function is called from the background script in a few scenarios: // 1. on an incoming message // 2. on a sent message sync'd from another device // 3. in rare cases, an incoming message can be retried, though it will // still go through one of the previous two codepaths // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias const message = this; const source = message.get('source'); const sourceUuid = message.get('sourceUuid'); const type = message.get('type'); const conversationId = message.get('conversationId'); const GROUP_TYPES = Proto.GroupContext.Type; const fromContact = this.getContact(); if (fromContact) { fromContact.setRegistered(); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId)!; return conversation.queueJob('handleDataMessage', async () => { log.info( `Starting handleDataMessage for message ${message.idForLogging()} in conversation ${conversation.idForLogging()}` ); // First, check for duplicates. If we find one, stop processing here. const inMemoryMessage = window.MessageController.findBySender( this.getSenderIdentifier() ); if (inMemoryMessage) { log.info('handleDataMessage: cache hit', this.getSenderIdentifier()); } else { log.info( 'handleDataMessage: duplicate check db lookup needed', this.getSenderIdentifier() ); } const existingMessage = inMemoryMessage || (await getMessageBySender(this.attributes, { Message: window.Whisper.Message, })); const isUpdate = Boolean(data && data.isRecipientUpdate); if (existingMessage && type === 'incoming') { log.warn('Received duplicate message', this.idForLogging()); confirm(); return; } if (type === 'outgoing') { if (isUpdate && existingMessage) { log.info( `handleDataMessage: Updating message ${message.idForLogging()} with received transcript` ); const toUpdate = window.MessageController.register( existingMessage.id, existingMessage ); const unidentifiedDeliveriesSet = new Set( toUpdate.get('unidentifiedDeliveries') ?? [] ); const sendStateByConversationId = { ...(toUpdate.get('sendStateByConversationId') || {}), }; const unidentifiedStatus: Array = Array.isArray( data.unidentifiedStatus ) ? data.unidentifiedStatus : []; unidentifiedStatus.forEach( ({ destinationUuid, destination, unidentified }) => { const identifier = destinationUuid || destination; if (!identifier) { return; } const destinationConversationId = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds( { uuid: destinationUuid, e164: destination, highTrust: true, } ); if (!destinationConversationId) { return; } const updatedAt: number = isNormalNumber(data.timestamp) ? data.timestamp : Date.now(); const previousSendState = getOwn( sendStateByConversationId, destinationConversationId ); sendStateByConversationId[ destinationConversationId ] = previousSendState ? sendStateReducer(previousSendState, { type: SendActionType.Sent, updatedAt, }) : { status: SendStatus.Sent, updatedAt, }; if (unidentified) { unidentifiedDeliveriesSet.add(identifier); } } ); toUpdate.set({ sendStateByConversationId, unidentifiedDeliveries: [...unidentifiedDeliveriesSet], }); await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(toUpdate.attributes); confirm(); return; } if (isUpdate) { log.warn( `handleDataMessage: Received update transcript, but no existing entry for message ${message.idForLogging()}. Dropping.` ); confirm(); return; } if (existingMessage) { log.warn( `handleDataMessage: Received duplicate transcript for message ${message.idForLogging()}, but it was not an update transcript. Dropping.` ); confirm(); return; } } // GroupV2 if (initialMessage.groupV2) { if (isGroupV1(conversation.attributes)) { // If we received a GroupV2 message in a GroupV1 group, we migrate! const { revision, groupChange } = initialMessage.groupV2; await window.Signal.Groups.respondToGroupV2Migration({ conversation, groupChangeBase64: groupChange, newRevision: revision, receivedAt: message.get('received_at'), sentAt: message.get('sent_at'), }); } else if ( initialMessage.groupV2.masterKey && initialMessage.groupV2.secretParams && initialMessage.groupV2.publicParams ) { // Repair core GroupV2 data if needed await conversation.maybeRepairGroupV2({ masterKey: initialMessage.groupV2.masterKey, secretParams: initialMessage.groupV2.secretParams, publicParams: initialMessage.groupV2.publicParams, }); // Standard GroupV2 modification codepath const existingRevision = conversation.get('revision'); const isV2GroupUpdate = initialMessage.groupV2 && _.isNumber(initialMessage.groupV2.revision) && (!_.isNumber(existingRevision) || initialMessage.groupV2.revision > existingRevision); if (isV2GroupUpdate && initialMessage.groupV2) { const { revision, groupChange } = initialMessage.groupV2; try { await window.Signal.Groups.maybeUpdateGroup({ conversation, groupChangeBase64: groupChange, newRevision: revision, receivedAt: message.get('received_at'), sentAt: message.get('sent_at'), }); } catch (error) { const errorText = error && error.stack ? error.stack : error; log.error( `handleDataMessage: Failed to process group update for ${conversation.idForLogging()} as part of message ${message.idForLogging()}: ${errorText}` ); throw error; } } } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const ourConversationId = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationId()!; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const senderId = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ e164: source, uuid: sourceUuid, })!; const hasGroupV2Prop = Boolean(initialMessage.groupV2); const isV1GroupUpdate = initialMessage.group && initialMessage.group.type !== Proto.GroupContext.Type.DELIVER; // Drop an incoming GroupV2 message if we or the sender are not part of the group // after applying the message's associated group changes. if ( type === 'incoming' && !isDirectConversation(conversation.attributes) && hasGroupV2Prop && (conversation.get('left') || !conversation.hasMember(ourConversationId) || !conversation.hasMember(senderId)) ) { log.warn( `Received message destined for group ${conversation.idForLogging()}, which we or the sender are not a part of. Dropping.` ); confirm(); return; } // We drop incoming messages for v1 groups we already know about, which we're not // a part of, except for group updates. Because group v1 updates haven't been // applied by this point. // Note: if we have no information about a group at all, we will accept those // messages. We detect that via a missing 'members' field. if ( type === 'incoming' && !isDirectConversation(conversation.attributes) && !hasGroupV2Prop && !isV1GroupUpdate && conversation.get('members') && (conversation.get('left') || !conversation.hasMember(ourConversationId)) ) { log.warn( `Received message destined for group ${conversation.idForLogging()}, which we're not a part of. Dropping.` ); confirm(); return; } // Because GroupV1 messages can now be multiplexed into GroupV2 conversations, we // drop GroupV1 updates in GroupV2 groups. if (isV1GroupUpdate && isGroupV2(conversation.attributes)) { log.warn( `Received GroupV1 update in GroupV2 conversation ${conversation.idForLogging()}. Dropping.` ); confirm(); return; } // Drop incoming messages to announcement only groups where sender is not admin if ( conversation.get('announcementsOnly') && !conversation.isAdmin(senderId) ) { confirm(); return; } const messageId = window.getGuid(); // Send delivery receipts, but only for incoming sealed sender messages // and not for messages from unaccepted conversations if ( type === 'incoming' && this.get('unidentifiedDeliveryReceived') && !hasErrors(this.attributes) && conversation.getAccepted() ) { // Note: We both queue and batch because we want to wait until we are done // processing incoming messages to start sending outgoing delivery receipts. // The queue can be paused easily. window.Whisper.deliveryReceiptQueue.add(() => { window.Whisper.deliveryReceiptBatcher.add({ messageId, source, sourceUuid, timestamp: this.get('sent_at'), }); }); } const withQuoteReference = { ...initialMessage, quote: await this.copyFromQuotedMessage( initialMessage.quote, conversation.id ), }; const dataMessage = await upgradeMessageSchema(withQuoteReference); try { const now = new Date().getTime(); const urls = LinkPreview.findLinks(dataMessage.body || ''); const incomingPreview = dataMessage.preview || []; const preview = incomingPreview.filter( (item: typeof window.WhatIsThis) => (item.image || item.title) && urls.includes(item.url) && LinkPreview.isLinkSafeToPreview(item.url) ); if (preview.length < incomingPreview.length) { log.info( `${message.idForLogging()}: Eliminated ${ preview.length - incomingPreview.length } previews with invalid urls'` ); } message.set({ id: messageId, attachments: dataMessage.attachments, body: dataMessage.body, bodyRanges: dataMessage.bodyRanges, contact: dataMessage.contact, conversationId: conversation.id, decrypted_at: now, errors: [], flags: dataMessage.flags, hasAttachments: dataMessage.hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments: dataMessage.hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments: dataMessage.hasVisualMediaAttachments, isViewOnce: Boolean(dataMessage.isViewOnce), preview, requiredProtocolVersion: dataMessage.requiredProtocolVersion || this.INITIAL_PROTOCOL_VERSION, supportedVersionAtReceive: this.CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, quote: dataMessage.quote, schemaVersion: dataMessage.schemaVersion, sticker: dataMessage.sticker, }); const isSupported = !isUnsupportedMessage(message.attributes); if (!isSupported) { await message.eraseContents(); } if (isSupported) { let attributes = { ...conversation.attributes, }; // GroupV1 if (!hasGroupV2Prop && dataMessage.group) { const pendingGroupUpdate: GroupV1Update = {}; const memberConversations: Array = await Promise.all( dataMessage.group.membersE164.map((e164: string) => window.ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( e164, 'private' ) ) ); const members = memberConversations.map(c => c.get('id')); attributes = { ...attributes, type: 'group', groupId: dataMessage.group.id, }; if (dataMessage.group.type === GROUP_TYPES.UPDATE) { attributes = { ...attributes, name: dataMessage.group.name, members: _.union(members, conversation.get('members')), }; if (dataMessage.group.name !== conversation.get('name')) { pendingGroupUpdate.name = dataMessage.group.name; } const avatarAttachment = dataMessage.group.avatar; let downloadedAvatar; let hash; if (avatarAttachment) { try { downloadedAvatar = await window.Signal.Util.downloadAttachment( avatarAttachment ); if (downloadedAvatar) { const loadedAttachment = await window.Signal.Migrations.loadAttachmentData( downloadedAvatar ); hash = computeHash(loadedAttachment.data); } } catch (err) { log.info('handleDataMessage: group avatar download failed'); } } const existingAvatar = conversation.get('avatar'); if ( // Avatar added (!existingAvatar && avatarAttachment) || // Avatar changed (existingAvatar && existingAvatar.hash !== hash) || // Avatar removed (existingAvatar && !avatarAttachment) ) { // Removes existing avatar from disk if (existingAvatar && existingAvatar.path) { await window.Signal.Migrations.deleteAttachmentData( existingAvatar.path ); } let avatar = null; if (downloadedAvatar && avatarAttachment !== null) { const onDiskAttachment = await Attachment.migrateDataToFileSystem( downloadedAvatar, { writeNewAttachmentData: window.Signal.Migrations.writeNewAttachmentData, } ); avatar = { ...onDiskAttachment, hash, }; } attributes.avatar = avatar; pendingGroupUpdate.avatarUpdated = true; } else { log.info( 'handleDataMessage: Group avatar hash matched; not replacing group avatar' ); } const difference = _.difference( members, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion conversation.get('members')! ); if (difference.length > 0) { // Because GroupV1 groups are based on e164 only const maybeE164s = map(difference, id => window.ConversationController.get(id)?.get('e164') ); const e164s = filter(maybeE164s, isNotNil); pendingGroupUpdate.joined = [...e164s]; } if (conversation.get('left')) { log.warn('re-added to a left group'); attributes.left = false; conversation.set({ addedBy: message.getContactId() }); } } else if (dataMessage.group.type === GROUP_TYPES.QUIT) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const sender = window.ConversationController.get(senderId)!; const inGroup = Boolean( sender && (conversation.get('members') || []).includes(sender.id) ); if (!inGroup) { const senderString = sender ? sender.idForLogging() : null; log.info( `Got 'left' message from someone not in group: ${senderString}. Dropping.` ); return; } if (isMe(sender.attributes)) { attributes.left = true; pendingGroupUpdate.left = 'You'; } else { pendingGroupUpdate.left = sender.get('id'); } attributes.members = _.without( conversation.get('members'), sender.get('id') ); } if (!isEmpty(pendingGroupUpdate)) { message.set('group_update', pendingGroupUpdate); } } // Drop empty messages after. This needs to happen after the initial // message.set call and after GroupV1 processing to make sure all possible // properties are set before we determine that a message is empty. if (message.isEmpty()) { log.info( `handleDataMessage: Dropping empty message ${message.idForLogging()} in conversation ${conversation.idForLogging()}` ); confirm(); return; } attributes.active_at = now; conversation.set(attributes); if ( dataMessage.expireTimer && !isExpirationTimerUpdate(dataMessage) ) { message.set({ expireTimer: dataMessage.expireTimer }); } if (!hasGroupV2Prop) { if (isExpirationTimerUpdate(message.attributes)) { message.set({ expirationTimerUpdate: { source, sourceUuid, expireTimer: dataMessage.expireTimer, }, }); conversation.set({ expireTimer: dataMessage.expireTimer }); } // NOTE: Remove once the above calls this.model.updateExpirationTimer() const { expireTimer } = dataMessage; const shouldLogExpireTimerChange = isExpirationTimerUpdate(message.attributes) || expireTimer; if (shouldLogExpireTimerChange) { log.info("Update conversation 'expireTimer'", { id: conversation.idForLogging(), expireTimer, source: 'handleDataMessage', }); } if (!isEndSession(message.attributes)) { if (dataMessage.expireTimer) { if ( dataMessage.expireTimer !== conversation.get('expireTimer') ) { conversation.updateExpirationTimer( dataMessage.expireTimer, source, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion message.getReceivedAt()!, { fromGroupUpdate: isGroupUpdate(message.attributes), } ); } } else if ( conversation.get('expireTimer') && // We only turn off timers if it's not a group update !isGroupUpdate(message.attributes) ) { conversation.updateExpirationTimer( undefined, source, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion message.getReceivedAt()! ); } } } if (dataMessage.profileKey) { const profileKey = dataMessage.profileKey.toString('base64'); if ( source === window.textsecure.storage.user.getNumber() || sourceUuid === window.textsecure.storage.user.getUuid()?.toString() ) { conversation.set({ profileSharing: true }); } else if (isDirectConversation(conversation.attributes)) { conversation.setProfileKey(profileKey); } else { const localId = window.ConversationController.ensureContactIds({ e164: source, uuid: sourceUuid, }); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion window.ConversationController.get(localId)!.setProfileKey( profileKey ); } } if (isTapToView(message.attributes) && type === 'outgoing') { await message.eraseContents(); } if ( type === 'incoming' && isTapToView(message.attributes) && !message.isValidTapToView() ) { log.warn( `Received tap to view message ${message.idForLogging()} with invalid data. Erasing contents.` ); message.set({ isTapToViewInvalid: true, }); await message.eraseContents(); } } const conversationTimestamp = conversation.get('timestamp'); if ( !conversationTimestamp || message.get('sent_at') > conversationTimestamp ) { conversation.set({ lastMessage: message.getNotificationText(), timestamp: message.get('sent_at'), }); } window.MessageController.register(message.id, message); conversation.incrementMessageCount(); window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(conversation.attributes); // Only queue attachments for downloads if this is an outgoing message // or we've accepted the conversation const reduxState = window.reduxStore.getState(); const attachments = this.get('attachments') || []; const shouldHoldOffDownload = (isImage(attachments) || isVideo(attachments)) && isInCall(reduxState); if ( this.hasAttachmentDownloads() && // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion (this.getConversation()!.getAccepted() || isOutgoing(message.attributes)) && !shouldHoldOffDownload ) { if (window.attachmentDownloadQueue) { window.attachmentDownloadQueue.unshift(message); log.info( 'Adding to attachmentDownloadQueue', message.get('sent_at') ); } else { await message.queueAttachmentDownloads(); } } const isFirstRun = true; await this.modifyTargetMessage(conversation, isFirstRun); log.info( 'handleDataMessage: Batching save for', message.get('sent_at') ); this.saveAndNotify(conversation, confirm); } catch (error) { const errorForLog = error && error.stack ? error.stack : error; log.error( 'handleDataMessage', message.idForLogging(), 'error:', errorForLog ); throw error; } }); } async saveAndNotify( conversation: ConversationModel, confirm: () => void ): Promise { await window.Signal.Util.saveNewMessageBatcher.add(this.attributes); log.info('Message saved', this.get('sent_at')); conversation.trigger('newmessage', this); const isFirstRun = false; await this.modifyTargetMessage(conversation, isFirstRun); if (isMessageUnread(this.attributes)) { await conversation.notify(this); } // Increment the sent message count if this is an outgoing message if (this.get('type') === 'outgoing') { conversation.incrementSentMessageCount(); } window.Whisper.events.trigger('incrementProgress'); confirm(); } // This function is called twice - once from handleDataMessage, and then again from // saveAndNotify, a function called at the end of handleDataMessage as a cleanup for // any missed out-of-order events. async modifyTargetMessage( conversation: ConversationModel, isFirstRun: boolean ): Promise { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias const message = this; const type = message.get('type'); let changed = false; if (type === 'outgoing') { const sendActions = MessageReceipts.getSingleton() .forMessage(conversation, message) .map(receipt => { let sendActionType: SendActionType; const receiptType = receipt.get('type'); switch (receiptType) { case MessageReceiptType.Delivery: sendActionType = SendActionType.GotDeliveryReceipt; break; case MessageReceiptType.Read: sendActionType = SendActionType.GotReadReceipt; break; case MessageReceiptType.View: sendActionType = SendActionType.GotViewedReceipt; break; default: throw missingCaseError(receiptType); } return { destinationConversationId: receipt.get('sourceConversationId'), action: { type: sendActionType, updatedAt: receipt.get('receiptTimestamp'), }, }; }); const oldSendStateByConversationId = this.get('sendStateByConversationId') || {}; const newSendStateByConversationId = reduce( sendActions, ( result: SendStateByConversationId, { destinationConversationId, action } ) => { const oldSendState = getOwn(result, destinationConversationId); if (!oldSendState) { log.warn( `Got a receipt for a conversation (${destinationConversationId}), but we have no record of sending to them` ); return result; } const newSendState = sendStateReducer(oldSendState, action); return { ...result, [destinationConversationId]: newSendState, }; }, oldSendStateByConversationId ); if ( !isEqual(oldSendStateByConversationId, newSendStateByConversationId) ) { message.set('sendStateByConversationId', newSendStateByConversationId); changed = true; } } if (type === 'incoming') { // In a followup (see DESKTOP-2100), we want to make `ReadSyncs#forMessage` return // an array, not an object. This array wrapping makes that future a bit easier. const readSync = ReadSyncs.getSingleton().forMessage(message); const readSyncs = readSync ? [readSync] : []; const viewSyncs = ViewSyncs.getSingleton().forMessage(message); if (readSyncs.length !== 0 || viewSyncs.length !== 0) { const markReadAt = Math.min( Date.now(), ...readSyncs.map(sync => sync.get('readAt')), ...viewSyncs.map(sync => sync.get('viewedAt')) ); if (message.get('expireTimer')) { const existingExpirationStartTimestamp = message.get( 'expirationStartTimestamp' ); message.set( 'expirationStartTimestamp', Math.min(existingExpirationStartTimestamp ?? Date.now(), markReadAt) ); changed = true; } let newReadStatus: ReadStatus.Read | ReadStatus.Viewed; if (viewSyncs.length) { newReadStatus = ReadStatus.Viewed; } else { strictAssert( readSyncs.length !== 0, 'Should have either view or read syncs' ); newReadStatus = ReadStatus.Read; } message.set('readStatus', newReadStatus); changed = true; this.pendingMarkRead = Math.min( this.pendingMarkRead ?? Date.now(), markReadAt ); } else if (isFirstRun) { conversation.set({ unreadCount: (conversation.get('unreadCount') || 0) + 1, isArchived: false, }); } if (!isFirstRun && this.pendingMarkRead) { const markReadAt = this.pendingMarkRead; this.pendingMarkRead = undefined; // This is primarily to allow the conversation to mark all older // messages as read, as is done when we receive a read sync for // a message we already know about. // // We run this when `isFirstRun` is false so that it triggers when the // message and the other ones accompanying it in the batch are fully in // the database. message.getConversation()?.onReadMessage(message, markReadAt); } // Check for out-of-order view once open syncs if (isTapToView(message.attributes)) { const viewOnceOpenSync = ViewOnceOpenSyncs.getSingleton().forMessage( message ); if (viewOnceOpenSync) { await message.markViewOnceMessageViewed({ fromSync: true }); changed = true; } } } // Does this message have any pending, previously-received associated reactions? const reactions = Reactions.getSingleton().forMessage(message); await Promise.all( reactions.map(async reaction => { await message.handleReaction(reaction, false); changed = true; }) ); // Does this message have any pending, previously-received associated // delete for everyone messages? const deletes = Deletes.getSingleton().forMessage(message); await Promise.all( deletes.map(async del => { await window.Signal.Util.deleteForEveryone(message, del, false); changed = true; }) ); if (changed && !isFirstRun) { log.info( `modifyTargetMessage/${this.idForLogging()}: Changes in second run; saving.` ); await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes); } } async handleReaction( reaction: ReactionModel, shouldPersist = true ): Promise { const { attributes } = this; if (this.get('deletedForEveryone')) { return undefined; } // We allow you to react to messages with outgoing errors only if it has sent // successfully to at least one person. if ( hasErrors(attributes) && (isIncoming(attributes) || getMessagePropStatus( attributes, window.ConversationController.getOurConversationIdOrThrow() ) !== 'partial-sent') ) { return undefined; } const reactions = this.get('reactions') || []; const messageId = this.idForLogging(); const count = reactions.length; const conversation = window.ConversationController.get( this.get('conversationId') ); let reactionToRemove: Partial | undefined; let oldReaction: ReactionAttributesType | undefined; if (reaction.get('remove')) { log.info('Removing reaction for message', messageId); const newReactions = reactions.filter( re => re.emoji !== reaction.get('emoji') || re.fromId !== reaction.get('fromId') ); this.set({ reactions: newReactions }); reactionToRemove = { emoji: reaction.get('emoji'), targetAuthorUuid: reaction.get('targetAuthorUuid'), targetTimestamp: reaction.get('targetTimestamp'), }; await window.Signal.Data.removeReactionFromConversation({ emoji: reaction.get('emoji'), fromId: reaction.get('fromId'), targetAuthorUuid: reaction.get('targetAuthorUuid'), targetTimestamp: reaction.get('targetTimestamp'), }); } else { log.info('Adding reaction for message', messageId); const newReactions = reactions.filter( re => re.fromId !== reaction.get('fromId') ); newReactions.push(reaction.toJSON()); this.set({ reactions: newReactions }); oldReaction = reactions.find(re => re.fromId === reaction.get('fromId')); if (oldReaction) { reactionToRemove = { emoji: oldReaction.emoji, targetAuthorUuid: oldReaction.targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp: oldReaction.targetTimestamp, }; } await window.Signal.Data.addReaction({ conversationId: this.get('conversationId'), emoji: reaction.get('emoji'), fromId: reaction.get('fromId'), messageId: this.id, messageReceivedAt: this.get('received_at'), targetAuthorUuid: reaction.get('targetAuthorUuid'), targetTimestamp: reaction.get('targetTimestamp'), }); // Only notify for reactions to our own messages if ( conversation && isOutgoing(this.attributes) && !reaction.get('fromSync') ) { conversation.notify(this, reaction); } } if (reactionToRemove) { this.clearNotifications(reactionToRemove); } const newCount = (this.get('reactions') || []).length; log.info( `Done processing reaction for message ${messageId}. Went from ${count} to ${newCount} reactions.` ); if (shouldPersist) { await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes); } return oldReaction; } async handleDeleteForEveryone( del: typeof window.WhatIsThis, shouldPersist = true ): Promise { log.info('Handling DOE.', { fromId: del.get('fromId'), targetSentTimestamp: del.get('targetSentTimestamp'), messageServerTimestamp: this.get('serverTimestamp'), deleteServerTimestamp: del.get('serverTimestamp'), }); // Remove any notifications for this message notificationService.removeBy({ messageId: this.get('id') }); // Erase the contents of this message await this.eraseContents( { deletedForEveryone: true, reactions: [] }, shouldPersist ); // Update the conversation's last message in case this was the last message // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion this.getConversation()!.updateLastMessage(); } clearNotifications(reaction: Partial = {}): void { notificationService.removeBy({ ...reaction, messageId: this.id, }); } } window.Whisper.Message = MessageModel; window.Whisper.Message.getLongMessageAttachment = ({ body, attachments, now, }) => { if (!body || body.length <= 2048) { return { body, attachments, }; } const data = Bytes.fromString(body); const attachment = { contentType: MIME.LONG_MESSAGE, fileName: `long-message-${now}.txt`, data, size: data.byteLength, }; return { body: body.slice(0, 2048), attachments: [attachment, ...attachments], }; }; window.Whisper.MessageCollection = window.Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: window.Whisper.Message, comparator(left: Readonly, right: Readonly) { if (left.get('received_at') === right.get('received_at')) { return (left.get('sent_at') || 0) - (right.get('sent_at') || 0); } return (left.get('received_at') || 0) - (right.get('received_at') || 0); }, });