// Copyright 2019 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import { reducer as rootReducer } from '../../../state/reducer'; import { noopAction } from '../../../state/ducks/noop'; import { actions as userActions } from '../../../state/ducks/user'; import { CallState, CallViewMode, GroupCallConnectionState, GroupCallJoinState, } from '../../../types/Calling'; import { CallMode } from '../../../types/CallDisposition'; import { generateAci } from '../../../types/ServiceId'; import { getCallsByConversation, getCallSelector, getHasAnyAdminCallLinks, getRingingCall, isInCall, } from '../../../state/selectors/calling'; import type { CallingStateType, DirectCallStateType, GroupCallStateType, } from '../../../state/ducks/calling'; import { getEmptyState } from '../../../state/ducks/calling'; import { FAKE_CALL_LINK, FAKE_CALL_LINK_WITH_ADMIN_KEY, } from '../../../test-both/helpers/fakeCallLink'; const OUR_ACI = generateAci(); const ACI_1 = generateAci(); describe('state/selectors/calling', () => { const getEmptyRootState = () => { const initial = rootReducer(undefined, noopAction()); return rootReducer( initial, userActions.userChanged({ ourAci: OUR_ACI, }) ); }; const getCallingState = (calling: CallingStateType) => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), calling, }); const stateWithDirectCall: CallingStateType = { ...getEmptyState(), callsByConversation: { 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id': { callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', callState: CallState.Accepted, isIncoming: false, isVideoCall: false, hasRemoteVideo: false, }, }, }; const stateWithActiveDirectCall: CallingStateType = { ...stateWithDirectCall, activeCallState: { state: 'Active', callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: false, localAudioLevel: 0, viewMode: CallViewMode.Paginated, showParticipantsList: false, outgoingRing: true, pip: false, settingsDialogOpen: false, joinedAt: null, }, }; const incomingDirectCall: DirectCallStateType = { callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', callState: CallState.Ringing, isIncoming: true, isVideoCall: false, hasRemoteVideo: false, }; const stateWithIncomingDirectCall: CallingStateType = { ...getEmptyState(), callsByConversation: { 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id': incomingDirectCall, }, }; const incomingGroupCall: GroupCallStateType = { callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.NotConnected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined, localDemuxId: undefined, peekInfo: { acis: [ACI_1], pendingAcis: [], creatorAci: ACI_1, maxDevices: Infinity, deviceCount: 1, }, remoteParticipants: [], ringId: BigInt(123), ringerAci: ACI_1, }; const stateWithIncomingGroupCall: CallingStateType = { ...getEmptyState(), callsByConversation: { 'fake-group-call-conversation-id': incomingGroupCall, }, }; const stateWithCallLink: CallingStateType = { ...getEmptyState(), callLinks: { [FAKE_CALL_LINK.roomId]: FAKE_CALL_LINK, }, }; const stateWithAdminCallLink: CallingStateType = { ...getEmptyState(), callLinks: { [FAKE_CALL_LINK_WITH_ADMIN_KEY.roomId]: FAKE_CALL_LINK_WITH_ADMIN_KEY, }, }; describe('getCallsByConversation', () => { it('returns state.calling.callsByConversation', () => { assert.deepEqual(getCallsByConversation(getEmptyRootState()), {}); assert.deepEqual( getCallsByConversation(getCallingState(stateWithDirectCall)), { 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id': { callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', callState: CallState.Accepted, isIncoming: false, isVideoCall: false, hasRemoteVideo: false, }, } ); }); }); describe('getCallSelector', () => { it('returns a selector that returns undefined if selecting a conversation with no call', () => { assert.isUndefined( getCallSelector(getEmptyRootState())('conversation-id') ); }); it("returns a selector that returns a conversation's call", () => { assert.deepEqual( getCallSelector(getCallingState(stateWithDirectCall))( 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id' ), { callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', callState: CallState.Accepted, isIncoming: false, isVideoCall: false, hasRemoteVideo: false, } ); }); }); describe('getRingingCall', () => { it('returns undefined if there are no calls', () => { assert.isUndefined(getRingingCall(getEmptyRootState())); }); it('returns undefined if there is no incoming call', () => { assert.isUndefined(getRingingCall(getCallingState(stateWithDirectCall))); assert.isUndefined( getRingingCall(getCallingState(stateWithActiveDirectCall)) ); }); it('returns undefined if there is a group call with no peeked participants', () => { const state = { ...stateWithIncomingGroupCall, callsByConversation: { 'fake-group-call-conversation-id': { ...incomingGroupCall, peekInfo: { acis: [], pendingAcis: [], maxDevices: Infinity, deviceCount: 1, }, }, }, }; assert.isUndefined(getRingingCall(getCallingState(state))); }); it('returns an incoming direct call', () => { assert.deepEqual( getRingingCall(getCallingState(stateWithIncomingDirectCall)), incomingDirectCall ); }); it('returns an incoming group call', () => { assert.deepEqual( getRingingCall(getCallingState(stateWithIncomingGroupCall)), incomingGroupCall ); }); }); describe('isInCall', () => { it('returns should be false if we are not in a call', () => { assert.isFalse(isInCall(getEmptyRootState())); }); it('should be true if we are in a call', () => { assert.isTrue(isInCall(getCallingState(stateWithActiveDirectCall))); }); }); describe('getHasAnyAdminCallLinks', () => { it('returns true with admin call links', () => { assert.isTrue( getHasAnyAdminCallLinks(getCallingState(stateWithAdminCallLink)) ); }); it('returns false with only non-admin call links', () => { assert.isFalse( getHasAnyAdminCallLinks(getCallingState(stateWithCallLink)) ); }); it('returns false without any call links', () => { assert.isFalse(getHasAnyAdminCallLinks(getEmptyRootState())); }); }); });