// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import casual from 'casual'; import { v4 as generateUuid } from 'uuid'; import type { DispatchableViewStoryType, StoryDataType, } from '../../../state/ducks/stories'; import type { ConversationType } from '../../../state/ducks/conversations'; import type { MessageAttributesType } from '../../../model-types.d'; import type { StateType as RootStateType } from '../../../state/reducer'; import { DurationInSeconds } from '../../../util/durations'; import { TEXT_ATTACHMENT, IMAGE_JPEG } from '../../../types/MIME'; import { ReadStatus } from '../../../messages/MessageReadStatus'; import { StoryViewDirectionType, StoryViewModeType, } from '../../../types/Stories'; import type { StoryDistributionIdString } from '../../../types/StoryDistributionId'; import { generateAci, generatePni } from '../../../types/ServiceId'; import { generateStoryDistributionId } from '../../../types/StoryDistributionId'; import { actions, getEmptyState } from '../../../state/ducks/stories'; import { noopAction } from '../../../state/ducks/noop'; import { reducer as rootReducer } from '../../../state/reducer'; import { dropNull } from '../../../util/dropNull'; import { MessageModel } from '../../../models/messages'; describe('both/state/ducks/stories', () => { const getEmptyRootState = () => ({ ...rootReducer(undefined, noopAction()), stories: getEmptyState(), }); function getStoryMessage(id: string): MessageAttributesType { const now = Date.now(); return { conversationId: generateUuid(), id, received_at: now, sent_at: now, timestamp: now, type: 'story', }; } describe('viewStory', () => { function getMockConversation({ id: conversationId, serviceId, hideStory = false, title, }: Pick & { title?: string; }): ConversationType { return { acceptedMessageRequest: true, badges: [], hideStory, id: conversationId, serviceId, isMe: false, sharedGroupNames: [], title: title || casual.username, type: 'direct' as const, }; } function getStoryData( messageId: string, conversationId = generateUuid(), timestampDelta = 0 ): StoryDataType { const now = Date.now(); return { conversationId, expirationStartTimestamp: now, expireTimer: DurationInSeconds.DAY, messageId, readStatus: ReadStatus.Unread, timestamp: now - timestampDelta, type: 'story', sourceDevice: 1, }; } function getStateFunction( stories: Array, conversationLookup: { [key: string]: ConversationType } = {}, unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted: Array = [] ): () => RootStateType { const rootState = getEmptyRootState(); return () => ({ ...rootState, conversations: { ...rootState.conversations, conversationLookup, }, stories: { ...rootState.stories, selectedStoryData: { currentIndex: 0, messageId: '', numStories: 0, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.Unread, unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted, }, stories, }, }); } const viewStory = actions.viewStory as DispatchableViewStoryType; it('closes the viewer', () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ closeViewer: true })(dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: undefined, }); }); it('closes the viewer when viewing a single story', () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: generateUuid(), storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.Single, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Next, })(dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: undefined, }); }); it('does not find a story', () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: generateUuid(), storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.All, })(dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: undefined, }); }); it('selects a specific story', () => { const storyId = generateUuid(); const getState = getStateFunction([getStoryData(storyId)]); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.All, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: { currentIndex: 0, messageId: storyId, numStories: 1, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.All, unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted: [], viewTarget: undefined, }, }); }); describe("navigating within a user's stories", () => { it('selects the next story', () => { const storyId1 = generateUuid(); const storyId2 = generateUuid(); const storyId3 = generateUuid(); const conversationId = generateUuid(); const getState = getStateFunction([ getStoryData(storyId1, conversationId), getStoryData(storyId2, conversationId), getStoryData(storyId3, conversationId), ]); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: storyId1, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.User, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Next, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: { currentIndex: 1, messageId: storyId2, numStories: 3, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.User, unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted: [], }, }); }); it('selects the prev story', () => { const storyId1 = generateUuid(); const storyId2 = generateUuid(); const storyId3 = generateUuid(); const conversationId = generateUuid(); const getState = getStateFunction([ getStoryData(storyId1, conversationId), getStoryData(storyId2, conversationId), getStoryData(storyId3, conversationId), ]); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: storyId2, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.User, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Previous, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: { currentIndex: 0, messageId: storyId1, numStories: 3, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.User, unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted: [], }, }); }); it('when in StoryViewModeType.User and we have reached the end, it closes the viewer', () => { const storyId1 = generateUuid(); const storyId2 = generateUuid(); const storyId3 = generateUuid(); const conversationId = generateUuid(); const getState = getStateFunction([ getStoryData(storyId1, conversationId), getStoryData(storyId2, conversationId), getStoryData(storyId3, conversationId), ]); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: storyId3, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.User, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Next, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: undefined, }); }); }); describe('unviewed stories', () => { it('does not select hidden stories', () => { const storyId1 = generateUuid(); const storyId2 = generateUuid(); const storyId3 = generateUuid(); const conversationId = generateUuid(); const conversationAci = generateAci(); const conversationIdHide = generateUuid(); const conversationAciHide = generateAci(); const getState = getStateFunction( [ { ...getStoryData(storyId1, conversationId), readStatus: ReadStatus.Viewed, }, // selector looks up conversation by sourceServiceId { ...getStoryData(storyId2, conversationIdHide), sourceServiceId: conversationAci, }, { ...getStoryData(storyId3, conversationIdHide), sourceServiceId: conversationAciHide, }, ], { [conversationId]: getMockConversation({ id: conversationId, serviceId: conversationAci, }), [conversationIdHide]: getMockConversation({ id: conversationIdHide, serviceId: conversationAciHide, hideStory: true, }), }, [conversationId] ); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: storyId1, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.Unread, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Next, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: undefined, }); }); it('does not select stories that precede the currently viewed story', () => { const storyId1 = generateUuid(); const storyId2 = generateUuid(); const storyId3 = generateUuid(); const storyId4 = generateUuid(); const conversationId1 = generateUuid(); const conversationId2 = generateUuid(); const conversationId3 = generateUuid(); // conversationId3 - storyId4 // conversationId1 - storyId1, storyId3 // conversationId2 - storyId2 const getState = getStateFunction( [ getStoryData(storyId1, conversationId1, 3), { ...getStoryData(storyId2, conversationId2, 2), readStatus: ReadStatus.Viewed, }, getStoryData(storyId3, conversationId1, 1), getStoryData(storyId4, conversationId3), ], { [conversationId1]: getMockConversation({ id: conversationId1 }), [conversationId2]: getMockConversation({ id: conversationId2 }), [conversationId3]: getMockConversation({ id: conversationId3 }), }, [conversationId3, conversationId1, conversationId2] ); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: storyId2, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.Unread, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Next, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: undefined, }); }); it('correctly goes to previous unviewed story', () => { const storyId1 = generateUuid(); const storyId2 = generateUuid(); const storyId3 = generateUuid(); const storyId4 = generateUuid(); const conversationId1 = generateUuid(); const conversationId2 = generateUuid(); const conversationId3 = generateUuid(); const unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted = [ conversationId3, conversationId1, conversationId2, ]; const getState = getStateFunction( [ getStoryData(storyId1, conversationId1, 3), { ...getStoryData(storyId2, conversationId2, 2), readStatus: ReadStatus.Viewed, }, getStoryData(storyId3, conversationId1, 1), getStoryData(storyId4, conversationId3), ], { [conversationId1]: getMockConversation({ id: conversationId1 }), [conversationId2]: getMockConversation({ id: conversationId2 }), [conversationId3]: getMockConversation({ id: conversationId3 }), }, unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted ); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: storyId2, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.Unread, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Previous, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: { currentIndex: 0, messageId: storyId1, numStories: 2, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.Unread, unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted, }, }); }); it('does not close the viewer when playing the next story', () => { const storyId1 = generateUuid(); const storyId2 = generateUuid(); const storyId3 = generateUuid(); const storyId4 = generateUuid(); const conversationId1 = generateUuid(); const conversationId2 = generateUuid(); const conversationId3 = generateUuid(); const unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted = [ conversationId3, conversationId2, conversationId1, ]; const getState = getStateFunction( [ getStoryData(storyId1, conversationId2, 3), getStoryData(storyId2, conversationId1, 2), getStoryData(storyId3, conversationId2, 1), { ...getStoryData(storyId4, conversationId3), readStatus: ReadStatus.Viewed, }, ], { [conversationId1]: getMockConversation({ id: conversationId1 }), [conversationId2]: getMockConversation({ id: conversationId2 }), [conversationId3]: getMockConversation({ id: conversationId3 }), }, unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted ); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: storyId4, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.Unread, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Next, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: { currentIndex: 0, messageId: storyId1, numStories: 2, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.Unread, unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted, }, }); }); it('closes the viewer when there are no more unviewed stories', () => { const storyId1 = generateUuid(); const storyId2 = generateUuid(); const conversationId1 = generateUuid(); const conversationId2 = generateUuid(); const getState = getStateFunction( [ { ...getStoryData(storyId1, conversationId1), readStatus: ReadStatus.Viewed, }, { ...getStoryData(storyId2, conversationId2), readStatus: ReadStatus.Viewed, }, ], { [conversationId1]: getMockConversation({ id: conversationId1 }), [conversationId2]: getMockConversation({ id: conversationId2 }), }, [conversationId1] ); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: storyId1, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.Unread, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Next, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: undefined, }); }); }); describe('paging through sent stories', () => { function getSentStoryReduxData() { const distributionListId1 = generateStoryDistributionId(); const distributionListId2 = generateStoryDistributionId(); const storyDistributionLists = { distributionLists: [ { id: distributionListId1, name: 'List 1', allowsReplies: true, isBlockList: false, memberServiceIds: [generateAci(), generateAci(), generatePni()], }, { id: distributionListId2, name: 'List 2', allowsReplies: true, isBlockList: false, memberServiceIds: [generateAci(), generateAci(), generatePni()], }, ], }; const ourConversationId = generateUuid(); const groupConversationId = generateUuid(); function getMyStoryData( messageId: string, storyDistributionListId?: StoryDistributionIdString, timestampDelta = 0 ): StoryDataType { const now = Date.now(); return { conversationId: storyDistributionListId ? ourConversationId : groupConversationId, expirationStartTimestamp: now, expireTimer: DurationInSeconds.DAY, messageId, readStatus: ReadStatus.Unread, sendStateByConversationId: {}, storyDistributionListId, timestamp: now - timestampDelta, type: 'story', sourceDevice: 1, }; } const storyId1 = generateUuid(); const storyId2 = generateUuid(); const storyId3 = generateUuid(); const storyId4 = generateUuid(); const storyId5 = generateUuid(); const myStories = [ getMyStoryData(storyId1, distributionListId1, 5), getMyStoryData(storyId2, distributionListId2, 4), getMyStoryData(storyId3, distributionListId1, 3), getMyStoryData(storyId4, undefined, 2), // group story getMyStoryData(storyId5, distributionListId2, 1), ]; const rootState = getEmptyRootState(); return { storyId1, storyId2, storyId3, storyId4, storyId5, getState: () => ({ ...rootState, conversations: { ...rootState.conversations, conversationLookup: { [groupConversationId]: getMockConversation({ id: groupConversationId, title: 'Group', }), }, }, storyDistributionLists, stories: { ...rootState.stories, stories: myStories, }, }), }; } it('closes the viewer when hitting next at the last item', () => { const { getState, ...reduxData } = getSentStoryReduxData(); const { storyId3 } = reduxData; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: storyId3, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.MyStories, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Next, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: undefined, }); }); it('closes the viewer when hitting prev at the first item', () => { const { getState, ...reduxData } = getSentStoryReduxData(); const { storyId2 } = reduxData; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: storyId2, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.MyStories, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Previous, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: undefined, }); }); it('goes to next story within a distribution list', () => { const { getState, ...reduxData } = getSentStoryReduxData(); const { storyId1, storyId3 } = reduxData; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: storyId1, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.MyStories, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Next, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: { currentIndex: 1, messageId: storyId3, numStories: 2, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.MyStories, unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted: [], }, }); }); it('goes to prev story within a distribution list', () => { const { getState, ...reduxData } = getSentStoryReduxData(); const { storyId1, storyId3 } = reduxData; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: storyId3, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.MyStories, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Previous, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: { currentIndex: 0, messageId: storyId1, numStories: 2, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.MyStories, unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted: [], }, }); }); it('goes to the next distribution list', () => { const { getState, storyId4, storyId1 } = getSentStoryReduxData(); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: storyId4, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.MyStories, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Next, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: { currentIndex: 0, messageId: storyId1, numStories: 2, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.MyStories, unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted: [], }, }); }); it('goes to the prev distribution list', () => { const { getState, ...reduxData } = getSentStoryReduxData(); const { storyId4, storyId5 } = reduxData; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: storyId4, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.MyStories, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Previous, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: { currentIndex: 1, messageId: storyId5, numStories: 2, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.MyStories, unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted: [], }, }); }); it('goes next to a group story', () => { const { getState, ...reduxData } = getSentStoryReduxData(); const { storyId4, storyId5 } = reduxData; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: storyId5, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.MyStories, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Next, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: { currentIndex: 0, messageId: storyId4, numStories: 1, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.MyStories, unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted: [], }, }); }); it('goes prev to a group story', () => { const { getState, ...reduxData } = getSentStoryReduxData(); const { storyId1, storyId4 } = reduxData; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: storyId1, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.MyStories, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Previous, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: { currentIndex: 0, messageId: storyId4, numStories: 1, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.MyStories, unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted: [], }, }); }); }); describe('paging through collections of stories', () => { function getViewedStoryData( storyId: string, conversationId?: string, timestampDelta = 0 ): StoryDataType { return { ...getStoryData(storyId, conversationId, timestampDelta), readStatus: ReadStatus.Viewed, }; } it("goes to the next user's stories", () => { const storyId1 = generateUuid(); const storyId2 = generateUuid(); const storyId3 = generateUuid(); const conversationId2 = generateUuid(); const conversationId1 = generateUuid(); const getState = getStateFunction( [ getViewedStoryData(storyId1, conversationId1, 0), getViewedStoryData(storyId2, conversationId2, 1), getViewedStoryData(storyId3, conversationId2, 2), ], { [conversationId1]: getMockConversation({ id: conversationId1 }), [conversationId2]: getMockConversation({ id: conversationId2 }), } ); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: storyId1, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.All, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Next, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: { currentIndex: 0, messageId: storyId2, numStories: 2, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.All, unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted: [], }, }); }); it("goes to the prev user's stories", () => { const storyId1 = generateUuid(); const storyId2 = generateUuid(); const storyId3 = generateUuid(); const conversationId1 = generateUuid(); const conversationId2 = generateUuid(); const getState = getStateFunction( [ getViewedStoryData(storyId1, conversationId2), getViewedStoryData(storyId2, conversationId1), getViewedStoryData(storyId3, conversationId2), ], { [conversationId1]: getMockConversation({ id: conversationId1 }), [conversationId2]: getMockConversation({ id: conversationId2 }), } ); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); viewStory({ storyId: storyId2, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.All, viewDirection: StoryViewDirectionType.Previous, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/VIEW_STORY', payload: { currentIndex: 0, messageId: storyId1, numStories: 2, storyViewMode: StoryViewModeType.All, unviewedStoryConversationIdsSorted: [], }, }); }); }); }); describe('queueStoryDownload', () => { const { queueStoryDownload } = actions; it('no attachment, no dispatch', async () => { const storyId = generateUuid(); const messageAttributes = getStoryMessage(storyId); window.MessageCache.register(new MessageModel(messageAttributes)); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await queueStoryDownload(storyId)(dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null); sinon.assert.notCalled(dispatch); }); it('downloading, no dispatch', async () => { const storyId = generateUuid(); const messageAttributes = { ...getStoryMessage(storyId), attachments: [ { contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, downloadJobId: generateUuid(), pending: true, size: 0, }, ], }; window.MessageCache.register(new MessageModel(messageAttributes)); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await queueStoryDownload(storyId)(dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null); sinon.assert.notCalled(dispatch); }); it('downloaded, no dispatch', async () => { const storyId = generateUuid(); const messageAttributes = { ...getStoryMessage(storyId), attachments: [ { contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, path: 'image.jpg', url: '/path/to/image.jpg', size: 0, }, ], }; window.MessageCache.register(new MessageModel(messageAttributes)); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await queueStoryDownload(storyId)(dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null); sinon.assert.notCalled(dispatch); }); it('not downloaded, queued for download', async () => { const storyId = generateUuid(); const messageAttributes = { ...getStoryMessage(storyId), attachments: [ { contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, digest: 'digest', size: 0, }, ], }; await window.MessageCache.saveMessage(messageAttributes, { forceSave: true, }); const rootState = getEmptyRootState(); const getState = () => ({ ...rootState, stories: { ...rootState.stories, stories: [ { ...messageAttributes, sourceDevice: 1, attachment: messageAttributes.attachments[0], messageId: messageAttributes.id, expireTimer: messageAttributes.expireTimer, expirationStartTimestamp: dropNull( messageAttributes.expirationStartTimestamp ), }, ], }, }); window.MessageCache.register(new MessageModel(messageAttributes)); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await queueStoryDownload(storyId)(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/QUEUE_STORY_DOWNLOAD', payload: storyId, }); }); it('preview not downloaded, queued for download', async () => { const storyId = generateUuid(); const preview = { url: 'https://signal.org', image: { contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, digest: 'digest-1', size: 0, }, isCallLink: false, }; const messageAttributes = { ...getStoryMessage(storyId), attachments: [ { contentType: TEXT_ATTACHMENT, digest: 'digest-2', size: 0, textAttachment: { preview, }, }, ], preview: [preview], }; await window.MessageCache.saveMessage(messageAttributes, { forceSave: true, }); const rootState = getEmptyRootState(); const getState = () => ({ ...rootState, stories: { ...rootState.stories, stories: [ { ...messageAttributes, sourceDevice: 1, attachment: messageAttributes.attachments[0], messageId: messageAttributes.id, expireTimer: messageAttributes.expireTimer, expirationStartTimestamp: dropNull( messageAttributes.expirationStartTimestamp ), }, ], }, }); window.MessageCache.register(new MessageModel(messageAttributes)); const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await queueStoryDownload(storyId)(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'stories/QUEUE_STORY_DOWNLOAD', payload: storyId, }); }); }); });