// Derived from Chromium WebRTC Internals Dashboard - see Acknowledgements for full license details

import {$} from './util.js';

import {createIceCandidateGrid, updateIceCandidateGrid} from './candidate_grid.js';
import {MAX_STATS_DATA_POINT_BUFFER_SIZE} from './data_series.js';
import {DumpCreator, peerConnectionDataStore, userMediaRequests} from './dump_creator.js';
import {PeerConnectionUpdateTable} from './peer_connection_update_table.js';
import {drawSingleReport, removeStatsReportGraphs} from './stats_graph_helper.js';
import {StatsRatesCalculator, StatsReport} from './stats_rates_calculator.js';
import {StatsTable} from './stats_table.js';
import {TabView} from './tab_view.js';
import {UserMediaTable} from './user_media_table.js';
import { i18n } from '../../ts/windows/sandboxedInit.js';

let tabView = null;
let peerConnectionUpdateTable = null;
let statsTable = null;
let userMediaTable = null;
let dumpCreator = null;
let requestedStatsInterval = 2000;

// Start Signal Change
let stats_queue = [];

function onRtcStatsReport(event, report) {
  const rs = JSON.parse(report.reportJson);
  const mungedReports = rs.map(r => ({
    id: r.id,
    type: r.type,
    stats: {
      timestamp: r.timestamp / 1000,
      values: Object
        .filter(k => !['id', 'type', 'timestamp'].includes(k))
        .reduce((acc, k) => { 
          acc.push(k, r[k]); 
          return acc; 
        }, []),

  // fake since we can only have 1 call going at a time
  // pid should be related to call ID
  // lid is only one peer connection  per call currently
      pid: 100,
      rid: report.conversationId,
      lid: report.callId,
      reports: mungedReports,
// End Signal Change

const searchParameters = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);

/** Maps from id (see getPeerConnectionId) to StatsRatesCalculator. */
const statsRatesCalculatorById = new Map();

/** A simple class to store the updates and stats data for a peer connection. */
  /** @constructor */
class PeerConnectionRecord {
  constructor() {
    /** @private */
    this.record_ = {
      pid: -1,
      constraints: {},
      rtcConfiguration: [],
      stats: {},
      updateLog: [],
      url: '',

  /** @override */
  toJSON() {
    return this.record_;

   * Adds the initialization info of the peer connection.
   * @param {number} pid The pid of the process hosting the peer connection.
   * @param {string} url The URL of the web page owning the peer connection.
   * @param {Array} rtcConfiguration
   * @param {!Object} constraints Media constraints.
  initialize(pid, url, rtcConfiguration, constraints) {
    this.record_.pid = pid;
    this.record_.url = url;
    this.record_.rtcConfiguration = rtcConfiguration;
    this.record_.constraints = constraints;

  resetStats() {
    this.record_.stats = {};

   * @param {string} dataSeriesId The TimelineDataSeries identifier.
   * @return {!TimelineDataSeries}
  getDataSeries(dataSeriesId) {
    return this.record_.stats[dataSeriesId];

   * @param {string} dataSeriesId The TimelineDataSeries identifier.
   * @param {!TimelineDataSeries} dataSeries The TimelineDataSeries to set to.
  setDataSeries(dataSeriesId, dataSeries) {
    this.record_.stats[dataSeriesId] = dataSeries;

   * @param {!Object} update The object contains keys "time", "type", and
   *   "value".
  addUpdate(update) {
    const time = new Date(parseFloat(update.time));
      time: time.toLocaleString(),
      type: update.type,
      value: update.value,

function addMedia(data) {

function updateMedia(data) {


function removeMediaForRenderer(data) {
  for (let i = userMediaRequests.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
    if (userMediaRequests[i].rid === data.rid) {
      userMediaRequests.splice(i, 1);

function setRtcStatsInterval() {

function initialize() {
  let placeholderTitle = i18n('icu:callingDeveloperTools');
  let placeholderDescription = i18n('icu:callingDeveloperToolsDescription');
  $('placeholder-title').innerText = placeholderTitle;
  $('placeholder-description').innerText = placeholderDescription;

  dumpCreator = new DumpCreator($('content-root'));

  tabView = new TabView($('content-root'));
  peerConnectionUpdateTable = new PeerConnectionUpdateTable();
  statsTable = new StatsTable();
  userMediaTable = new UserMediaTable(tabView, userMediaRequests);

  let processStatsInterval = 1000;
  window.setInterval(processStats, processStatsInterval);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initialize);

 * Sends a request to the browser to get peer connection statistics from the
 * standard getStats() API (promise-based).
function processStats() {
  // Start Signal Change
  for(let i = 0; i < 10 && stats_queue.length > 0; i++) {
  // End Signal Change

 * A helper function for getting a peer connection element id.
 * @param {!Object<number>} data The object containing the rid and lid of the
 *     peer connection.
 * @return {string} The peer connection element id.
function getPeerConnectionId(data) {
  return data.rid + '-' + data.lid;

 * A helper function for appending a child element to |parent|.
 * @param {!Element} parent The parent element.
 * @param {string} tag The child element tag.
 * @param {string} text The textContent of the new DIV.
 * @return {!Element} the new DIV element.
function appendChildWithText(parent, tag, text) {
  const child = document.createElement(tag);
  child.textContent = text;
  return child;

 * Helper for adding a peer connection update.
 * @param {Element} peerConnectionElement
 * @param {!PeerConnectionUpdateEntry} update The peer connection update data.
function addPeerConnectionUpdate(peerConnectionElement, update) {

      peerConnectionElement, update);

/** Browser message handlers. */

 * Removes all information about a peer connection.
 * Use ?keepRemovedConnections url parameter to prevent the removal.
 * @param {!Object<number>} data The object containing the rid and lid of a peer
 *     connection.
function removePeerConnection(data) {
  // Disable getElementById restriction here, since |getPeerConnectionId| does
  // not return valid selectors.
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties

  const element = document.getElementById(getPeerConnectionId(data));
  if (element && !searchParameters.has('keepRemovedConnections')) {
    delete peerConnectionDataStore[element.id];

 * Adds a peer connection.
 * @param {!Object} data The object containing the rid, lid, pid, url,
 *     rtcConfiguration, and constraints of a peer connection.
function addPeerConnection(data) {
  const id = getPeerConnectionId(data);

  if (!peerConnectionDataStore[id]) {
    peerConnectionDataStore[id] = new PeerConnectionRecord();
      data.pid, data.url, data.rtcConfiguration, data.constraints);

  // Disable getElementById restriction here, since |id| is not always
  // a valid selector.
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties
  let peerConnectionElement = document.getElementById(id);
  if (!peerConnectionElement) {
    const details = `[ rid: ${data.rid}, lid: ${data.lid}, pid: ${data.pid} ]`;
    peerConnectionElement = tabView.addTab(id, data.url + " " + details);

  const p = document.createElement('p');
  appendChildWithText(p, 'span', data.url);
  appendChildWithText(p, 'span', ', ');
  appendChildWithText(p, 'span', data.rtcConfiguration);
  if (data.constraints !== '') {
    appendChildWithText(p, 'span', ', ');
    appendChildWithText(p, 'span', data.constraints);

  // Show deprecation notices as a list.
  // Note: data.rtcConfiguration is not in JSON format and may
  // not be defined in tests.
  const deprecationNotices = document.createElement('ul');
  if (data.rtcConfiguration) {
    deprecationNotices.className = 'peerconnection-deprecations';

  const iceConnectionStates = document.createElement('div');
  iceConnectionStates.textContent = 'ICE connection state: new';
  iceConnectionStates.className = 'iceconnectionstate';

  const connectionStates = document.createElement('div');
  connectionStates.textContent = 'Connection state: new';
  connectionStates.className = 'connectionstate';

  const signalingStates = document.createElement('div');
  signalingStates.textContent = 'Signaling state: new';
  signalingStates.className = 'signalingstate';

  const candidatePair = document.createElement('div');
  candidatePair.textContent = 'ICE Candidate pair: ';
  candidatePair.className = 'candidatepair';

  return peerConnectionElement;

 * Adds a peer connection update.
 * @param {!PeerConnectionUpdateEntry} data The peer connection update data.
function updatePeerConnection(data) {
  // Disable getElementById restriction here, since |getPeerConnectionId| does
  // not return valid selectors.
  const peerConnectionElement =
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties
  addPeerConnectionUpdate(peerConnectionElement, data);

 * Adds the information of all peer connections created so far.
 * @param {Array<!Object>} data An array of the information of all peer
 *     connections. Each array item contains rid, lid, pid, url,
 *     rtcConfiguration, constraints, and an array of updates as the log.
function updateAllPeerConnections(data) {
  for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
    const peerConnection = addPeerConnection(data[i]);

    const log = data[i].log;
    if (!log) {
    for (let j = 0; j < log.length; ++j) {
      addPeerConnectionUpdate(peerConnection, log[j]);

 * Handles the report of stats originating from the standard getStats() API.
 * @param {!Object} data The object containing rid, lid, and reports, where
 *     reports is an array of stats reports. Each report contains id, type,
 *     and stats, where stats is the object containing timestamp and values,
 *     which is an array of strings, whose even index entry is the name of the
 *     stat, and the odd index entry is the value.
function addStandardStats(data) {
  // Disable getElementById restriction here, since |getPeerConnectionId| does
  // not return valid selectors.
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties
  let peerConnectionElement =
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties
  if (!peerConnectionElement) {
    // fake the add peer event
    peerConnectionElement = addPeerConnection({
      connected: false,
      isOpen: true,
      lid: data.lid,
      rid: data.rid,
      rtcConfiguration: "{ iceServers: [], iceTransportPolicy: all, bundlePolicy: balanced, rtcpMuxPolicy: require, iceCandidatePoolSize: 0 }",
      url: "groupcall"
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties
    if(!peerConnectionElement) {
      console.error("Failed to create peerConnection Element");

  const pcId = getPeerConnectionId(data);
  let statsRatesCalculator = statsRatesCalculatorById.get(pcId);
  if (!statsRatesCalculator) {
    statsRatesCalculator = new StatsRatesCalculator();
    statsRatesCalculatorById.set(pcId, statsRatesCalculator);
  // This just changes the reports from their array format into an object format, then adds it to statsByAdd
  const r = StatsReport.fromInternalsReportList(data.reports);
  data.reports = statsRatesCalculator.currentReport.toInternalsReportList();
  for (let i = 0; i < data.reports.length; ++i) {
    const report = data.reports[i];
    statsTable.addStatsReport(peerConnectionElement, report);
    drawSingleReport(peerConnectionElement, report);
  // Determine currently connected candidate pair.
  const stats = r.statsById;

  let activeCandidatePair = null;
  let remoteCandidate = null;
  let localCandidate = null;

  // Get the first active candidate pair. This ignores the rare case of
  // non-bundled connections.
  stats.forEach(report => {
    if (report.type === 'transport' && !activeCandidatePair) {
      activeCandidatePair = stats.get(report.selectedCandidatePairId);

  const candidateElement = peerConnectionElement
  if (activeCandidatePair) {
    if (activeCandidatePair.remoteCandidateId) {
      remoteCandidate = stats.get(activeCandidatePair.remoteCandidateId);
    if (activeCandidatePair.localCandidateId) {
      localCandidate = stats.get(activeCandidatePair.localCandidateId);
    candidateElement.innerText = '';
    if (localCandidate && remoteCandidate) {
      if (localCandidate.address &&
          localCandidate.address.indexOf(':') !== -1) {
        // Show IPv6 in []
        candidateElement.innerText +='[' + localCandidate.address + ']';
      } else {
        candidateElement.innerText += localCandidate.address || '(not set)';
      candidateElement.innerText += ':' + localCandidate.port + ' <=> ';

      if (remoteCandidate.address &&
          remoteCandidate.address.indexOf(':') !== -1) {
        // Show IPv6 in []
        candidateElement.innerText +='[' + remoteCandidate.address + ']';
      } else {
        candidateElement.innerText += remoteCandidate.address || '(not set)';
      candidateElement.innerText += ':' + remoteCandidate.port;
    // Mark active local-candidate, remote candidate and candidate pair
    // bold in the table.
    // Disable getElementById restriction here, since |peerConnectionElement|
    // doesn't always have a valid selector ID.
    const statsContainer =
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties
        document.getElementById(peerConnectionElement.id + '-table-container');
    const activeConnectionClass = 'stats-table-active-connection';
    statsContainer.childNodes.forEach(node => {
      if (node.nodeName !== 'DETAILS' || !node.children[1]) {
      const ids = [
        peerConnectionElement.id + '-table-' + activeCandidatePair.id,
        peerConnectionElement.id + '-table-' + localCandidate.id,
        peerConnectionElement.id + '-table-' + remoteCandidate.id,
      if (ids.includes(node.children[1].id)) {
      } else {
    // Mark active candidate-pair graph bold.
    const statsGraphContainers = peerConnectionElement
    for (let i = 0; i < statsGraphContainers.length; i++) {
      const node = statsGraphContainers[i];
      if (node.nodeName !== 'DETAILS') {
      if (!node.id.startsWith(pcId + '-candidate-pair')) {
      if (node.id === pcId + '-candidate-pair-' + activeCandidatePair.id
          + '-graph-container') {
      } else {
  } else {
    candidateElement.innerText = '(not connected)';

  updateIceCandidateGrid(peerConnectionElement, r.statsById);

 * Notification that the audio debug recordings file selection dialog was
 * cancelled, i.e. recordings have not been enabled.
function audioDebugRecordingsFileSelectionCancelled() {

 * Notification that the event log recordings file selection dialog was
 * cancelled, i.e. recordings have not been enabled.
function eventLogRecordingsFileSelectionCancelled() {