// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import { actions, getEmptyState, reducer } from '../../../state/ducks/composer'; import { noopAction } from '../../../state/ducks/noop'; import { reducer as rootReducer } from '../../../state/reducer'; import { IMAGE_JPEG } from '../../../types/MIME'; import type { AttachmentDraftType } from '../../../types/Attachment'; import { fakeDraftAttachment } from '../../helpers/fakeAttachment'; describe('both/state/ducks/composer', () => { const QUOTED_MESSAGE = { conversationId: '123', quote: { attachments: [], id: 456, isViewOnce: false, isGiftBadge: false, messageId: '789', referencedMessageNotFound: false, }, }; const getRootStateFunction = (selectedConversationId?: string) => { const state = rootReducer(undefined, noopAction()); return () => ({ ...state, conversations: { ...state.conversations, selectedConversationId, }, }); }; describe('replaceAttachments', () => { it('replaces the attachments state', () => { const { replaceAttachments } = actions; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); const attachments: Array = [ { contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, pending: true, size: 2433, path: 'image.jpg', }, ]; replaceAttachments('123', attachments)( dispatch, getRootStateFunction('123'), null ); const action = dispatch.getCall(0).args[0]; const state = reducer(getEmptyState(), action); assert.deepEqual(state.attachments, attachments); }); it('sets the high quality setting to false when there are no attachments', () => { const { replaceAttachments } = actions; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); const attachments: Array = []; replaceAttachments('123', attachments)( dispatch, getRootStateFunction('123'), null ); const action = dispatch.getCall(0).args[0]; const state = reducer( { ...getEmptyState(), shouldSendHighQualityAttachments: true, }, action ); assert.deepEqual(state.attachments, attachments); assert.deepEqual(state.attachments, attachments); assert.isUndefined(state.shouldSendHighQualityAttachments); }); it('does not update redux if the conversation is not selected', () => { const { replaceAttachments } = actions; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); const attachments = [fakeDraftAttachment()]; replaceAttachments('123', attachments)( dispatch, getRootStateFunction('456'), null ); assert.isNull(dispatch.getCall(0)); }); }); describe('resetComposer', () => { it('returns composer back to empty state', () => { const { resetComposer } = actions; const emptyState = getEmptyState(); const nextState = reducer( { attachments: [], isDisabled: false, linkPreviewLoading: true, messageCompositionId: emptyState.messageCompositionId, quotedMessage: QUOTED_MESSAGE, shouldSendHighQualityAttachments: true, }, resetComposer() ); assert.deepEqual(nextState, { ...getEmptyState(), messageCompositionId: nextState.messageCompositionId, }); }); }); describe('setMediaQualitySetting', () => { it('toggles the media quality setting', () => { const { setMediaQualitySetting } = actions; const state = getEmptyState(); assert.isUndefined(state.shouldSendHighQualityAttachments); const nextState = reducer(state, setMediaQualitySetting(true)); assert.isTrue(nextState.shouldSendHighQualityAttachments); const nextNextState = reducer(nextState, setMediaQualitySetting(false)); assert.isFalse(nextNextState.shouldSendHighQualityAttachments); }); }); describe('setQuotedMessage', () => { it('sets the quoted message', () => { const { setQuotedMessage } = actions; const state = getEmptyState(); const nextState = reducer(state, setQuotedMessage(QUOTED_MESSAGE)); assert.equal(nextState.quotedMessage?.conversationId, '123'); assert.equal(nextState.quotedMessage?.quote?.id, 456); }); }); });