// Copyright 2024 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { omit } from 'lodash'; import * as durations from '../util/durations'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { type AttachmentDownloadJobTypeType, type AttachmentDownloadJobType, type CoreAttachmentDownloadJobType, coreAttachmentDownloadJobSchema, } from '../types/AttachmentDownload'; import { AttachmentPermanentlyUndownloadableError, downloadAttachment as downloadAttachmentUtil, } from '../util/downloadAttachment'; import { DataWriter } from '../sql/Client'; import { getValue } from '../RemoteConfig'; import { isInCall as isInCallSelector } from '../state/selectors/calling'; import { AttachmentSizeError, type AttachmentType, AttachmentVariant, } from '../types/Attachment'; import { __DEPRECATED$getMessageById } from '../messages/getMessageById'; import { KIBIBYTE, getMaximumIncomingAttachmentSizeInKb, getMaximumIncomingTextAttachmentSizeInKb, } from '../types/AttachmentSize'; import { addAttachmentToMessage } from '../messageModifiers/AttachmentDownloads'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import { redactGenericText } from '../util/privacy'; import { JobManager, type JobManagerParamsType, type JobManagerJobResultType, } from './JobManager'; import { isImageTypeSupported, isVideoTypeSupported, } from '../util/GoogleChrome'; import type { MIMEType } from '../types/MIME'; export enum AttachmentDownloadUrgency { IMMEDIATE = 'immediate', STANDARD = 'standard', } // Type for adding a new job export type NewAttachmentDownloadJobType = { attachment: AttachmentType; messageId: string; receivedAt: number; sentAt: number; attachmentType: AttachmentDownloadJobTypeType; urgency?: AttachmentDownloadUrgency; }; const MAX_CONCURRENT_JOBS = 3; const DEFAULT_RETRY_CONFIG = { maxAttempts: 5, backoffConfig: { // 30 seconds, 5 minutes, 50 minutes, (max) 6 hrs multiplier: 10, firstBackoffs: [30 * durations.SECOND], maxBackoffTime: 6 * durations.HOUR, }, }; type AttachmentDownloadManagerParamsType = Omit< JobManagerParamsType<CoreAttachmentDownloadJobType>, 'getNextJobs' | 'runJob' > & { getNextJobs: (options: { limit: number; prioritizeMessageIds?: Array<string>; timestamp?: number; }) => Promise<Array<AttachmentDownloadJobType>>; runDownloadAttachmentJob: (args: { job: AttachmentDownloadJobType; isLastAttempt: boolean; options?: { isForCurrentlyVisibleMessage: boolean }; dependencies: { downloadAttachment: typeof downloadAttachmentUtil }; }) => Promise<JobManagerJobResultType<CoreAttachmentDownloadJobType>>; }; function getJobId(job: CoreAttachmentDownloadJobType): string { const { messageId, attachmentType, digest } = job; return `${messageId}.${attachmentType}.${digest}`; } function getJobIdForLogging(job: CoreAttachmentDownloadJobType): string { const { sentAt, attachmentType, digest } = job; const redactedDigest = redactGenericText(digest); return `${sentAt}.${attachmentType}.${redactedDigest}`; } export class AttachmentDownloadManager extends JobManager<CoreAttachmentDownloadJobType> { private visibleTimelineMessages: Set<string> = new Set(); private static _instance: AttachmentDownloadManager | undefined; override logPrefix = 'AttachmentDownloadManager'; static defaultParams: AttachmentDownloadManagerParamsType = { markAllJobsInactive: DataWriter.resetAttachmentDownloadActive, saveJob: DataWriter.saveAttachmentDownloadJob, removeJob: DataWriter.removeAttachmentDownloadJob, getNextJobs: DataWriter.getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs, runDownloadAttachmentJob, shouldHoldOffOnStartingQueuedJobs: () => { const reduxState = window.reduxStore?.getState(); if (reduxState) { return isInCallSelector(reduxState); } return false; }, getJobId, getJobIdForLogging, getRetryConfig: () => DEFAULT_RETRY_CONFIG, maxConcurrentJobs: MAX_CONCURRENT_JOBS, }; constructor(params: AttachmentDownloadManagerParamsType) { super({ ...params, getNextJobs: ({ limit }) => { return params.getNextJobs({ limit, prioritizeMessageIds: [...this.visibleTimelineMessages], timestamp: Date.now(), }); }, runJob: (job: AttachmentDownloadJobType, isLastAttempt: boolean) => { const isForCurrentlyVisibleMessage = this.visibleTimelineMessages.has( job.messageId ); return params.runDownloadAttachmentJob({ job, isLastAttempt, options: { isForCurrentlyVisibleMessage, }, dependencies: { downloadAttachment: downloadAttachmentUtil }, }); }, }); } // @ts-expect-error we are overriding the return type of JobManager's addJob override async addJob( newJobData: NewAttachmentDownloadJobType ): Promise<AttachmentType> { const { attachment, messageId, attachmentType, receivedAt, sentAt, urgency = AttachmentDownloadUrgency.STANDARD, } = newJobData; const parseResult = coreAttachmentDownloadJobSchema.safeParse({ messageId, receivedAt, sentAt, attachmentType, digest: attachment.digest, contentType: attachment.contentType, size: attachment.size, attachment, }); if (!parseResult.success) { log.error( `AttachmentDownloadManager/addJob(${sentAt}.${attachmentType}): invalid data`, parseResult.error ); return attachment; } const newJob = parseResult.data; const { isAlreadyRunning } = await this._addJob(newJob, { forceStart: urgency === AttachmentDownloadUrgency.IMMEDIATE, }); if (isAlreadyRunning) { return attachment; } return { ...attachment, pending: !this.params.shouldHoldOffOnStartingQueuedJobs?.(), }; } updateVisibleTimelineMessages(messageIds: Array<string>): void { this.visibleTimelineMessages = new Set(messageIds); } static get instance(): AttachmentDownloadManager { if (!AttachmentDownloadManager._instance) { AttachmentDownloadManager._instance = new AttachmentDownloadManager( AttachmentDownloadManager.defaultParams ); } return AttachmentDownloadManager._instance; } static async start(): Promise<void> { log.info('AttachmentDownloadManager/starting'); await AttachmentDownloadManager.instance.start(); } static async stop(): Promise<void> { log.info('AttachmentDownloadManager/stopping'); return AttachmentDownloadManager._instance?.stop(); } static async addJob( newJob: NewAttachmentDownloadJobType ): Promise<AttachmentType> { return AttachmentDownloadManager.instance.addJob(newJob); } static updateVisibleTimelineMessages(messageIds: Array<string>): void { AttachmentDownloadManager.instance.updateVisibleTimelineMessages( messageIds ); } } async function runDownloadAttachmentJob({ job, isLastAttempt, options, dependencies, }: { job: AttachmentDownloadJobType; isLastAttempt: boolean; options?: { isForCurrentlyVisibleMessage: boolean }; dependencies: { downloadAttachment: typeof downloadAttachmentUtil }; }): Promise<JobManagerJobResultType<CoreAttachmentDownloadJobType>> { const jobIdForLogging = getJobIdForLogging(job); const logId = `AttachmentDownloadManager/runDownloadAttachmentJob/${jobIdForLogging}`; const message = await __DEPRECATED$getMessageById(job.messageId); if (!message) { log.error(`${logId} message not found`); return { status: 'finished' }; } try { log.info(`${logId}: Starting job`); const result = await runDownloadAttachmentJobInner({ job, isForCurrentlyVisibleMessage: options?.isForCurrentlyVisibleMessage ?? false, dependencies, }); if (result.onlyAttemptedBackupThumbnail) { return { status: 'finished', newJob: { ...job, attachment: result.attachmentWithThumbnail }, }; } return { status: 'finished', }; } catch (error) { log.error( `${logId}: Failed to download attachment, attempt ${job.attempts}:`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); if (error instanceof AttachmentSizeError) { await addAttachmentToMessage( message.id, _markAttachmentAsTooBig(job.attachment), logId, { type: job.attachmentType } ); return { status: 'finished' }; } if (error instanceof AttachmentPermanentlyUndownloadableError) { await addAttachmentToMessage( message.id, _markAttachmentAsPermanentlyErrored(job.attachment), logId, { type: job.attachmentType } ); return { status: 'finished' }; } if (isLastAttempt) { await addAttachmentToMessage( message.id, _markAttachmentAsTransientlyErrored(job.attachment), logId, { type: job.attachmentType } ); return { status: 'finished' }; } // Remove `pending` flag from the attachment and retry later await addAttachmentToMessage( message.id, { ...job.attachment, pending: false, }, logId, { type: job.attachmentType } ); return { status: 'retry' }; } finally { // This will fail if the message has been deleted before the download finished, which // is good await DataWriter.saveMessage(message.attributes, { ourAci: window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedAci(), }); } } type DownloadAttachmentResultType = | { onlyAttemptedBackupThumbnail: false; } | { onlyAttemptedBackupThumbnail: true; attachmentWithThumbnail: AttachmentType; }; export async function runDownloadAttachmentJobInner({ job, isForCurrentlyVisibleMessage, dependencies, }: { job: AttachmentDownloadJobType; isForCurrentlyVisibleMessage: boolean; dependencies: { downloadAttachment: typeof downloadAttachmentUtil }; }): Promise<DownloadAttachmentResultType> { const { messageId, attachment, attachmentType } = job; const jobIdForLogging = getJobIdForLogging(job); let logId = `AttachmentDownloadManager/runDownloadJobInner(${jobIdForLogging})`; if (!job || !attachment || !messageId) { throw new Error(`${logId}: Key information required for job was missing.`); } const maxInKib = getMaximumIncomingAttachmentSizeInKb(getValue); const maxTextAttachmentSizeInKib = getMaximumIncomingTextAttachmentSizeInKb(getValue); const { size } = attachment; const sizeInKib = size / KIBIBYTE; if (!Number.isFinite(size) || size < 0 || sizeInKib > maxInKib) { throw new AttachmentSizeError( `${logId}: Attachment was ${sizeInKib}kib, max is ${maxInKib}kib` ); } if ( attachmentType === 'long-message' && sizeInKib > maxTextAttachmentSizeInKib ) { throw new AttachmentSizeError( `${logId}: Text attachment was ${sizeInKib}kib, max is ${maxTextAttachmentSizeInKib}kib` ); } const preferBackupThumbnail = isForCurrentlyVisibleMessage && mightHaveThumbnailOnBackupTier(job.attachment) && // TODO (DESKTOP-7204): check if thumbnail exists on attachment, not on job !job.attachment.thumbnailFromBackup; if (preferBackupThumbnail) { logId += '.preferringBackupThumbnail'; } if (preferBackupThumbnail) { try { const attachmentWithThumbnail = await downloadBackupThumbnail({ attachment, dependencies, }); await addAttachmentToMessage(messageId, attachmentWithThumbnail, logId, { type: attachmentType, }); return { onlyAttemptedBackupThumbnail: true, attachmentWithThumbnail, }; } catch (e) { log.warn(`${logId}: error when trying to download thumbnail`); } } // TODO (DESKTOP-7204): currently we only set pending state when downloading the // full-size attachment await addAttachmentToMessage( messageId, { ...attachment, pending: true }, logId, { type: attachmentType } ); try { const downloaded = await dependencies.downloadAttachment({ attachment, variant: AttachmentVariant.Default, }); const upgradedAttachment = await window.Signal.Migrations.processNewAttachment({ ...omit(attachment, ['error', 'pending']), ...downloaded, }); await addAttachmentToMessage(messageId, upgradedAttachment, logId, { type: attachmentType, }); return { onlyAttemptedBackupThumbnail: false }; } catch (error) { if ( !job.attachment.thumbnailFromBackup && mightHaveThumbnailOnBackupTier(attachment) && !preferBackupThumbnail ) { log.error( `${logId}: failed to download fullsize attachment, falling back to thumbnail`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); try { const attachmentWithThumbnail = await downloadBackupThumbnail({ attachment, dependencies, }); await addAttachmentToMessage( messageId, omit(attachmentWithThumbnail, 'pending'), logId, { type: attachmentType, } ); return { onlyAttemptedBackupThumbnail: false, }; } catch (thumbnailError) { log.error( `${logId}: fallback attempt to download thumbnail failed`, Errors.toLogFormat(thumbnailError) ); } } throw error; } } async function downloadBackupThumbnail({ attachment, dependencies, }: { attachment: AttachmentType; dependencies: { downloadAttachment: typeof downloadAttachmentUtil }; }): Promise<AttachmentType> { const downloadedThumbnail = await dependencies.downloadAttachment({ attachment, variant: AttachmentVariant.ThumbnailFromBackup, }); const attachmentWithThumbnail = { ...attachment, thumbnailFromBackup: downloadedThumbnail, }; return attachmentWithThumbnail; } function _markAttachmentAsTooBig(attachment: AttachmentType): AttachmentType { return { ..._markAttachmentAsPermanentlyErrored(attachment), wasTooBig: true, }; } function _markAttachmentAsPermanentlyErrored( attachment: AttachmentType ): AttachmentType { return { ...omit(attachment, ['key', 'id']), pending: false, error: true }; } function _markAttachmentAsTransientlyErrored( attachment: AttachmentType ): AttachmentType { return { ...attachment, pending: false, error: true }; } function mightHaveThumbnailOnBackupTier( attachment: Pick<AttachmentType, 'backupLocator' | 'contentType'> ): boolean { if (!attachment.backupLocator?.mediaName) { return false; } return canAttachmentHaveThumbnail(attachment.contentType); } export function canAttachmentHaveThumbnail(contentType: MIMEType): boolean { return isVideoTypeSupported(contentType) || isImageTypeSupported(contentType); }