// Copyright 2021-2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { differenceWith, omit, partition } from 'lodash'; import PQueue from 'p-queue'; import { ErrorCode, groupEncrypt, ProtocolAddress, sealedSenderMultiRecipientEncrypt, SenderCertificate, UnidentifiedSenderMessageContent, } from '@signalapp/signal-client'; import * as Bytes from '../Bytes'; import { senderCertificateService } from '../services/senderCertificate'; import type { SendLogCallbackType } from '../textsecure/OutgoingMessage'; import { padMessage, SenderCertificateMode, } from '../textsecure/OutgoingMessage'; import { Address } from '../types/Address'; import { QualifiedAddress } from '../types/QualifiedAddress'; import { UUID } from '../types/UUID'; import { isEnabled } from '../RemoteConfig'; import { isRecord } from './isRecord'; import { isOlderThan } from './timestamp'; import type { GroupSendOptionsType, SendOptionsType, } from '../textsecure/SendMessage'; import { ConnectTimeoutError, OutgoingIdentityKeyError, SendMessageProtoError, UnregisteredUserError, } from '../textsecure/Errors'; import type { HTTPError } from '../textsecure/Errors'; import { IdentityKeys, SenderKeys, Sessions } from '../LibSignalStores'; import type { ConversationModel } from '../models/conversations'; import type { DeviceType, CallbackResultType } from '../textsecure/Types.d'; import { getKeysForIdentifier } from '../textsecure/getKeysForIdentifier'; import type { ConversationAttributesType, SenderKeyInfoType, } from '../model-types.d'; import type { SendTypesType } from './handleMessageSend'; import { handleMessageSend, shouldSaveProto } from './handleMessageSend'; import { SEALED_SENDER } from '../types/SealedSender'; import { parseIntOrThrow } from './parseIntOrThrow'; import { multiRecipient200ResponseSchema, multiRecipient409ResponseSchema, multiRecipient410ResponseSchema, } from '../textsecure/WebAPI'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../protobuf'; import * as RemoteConfig from '../RemoteConfig'; import { strictAssert } from './assert'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { GLOBAL_ZONE } from '../SignalProtocolStore'; const ERROR_EXPIRED_OR_MISSING_DEVICES = 409; const ERROR_STALE_DEVICES = 410; const HOUR = 60 * 60 * 1000; const DAY = 24 * HOUR; const MAX_CONCURRENCY = 5; // sendWithSenderKey is recursive, but we don't want to loop back too many times. const MAX_RECURSION = 10; const ACCESS_KEY_LENGTH = 16; const ZERO_ACCESS_KEY = Bytes.toBase64(new Uint8Array(ACCESS_KEY_LENGTH)); // Public API: export type SenderKeyTargetType = { getGroupId: () => string | undefined; getMembers: () => Array; hasMember: (id: string) => boolean; idForLogging: () => string; isGroupV2: () => boolean; isValid: () => boolean; getSenderKeyInfo: () => SenderKeyInfoType | undefined; saveSenderKeyInfo: (senderKeyInfo: SenderKeyInfoType) => Promise; }; export async function sendToGroup({ contentHint, groupSendOptions, isPartialSend, messageId, sendOptions, sendTarget, sendType, }: { contentHint: number; groupSendOptions: GroupSendOptionsType; isPartialSend?: boolean; messageId: string | undefined; sendOptions?: SendOptionsType; sendTarget: SenderKeyTargetType; sendType: SendTypesType; }): Promise { strictAssert( window.textsecure.messaging, 'sendToGroup: textsecure.messaging not available!' ); const { timestamp } = groupSendOptions; const recipients = getRecipients(groupSendOptions); // First, do the attachment upload and prepare the proto we'll be sending const protoAttributes = window.textsecure.messaging.getAttrsFromGroupOptions(groupSendOptions); const contentMessage = await window.textsecure.messaging.getContentMessage( protoAttributes ); return sendContentMessageToGroup({ contentHint, contentMessage, isPartialSend, messageId, recipients, sendOptions, sendTarget, sendType, timestamp, }); } export async function sendContentMessageToGroup({ contentHint, contentMessage, isPartialSend, messageId, online, recipients, sendOptions, sendTarget, sendType, timestamp, }: { contentHint: number; contentMessage: Proto.Content; isPartialSend?: boolean; messageId: string | undefined; online?: boolean; recipients: Array; sendOptions?: SendOptionsType; sendTarget: SenderKeyTargetType; sendType: SendTypesType; timestamp: number; }): Promise { const logId = sendTarget.idForLogging(); strictAssert( window.textsecure.messaging, 'sendContentMessageToGroup: textsecure.messaging not available!' ); const ourConversationId = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationIdOrThrow(); const ourConversation = window.ConversationController.get(ourConversationId); if ( isEnabled('desktop.sendSenderKey3') && ourConversation?.get('capabilities')?.senderKey && RemoteConfig.isEnabled('desktop.senderKey.send') && sendTarget.isValid() ) { try { return await sendToGroupViaSenderKey({ contentHint, contentMessage, isPartialSend, messageId, online, recipients, recursionCount: 0, sendOptions, sendTarget, sendType, timestamp, }); } catch (error: unknown) { if (!(error instanceof Error)) { throw error; } if (_shouldFailSend(error, logId)) { throw error; } log.error( `sendToGroup/${logId}: Sender Key send failed, logging, proceeding to normal send`, error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } } const sendLogCallback = window.textsecure.messaging.makeSendLogCallback({ contentHint, messageId, proto: Buffer.from(Proto.Content.encode(contentMessage).finish()), sendType, timestamp, }); const groupId = sendTarget.isGroupV2() ? sendTarget.getGroupId() : undefined; return window.textsecure.messaging.sendGroupProto({ contentHint, groupId, options: { ...sendOptions, online }, proto: contentMessage, recipients, sendLogCallback, timestamp, }); } // The Primary Sender Key workflow export async function sendToGroupViaSenderKey(options: { contentHint: number; contentMessage: Proto.Content; isPartialSend?: boolean; messageId: string | undefined; online?: boolean; recipients: Array; recursionCount: number; sendOptions?: SendOptionsType; sendTarget: SenderKeyTargetType; sendType: SendTypesType; timestamp: number; }): Promise { const { contentHint, contentMessage, isPartialSend, messageId, online, recipients, recursionCount, sendOptions, sendTarget, sendType, timestamp, } = options; const { ContentHint } = Proto.UnidentifiedSenderMessage.Message; const logId = sendTarget.idForLogging(); log.info( `sendToGroupViaSenderKey/${logId}: Starting ${timestamp}, recursion count ${recursionCount}...` ); if (recursionCount > MAX_RECURSION) { throw new Error( `sendToGroupViaSenderKey/${logId}: Too much recursion! Count is at ${recursionCount}` ); } const groupId = sendTarget.getGroupId(); if (!sendTarget.isValid()) { throw new Error( `sendToGroupViaSenderKey/${logId}: sendTarget is not valid!` ); } if ( contentHint !== ContentHint.DEFAULT && contentHint !== ContentHint.RESENDABLE && contentHint !== ContentHint.IMPLICIT ) { throw new Error( `sendToGroupViaSenderKey/${logId}: Invalid contentHint ${contentHint}` ); } strictAssert( window.textsecure.messaging, 'sendToGroupViaSenderKey: textsecure.messaging not available!' ); // 1. Add sender key info if we have none, or clear out if it's too old const EXPIRE_DURATION = getSenderKeyExpireDuration(); // Note: From here on, generally need to recurse if we change senderKeyInfo const senderKeyInfo = sendTarget.getSenderKeyInfo(); if (!senderKeyInfo) { log.info( `sendToGroupViaSenderKey/${logId}: Adding initial sender key info` ); await sendTarget.saveSenderKeyInfo({ createdAtDate: Date.now(), distributionId: UUID.generate().toString(), memberDevices: [], }); // Restart here because we updated senderKeyInfo return sendToGroupViaSenderKey({ ...options, recursionCount: recursionCount + 1, }); } if (isOlderThan(senderKeyInfo.createdAtDate, EXPIRE_DURATION)) { const { createdAtDate } = senderKeyInfo; log.info( `sendToGroupViaSenderKey/${logId}: Resetting sender key; ${createdAtDate} is too old` ); await resetSenderKey(sendTarget); // Restart here because we updated senderKeyInfo return sendToGroupViaSenderKey({ ...options, recursionCount: recursionCount + 1, }); } // 2. Fetch all devices we believe we'll be sending to const ourUuid = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedUuid(); const { devices: currentDevices, emptyIdentifiers } = await window.textsecure.storage.protocol.getOpenDevices( ourUuid, recipients ); // 3. If we have no open sessions with people we believe we are sending to, and we // believe that any have signal accounts, fetch their prekey bundle and start // sessions with them. if ( emptyIdentifiers.length > 0 && emptyIdentifiers.some(isIdentifierRegistered) ) { await fetchKeysForIdentifiers(emptyIdentifiers); // Restart here to capture devices for accounts we just started sessions with return sendToGroupViaSenderKey({ ...options, recursionCount: recursionCount + 1, }); } const { memberDevices, distributionId, createdAtDate } = senderKeyInfo; const memberSet = new Set(sendTarget.getMembers()); // 4. Partition devices into sender key and non-sender key groups const [devicesForSenderKey, devicesForNormalSend] = partition( currentDevices, device => isValidSenderKeyRecipient(memberSet, device.identifier) ); const senderKeyRecipients = getUuidsFromDevices(devicesForSenderKey); const normalSendRecipients = getUuidsFromDevices(devicesForNormalSend); log.info( `sendToGroupViaSenderKey/${logId}:` + ` ${senderKeyRecipients.length} accounts for sender key (${devicesForSenderKey.length} devices),` + ` ${normalSendRecipients.length} accounts for normal send (${devicesForNormalSend.length} devices)` ); // 5. Ensure we have enough recipients if (senderKeyRecipients.length < 2) { throw new Error( `sendToGroupViaSenderKey/${logId}: Not enough recipients for Sender Key message. Failing over.` ); } // 6. Analyze target devices for sender key, determine which have been added or removed const { newToMemberDevices, newToMemberUuids, removedFromMemberDevices, removedFromMemberUuids, } = _analyzeSenderKeyDevices( memberDevices, devicesForSenderKey, isPartialSend ); // 7. If members have been removed from the group, we need to reset our sender key, then // start over to get a fresh set of target devices. const keyNeedsReset = Array.from(removedFromMemberUuids).some( uuid => !sendTarget.hasMember(uuid) ); if (keyNeedsReset) { await resetSenderKey(sendTarget); // Restart here to start over; empty memberDevices means we'll send distribution // message to everyone. return sendToGroupViaSenderKey({ ...options, recursionCount: recursionCount + 1, }); } // 8. If there are new members or new devices in the group, we need to ensure that they // have our sender key before we send sender key messages to them. if (newToMemberUuids.length > 0) { log.info( `sendToGroupViaSenderKey/${logId}: Sending sender key to ${ newToMemberUuids.length } members: ${JSON.stringify(newToMemberUuids)}` ); await handleMessageSend( window.textsecure.messaging.sendSenderKeyDistributionMessage( { contentHint: ContentHint.RESENDABLE, distributionId, groupId, identifiers: newToMemberUuids, }, sendOptions ? { ...sendOptions, online: false } : undefined ), { messageIds: [], sendType: 'senderKeyDistributionMessage' } ); // Update memberDevices with new devices const updatedMemberDevices = [...memberDevices, ...newToMemberDevices]; await sendTarget.saveSenderKeyInfo({ createdAtDate, distributionId, memberDevices: updatedMemberDevices, }); // Restart here because we might have discovered new or dropped devices as part of // distributing our sender key. return sendToGroupViaSenderKey({ ...options, recursionCount: recursionCount + 1, }); } // 9. Update memberDevices with removals which didn't require a reset. if (removedFromMemberDevices.length > 0) { const updatedMemberDevices = [ ...differenceWith( memberDevices, removedFromMemberDevices, deviceComparator ), ]; await sendTarget.saveSenderKeyInfo({ createdAtDate, distributionId, memberDevices: updatedMemberDevices, }); // Note, we do not need to restart here because we don't refer back to senderKeyInfo // after this point. } // 10. Send the Sender Key message! let sendLogId: number; let senderKeyRecipientsWithDevices: Record> = {}; devicesForSenderKey.forEach(item => { const { id, identifier } = item; senderKeyRecipientsWithDevices[identifier] ||= []; senderKeyRecipientsWithDevices[identifier].push(id); }); try { const messageBuffer = await encryptForSenderKey({ contentHint, devices: devicesForSenderKey, distributionId, contentMessage: Proto.Content.encode(contentMessage).finish(), groupId, }); const accessKeys = getXorOfAccessKeys(devicesForSenderKey); const result = await window.textsecure.messaging.sendWithSenderKey( messageBuffer, accessKeys, timestamp, online ); const parsed = multiRecipient200ResponseSchema.safeParse(result); if (parsed.success) { const { uuids404 } = parsed.data; if (uuids404 && uuids404.length > 0) { await _waitForAll({ tasks: uuids404.map( uuid => async () => markIdentifierUnregistered(uuid) ), }); } senderKeyRecipientsWithDevices = omit( senderKeyRecipientsWithDevices, uuids404 || [] ); } else { log.error( `sendToGroupViaSenderKey/${logId}: Server returned unexpected 200 response ${JSON.stringify( parsed.error.flatten() )}` ); } if (shouldSaveProto(sendType)) { sendLogId = await window.Signal.Data.insertSentProto( { contentHint, proto: Buffer.from(Proto.Content.encode(contentMessage).finish()), timestamp, }, { recipients: senderKeyRecipientsWithDevices, messageIds: messageId ? [messageId] : [], } ); } } catch (error) { if (error.code === ERROR_EXPIRED_OR_MISSING_DEVICES) { await handle409Response(logId, error); // Restart here to capture the right set of devices for our next send. return sendToGroupViaSenderKey({ ...options, recursionCount: recursionCount + 1, }); } if (error.code === ERROR_STALE_DEVICES) { await handle410Response(sendTarget, error); // Restart here to use the right registrationIds for devices we already knew about, // as well as send our sender key to these re-registered or re-linked devices. return sendToGroupViaSenderKey({ ...options, recursionCount: recursionCount + 1, }); } if (error.code === ErrorCode.InvalidRegistrationId && error.addr) { const address = error.addr as ProtocolAddress; const name = address.name(); const brokenAccount = window.ConversationController.get(name); if (brokenAccount) { log.warn( `sendToGroupViaSenderKey/${logId}: Disabling sealed sender for ${brokenAccount.idForLogging()}` ); brokenAccount.set({ sealedSender: SEALED_SENDER.DISABLED }); window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(brokenAccount.attributes); // Now that we've eliminate this problematic account, we can try the send again. return sendToGroupViaSenderKey({ ...options, recursionCount: recursionCount + 1, }); } } throw new Error( `sendToGroupViaSenderKey/${logId}: Returned unexpected error ${ error.code }. Failing over. ${error.stack || error}` ); } // 11. Return early if there are no normal send recipients if (normalSendRecipients.length === 0) { return { dataMessage: contentMessage.dataMessage ? Proto.DataMessage.encode(contentMessage.dataMessage).finish() : undefined, successfulIdentifiers: senderKeyRecipients, unidentifiedDeliveries: senderKeyRecipients, contentHint, timestamp, contentProto: Buffer.from(Proto.Content.encode(contentMessage).finish()), recipients: senderKeyRecipientsWithDevices, }; } // 12. Send normal message to the leftover normal recipients. Then combine normal send // result with result from sender key send for final return value. // We don't want to use a normal send log callback here, because the proto has already // been saved as part of the Sender Key send. We're just adding recipients here. const sendLogCallback: SendLogCallbackType = async ({ identifier, deviceIds, }: { identifier: string; deviceIds: Array; }) => { if (!shouldSaveProto(sendType)) { return; } const sentToConversation = window.ConversationController.get(identifier); if (!sentToConversation) { log.warn( `sendToGroupViaSenderKey/callback: Unable to find conversation for identifier ${identifier}` ); return; } const recipientUuid = sentToConversation.get('uuid'); if (!recipientUuid) { log.warn( `sendToGroupViaSenderKey/callback: Conversation ${sentToConversation.idForLogging()} had no UUID` ); return; } await window.Signal.Data.insertProtoRecipients({ id: sendLogId, recipientUuid, deviceIds, }); }; const normalSendResult = await window.textsecure.messaging.sendGroupProto({ contentHint, groupId, options: { ...sendOptions, online }, proto: contentMessage, recipients: normalSendRecipients, sendLogCallback, timestamp, }); return { dataMessage: contentMessage.dataMessage ? Proto.DataMessage.encode(contentMessage.dataMessage).finish() : undefined, errors: normalSendResult.errors, failoverIdentifiers: normalSendResult.failoverIdentifiers, successfulIdentifiers: [ ...(normalSendResult.successfulIdentifiers || []), ...senderKeyRecipients, ], unidentifiedDeliveries: [ ...(normalSendResult.unidentifiedDeliveries || []), ...senderKeyRecipients, ], contentHint, timestamp, contentProto: Buffer.from(Proto.Content.encode(contentMessage).finish()), recipients: { ...normalSendResult.recipients, ...senderKeyRecipientsWithDevices, }, }; } // Utility Methods const MAX_SENDER_KEY_EXPIRE_DURATION = 90 * DAY; function getSenderKeyExpireDuration(): number { try { const parsed = parseIntOrThrow( window.Signal.RemoteConfig.getValue('desktop.senderKeyMaxAge'), 'getSenderKeyExpireDuration' ); const duration = Math.min(parsed, MAX_SENDER_KEY_EXPIRE_DURATION); log.info( `getSenderKeyExpireDuration: using expire duration of ${duration}` ); return duration; } catch (error) { log.warn( `getSenderKeyExpireDuration: Failed to parse integer. Using default of ${MAX_SENDER_KEY_EXPIRE_DURATION}.`, error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); return MAX_SENDER_KEY_EXPIRE_DURATION; } } export function _shouldFailSend(error: unknown, logId: string): boolean { const logError = (message: string) => { log.error(`_shouldFailSend/${logId}: ${message}`); }; if (error instanceof Error && error.message.includes('untrusted identity')) { logError("'untrusted identity' error, failing."); return true; } if (error instanceof OutgoingIdentityKeyError) { logError('OutgoingIdentityKeyError error, failing.'); return true; } if (error instanceof UnregisteredUserError) { logError('UnregisteredUserError error, failing.'); return true; } if (error instanceof ConnectTimeoutError) { logError('ConnectTimeoutError error, failing.'); return true; } // Known error types captured here: // HTTPError // OutgoingMessageError // SendMessageNetworkError // SendMessageChallengeError // MessageError if (isRecord(error) && typeof error.code === 'number') { if (error.code === 401) { logError('Permissions error, failing.'); return true; } if (error.code === 404) { logError('Missing user or endpoint error, failing.'); return true; } if (error.code === 413 || error.code === 429) { logError('Rate limit error, failing.'); return true; } if (error.code === 428) { logError('Challenge error, failing.'); return true; } if (error.code === 500) { logError('Server error, failing.'); return true; } if (error.code === 508) { logError('Fail job error, failing.'); return true; } } if (error instanceof SendMessageProtoError) { if (!error.errors || !error.errors.length) { logError('SendMessageProtoError had no errors, failing.'); return true; } for (const innerError of error.errors) { const shouldFail = _shouldFailSend(innerError, logId); if (shouldFail) { return true; } } } return false; } export async function _waitForAll({ tasks, maxConcurrency = MAX_CONCURRENCY, }: { tasks: Array<() => Promise>; maxConcurrency?: number; }): Promise> { const queue = new PQueue({ concurrency: maxConcurrency, timeout: 2 * 60 * 1000, throwOnTimeout: true, }); return queue.addAll(tasks); } function getRecipients(options: GroupSendOptionsType): Array { if (options.groupV2) { return options.groupV2.members; } if (options.groupV1) { return options.groupV1.members; } throw new Error('getRecipients: Unable to extract recipients!'); } async function markIdentifierUnregistered(identifier: string) { const conversation = window.ConversationController.getOrCreate( identifier, 'private' ); conversation.setUnregistered(); window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(conversation.attributes); const uuid = UUID.lookup(identifier); if (!uuid) { log.warn(`No uuid found for ${identifier}`); return; } await window.textsecure.storage.protocol.archiveAllSessions(uuid); } function isIdentifierRegistered(identifier: string) { const conversation = window.ConversationController.getOrCreate( identifier, 'private' ); const isUnregistered = conversation.isUnregistered(); return !isUnregistered; } async function handle409Response(logId: string, error: HTTPError) { const parsed = multiRecipient409ResponseSchema.safeParse(error.response); if (parsed.success) { await _waitForAll({ tasks: parsed.data.map(item => async () => { const { uuid, devices } = item; // Start new sessions with devices we didn't know about before if (devices.missingDevices && devices.missingDevices.length > 0) { await fetchKeysForIdentifier(uuid, devices.missingDevices); } // Archive sessions with devices that have been removed if (devices.extraDevices && devices.extraDevices.length > 0) { const ourUuid = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedUuid(); await _waitForAll({ tasks: devices.extraDevices.map(deviceId => async () => { await window.textsecure.storage.protocol.archiveSession( new QualifiedAddress(ourUuid, Address.create(uuid, deviceId)) ); }), }); } }), maxConcurrency: 2, }); } else { log.error( `handle409Response/${logId}: Server returned unexpected 409 response ${JSON.stringify( parsed.error.flatten() )}` ); throw error; } } async function handle410Response( sendTarget: SenderKeyTargetType, error: HTTPError ) { const logId = sendTarget.idForLogging(); const parsed = multiRecipient410ResponseSchema.safeParse(error.response); if (parsed.success) { await _waitForAll({ tasks: parsed.data.map(item => async () => { const { uuid, devices } = item; if (devices.staleDevices && devices.staleDevices.length > 0) { const ourUuid = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedUuid(); // First, archive our existing sessions with these devices await _waitForAll({ tasks: devices.staleDevices.map(deviceId => async () => { await window.textsecure.storage.protocol.archiveSession( new QualifiedAddress(ourUuid, Address.create(uuid, deviceId)) ); }), }); // Start new sessions with these devices await fetchKeysForIdentifier(uuid, devices.staleDevices); // Forget that we've sent our sender key to these devices, since they've // been re-registered or re-linked. const senderKeyInfo = sendTarget.getSenderKeyInfo(); if (senderKeyInfo) { const devicesToRemove: Array = devices.staleDevices.map(id => ({ id, identifier: uuid })); await sendTarget.saveSenderKeyInfo({ ...senderKeyInfo, memberDevices: differenceWith( senderKeyInfo.memberDevices, devicesToRemove, partialDeviceComparator ), }); } } }), maxConcurrency: 2, }); } else { log.error( `handle410Response/${logId}: Server returned unexpected 410 response ${JSON.stringify( parsed.error.flatten() )}` ); throw error; } } function getXorOfAccessKeys(devices: Array): Buffer { const uuids = getUuidsFromDevices(devices); const result = Buffer.alloc(ACCESS_KEY_LENGTH); strictAssert( result.length === ACCESS_KEY_LENGTH, 'getXorOfAccessKeys starting value' ); uuids.forEach(uuid => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(uuid); if (!conversation) { throw new Error( `getXorOfAccessKeys: Unable to fetch conversation for UUID ${uuid}` ); } const accessKey = getAccessKey(conversation.attributes); if (!accessKey) { throw new Error(`getXorOfAccessKeys: No accessKey for UUID ${uuid}`); } const accessKeyBuffer = Buffer.from(accessKey, 'base64'); if (accessKeyBuffer.length !== ACCESS_KEY_LENGTH) { throw new Error( `getXorOfAccessKeys: Access key for ${uuid} had length ${accessKeyBuffer.length}` ); } for (let i = 0; i < ACCESS_KEY_LENGTH; i += 1) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise result[i] ^= accessKeyBuffer[i]; } }); return result; } async function encryptForSenderKey({ contentHint, contentMessage, devices, distributionId, groupId, }: { contentHint: number; contentMessage: Uint8Array; devices: Array; distributionId: string; groupId?: string; }): Promise { const ourUuid = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedUuid(); const ourDeviceId = window.textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(); if (!ourDeviceId) { throw new Error( 'encryptForSenderKey: Unable to fetch our uuid or deviceId' ); } const sender = ProtocolAddress.new( ourUuid.toString(), parseIntOrThrow(ourDeviceId, 'encryptForSenderKey, ourDeviceId') ); const ourAddress = getOurAddress(); const senderKeyStore = new SenderKeys({ ourUuid, zone: GLOBAL_ZONE }); const message = Buffer.from(padMessage(contentMessage)); const ciphertextMessage = await window.textsecure.storage.protocol.enqueueSenderKeyJob( new QualifiedAddress(ourUuid, ourAddress), () => groupEncrypt(sender, distributionId, senderKeyStore, message) ); const groupIdBuffer = groupId ? Buffer.from(groupId, 'base64') : null; const senderCertificateObject = await senderCertificateService.get( SenderCertificateMode.WithoutE164 ); if (!senderCertificateObject) { throw new Error('encryptForSenderKey: Unable to fetch sender certifiate!'); } const senderCertificate = SenderCertificate.deserialize( Buffer.from(senderCertificateObject.serialized) ); const content = UnidentifiedSenderMessageContent.new( ciphertextMessage, senderCertificate, contentHint, groupIdBuffer ); const recipients = devices .slice() .sort((a, b): number => { if (a.identifier === b.identifier) { return 0; } if (a.identifier < b.identifier) { return -1; } return 1; }) .map(device => { return ProtocolAddress.new( UUID.checkedLookup(device.identifier).toString(), device.id ); }); const identityKeyStore = new IdentityKeys({ ourUuid }); const sessionStore = new Sessions({ ourUuid }); return sealedSenderMultiRecipientEncrypt( content, recipients, identityKeyStore, sessionStore ); } function isValidSenderKeyRecipient( members: Set, uuid: string ): boolean { const memberConversation = window.ConversationController.get(uuid); if (!memberConversation) { log.warn( `isValidSenderKeyRecipient: Missing conversation model for member ${uuid}` ); return false; } if (!members.has(memberConversation)) { log.info( `isValidSenderKeyRecipient: Sending to ${uuid}, not a group member` ); return false; } const capabilities = memberConversation.get('capabilities'); if (!capabilities?.senderKey) { return false; } if (!getAccessKey(memberConversation.attributes)) { return false; } if (memberConversation.isUnregistered()) { log.warn(`isValidSenderKeyRecipient: Member ${uuid} is unregistered`); return false; } return true; } function deviceComparator(left?: DeviceType, right?: DeviceType): boolean { return Boolean( left && right && left.id === right.id && left.identifier === right.identifier && left.registrationId === right.registrationId ); } type PartialDeviceType = Omit; function partialDeviceComparator( left?: PartialDeviceType, right?: PartialDeviceType ): boolean { return Boolean( left && right && left.id === right.id && left.identifier === right.identifier ); } function getUuidsFromDevices(devices: Array): Array { const uuids = new Set(); devices.forEach(device => { uuids.add(device.identifier); }); return Array.from(uuids); } export function _analyzeSenderKeyDevices( memberDevices: Array, devicesForSend: Array, isPartialSend?: boolean ): { newToMemberDevices: Array; newToMemberUuids: Array; removedFromMemberDevices: Array; removedFromMemberUuids: Array; } { const newToMemberDevices = differenceWith( devicesForSend, memberDevices, deviceComparator ); const newToMemberUuids = getUuidsFromDevices(newToMemberDevices); // If this is a partial send, we won't do anything with device removals if (isPartialSend) { return { newToMemberDevices, newToMemberUuids, removedFromMemberDevices: [], removedFromMemberUuids: [], }; } const removedFromMemberDevices = differenceWith( memberDevices, devicesForSend, deviceComparator ); const removedFromMemberUuids = getUuidsFromDevices(removedFromMemberDevices); return { newToMemberDevices, newToMemberUuids, removedFromMemberDevices, removedFromMemberUuids, }; } function getOurAddress(): Address { const ourUuid = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedUuid(); const ourDeviceId = window.textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(); if (!ourDeviceId) { throw new Error('getOurAddress: Unable to fetch our deviceId'); } return new Address(ourUuid, ourDeviceId); } async function resetSenderKey(sendTarget: SenderKeyTargetType): Promise { const logId = sendTarget.idForLogging(); log.info(`resetSenderKey/${logId}: Sender key needs reset. Clearing data...`); const senderKeyInfo = sendTarget.getSenderKeyInfo(); if (!senderKeyInfo) { log.warn(`resetSenderKey/${logId}: No sender key info`); return; } const { distributionId } = senderKeyInfo; const ourAddress = getOurAddress(); // Note: We preserve existing distributionId to minimize space for sender key storage await sendTarget.saveSenderKeyInfo({ createdAtDate: Date.now(), distributionId, memberDevices: [], }); const ourUuid = window.storage.user.getCheckedUuid(); await window.textsecure.storage.protocol.removeSenderKey( new QualifiedAddress(ourUuid, ourAddress), distributionId ); } function getAccessKey( attributes: ConversationAttributesType ): string | undefined { const { sealedSender, accessKey } = attributes; if (sealedSender === SEALED_SENDER.ENABLED) { return accessKey || undefined; } if ( sealedSender === SEALED_SENDER.UNKNOWN || sealedSender === SEALED_SENDER.UNRESTRICTED ) { return ZERO_ACCESS_KEY; } return undefined; } async function fetchKeysForIdentifiers( identifiers: Array ): Promise { log.info( `fetchKeysForIdentifiers: Fetching keys for ${identifiers.length} identifiers` ); try { await _waitForAll({ tasks: identifiers.map( identifier => async () => fetchKeysForIdentifier(identifier) ), }); } catch (error) { log.error( 'fetchKeysForIdentifiers: Failed to fetch keys:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); throw error; } } async function fetchKeysForIdentifier( identifier: string, devices?: Array ): Promise { log.info( `fetchKeysForIdentifier: Fetching ${ devices || 'all' } devices for ${identifier}` ); if (!window.textsecure?.messaging?.server) { throw new Error('fetchKeysForIdentifier: No server available!'); } const emptyConversation = window.ConversationController.getOrCreate( identifier, 'private' ); try { const { accessKeyFailed } = await getKeysForIdentifier( identifier, window.textsecure?.messaging?.server, devices, getAccessKey(emptyConversation.attributes) ); if (accessKeyFailed) { log.info( `fetchKeysForIdentifiers: Setting sealedSender to DISABLED for conversation ${emptyConversation.idForLogging()}` ); emptyConversation.set({ sealedSender: SEALED_SENDER.DISABLED, }); window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(emptyConversation.attributes); } } catch (error) { if (error.name === 'UnregisteredUserError') { await markIdentifierUnregistered(identifier); return; } throw error; } }