// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import createDebug from 'debug'; import Long from 'long'; import { Proto, StorageState } from '@signalapp/mock-server'; import { generateStoryDistributionId } from '../../types/StoryDistributionId'; import { MY_STORY_ID } from '../../types/Stories'; import { uuidToBytes } from '../../util/uuidToBytes'; import * as durations from '../../util/durations'; import type { App } from '../playwright'; import { Bootstrap } from '../bootstrap'; export const debug = createDebug('mock:test:backups'); const IdentifierType = Proto.ManifestRecord.Identifier.Type; const DISTRIBUTION1 = generateStoryDistributionId(); describe('backups', function (this: Mocha.Suite) { this.timeout(100 * durations.MINUTE); let bootstrap: Bootstrap; let app: App; beforeEach(async () => { bootstrap = new Bootstrap(); await bootstrap.init(); let state = StorageState.getEmpty(); const { phone, contacts } = bootstrap; const [friend, pinned] = contacts; state = state.updateAccount({ profileKey: phone.profileKey.serialize(), e164: phone.device.number, givenName: phone.profileName, readReceipts: true, hasCompletedUsernameOnboarding: true, }); state = state.addContact(friend, { identityKey: friend.publicKey.serialize(), profileKey: friend.profileKey.serialize(), }); state = state.addContact(pinned, { identityKey: pinned.publicKey.serialize(), profileKey: pinned.profileKey.serialize(), whitelisted: true, }); state = state.pin(pinned); // Create empty My Story state = state.addRecord({ type: IdentifierType.STORY_DISTRIBUTION_LIST, record: { storyDistributionList: { allowsReplies: true, identifier: uuidToBytes(MY_STORY_ID), isBlockList: true, name: MY_STORY_ID, recipientServiceIds: [pinned.device.aci], }, }, }); state = state.addRecord({ type: IdentifierType.STORY_DISTRIBUTION_LIST, record: { storyDistributionList: { allowsReplies: true, identifier: uuidToBytes(DISTRIBUTION1), isBlockList: false, name: 'friend', recipientServiceIds: [friend.device.aci], }, }, }); await phone.setStorageState(state); app = await bootstrap.link(); }); afterEach(async function (this: Mocha.Context) { if (!bootstrap) { return; } await bootstrap.maybeSaveLogs(this.currentTest, app); await app.close(); await bootstrap.teardown(); }); it('exports and imports backup', async function () { const { contacts, phone, desktop, server } = bootstrap; const [friend, pinned] = contacts; { debug('wait for storage service sync to finish'); const window = await app.getWindow(); const leftPane = window.locator('#LeftPane'); const contact = leftPane.locator( `[data-testid="${pinned.device.aci}"] >> "${pinned.profileName}"` ); await contact.click(); debug('setting bubble color'); const conversationStack = window.locator('.Inbox__conversation-stack'); await conversationStack .locator('button.module-ConversationHeader__button--more') .click(); await window .locator('.react-contextmenu-item >> "Chat settings"') .click(); await conversationStack .locator('.ConversationDetails__chat-color') .click(); await conversationStack .locator('.ChatColorPicker__bubble--infrared') .click(); const backButton = conversationStack.locator( '.ConversationPanel__header__back-button' ); // Go back from colors await backButton.first().click(); // Go back from settings await backButton.last().click(); } for (let i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await server.send( desktop, // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await phone.encryptSyncSent(desktop, `to pinned ${i}`, { timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), destinationServiceId: pinned.device.aci, }) ); const theirTimestamp = bootstrap.getTimestamp(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await friend.sendText(desktop, `msg ${i}`, { timestamp: theirTimestamp, }); const ourTimestamp = bootstrap.getTimestamp(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await server.send( desktop, // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await phone.encryptSyncSent(desktop, `respond ${i}`, { timestamp: ourTimestamp, destinationServiceId: friend.device.aci, }) ); const reactionTimestamp = bootstrap.getTimestamp(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await friend.sendRaw( desktop, { dataMessage: { timestamp: Long.fromNumber(reactionTimestamp), reaction: { emoji: '👍', targetAuthorAci: desktop.aci, targetTimestamp: Long.fromNumber(ourTimestamp), }, }, }, { timestamp: reactionTimestamp, } ); } const backupPath = bootstrap.getBackupPath('backup.bin'); await app.exportBackupToDisk(backupPath); const comparator = await bootstrap.createScreenshotComparator( app, async (window, snapshot) => { const leftPane = window.locator('#LeftPane'); const pinnedElem = leftPane.locator( `[data-testid="${pinned.toContact().aci}"] >> "to pinned 4"` ); debug('Waiting for messages to pinned contact to come through'); await pinnedElem.click(); const contactElem = leftPane.locator( `[data-testid="${friend.toContact().aci}"] >> "respond 4"` ); debug('Waiting for messages to regular contact to come through'); await contactElem.waitFor(); await snapshot('styled bubbles'); debug('Going into the conversation'); await contactElem.click(); await window .locator('.ConversationView .module-message >> "respond 4"') .waitFor(); await snapshot('conversation'); debug('Switching to stories nav tab'); await window.getByTestId('NavTabsItem--Stories').click(); debug('Opening story privacy'); await window.locator('.StoriesTab__MoreActionsIcon').click(); await window.getByRole('button', { name: 'Story Privacy' }).click(); await snapshot('story privacy'); }, this.test ); await app.close(); // Restart await bootstrap.eraseStorage(); app = await bootstrap.link({ ciBackupPath: backupPath, }); await comparator(app); }); });