// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */ /* eslint-disable camelcase */ /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-types */ import { ipcRenderer as ipc } from 'electron'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; import pify from 'pify'; import { cloneDeep, compact, fromPairs, get, groupBy, isFunction, last, map, omit, set, toPairs, uniq, } from 'lodash'; import * as Bytes from '../Bytes'; import { CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION } from '../../js/modules/types/message'; import { createBatcher } from '../util/batcher'; import { assert, strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { cleanDataForIpc } from './cleanDataForIpc'; import { ReactionType } from '../types/Reactions'; import { ConversationColorType, CustomColorType } from '../types/Colors'; import type { ProcessGroupCallRingRequestResult } from '../types/Calling'; import type { RemoveAllConfiguration } from '../types/RemoveAllConfiguration'; import createTaskWithTimeout from '../textsecure/TaskWithTimeout'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { ConversationModelCollectionType, MessageModelCollectionType, } from '../model-types.d'; import { StoredJob } from '../jobs/types'; import { formatJobForInsert } from '../jobs/formatJobForInsert'; import { AttachmentDownloadJobType, ClientInterface, ClientJobType, ClientSearchResultMessageType, ConversationType, DeleteSentProtoRecipientOptionsType, IdentityKeyType, IdentityKeyIdType, ItemKeyType, ItemType, LastConversationMessagesType, MessageType, MessageTypeUnhydrated, PreKeyType, PreKeyIdType, SearchResultMessageType, SenderKeyType, SenderKeyIdType, SentMessageDBType, SentMessagesType, SentProtoType, SentProtoWithMessageIdsType, SentRecipientsDBType, SentRecipientsType, ServerInterface, SessionType, SessionIdType, SignedPreKeyType, SignedPreKeyIdType, StickerPackStatusType, StickerPackType, StickerType, UnprocessedType, UnprocessedUpdateType, } from './Interface'; import Server from './Server'; import { isCorruptionError } from './errors'; import { MessageModel } from '../models/messages'; import { ConversationModel } from '../models/conversations'; // We listen to a lot of events on ipc, often on the same channel. This prevents // any warnings that might be sent to the console in that case. if (ipc && ipc.setMaxListeners) { ipc.setMaxListeners(0); } else { log.warn('sql/Client: ipc is not available!'); } const getRealPath = pify(fs.realpath); const MIN_TRACE_DURATION = 10; const SQL_CHANNEL_KEY = 'sql-channel'; const ERASE_SQL_KEY = 'erase-sql-key'; const ERASE_ATTACHMENTS_KEY = 'erase-attachments'; const ERASE_STICKERS_KEY = 'erase-stickers'; const ERASE_TEMP_KEY = 'erase-temp'; const ERASE_DRAFTS_KEY = 'erase-drafts'; const CLEANUP_ORPHANED_ATTACHMENTS_KEY = 'cleanup-orphaned-attachments'; const ENSURE_FILE_PERMISSIONS = 'ensure-file-permissions'; type ClientJobUpdateType = { resolve: Function; reject: Function; args?: Array; }; enum RendererState { InMain = 'InMain', Opening = 'Opening', InRenderer = 'InRenderer', Closing = 'Closing', } const _jobs: { [id: string]: ClientJobType } = Object.create(null); const _DEBUG = false; let _jobCounter = 0; let _shuttingDown = false; let _shutdownCallback: Function | null = null; let _shutdownPromise: Promise | null = null; let state = RendererState.InMain; const startupQueries = new Map(); // Because we can't force this module to conform to an interface, we narrow our exports // to this one default export, which does conform to the interface. // Note: In Javascript, you need to access the .default property when requiring it // https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/420 const dataInterface: ClientInterface = { close, removeDB, removeIndexedDBFiles, createOrUpdateIdentityKey, getIdentityKeyById, bulkAddIdentityKeys, removeIdentityKeyById, removeAllIdentityKeys, getAllIdentityKeys, createOrUpdatePreKey, getPreKeyById, bulkAddPreKeys, removePreKeyById, removeAllPreKeys, getAllPreKeys, createOrUpdateSignedPreKey, getSignedPreKeyById, getAllSignedPreKeys, bulkAddSignedPreKeys, removeSignedPreKeyById, removeAllSignedPreKeys, createOrUpdateItem, getItemById, getAllItems, removeItemById, removeAllItems, createOrUpdateSenderKey, getSenderKeyById, removeAllSenderKeys, getAllSenderKeys, removeSenderKeyById, insertSentProto, deleteSentProtosOlderThan, deleteSentProtoByMessageId, insertProtoRecipients, deleteSentProtoRecipient, getSentProtoByRecipient, removeAllSentProtos, getAllSentProtos, _getAllSentProtoRecipients, _getAllSentProtoMessageIds, createOrUpdateSession, createOrUpdateSessions, commitSessionsAndUnprocessed, bulkAddSessions, removeSessionById, removeSessionsByConversation, removeAllSessions, getAllSessions, getConversationCount, saveConversation, saveConversations, getConversationById, updateConversation, updateConversations, removeConversation, updateAllConversationColors, eraseStorageServiceStateFromConversations, getAllConversations, getAllConversationIds, getAllPrivateConversations, getAllGroupsInvolvingId, searchConversations, searchMessages, searchMessagesInConversation, getMessageCount, saveMessage, saveMessages, removeMessage, removeMessages, getUnreadCountForConversation, getUnreadByConversationAndMarkRead, getUnreadReactionsAndMarkRead, markReactionAsRead, removeReactionFromConversation, addReaction, getMessageBySender, getMessageById, getMessagesById, getAllMessageIds, getMessagesBySentAt, getExpiredMessages, getMessagesUnexpectedlyMissingExpirationStartTimestamp, getSoonestMessageExpiry, getNextTapToViewMessageTimestampToAgeOut, getTapToViewMessagesNeedingErase, getOlderMessagesByConversation, getNewerMessagesByConversation, getLastConversationMessages, getMessageMetricsForConversation, hasGroupCallHistoryMessage, migrateConversationMessages, getUnprocessedCount, getAllUnprocessed, getUnprocessedById, updateUnprocessedWithData, updateUnprocessedsWithData, removeUnprocessed, removeAllUnprocessed, getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs, saveAttachmentDownloadJob, resetAttachmentDownloadPending, setAttachmentDownloadJobPending, removeAttachmentDownloadJob, removeAllAttachmentDownloadJobs, getStickerCount, createOrUpdateStickerPack, updateStickerPackStatus, createOrUpdateSticker, updateStickerLastUsed, addStickerPackReference, deleteStickerPackReference, deleteStickerPack, getAllStickerPacks, getAllStickers, getRecentStickers, clearAllErrorStickerPackAttempts, updateEmojiUsage, getRecentEmojis, removeAll, removeAllConfiguration, getMessagesNeedingUpgrade, getMessagesWithVisualMediaAttachments, getMessagesWithFileAttachments, getMessageServerGuidsForSpam, getJobsInQueue, insertJob, deleteJob, processGroupCallRingRequest, processGroupCallRingCancelation, cleanExpiredGroupCallRings, getMaxMessageCounter, getStatisticsForLogging, // Test-only _getAllMessages, // Client-side only shutdown, removeAllMessagesInConversation, removeOtherData, cleanupOrphanedAttachments, ensureFilePermissions, // Client-side only, and test-only startInRendererProcess, goBackToMainProcess, _removeConversations, _jobs, }; export default dataInterface; async function startInRendererProcess(isTesting = false): Promise { strictAssert( state === RendererState.InMain, `startInRendererProcess: expected ${state} to be ${RendererState.InMain}` ); log.info('data.startInRendererProcess: switching to renderer process'); state = RendererState.Opening; if (!isTesting) { ipc.send('database-ready'); await new Promise(resolve => { ipc.once('database-ready', () => { resolve(); }); }); } const configDir = await getRealPath(ipc.sendSync('get-user-data-path')); const key = ipc.sendSync('user-config-key'); await Server.initializeRenderer({ configDir, key }); log.info('data.startInRendererProcess: switched to renderer process'); state = RendererState.InRenderer; } async function goBackToMainProcess(): Promise { strictAssert( state === RendererState.InRenderer, `goBackToMainProcess: expected ${state} to be ${RendererState.InRenderer}` ); // We don't need to wait for pending queries since they are synchronous. log.info('data.goBackToMainProcess: switching to main process'); const closePromise = close(); // It should be the last query we run in renderer process state = RendererState.Closing; await closePromise; state = RendererState.InMain; // Print query statistics for whole startup const entries = Array.from(startupQueries.entries()); startupQueries.clear(); // Sort by decreasing duration entries .sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]) .filter(([_, duration]) => duration > MIN_TRACE_DURATION) .forEach(([query, duration]) => { log.info(`startup query: ${query} ${duration}ms`); }); log.info('data.goBackToMainProcess: switched to main process'); } const channelsAsUnknown = fromPairs( compact( map(toPairs(dataInterface), ([name, value]: [string, any]) => { if (isFunction(value)) { return [name, makeChannel(name)]; } return null; }) ) ) as any; const channels: ServerInterface = channelsAsUnknown; function _cleanData( data: unknown ): ReturnType['cleaned'] { const { cleaned, pathsChanged } = cleanDataForIpc(data); if (pathsChanged.length) { log.info( `_cleanData cleaned the following paths: ${pathsChanged.join(', ')}` ); } return cleaned; } function _cleanMessageData(data: MessageType): MessageType { // Ensure that all messages have the received_at set properly if (!data.received_at) { assert(false, 'received_at was not set on the message'); data.received_at = window.Signal.Util.incrementMessageCounter(); } return _cleanData(omit(data, ['dataMessage'])); } async function _shutdown() { const jobKeys = Object.keys(_jobs); log.info( `data.shutdown: shutdown requested. ${jobKeys.length} jobs outstanding` ); if (_shutdownPromise) { await _shutdownPromise; return; } _shuttingDown = true; // No outstanding jobs, return immediately if (jobKeys.length === 0 || _DEBUG) { return; } // Outstanding jobs; we need to wait until the last one is done _shutdownPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { _shutdownCallback = (error: Error) => { log.info('data.shutdown: process complete'); if (error) { reject(error); return; } resolve(); }; }); await _shutdownPromise; } function _makeJob(fnName: string) { if (_shuttingDown && fnName !== 'close') { throw new Error( `Rejecting SQL channel job (${fnName}); application is shutting down` ); } _jobCounter += 1; const id = _jobCounter; if (_DEBUG) { log.info(`SQL channel job ${id} (${fnName}) started`); } _jobs[id] = { fnName, start: Date.now(), }; return id; } function _updateJob(id: number, data: ClientJobUpdateType) { const { resolve, reject } = data; const { fnName, start } = _jobs[id]; _jobs[id] = { ..._jobs[id], ...data, resolve: (value: any) => { _removeJob(id); const end = Date.now(); if (_DEBUG) { log.info( `SQL channel job ${id} (${fnName}) succeeded in ${end - start}ms` ); } return resolve(value); }, reject: (error: Error) => { _removeJob(id); const end = Date.now(); log.info(`SQL channel job ${id} (${fnName}) failed in ${end - start}ms`); return reject(error); }, }; } function _removeJob(id: number) { if (_DEBUG) { _jobs[id].complete = true; return; } delete _jobs[id]; if (_shutdownCallback) { const keys = Object.keys(_jobs); if (keys.length === 0) { _shutdownCallback(); } } } function _getJob(id: number) { return _jobs[id]; } if (ipc && ipc.on) { ipc.on(`${SQL_CHANNEL_KEY}-done`, (_, jobId, errorForDisplay, result) => { const job = _getJob(jobId); if (!job) { throw new Error( `Received SQL channel reply to job ${jobId}, but did not have it in our registry!` ); } const { resolve, reject, fnName } = job; if (!resolve || !reject) { throw new Error( `SQL channel job ${jobId} (${fnName}): didn't have a resolve or reject` ); } if (errorForDisplay) { return reject( new Error( `Error received from SQL channel job ${jobId} (${fnName}): ${errorForDisplay}` ) ); } return resolve(result); }); } else { log.warn('sql/Client: ipc.on is not available!'); } function makeChannel(fnName: string) { return async (...args: Array) => { // During startup we want to avoid the high overhead of IPC so we utilize // the db that exists in the renderer process to be able to boot up quickly // once the app is running we switch back to the main process to avoid the // UI from locking up whenever we do costly db operations. if (state === RendererState.InRenderer) { const serverFnName = fnName as keyof ServerInterface; const start = Date.now(); try { // Ignoring this error TS2556: Expected 3 arguments, but got 0 or more. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore return await Server[serverFnName](...args); } catch (error) { if (isCorruptionError(error)) { log.error( 'Detected sql corruption in renderer process. ' + `Restarting the application immediately. Error: ${error.message}` ); ipc?.send('database-error', error.stack); } log.error( `Renderer SQL channel job (${fnName}) error ${error.message}` ); throw error; } finally { const duration = Date.now() - start; startupQueries.set( serverFnName, (startupQueries.get(serverFnName) || 0) + duration ); if (duration > MIN_TRACE_DURATION || _DEBUG) { log.info( `Renderer SQL channel job (${fnName}) completed in ${duration}ms` ); } } } const jobId = _makeJob(fnName); return createTaskWithTimeout( () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { ipc.send(SQL_CHANNEL_KEY, jobId, fnName, ...args); _updateJob(jobId, { resolve, reject, args: _DEBUG ? args : undefined, }); } catch (error) { _removeJob(jobId); reject(error); } }), `SQL channel job ${jobId} (${fnName})` )(); }; } function keysToBytes(keys: Array, data: any) { const updated = cloneDeep(data); const max = keys.length; for (let i = 0; i < max; i += 1) { const key = keys[i]; const value = get(data, key); if (value) { set(updated, key, Bytes.fromBase64(value)); } } return updated; } function keysFromBytes(keys: Array, data: any) { const updated = cloneDeep(data); const max = keys.length; for (let i = 0; i < max; i += 1) { const key = keys[i]; const value = get(data, key); if (value) { set(updated, key, Bytes.toBase64(value)); } } return updated; } // Top-level calls async function shutdown() { // Stop accepting new SQL jobs, flush outstanding queue await _shutdown(); // Close database await close(); } // Note: will need to restart the app after calling this, to set up afresh async function close() { await channels.close(); } // Note: will need to restart the app after calling this, to set up afresh async function removeDB() { await channels.removeDB(); } async function removeIndexedDBFiles() { await channels.removeIndexedDBFiles(); } // Identity Keys const IDENTITY_KEY_KEYS = ['publicKey']; async function createOrUpdateIdentityKey(data: IdentityKeyType) { const updated = keysFromBytes(IDENTITY_KEY_KEYS, data); await channels.createOrUpdateIdentityKey(updated); } async function getIdentityKeyById(id: IdentityKeyIdType) { const data = await channels.getIdentityKeyById(id); return keysToBytes(IDENTITY_KEY_KEYS, data); } async function bulkAddIdentityKeys(array: Array) { const updated = map(array, data => keysFromBytes(IDENTITY_KEY_KEYS, data)); await channels.bulkAddIdentityKeys(updated); } async function removeIdentityKeyById(id: IdentityKeyIdType) { await channels.removeIdentityKeyById(id); } async function removeAllIdentityKeys() { await channels.removeAllIdentityKeys(); } async function getAllIdentityKeys() { const keys = await channels.getAllIdentityKeys(); return keys.map(key => keysToBytes(IDENTITY_KEY_KEYS, key)); } // Pre Keys async function createOrUpdatePreKey(data: PreKeyType) { const updated = keysFromBytes(PRE_KEY_KEYS, data); await channels.createOrUpdatePreKey(updated); } async function getPreKeyById(id: PreKeyIdType) { const data = await channels.getPreKeyById(id); return keysToBytes(PRE_KEY_KEYS, data); } async function bulkAddPreKeys(array: Array) { const updated = map(array, data => keysFromBytes(PRE_KEY_KEYS, data)); await channels.bulkAddPreKeys(updated); } async function removePreKeyById(id: PreKeyIdType) { await channels.removePreKeyById(id); } async function removeAllPreKeys() { await channels.removeAllPreKeys(); } async function getAllPreKeys() { const keys = await channels.getAllPreKeys(); return keys.map(key => keysToBytes(PRE_KEY_KEYS, key)); } // Signed Pre Keys const PRE_KEY_KEYS = ['privateKey', 'publicKey']; async function createOrUpdateSignedPreKey(data: SignedPreKeyType) { const updated = keysFromBytes(PRE_KEY_KEYS, data); await channels.createOrUpdateSignedPreKey(updated); } async function getSignedPreKeyById(id: SignedPreKeyIdType) { const data = await channels.getSignedPreKeyById(id); return keysToBytes(PRE_KEY_KEYS, data); } async function getAllSignedPreKeys() { const keys = await channels.getAllSignedPreKeys(); return keys.map((key: SignedPreKeyType) => keysToBytes(PRE_KEY_KEYS, key)); } async function bulkAddSignedPreKeys(array: Array) { const updated = map(array, data => keysFromBytes(PRE_KEY_KEYS, data)); await channels.bulkAddSignedPreKeys(updated); } async function removeSignedPreKeyById(id: SignedPreKeyIdType) { await channels.removeSignedPreKeyById(id); } async function removeAllSignedPreKeys() { await channels.removeAllSignedPreKeys(); } // Items const ITEM_KEYS: Partial>> = { senderCertificate: ['value.serialized'], senderCertificateNoE164: ['value.serialized'], profileKey: ['value'], }; async function createOrUpdateItem(data: ItemType) { const { id } = data; if (!id) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateItem: Provided data did not have a truthy id' ); } const keys = ITEM_KEYS[id]; const updated = Array.isArray(keys) ? keysFromBytes(keys, data) : data; await channels.createOrUpdateItem(updated); } async function getItemById( id: K ): Promise | undefined> { const keys = ITEM_KEYS[id]; const data = await channels.getItemById(id); return Array.isArray(keys) ? keysToBytes(keys, data) : data; } async function getAllItems() { const items = await channels.getAllItems(); const result = Object.create(null); for (const id of Object.keys(items)) { const key = id as ItemKeyType; const value = items[key]; const keys = ITEM_KEYS[key]; const deserializedValue = Array.isArray(keys) ? keysToBytes(keys, { value }).value : value; result[key] = deserializedValue; } return result; } async function removeItemById(id: ItemKeyType) { await channels.removeItemById(id); } async function removeAllItems() { await channels.removeAllItems(); } // Sender Keys async function createOrUpdateSenderKey(key: SenderKeyType): Promise { await channels.createOrUpdateSenderKey(key); } async function getSenderKeyById( id: SenderKeyIdType ): Promise { return channels.getSenderKeyById(id); } async function removeAllSenderKeys(): Promise { await channels.removeAllSenderKeys(); } async function getAllSenderKeys(): Promise> { return channels.getAllSenderKeys(); } async function removeSenderKeyById(id: SenderKeyIdType): Promise { return channels.removeSenderKeyById(id); } // Sent Protos async function insertSentProto( proto: SentProtoType, options: { messageIds: SentMessagesType; recipients: SentRecipientsType; } ): Promise { return channels.insertSentProto(proto, { ...options, messageIds: uniq(options.messageIds), }); } async function deleteSentProtosOlderThan(timestamp: number): Promise { await channels.deleteSentProtosOlderThan(timestamp); } async function deleteSentProtoByMessageId(messageId: string): Promise { await channels.deleteSentProtoByMessageId(messageId); } async function insertProtoRecipients(options: { id: number; recipientUuid: string; deviceIds: Array; }): Promise { await channels.insertProtoRecipients(options); } async function deleteSentProtoRecipient( options: | DeleteSentProtoRecipientOptionsType | ReadonlyArray ): Promise { await channels.deleteSentProtoRecipient(options); } async function getSentProtoByRecipient(options: { now: number; recipientUuid: string; timestamp: number; }): Promise { return channels.getSentProtoByRecipient(options); } async function removeAllSentProtos(): Promise { await channels.removeAllSentProtos(); } async function getAllSentProtos(): Promise> { return channels.getAllSentProtos(); } // Test-only: async function _getAllSentProtoRecipients(): Promise< Array > { return channels._getAllSentProtoRecipients(); } async function _getAllSentProtoMessageIds(): Promise> { return channels._getAllSentProtoMessageIds(); } // Sessions async function createOrUpdateSession(data: SessionType) { await channels.createOrUpdateSession(data); } async function createOrUpdateSessions(array: Array) { await channels.createOrUpdateSessions(array); } async function commitSessionsAndUnprocessed(options: { sessions: Array; unprocessed: Array; }) { await channels.commitSessionsAndUnprocessed(options); } async function bulkAddSessions(array: Array) { await channels.bulkAddSessions(array); } async function removeSessionById(id: SessionIdType) { await channels.removeSessionById(id); } async function removeSessionsByConversation(conversationId: string) { await channels.removeSessionsByConversation(conversationId); } async function removeAllSessions() { await channels.removeAllSessions(); } async function getAllSessions() { const sessions = await channels.getAllSessions(); return sessions; } // Conversation async function getConversationCount() { return channels.getConversationCount(); } async function saveConversation(data: ConversationType) { await channels.saveConversation(data); } async function saveConversations(array: Array) { await channels.saveConversations(array); } async function getConversationById( id: string, { Conversation }: { Conversation: typeof ConversationModel } ) { const data = await channels.getConversationById(id); if (!data) { return undefined; } return new Conversation(data); } const updateConversationBatcher = createBatcher({ name: 'sql.Client.updateConversationBatcher', wait: 500, maxSize: 20, processBatch: async (items: Array) => { // We only care about the most recent update for each conversation const byId = groupBy(items, item => item.id); const ids = Object.keys(byId); const mostRecent = ids.map( (id: string): ConversationType => { const maybeLast = last(byId[id]); assert(maybeLast !== undefined, 'Empty array in `groupBy` result'); return maybeLast; } ); await updateConversations(mostRecent); }, }); function updateConversation(data: ConversationType) { updateConversationBatcher.add(data); } async function updateConversations(array: Array) { const { cleaned, pathsChanged } = cleanDataForIpc(array); assert( !pathsChanged.length, `Paths were cleaned: ${JSON.stringify(pathsChanged)}` ); await channels.updateConversations(cleaned); } async function removeConversation( id: string, { Conversation }: { Conversation: typeof ConversationModel } ) { const existing = await getConversationById(id, { Conversation }); // Note: It's important to have a fully database-hydrated model to delete here because // it needs to delete all associated on-disk files along with the database delete. if (existing) { await channels.removeConversation(id); await existing.cleanup(); } } // Note: this method will not clean up external files, just delete from SQL async function _removeConversations(ids: Array) { await channels.removeConversation(ids); } async function eraseStorageServiceStateFromConversations() { await channels.eraseStorageServiceStateFromConversations(); } async function getAllConversations({ ConversationCollection, }: { ConversationCollection: typeof ConversationModelCollectionType; }): Promise { const conversations = await channels.getAllConversations(); const collection = new ConversationCollection(); collection.add(conversations); return collection; } async function getAllConversationIds() { const ids = await channels.getAllConversationIds(); return ids; } async function getAllPrivateConversations({ ConversationCollection, }: { ConversationCollection: typeof ConversationModelCollectionType; }) { const conversations = await channels.getAllPrivateConversations(); const collection = new ConversationCollection(); collection.add(conversations); return collection; } async function getAllGroupsInvolvingId( id: string, { ConversationCollection, }: { ConversationCollection: typeof ConversationModelCollectionType; } ) { const conversations = await channels.getAllGroupsInvolvingId(id); const collection = new ConversationCollection(); collection.add(conversations); return collection; } async function searchConversations(query: string) { const conversations = await channels.searchConversations(query); return conversations; } function handleSearchMessageJSON( messages: Array ): Array { return messages.map(message => ({ json: message.json, // Empty array is a default value. `message.json` has the real field bodyRanges: [], ...JSON.parse(message.json), snippet: message.snippet, })); } async function searchMessages( query: string, { limit }: { limit?: number } = {} ) { const messages = await channels.searchMessages(query, { limit }); return handleSearchMessageJSON(messages); } async function searchMessagesInConversation( query: string, conversationId: string, { limit }: { limit?: number } = {} ) { const messages = await channels.searchMessagesInConversation( query, conversationId, { limit } ); return handleSearchMessageJSON(messages); } // Message async function getMessageCount(conversationId?: string) { return channels.getMessageCount(conversationId); } async function saveMessage( data: MessageType, options: { jobToInsert?: Readonly; forceSave?: boolean } = {} ) { const id = await channels.saveMessage(_cleanMessageData(data), { ...options, jobToInsert: options.jobToInsert && formatJobForInsert(options.jobToInsert), }); window.Whisper.ExpiringMessagesListener.update(); window.Whisper.TapToViewMessagesListener.update(); return id; } async function saveMessages( arrayOfMessages: Array, options?: { forceSave?: boolean } ) { await channels.saveMessages( arrayOfMessages.map(message => _cleanMessageData(message)), options ); window.Whisper.ExpiringMessagesListener.update(); window.Whisper.TapToViewMessagesListener.update(); } async function removeMessage( id: string, { Message }: { Message: typeof MessageModel } ) { const message = await getMessageById(id, { Message }); // Note: It's important to have a fully database-hydrated model to delete here because // it needs to delete all associated on-disk files along with the database delete. if (message) { await channels.removeMessage(id); await message.cleanup(); } } // Note: this method will not clean up external files, just delete from SQL async function removeMessages(ids: Array) { await channels.removeMessages(ids); } async function getMessageById( id: string, { Message }: { Message: typeof MessageModel } ) { const message = await channels.getMessageById(id); if (!message) { return undefined; } return new Message(message); } async function getMessagesById(messageIds: Array) { if (!messageIds.length) { return []; } return channels.getMessagesById(messageIds); } // For testing only async function _getAllMessages({ MessageCollection, }: { MessageCollection: typeof MessageModelCollectionType; }) { const messages = await channels._getAllMessages(); return new MessageCollection(messages); } async function getAllMessageIds() { const ids = await channels.getAllMessageIds(); return ids; } async function getMessageBySender( { source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, sent_at, }: { source: string; sourceUuid: string; sourceDevice: number; sent_at: number; }, { Message }: { Message: typeof MessageModel } ) { const messages = await channels.getMessageBySender({ source, sourceUuid, sourceDevice, sent_at, }); if (!messages || !messages.length) { return null; } return new Message(messages[0]); } async function getUnreadCountForConversation(conversationId: string) { return channels.getUnreadCountForConversation(conversationId); } async function getUnreadByConversationAndMarkRead( conversationId: string, newestUnreadId: number, readAt?: number ) { return channels.getUnreadByConversationAndMarkRead( conversationId, newestUnreadId, readAt ); } async function getUnreadReactionsAndMarkRead( conversationId: string, newestUnreadId: number ) { return channels.getUnreadReactionsAndMarkRead(conversationId, newestUnreadId); } async function markReactionAsRead( targetAuthorUuid: string, targetTimestamp: number ) { return channels.markReactionAsRead(targetAuthorUuid, targetTimestamp); } async function removeReactionFromConversation(reaction: { emoji: string; fromId: string; targetAuthorUuid: string; targetTimestamp: number; }) { return channels.removeReactionFromConversation(reaction); } async function addReaction(reactionObj: ReactionType) { return channels.addReaction(reactionObj); } function handleMessageJSON(messages: Array) { return messages.map(message => JSON.parse(message.json)); } async function getOlderMessagesByConversation( conversationId: string, { limit = 100, receivedAt = Number.MAX_VALUE, sentAt = Number.MAX_VALUE, messageId, MessageCollection, }: { limit?: number; receivedAt?: number; sentAt?: number; messageId?: string; MessageCollection: typeof MessageModelCollectionType; } ) { const messages = await channels.getOlderMessagesByConversation( conversationId, { limit, receivedAt, sentAt, messageId, } ); return new MessageCollection(handleMessageJSON(messages)); } async function getNewerMessagesByConversation( conversationId: string, { limit = 100, receivedAt = 0, sentAt = 0, MessageCollection, }: { limit?: number; receivedAt?: number; sentAt?: number; MessageCollection: typeof MessageModelCollectionType; } ) { const messages = await channels.getNewerMessagesByConversation( conversationId, { limit, receivedAt, sentAt, } ); return new MessageCollection(handleMessageJSON(messages)); } async function getLastConversationMessages({ conversationId, ourConversationId, Message, }: { conversationId: string; ourConversationId: string; Message: typeof MessageModel; }): Promise { const { preview, activity, hasUserInitiatedMessages, } = await channels.getLastConversationMessages({ conversationId, ourConversationId, }); return { preview: preview ? new Message(preview) : undefined, activity: activity ? new Message(activity) : undefined, hasUserInitiatedMessages, }; } async function getMessageMetricsForConversation(conversationId: string) { const result = await channels.getMessageMetricsForConversation( conversationId ); return result; } function hasGroupCallHistoryMessage( conversationId: string, eraId: string ): Promise { return channels.hasGroupCallHistoryMessage(conversationId, eraId); } async function migrateConversationMessages( obsoleteId: string, currentId: string ) { await channels.migrateConversationMessages(obsoleteId, currentId); } async function removeAllMessagesInConversation( conversationId: string, { logId, MessageCollection, }: { logId: string; MessageCollection: typeof MessageModelCollectionType; } ) { let messages; do { const chunkSize = 20; log.info( `removeAllMessagesInConversation/${logId}: Fetching chunk of ${chunkSize} messages` ); // Yes, we really want the await in the loop. We're deleting a chunk at a // time so we don't use too much memory. messages = await getOlderMessagesByConversation(conversationId, { limit: chunkSize, MessageCollection, }); if (!messages.length) { return; } const ids = messages.map((message: MessageModel) => message.id); log.info(`removeAllMessagesInConversation/${logId}: Cleanup...`); // Note: It's very important that these models are fully hydrated because // we need to delete all associated on-disk files along with the database delete. const queue = new window.PQueue({ concurrency: 3, timeout: 1000 * 60 * 2 }); queue.addAll( messages.map((message: MessageModel) => async () => message.cleanup()) ); await queue.onIdle(); log.info(`removeAllMessagesInConversation/${logId}: Deleting...`); await channels.removeMessages(ids); } while (messages.length > 0); } async function getMessagesBySentAt( sentAt: number, { MessageCollection, }: { MessageCollection: typeof MessageModelCollectionType } ) { const messages = await channels.getMessagesBySentAt(sentAt); return new MessageCollection(messages); } async function getExpiredMessages({ MessageCollection, }: { MessageCollection: typeof MessageModelCollectionType; }) { const messages = await channels.getExpiredMessages(); return new MessageCollection(messages); } function getMessagesUnexpectedlyMissingExpirationStartTimestamp() { return channels.getMessagesUnexpectedlyMissingExpirationStartTimestamp(); } function getSoonestMessageExpiry() { return channels.getSoonestMessageExpiry(); } async function getNextTapToViewMessageTimestampToAgeOut() { return channels.getNextTapToViewMessageTimestampToAgeOut(); } async function getTapToViewMessagesNeedingErase({ MessageCollection, }: { MessageCollection: typeof MessageModelCollectionType; }) { const messages = await channels.getTapToViewMessagesNeedingErase(); return new MessageCollection(messages); } // Unprocessed async function getUnprocessedCount() { return channels.getUnprocessedCount(); } async function getAllUnprocessed() { return channels.getAllUnprocessed(); } async function getUnprocessedById(id: string) { return channels.getUnprocessedById(id); } async function updateUnprocessedWithData( id: string, data: UnprocessedUpdateType ) { await channels.updateUnprocessedWithData(id, data); } async function updateUnprocessedsWithData( array: Array<{ id: string; data: UnprocessedUpdateType }> ) { await channels.updateUnprocessedsWithData(array); } async function removeUnprocessed(id: string | Array) { await channels.removeUnprocessed(id); } async function removeAllUnprocessed() { await channels.removeAllUnprocessed(); } // Attachment downloads async function getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs( limit?: number, options?: { timestamp?: number } ) { return channels.getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs(limit, options); } async function saveAttachmentDownloadJob(job: AttachmentDownloadJobType) { await channels.saveAttachmentDownloadJob(_cleanData(job)); } async function setAttachmentDownloadJobPending(id: string, pending: boolean) { await channels.setAttachmentDownloadJobPending(id, pending); } async function resetAttachmentDownloadPending() { await channels.resetAttachmentDownloadPending(); } async function removeAttachmentDownloadJob(id: string) { await channels.removeAttachmentDownloadJob(id); } async function removeAllAttachmentDownloadJobs() { await channels.removeAllAttachmentDownloadJobs(); } // Stickers async function getStickerCount() { return channels.getStickerCount(); } async function createOrUpdateStickerPack(pack: StickerPackType) { await channels.createOrUpdateStickerPack(pack); } async function updateStickerPackStatus( packId: string, status: StickerPackStatusType, options?: { timestamp: number } ) { await channels.updateStickerPackStatus(packId, status, options); } async function createOrUpdateSticker(sticker: StickerType) { await channels.createOrUpdateSticker(sticker); } async function updateStickerLastUsed( packId: string, stickerId: number, timestamp: number ) { await channels.updateStickerLastUsed(packId, stickerId, timestamp); } async function addStickerPackReference(messageId: string, packId: string) { await channels.addStickerPackReference(messageId, packId); } async function deleteStickerPackReference(messageId: string, packId: string) { return channels.deleteStickerPackReference(messageId, packId); } async function deleteStickerPack(packId: string) { const paths = await channels.deleteStickerPack(packId); return paths; } async function getAllStickerPacks() { const packs = await channels.getAllStickerPacks(); return packs; } async function getAllStickers() { const stickers = await channels.getAllStickers(); return stickers; } async function getRecentStickers() { const recentStickers = await channels.getRecentStickers(); return recentStickers; } async function clearAllErrorStickerPackAttempts() { await channels.clearAllErrorStickerPackAttempts(); } // Emojis async function updateEmojiUsage(shortName: string) { await channels.updateEmojiUsage(shortName); } async function getRecentEmojis(limit = 32) { return channels.getRecentEmojis(limit); } // Other async function removeAll() { await channels.removeAll(); } async function removeAllConfiguration(type?: RemoveAllConfiguration) { await channels.removeAllConfiguration(type); } async function cleanupOrphanedAttachments() { await callChannel(CLEANUP_ORPHANED_ATTACHMENTS_KEY); } async function ensureFilePermissions() { await callChannel(ENSURE_FILE_PERMISSIONS); } // Note: will need to restart the app after calling this, to set up afresh async function removeOtherData() { await Promise.all([ callChannel(ERASE_SQL_KEY), callChannel(ERASE_ATTACHMENTS_KEY), callChannel(ERASE_STICKERS_KEY), callChannel(ERASE_TEMP_KEY), callChannel(ERASE_DRAFTS_KEY), ]); } async function callChannel(name: string) { return createTaskWithTimeout( () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ipc.send(name); ipc.once(`${name}-done`, (_, error) => { if (error) { reject(error); return; } resolve(); }); }), `callChannel call to ${name}` )(); } async function getMessagesNeedingUpgrade( limit: number, { maxVersion = CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION }: { maxVersion: number } ) { const messages = await channels.getMessagesNeedingUpgrade(limit, { maxVersion, }); return messages; } async function getMessagesWithVisualMediaAttachments( conversationId: string, { limit }: { limit: number } ) { return channels.getMessagesWithVisualMediaAttachments(conversationId, { limit, }); } async function getMessagesWithFileAttachments( conversationId: string, { limit }: { limit: number } ) { return channels.getMessagesWithFileAttachments(conversationId, { limit, }); } function getMessageServerGuidsForSpam( conversationId: string ): Promise> { return channels.getMessageServerGuidsForSpam(conversationId); } function getJobsInQueue(queueType: string): Promise> { return channels.getJobsInQueue(queueType); } function insertJob(job: Readonly): Promise { return channels.insertJob(job); } function deleteJob(id: string): Promise { return channels.deleteJob(id); } function processGroupCallRingRequest( ringId: bigint ): Promise { return channels.processGroupCallRingRequest(ringId); } function processGroupCallRingCancelation(ringId: bigint): Promise { return channels.processGroupCallRingCancelation(ringId); } async function cleanExpiredGroupCallRings(): Promise { await channels.cleanExpiredGroupCallRings(); } async function updateAllConversationColors( conversationColor?: ConversationColorType, customColorData?: { id: string; value: CustomColorType; } ): Promise { return channels.updateAllConversationColors( conversationColor, customColorData ); } function getMaxMessageCounter(): Promise { return channels.getMaxMessageCounter(); } function getStatisticsForLogging(): Promise> { return channels.getStatisticsForLogging(); }