// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import * as React from 'react'; import { isBoolean } from 'lodash'; import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions'; import { boolean, number, select, text } from '@storybook/addon-knobs'; import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react'; import { SignalService } from '../../protobuf'; import { ConversationColors } from '../../types/Colors'; import { EmojiPicker } from '../emoji/EmojiPicker'; import { Message, Props, AudioAttachmentProps } from './Message'; import { AUDIO_MP3, IMAGE_JPEG, IMAGE_PNG, IMAGE_WEBP, VIDEO_MP4, stringToMIMEType, } from '../../types/MIME'; import { ReadStatus } from '../../messages/MessageReadStatus'; import { MessageAudio } from './MessageAudio'; import { computePeaks } from '../GlobalAudioContext'; import { setupI18n } from '../../util/setupI18n'; import enMessages from '../../../_locales/en/messages.json'; import { pngUrl } from '../../storybook/Fixtures'; import { getDefaultConversation } from '../../test-both/helpers/getDefaultConversation'; import { WidthBreakpoint } from '../_util'; import { fakeAttachment } from '../../test-both/helpers/fakeAttachment'; const i18n = setupI18n('en', enMessages); function getJoyReaction() { return { emoji: '😂', from: getDefaultConversation({ id: '+14155552674', phoneNumber: '+14155552674', name: 'Amelia Briggs', title: 'Amelia', }), timestamp: Date.now() - 10, }; } const story = storiesOf('Components/Conversation/Message', module); const renderEmojiPicker: Props['renderEmojiPicker'] = ({ onClose, onPickEmoji, ref, }) => ( ); const renderReactionPicker: Props['renderReactionPicker'] = () =>
; const MessageAudioContainer: React.FC = props => { const [active, setActive] = React.useState<{ id?: string; context?: string; }>({}); const audio = React.useMemo(() => new Audio(), []); return ( setActive({ id, context })} onFirstPlayed={action('onFirstPlayed')} activeAudioID={active.id} activeAudioContext={active.context} /> ); }; const renderAudioAttachment: Props['renderAudioAttachment'] = props => ( ); const createProps = (overrideProps: Partial = {}): Props => ({ attachments: overrideProps.attachments, author: overrideProps.author || getDefaultConversation(), reducedMotion: boolean('reducedMotion', false), bodyRanges: overrideProps.bodyRanges, canReply: true, canDownload: true, canDeleteForEveryone: overrideProps.canDeleteForEveryone || false, checkForAccount: action('checkForAccount'), clearSelectedMessage: action('clearSelectedMessage'), collapseMetadata: overrideProps.collapseMetadata, containerElementRef: React.createRef(), containerWidthBreakpoint: WidthBreakpoint.Wide, conversationColor: overrideProps.conversationColor || select('conversationColor', ConversationColors, ConversationColors[0]), conversationId: text('conversationId', overrideProps.conversationId || ''), conversationType: overrideProps.conversationType || 'direct', deletedForEveryone: overrideProps.deletedForEveryone, deleteMessage: action('deleteMessage'), deleteMessageForEveryone: action('deleteMessageForEveryone'), disableMenu: overrideProps.disableMenu, disableScroll: overrideProps.disableScroll, direction: overrideProps.direction || 'incoming', displayTapToViewMessage: action('displayTapToViewMessage'), doubleCheckMissingQuoteReference: action('doubleCheckMissingQuoteReference'), downloadAttachment: action('downloadAttachment'), expirationLength: number('expirationLength', overrideProps.expirationLength || 0) || undefined, expirationTimestamp: number('expirationTimestamp', overrideProps.expirationTimestamp || 0) || undefined, i18n, id: text('id', overrideProps.id || ''), renderingContext: 'storybook', interactionMode: overrideProps.interactionMode || 'keyboard', isSticker: isBoolean(overrideProps.isSticker) ? overrideProps.isSticker : false, isBlocked: isBoolean(overrideProps.isBlocked) ? overrideProps.isBlocked : false, isMessageRequestAccepted: isBoolean(overrideProps.isMessageRequestAccepted) ? overrideProps.isMessageRequestAccepted : true, isTapToView: overrideProps.isTapToView, isTapToViewError: overrideProps.isTapToViewError, isTapToViewExpired: overrideProps.isTapToViewExpired, kickOffAttachmentDownload: action('kickOffAttachmentDownload'), markAttachmentAsCorrupted: action('markAttachmentAsCorrupted'), markViewed: action('markViewed'), onHeightChange: action('onHeightChange'), openConversation: action('openConversation'), openLink: action('openLink'), previews: overrideProps.previews || [], reactions: overrideProps.reactions, reactToMessage: action('reactToMessage'), readStatus: overrideProps.readStatus === undefined ? ReadStatus.Read : overrideProps.readStatus, renderEmojiPicker, renderReactionPicker, renderAudioAttachment, replyToMessage: action('replyToMessage'), retrySend: action('retrySend'), scrollToQuotedMessage: action('scrollToQuotedMessage'), selectMessage: action('selectMessage'), showContactDetail: action('showContactDetail'), showContactModal: action('showContactModal'), showExpiredIncomingTapToViewToast: action( 'showExpiredIncomingTapToViewToast' ), showExpiredOutgoingTapToViewToast: action( 'showExpiredOutgoingTapToViewToast' ), showForwardMessageModal: action('showForwardMessageModal'), showMessageDetail: action('showMessageDetail'), showVisualAttachment: action('showVisualAttachment'), status: overrideProps.status || 'sent', text: overrideProps.text || text('text', ''), textPending: boolean('textPending', overrideProps.textPending || false), timestamp: number('timestamp', overrideProps.timestamp || Date.now()), }); const renderBothDirections = (props: Props) => ( <>
); story.add('Plain Message', () => { const props = createProps({ text: 'Hello there from a pal! I am sending a long message so that it will wrap a bit, since I like that look.', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Emoji Messages', () => ( <>

)); story.add('Delivered', () => { const props = createProps({ direction: 'outgoing', status: 'delivered', text: 'Hello there from a pal! I am sending a long message so that it will wrap a bit, since I like that look.', }); return ; }); story.add('Read', () => { const props = createProps({ direction: 'outgoing', status: 'read', text: 'Hello there from a pal! I am sending a long message so that it will wrap a bit, since I like that look.', }); return ; }); story.add('Sending', () => { const props = createProps({ direction: 'outgoing', status: 'sending', text: 'Hello there from a pal! I am sending a long message so that it will wrap a bit, since I like that look.', }); return ; }); story.add('Expiring', () => { const props = createProps({ expirationLength: 30 * 1000, expirationTimestamp: Date.now() + 30 * 1000, text: 'Hello there from a pal! I am sending a long message so that it will wrap a bit, since I like that look.', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Pending', () => { const props = createProps({ text: 'Hello there from a pal! I am sending a long message so that it will wrap a bit, since I like that look.', textPending: true, }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Collapsed Metadata', () => { const props = createProps({ author: getDefaultConversation({ title: 'Fred Willard' }), collapseMetadata: true, conversationType: 'group', text: 'Hello there from a pal!', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Recent', () => { const props = createProps({ text: 'Hello there from a pal!', timestamp: Date.now() - 30 * 60 * 1000, }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Older', () => { const props = createProps({ text: 'Hello there from a pal!', timestamp: Date.now() - 180 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Reactions (wider message)', () => { const props = createProps({ text: 'Hello there from a pal!', timestamp: Date.now() - 180 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, reactions: [ { emoji: '👍', from: getDefaultConversation({ isMe: true, id: '+14155552672', phoneNumber: '+14155552672', name: 'Me', title: 'Me', }), timestamp: Date.now() - 10, }, { emoji: '👍', from: getDefaultConversation({ id: '+14155552672', phoneNumber: '+14155552672', name: 'Amelia Briggs', title: 'Amelia', }), timestamp: Date.now() - 10, }, { emoji: '👍', from: getDefaultConversation({ id: '+14155552673', phoneNumber: '+14155552673', name: 'Amelia Briggs', title: 'Amelia', }), timestamp: Date.now() - 10, }, { emoji: '😂', from: getDefaultConversation({ id: '+14155552674', phoneNumber: '+14155552674', name: 'Amelia Briggs', title: 'Amelia', }), timestamp: Date.now() - 10, }, { emoji: '😡', from: getDefaultConversation({ id: '+14155552677', phoneNumber: '+14155552677', name: 'Amelia Briggs', title: 'Amelia', }), timestamp: Date.now() - 10, }, { emoji: '👎', from: getDefaultConversation({ id: '+14155552678', phoneNumber: '+14155552678', name: 'Amelia Briggs', title: 'Amelia', }), timestamp: Date.now() - 10, }, { emoji: '❤️', from: getDefaultConversation({ id: '+14155552679', phoneNumber: '+14155552679', name: 'Amelia Briggs', title: 'Amelia', }), timestamp: Date.now() - 10, }, ], }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); const joyReactions = Array.from({ length: 52 }, () => getJoyReaction()); story.add('Reactions (short message)', () => { const props = createProps({ text: 'h', timestamp: Date.now(), reactions: [ ...joyReactions, { emoji: '👍', from: getDefaultConversation({ isMe: true, id: '+14155552672', phoneNumber: '+14155552672', name: 'Me', title: 'Me', }), timestamp: Date.now(), }, { emoji: '👍', from: getDefaultConversation({ id: '+14155552672', phoneNumber: '+14155552672', name: 'Amelia Briggs', title: 'Amelia', }), timestamp: Date.now(), }, { emoji: '👍', from: getDefaultConversation({ id: '+14155552673', phoneNumber: '+14155552673', name: 'Amelia Briggs', title: 'Amelia', }), timestamp: Date.now(), }, { emoji: '😡', from: getDefaultConversation({ id: '+14155552677', phoneNumber: '+14155552677', name: 'Amelia Briggs', title: 'Amelia', }), timestamp: Date.now(), }, { emoji: '👎', from: getDefaultConversation({ id: '+14155552678', phoneNumber: '+14155552678', name: 'Amelia Briggs', title: 'Amelia', }), timestamp: Date.now(), }, { emoji: '❤️', from: getDefaultConversation({ id: '+14155552679', phoneNumber: '+14155552679', name: 'Amelia Briggs', title: 'Amelia', }), timestamp: Date.now(), }, ], }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Avatar in Group', () => { const props = createProps({ author: getDefaultConversation({ avatarPath: pngUrl }), conversationType: 'group', status: 'sent', text: 'Hello it is me, the saxophone.', }); return ; }); story.add('Sticker', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ url: '/fixtures/512x515-thumbs-up-lincoln.webp', fileName: '512x515-thumbs-up-lincoln.webp', contentType: IMAGE_WEBP, width: 128, height: 128, }), ], isSticker: true, status: 'sent', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Deleted', () => { const props = createProps({ conversationType: 'group', deletedForEveryone: true, status: 'sent', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Deleted with expireTimer', () => { const props = createProps({ timestamp: Date.now() - 60 * 1000, conversationType: 'group', deletedForEveryone: true, expirationLength: 5 * 60 * 1000, expirationTimestamp: Date.now() + 3 * 60 * 1000, status: 'sent', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Can delete for everyone', () => { const props = createProps({ status: 'read', text: 'I hope you get this.', canDeleteForEveryone: true, }); return ; }); story.add('Error', () => { const props = createProps({ status: 'error', text: 'I hope you get this.', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Paused', () => { const props = createProps({ status: 'paused', text: 'I am up to a challenge', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Partial Send', () => { const props = createProps({ status: 'partial-sent', text: 'I hope you get this.', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Link Preview', () => { const props = createProps({ previews: [ { domain: 'signal.org', image: fakeAttachment({ contentType: IMAGE_PNG, fileName: 'the-sax.png', height: 240, url: pngUrl, width: 320, }), isStickerPack: false, title: 'Signal', description: 'Say "hello" to a different messaging experience. An unexpected focus on privacy, combined with all of the features you expect.', url: 'https://www.signal.org', date: new Date(2020, 2, 10).valueOf(), }, ], status: 'sent', text: 'Be sure to look at https://www.signal.org', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Link Preview with Small Image', () => { const props = createProps({ previews: [ { domain: 'signal.org', image: fakeAttachment({ contentType: IMAGE_PNG, fileName: 'the-sax.png', height: 50, url: pngUrl, width: 50, }), isStickerPack: false, title: 'Signal', description: 'Say "hello" to a different messaging experience. An unexpected focus on privacy, combined with all of the features you expect.', url: 'https://www.signal.org', date: new Date(2020, 2, 10).valueOf(), }, ], status: 'sent', text: 'Be sure to look at https://www.signal.org', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Link Preview without Image', () => { const props = createProps({ previews: [ { domain: 'signal.org', isStickerPack: false, title: 'Signal', description: 'Say "hello" to a different messaging experience. An unexpected focus on privacy, combined with all of the features you expect.', url: 'https://www.signal.org', date: new Date(2020, 2, 10).valueOf(), }, ], status: 'sent', text: 'Be sure to look at https://www.signal.org', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Link Preview with no description', () => { const props = createProps({ previews: [ { domain: 'signal.org', isStickerPack: false, title: 'Signal', url: 'https://www.signal.org', date: Date.now(), }, ], status: 'sent', text: 'Be sure to look at https://www.signal.org', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Link Preview with long description', () => { const props = createProps({ previews: [ { domain: 'signal.org', isStickerPack: false, title: 'Signal', description: Array(10) .fill( 'Say "hello" to a different messaging experience. An unexpected focus on privacy, combined with all of the features you expect.' ) .join(' '), url: 'https://www.signal.org', date: Date.now(), }, ], status: 'sent', text: 'Be sure to look at https://www.signal.org', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Link Preview with small image, long description', () => { const props = createProps({ previews: [ { domain: 'signal.org', image: fakeAttachment({ contentType: IMAGE_PNG, fileName: 'the-sax.png', height: 50, url: pngUrl, width: 50, }), isStickerPack: false, title: 'Signal', description: Array(10) .fill( 'Say "hello" to a different messaging experience. An unexpected focus on privacy, combined with all of the features you expect.' ) .join(' '), url: 'https://www.signal.org', date: Date.now(), }, ], status: 'sent', text: 'Be sure to look at https://www.signal.org', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Link Preview with no date', () => { const props = createProps({ previews: [ { domain: 'signal.org', image: fakeAttachment({ contentType: IMAGE_PNG, fileName: 'the-sax.png', height: 240, url: pngUrl, width: 320, }), isStickerPack: false, title: 'Signal', description: 'Say "hello" to a different messaging experience. An unexpected focus on privacy, combined with all of the features you expect.', url: 'https://www.signal.org', }, ], status: 'sent', text: 'Be sure to look at https://www.signal.org', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Link Preview with too new a date', () => { const props = createProps({ previews: [ { domain: 'signal.org', image: fakeAttachment({ contentType: IMAGE_PNG, fileName: 'the-sax.png', height: 240, url: pngUrl, width: 320, }), isStickerPack: false, title: 'Signal', description: 'Say "hello" to a different messaging experience. An unexpected focus on privacy, combined with all of the features you expect.', url: 'https://www.signal.org', date: Date.now() + 3000000000, }, ], status: 'sent', text: 'Be sure to look at https://www.signal.org', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Image', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ url: '/fixtures/tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', fileName: 'tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, width: 128, height: 128, }), ], status: 'sent', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); for (let i = 2; i <= 5; i += 1) { story.add(`Multiple Images x${i}`, () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ url: '/fixtures/tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', fileName: 'tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, width: 128, height: 128, }), fakeAttachment({ url: '/fixtures/tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', fileName: 'tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, width: 128, height: 128, }), fakeAttachment({ url: '/fixtures/tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', fileName: 'tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, width: 128, height: 128, }), fakeAttachment({ url: '/fixtures/tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', fileName: 'tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, width: 128, height: 128, }), fakeAttachment({ url: '/fixtures/tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', fileName: 'tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, width: 128, height: 128, }), ].slice(0, i), status: 'sent', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); } story.add('Image with Caption', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ url: '/fixtures/tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', fileName: 'tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, width: 128, height: 128, }), ], status: 'sent', text: 'This is my home.', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('GIF', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ contentType: VIDEO_MP4, flags: SignalService.AttachmentPointer.Flags.GIF, fileName: 'cat-gif.mp4', url: '/fixtures/cat-gif.mp4', width: 400, height: 332, }), ], status: 'sent', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('GIF in a group', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ contentType: VIDEO_MP4, flags: SignalService.AttachmentPointer.Flags.GIF, fileName: 'cat-gif.mp4', url: '/fixtures/cat-gif.mp4', width: 400, height: 332, }), ], conversationType: 'group', status: 'sent', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Not Downloaded GIF', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ contentType: VIDEO_MP4, flags: SignalService.AttachmentPointer.Flags.GIF, fileName: 'cat-gif.mp4', fileSize: '188.61 KB', blurHash: 'LDA,FDBnm+I=p{tkIUI;~UkpELV]', width: 400, height: 332, }), ], status: 'sent', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Pending GIF', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ pending: true, contentType: VIDEO_MP4, flags: SignalService.AttachmentPointer.Flags.GIF, fileName: 'cat-gif.mp4', fileSize: '188.61 KB', blurHash: 'LDA,FDBnm+I=p{tkIUI;~UkpELV]', width: 400, height: 332, }), ], status: 'sent', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Audio', () => { const Wrapper = () => { const [isPlayed, setIsPlayed] = React.useState(false); const messageProps = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ contentType: AUDIO_MP3, fileName: 'incompetech-com-Agnus-Dei-X.mp3', url: '/fixtures/incompetech-com-Agnus-Dei-X.mp3', }), ], ...(isPlayed ? { status: 'viewed', readStatus: ReadStatus.Viewed, } : { status: 'read', readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, }), }); return ( <> {renderBothDirections(messageProps)} ); }; return ; }); story.add('Long Audio', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ contentType: AUDIO_MP3, fileName: 'long-audio.mp3', url: '/fixtures/long-audio.mp3', }), ], status: 'sent', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Audio with Caption', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ contentType: AUDIO_MP3, fileName: 'incompetech-com-Agnus-Dei-X.mp3', url: '/fixtures/incompetech-com-Agnus-Dei-X.mp3', }), ], status: 'sent', text: 'This is what I sound like.', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Audio with Not Downloaded Attachment', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ contentType: AUDIO_MP3, fileName: 'incompetech-com-Agnus-Dei-X.mp3', }), ], status: 'sent', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Audio with Pending Attachment', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ contentType: AUDIO_MP3, fileName: 'incompetech-com-Agnus-Dei-X.mp3', pending: true, }), ], status: 'sent', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Other File Type', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ contentType: stringToMIMEType('text/plain'), fileName: 'my-resume.txt', url: 'my-resume.txt', }), ], status: 'sent', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Other File Type with Caption', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ contentType: stringToMIMEType('text/plain'), fileName: 'my-resume.txt', url: 'my-resume.txt', }), ], status: 'sent', text: 'This is what I have done.', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Other File Type with Long Filename', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ contentType: stringToMIMEType('text/plain'), fileName: 'INSERT-APP-NAME_INSERT-APP-APPLE-ID_AppStore_AppsGamesWatch.psd.zip', url: 'a2/a2334324darewer4234', }), ], status: 'sent', text: 'This is what I have done.', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('TapToView Image', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ url: '/fixtures/tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', fileName: 'tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, width: 128, height: 128, }), ], isTapToView: true, status: 'sent', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('TapToView Video', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ contentType: VIDEO_MP4, fileName: 'pixabay-Soap-Bubble-7141.mp4', height: 128, url: '/fixtures/pixabay-Soap-Bubble-7141.mp4', width: 128, }), ], isTapToView: true, status: 'sent', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('TapToView GIF', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ contentType: VIDEO_MP4, flags: SignalService.AttachmentPointer.Flags.GIF, fileName: 'cat-gif.mp4', url: '/fixtures/cat-gif.mp4', width: 400, height: 332, }), ], isTapToView: true, status: 'sent', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('TapToView Expired', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ url: '/fixtures/tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', fileName: 'tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, width: 128, height: 128, }), ], isTapToView: true, isTapToViewExpired: true, status: 'sent', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('TapToView Error', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ url: '/fixtures/tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', fileName: 'tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, width: 128, height: 128, }), ], isTapToView: true, isTapToViewError: true, status: 'sent', }); return ; }); story.add('Dangerous File Type', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ contentType: stringToMIMEType( 'application/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable' ), fileName: 'terrible.exe', url: 'terrible.exe', }), ], status: 'sent', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Colors', () => { return ( <> {ConversationColors.map(color => (
{renderBothDirections( createProps({ conversationColor: color, text: `Here is a preview of the chat color: ${color}. The color is visible to only you.`, }) )}
))} ); }); story.add('@Mentions', () => { const props = createProps({ bodyRanges: [ { start: 0, length: 1, mentionUuid: 'zap', replacementText: 'Zapp Brannigan', }, ], text: '\uFFFC This Is It. The Moment We Should Have Trained For.', }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('All the context menus', () => { const props = createProps({ attachments: [ fakeAttachment({ url: '/fixtures/tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', fileName: 'tina-rolf-269345-unsplash.jpg', contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, width: 128, height: 128, }), ], status: 'partial-sent', canDeleteForEveryone: true, }); return ; }); story.add('Not approved, with link preview', () => { const props = createProps({ previews: [ { domain: 'signal.org', image: fakeAttachment({ contentType: IMAGE_PNG, fileName: 'the-sax.png', height: 240, url: pngUrl, width: 320, }), isStickerPack: false, title: 'Signal', description: 'Say "hello" to a different messaging experience. An unexpected focus on privacy, combined with all of the features you expect.', url: 'https://www.signal.org', date: new Date(2020, 2, 10).valueOf(), }, ], status: 'sent', text: 'Be sure to look at https://www.signal.org', isMessageRequestAccepted: false, }); return renderBothDirections(props); }); story.add('Custom Color', () => ( <>