// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { MessageAttributesType } from '../model-types.d'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { DataReader } from '../sql/Client'; import { drop } from '../util/drop'; import { getAuthorId } from '../messages/helpers'; import { handleEditMessage } from '../util/handleEditMessage'; import { getMessageSentTimestamp } from '../util/getMessageSentTimestamp'; import { isAttachmentDownloadQueueEmpty, registerQueueEmptyCallback, } from '../util/attachmentDownloadQueue'; export type EditAttributesType = { conversationId: string; envelopeId: string; fromId: string; fromDevice: number; message: MessageAttributesType; targetSentTimestamp: number; removeFromMessageReceiverCache: () => unknown; }; const edits = new Map<string, EditAttributesType>(); function remove(edit: EditAttributesType): void { edits.delete(edit.envelopeId); edit.removeFromMessageReceiverCache(); } export function forMessage( messageAttributes: Pick< MessageAttributesType, | 'editMessageTimestamp' | 'sent_at' | 'source' | 'sourceServiceId' | 'timestamp' | 'type' > ): Array<EditAttributesType> { const sentAt = getMessageSentTimestamp(messageAttributes, { log }); const editValues = Array.from(edits.values()); if (!isAttachmentDownloadQueueEmpty()) { log.info( 'Edits.forMessage attachmentDownloadQueue not empty, not processing edits' ); registerQueueEmptyCallback(flushEdits); return []; } const matchingEdits = editValues.filter(item => { return ( item.targetSentTimestamp === sentAt && item.fromId === getAuthorId(messageAttributes) ); }); if (matchingEdits.length > 0) { const editsLogIds: Array<number> = []; const result = matchingEdits.map(item => { editsLogIds.push(item.message.sent_at); remove(item); return item; }); log.info( `Edits.forMessage(${messageAttributes.sent_at}): ` + `Found early edits for message ${editsLogIds.join(', ')}` ); return result; } return []; } export async function flushEdits(): Promise<void> { log.info('Edits.flushEdits running'); return drop( Promise.all(Array.from(edits.values()).map(edit => onEdit(edit))) ); } export async function onEdit(edit: EditAttributesType): Promise<void> { edits.set(edit.envelopeId, edit); const logId = `Edits.onEdit(timestamp=${edit.message.timestamp};target=${edit.targetSentTimestamp})`; if (!isAttachmentDownloadQueueEmpty()) { log.info( `${logId}: attachmentDownloadQueue not empty, not processing edits` ); registerQueueEmptyCallback(flushEdits); return; } try { // The conversation the edited message was in; we have to find it in the database // to to figure that out. const targetConversation = await window.ConversationController.getConversationForTargetMessage( edit.fromId, edit.targetSentTimestamp ); if (!targetConversation) { log.info(`${logId}: No message found`); return; } // Do not await, since this can deadlock the queue drop( targetConversation.queueJob('Edits.onEdit', async () => { log.info(`${logId}: Handling edit`); const messages = await DataReader.getMessagesBySentAt( edit.targetSentTimestamp ); // Verify authorship const targetMessage = messages.find( m => edit.conversationId === m.conversationId && edit.fromId === getAuthorId(m) ); if (!targetMessage) { log.info(`${logId}: No message`); return; } const message = window.MessageCache.__DEPRECATED$register( targetMessage.id, targetMessage, 'Edits.onEdit' ); await handleEditMessage(message.attributes, edit); remove(edit); }) ); } catch (error) { remove(edit); log.error(`${logId} error:`, Errors.toLogFormat(error)); } }