// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { Transform } from 'stream'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../protobuf'; import protobuf from '../protobuf/wrap'; import { normalizeAci } from '../util/normalizeAci'; import { isAciString } from '../util/isAciString'; import { DurationInSeconds } from '../util/durations'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import type { ContactAvatarType } from '../types/Avatar'; import type { AttachmentType } from '../types/Attachment'; import { computeHash } from '../Crypto'; import { dropNull } from '../util/dropNull'; import { decryptAttachmentV2ToSink } from '../AttachmentCrypto'; import Avatar = Proto.ContactDetails.IAvatar; const { Reader } = protobuf; type OptionalFields = { avatar?: Avatar | null; expireTimer?: number | null; number?: string | null; }; type MessageWithAvatar = Omit< Message, 'avatar' | 'toJSON' > & { avatar?: ContactAvatarType; expireTimer?: DurationInSeconds; number?: string | undefined; }; export type ContactDetailsWithAvatar = MessageWithAvatar; export async function parseContactsV2( attachment: AttachmentType ): Promise> { if (!attachment.path) { throw new Error('Contact attachment not downloaded'); } if (attachment.version !== 2) { throw new Error('Contact attachment is not up-to-date'); } if (attachment.localKey == null) { throw new Error('Contact attachment has no keys'); } const parseContactsTransform = new ParseContactsTransform(); await decryptAttachmentV2ToSink( { idForLogging: 'parseContactsV2', ciphertextPath: window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath( attachment.path ), keysBase64: attachment.localKey, size: attachment.size, type: 'local', }, parseContactsTransform ); return parseContactsTransform.contacts; } // This transform pulls contacts and their avatars from a stream of bytes. This is tricky, // because the chunk boundaries might fall in the middle of a contact or their avatar. // So we are ready for decodeDelimited() to throw, and to keep activeContact around // while we wait for more chunks to get to the expected avatar size. // Note: exported only for testing export class ParseContactsTransform extends Transform { public contacts: Array = []; public activeContact: Proto.ContactDetails | undefined; private unused: Uint8Array | undefined; override async _transform( chunk: Buffer | undefined, _encoding: string, done: (error?: Error) => void ): Promise { if (!chunk || chunk.byteLength === 0) { done(); return; } try { let data = chunk; if (this.unused) { data = Buffer.concat([this.unused, data]); this.unused = undefined; } const reader = Reader.create(data); while (reader.pos < reader.len) { const startPos = reader.pos; if (!this.activeContact) { try { this.activeContact = Proto.ContactDetails.decodeDelimited(reader); } catch (err) { // We get a RangeError if there wasn't enough data to read the next record. if (err instanceof RangeError) { // Note: A failed decodeDelimited() does in fact update reader.pos, so we // must reset to startPos this.unused = data.subarray(startPos); done(); return; } // Something deeper has gone wrong; the proto is malformed or something done(err); return; } } // Something has really gone wrong if the above parsing didn't throw but gave // us nothing back. Let's end the parse. if (!this.activeContact) { done(new Error('ParseContactsTransform: No active contact!')); return; } const attachmentSize = this.activeContact?.avatar?.length ?? 0; if (attachmentSize === 0) { // No avatar attachment for this contact const prepared = prepareContact(this.activeContact); if (prepared) { this.contacts.push(prepared); } this.activeContact = undefined; continue; } const spaceLeftAfterRead = reader.len - (reader.pos + attachmentSize); if (spaceLeftAfterRead >= 0) { // We've read enough data to read the entire attachment const avatarData = reader.buf.slice( reader.pos, reader.pos + attachmentSize ); const hash = computeHash(data); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const local = await window.Signal.Migrations.writeNewAttachmentData( avatarData ); const prepared = prepareContact(this.activeContact, { ...this.activeContact.avatar, ...local, hash, }); if (prepared) { this.contacts.push(prepared); } else { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await window.Signal.Migrations.deleteAttachmentData(local.path); } this.activeContact = undefined; reader.skip(attachmentSize); } else { // We have an attachment, but we haven't read enough data yet. We need to // wait for another chunk. this.unused = data.subarray(reader.pos); done(); return; } } // No need to push; no downstream consumers! } catch (error) { done(error); return; } done(); } } function prepareContact( proto: Proto.ContactDetails, avatar?: ContactAvatarType ): ContactDetailsWithAvatar | undefined { const expireTimer = proto.expireTimer != null ? DurationInSeconds.fromSeconds(proto.expireTimer) : undefined; // We reject incoming contacts with invalid aci information if (proto.aci && !isAciString(proto.aci)) { log.warn('ParseContactsTransform: Dropping contact with invalid aci'); return undefined; } const aci = proto.aci ? normalizeAci(proto.aci, 'ContactBuffer.aci') : proto.aci; const result = { ...proto, expireTimer, aci, avatar, number: dropNull(proto.number), }; return result; }