// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { ChangeEvent } from 'react'; import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState, } from 'react'; import type { Index, IndexRange, ListRowProps } from 'react-virtualized'; import { InfiniteLoader, List } from 'react-virtualized'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import type { LocalizerType } from '../types/I18N'; import { ListTile } from './ListTile'; import { Avatar, AvatarSize } from './Avatar'; import { SearchInput } from './SearchInput'; import type { CallHistoryFilterOptions, CallHistoryGroup, CallHistoryPagination, } from '../types/CallDisposition'; import { CallHistoryFilterStatus, CallDirection, CallType, DirectCallStatus, GroupCallStatus, isSameCallHistoryGroup, } from '../types/CallDisposition'; import { formatDateTimeShort, isMoreRecentThan } from '../util/timestamp'; import type { ConversationType } from '../state/ducks/conversations'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { refMerger } from '../util/refMerger'; import { drop } from '../util/drop'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { UserText } from './UserText'; import { I18n } from './I18n'; import { NavSidebarSearchHeader } from './NavSidebar'; import { SizeObserver } from '../hooks/useSizeObserver'; import { formatCallHistoryGroup, getCallIdFromEra, } from '../util/callDisposition'; import { CallsNewCallButton } from './CallsNewCall'; import { Tooltip, TooltipPlacement } from './Tooltip'; import { Theme } from '../util/theme'; import type { CallingConversationType } from '../types/Calling'; import { CallMode } from '../types/Calling'; import type { CallLinkType } from '../types/CallLink'; import { callLinkToConversation, getPlaceholderCallLinkConversation, } from '../util/callLinks'; import type { CallsTabSelectedView } from './CallsTab'; import type { CallStateType } from '../state/selectors/calling'; import { isGroupOrAdhocCallMode, isGroupOrAdhocCallState, } from '../util/isGroupOrAdhocCall'; import { isAnybodyInGroupCall } from '../state/ducks/callingHelpers'; import type { ActiveCallStateType, PeekNotConnectedGroupCallType, } from '../state/ducks/calling'; import { DAY, MINUTE, SECOND } from '../util/durations'; import type { StartCallData } from './ConfirmLeaveCallModal'; function Timestamp({ i18n, timestamp, }: { i18n: LocalizerType; timestamp: number; }): JSX.Element { const [now, setNow] = useState(() => Date.now()); useEffect(() => { const timer = setInterval(() => { setNow(Date.now()); }, 1_000); return () => { clearInterval(timer); }; }, []); const dateTime = useMemo(() => { return new Date(timestamp).toISOString(); }, [timestamp]); const formatted = useMemo(() => { void now; // Use this as a dep so we update return formatDateTimeShort(i18n, timestamp); }, [i18n, timestamp, now]); return ; } type SearchResults = Readonly<{ count: number; items: ReadonlyArray; }>; type SearchState = Readonly<{ state: 'init' | 'pending' | 'rejected' | 'fulfilled'; // Note these fields shouldnt be updated until the search is fulfilled or rejected. options: null | { query: string; status: CallHistoryFilterStatus }; results: null | SearchResults; }>; const defaultInitState: SearchState = { state: 'init', options: null, results: null, }; const defaultPendingState: SearchState = { state: 'pending', options: null, results: { count: 100, items: [], }, }; type CallsListProps = Readonly<{ activeCall: ActiveCallStateType | undefined; canCreateCallLinks: boolean; getCallHistoryGroupsCount: ( options: CallHistoryFilterOptions ) => Promise; getCallHistoryGroups: ( options: CallHistoryFilterOptions, pagination: CallHistoryPagination ) => Promise>; callHistoryEdition: number; getAdhocCall: (roomId: string) => CallStateType | undefined; getCall: (id: string) => CallStateType | undefined; getCallLink: (id: string) => CallLinkType | undefined; getConversation: (id: string) => ConversationType | void; hangUpActiveCall: (reason: string) => void; i18n: LocalizerType; selectedCallHistoryGroup: CallHistoryGroup | null; onCreateCallLink: () => void; onOutgoingAudioCallInConversation: (conversationId: string) => void; onOutgoingVideoCallInConversation: (conversationId: string) => void; onChangeCallsTabSelectedView: (selectedView: CallsTabSelectedView) => void; peekNotConnectedGroupCall: (options: PeekNotConnectedGroupCallType) => void; startCallLinkLobbyByRoomId: (options: { roomId: string }) => void; toggleConfirmLeaveCallModal: (options: StartCallData | null) => void; togglePip: () => void; }>; const CALL_LIST_ITEM_ROW_HEIGHT = 62; const INACTIVE_CALL_LINKS_TO_PEEK = 10; const INACTIVE_CALL_LINK_AGE_THRESHOLD = 10 * DAY; const INACTIVE_CALL_LINK_PEEK_INTERVAL = 5 * MINUTE; const PEEK_BATCH_COUNT = 10; const PEEK_QUEUE_INTERVAL = 30 * SECOND; function isSameOptions( a: CallHistoryFilterOptions, b: CallHistoryFilterOptions ) { return a.query === b.query && a.status === b.status; } type SpecialRows = 'CreateCallLink' | 'EmptyState'; type Row = CallHistoryGroup | SpecialRows; export function CallsList({ activeCall, canCreateCallLinks, getCallHistoryGroupsCount, getCallHistoryGroups, callHistoryEdition, getAdhocCall, getCall, getCallLink, getConversation, i18n, selectedCallHistoryGroup, onCreateCallLink, onOutgoingAudioCallInConversation, onOutgoingVideoCallInConversation, onChangeCallsTabSelectedView, peekNotConnectedGroupCall, startCallLinkLobbyByRoomId, toggleConfirmLeaveCallModal, togglePip, }: CallsListProps): JSX.Element { const infiniteLoaderRef = useRef(null); const listRef = useRef(null); const [queryInput, setQueryInput] = useState(''); const [statusInput, setStatusInput] = useState(CallHistoryFilterStatus.All); const [searchState, setSearchState] = useState(defaultInitState); const prevOptionsRef = useRef(null); const getCallHistoryGroupsCountRef = useRef(getCallHistoryGroupsCount); const getCallHistoryGroupsRef = useRef(getCallHistoryGroups); const searchStateQuery = searchState.options?.query ?? ''; const searchStateStatus = searchState.options?.status ?? CallHistoryFilterStatus.All; const searchFiltering = searchStateQuery !== '' || searchStateStatus !== CallHistoryFilterStatus.All; const searchPending = searchState.state === 'pending'; const rows = useMemo(() => { let results: ReadonlyArray = searchState.results?.items ?? []; if (results.length === 0) { results = ['EmptyState']; } if (!searchFiltering && canCreateCallLinks) { results = ['CreateCallLink', ...results]; } return results; }, [searchState.results?.items, searchFiltering, canCreateCallLinks]); const rowCount = rows.length; const searchStateItemsRef = useRef | null>( null ); const peekQueueRef = useRef>(new Set()); const peekQueueArgsRef = useRef>( new Map() ); const inactiveCallLinksPeekedAtRef = useRef>(new Map()); const peekQueueTimerRef = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { return () => { if (peekQueueTimerRef.current != null) { clearInterval(peekQueueTimerRef.current); peekQueueTimerRef.current = null; } }; }, []); useEffect(() => { getCallHistoryGroupsCountRef.current = getCallHistoryGroupsCount; getCallHistoryGroupsRef.current = getCallHistoryGroups; }, [getCallHistoryGroupsCount, getCallHistoryGroups]); const getConversationForItem = useCallback( (item: CallHistoryGroup | null): CallingConversationType | null => { if (!item) { return null; } const isAdhoc = item?.type === CallType.Adhoc; if (isAdhoc) { const callLink = isAdhoc ? getCallLink(item.peerId) : null; if (callLink) { return callLinkToConversation(callLink, i18n); } return getPlaceholderCallLinkConversation(item.peerId, i18n); } return getConversation(item.peerId) ?? null; }, [getCallLink, getConversation, i18n] ); const getCallByPeerId = useCallback( ({ mode, peerId, }: { mode: CallMode | undefined; peerId: string | undefined; }): CallStateType | undefined => { if (!peerId || !mode) { return; } if (mode === CallMode.Adhoc) { return getAdhocCall(peerId); } const conversation = getConversation(peerId); if (!conversation) { return; } return getCall(conversation.id); }, [getAdhocCall, getCall, getConversation] ); const getIsCallActive = useCallback( ({ callHistoryGroup, }: { callHistoryGroup: CallHistoryGroup | null; }): boolean => { if (!callHistoryGroup) { return false; } const { mode, peerId } = callHistoryGroup; const call = getCallByPeerId({ mode, peerId }); if (!call) { return false; } if (isGroupOrAdhocCallState(call)) { if (!isAnybodyInGroupCall(call.peekInfo)) { return false; } if (mode === CallMode.Group) { const eraId = call.peekInfo?.eraId; if (!eraId) { return false; } const callId = getCallIdFromEra(eraId); return callHistoryGroup.children.some( groupItem => groupItem.callId === callId ); } return true; } // We can't tell from CallHistory alone whether a 1:1 call is active return false; }, [getCallByPeerId] ); const getIsInCall = useCallback( ({ activeCallConversationId, callHistoryGroup, conversation, isActive, }: { activeCallConversationId: string | undefined; callHistoryGroup: CallHistoryGroup | null; conversation: CallingConversationType | null; isActive: boolean; }): boolean => { if (!callHistoryGroup) { return false; } const { mode, peerId } = callHistoryGroup; if (mode === CallMode.Adhoc) { return peerId === activeCallConversationId; } // For direct conversations, we know the call is active if it's the active call! if (mode === CallMode.Direct) { return Boolean( conversation && conversation?.id === activeCallConversationId ); } // For group and adhoc calls, a call has to have members in it (see getIsCallActive) return Boolean( isActive && conversation && conversation?.id === activeCallConversationId ); }, [] ); // If the call is already enqueued then this is a no op. const maybeEnqueueCallPeek = useCallback((item: CallHistoryGroup): void => { const { mode: callMode, peerId } = item; const queue = peekQueueRef.current; if (queue.has(peerId)) { return; } if (isGroupOrAdhocCallMode(callMode)) { peekQueueArgsRef.current.set(peerId, { callMode, conversationId: peerId, }); queue.add(peerId); } else { log.error(`Trying to peek unsupported call mode ${callMode}`); } }, []); // Get the oldest inserted peerIds by iterating the Set in insertion order. const getPeerIdsToPeek = useCallback((): ReadonlyArray => { const peerIds: Array = []; for (const peerId of peekQueueRef.current) { peerIds.push(peerId); if (peerIds.length === PEEK_BATCH_COUNT) { return peerIds; } } return peerIds; }, []); const doCallPeeks = useCallback((): void => { const peerIds = getPeerIdsToPeek(); for (const peerId of peerIds) { const peekArgs = peekQueueArgsRef.current.get(peerId); if (peekArgs) { inactiveCallLinksPeekedAtRef.current.set(peerId, new Date().getTime()); peekNotConnectedGroupCall(peekArgs); } peekQueueRef.current.delete(peerId); peekQueueArgsRef.current.delete(peerId); } }, [getPeerIdsToPeek, peekNotConnectedGroupCall]); const enqueueCallPeeks = useCallback( (callItems: ReadonlyArray, isFirstRun: boolean): void => { let peekCount = 0; let inactiveCallLinksToPeek = 0; for (const item of callItems) { const { mode } = item; if (isGroupOrAdhocCallMode(mode)) { const isActive = getIsCallActive({ callHistoryGroup: item }); if (isActive) { // Don't peek if you're already in the call. const activeCallConversationId = activeCall?.conversationId; if (activeCallConversationId) { const conversation = getConversationForItem(item); const isInCall = getIsInCall({ activeCallConversationId, callHistoryGroup: item, conversation, isActive, }); if (isInCall) { continue; } } maybeEnqueueCallPeek(item); peekCount += 1; continue; } if ( mode === CallMode.Adhoc && isFirstRun && inactiveCallLinksToPeek < INACTIVE_CALL_LINKS_TO_PEEK && isMoreRecentThan(item.timestamp, INACTIVE_CALL_LINK_AGE_THRESHOLD) ) { const peekedAt = inactiveCallLinksPeekedAtRef.current.get( item.peerId ); if ( peekedAt && isMoreRecentThan(peekedAt, INACTIVE_CALL_LINK_PEEK_INTERVAL) ) { continue; } maybeEnqueueCallPeek(item); inactiveCallLinksToPeek += 1; peekCount += 1; } } } if (peekCount === 0) { return; } log.info(`Found ${peekCount} calls to peek.`); if (peekQueueTimerRef.current != null) { return; } log.info('Starting background call peek.'); peekQueueTimerRef.current = setInterval(() => { if (searchStateItemsRef.current) { enqueueCallPeeks(searchStateItemsRef.current, false); } if (peekQueueRef.current.size > 0) { doCallPeeks(); } }, PEEK_QUEUE_INTERVAL); doCallPeeks(); }, [ activeCall?.conversationId, doCallPeeks, getConversationForItem, getIsCallActive, getIsInCall, maybeEnqueueCallPeek, ] ); useEffect(() => { const controller = new AbortController(); async function search() { const options: CallHistoryFilterOptions = { query: queryInput.toLowerCase().normalize().trim(), status: statusInput, }; let timer = setTimeout(() => { setSearchState(prevSearchState => { if (prevSearchState.state === 'init') { return defaultPendingState; } return prevSearchState; }); timer = setTimeout(() => { // Show loading indicator after a delay setSearchState(defaultPendingState); }, 300); }, 50); let results: SearchResults | null = null; try { const [count, items] = await Promise.all([ getCallHistoryGroupsCountRef.current(options), getCallHistoryGroupsRef.current(options, { offset: 0, limit: 100, // preloaded rows }), ]); results = { count, items }; } catch (error) { log.error('CallsList#fetchTotal error fetching', error); } // Clear the loading indicator timeout clearTimeout(timer); // Ignore old requests if (controller.signal.aborted) { return; } if (results) { enqueueCallPeeks(results.items, true); searchStateItemsRef.current = results.items; } // Only commit the new search state once the results are ready setSearchState({ state: results == null ? 'rejected' : 'fulfilled', options, results, }); const isUpdatingSameSearch = prevOptionsRef.current != null && isSameOptions(options, prevOptionsRef.current); // Commit only at the end in case the search was aborted. prevOptionsRef.current = options; // Only reset the scroll position to the top when the user has changed the // search parameters if (!isUpdatingSameSearch) { infiniteLoaderRef.current?.resetLoadMoreRowsCache(true); listRef.current?.scrollToPosition(0); } } drop(search()); return () => { controller.abort(); }; }, [queryInput, statusInput, callHistoryEdition, enqueueCallPeeks]); const loadMoreRows = useCallback( async (props: IndexRange) => { const { state, options } = searchState; if (state !== 'fulfilled') { return; } strictAssert( options != null, 'options should never be null when status is fulfilled' ); let { startIndex, stopIndex } = props; if (startIndex > stopIndex) { // flip [startIndex, stopIndex] = [stopIndex, startIndex]; } const offset = startIndex; const limit = stopIndex - startIndex + 1; try { const groups = await getCallHistoryGroupsRef.current(options, { offset, limit, }); if (searchState.options !== options) { return; } enqueueCallPeeks(groups, false); setSearchState(prevSearchState => { strictAssert( prevSearchState.results != null, 'results should never be null here' ); const newItems = prevSearchState.results.items.slice(); newItems.splice(startIndex, stopIndex, ...groups); searchStateItemsRef.current = newItems; return { ...prevSearchState, results: { ...prevSearchState.results, items: newItems, }, }; }); } catch (error) { log.error('CallsList#loadMoreRows error fetching', error); } }, [enqueueCallPeeks, searchState] ); const isRowLoaded = useCallback( (props: Index) => { return searchState.results?.items[props.index] != null; }, [searchState] ); const rowHeight = useCallback( ({ index }: Index) => { const item = rows.at(index) ?? null; if (item === 'EmptyState') { // arbitary large number so the empty state can be as big as it wants, // scrolling should always be locked when the list is empty return 9999; } return CALL_LIST_ITEM_ROW_HEIGHT; }, [rows] ); const rowRenderer = useCallback( ({ key, index, style }: ListRowProps) => { const item = rows.at(index) ?? null; if (item === 'CreateCallLink') { return (
{i18n('icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink')} } leading={ } onClick={onCreateCallLink} />
); } if (item === 'EmptyState') { return (
{searchStateQuery === '' ? ( i18n('icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery') ) : ( , }} /> )}
); } const conversation = getConversationForItem(item); const activeCallConversationId = activeCall?.conversationId; const isActive = getIsCallActive({ callHistoryGroup: item, }); const isInCall = getIsInCall({ activeCallConversationId, callHistoryGroup: item, conversation, isActive, }); const isAdhoc = item?.type === CallType.Adhoc; const isCallButtonVisible = Boolean( !isAdhoc || (isAdhoc && getCallLink(item.peerId)) ); const isActiveVisible = Boolean(isCallButtonVisible && item && isActive); if (searchPending || item == null || conversation == null) { return (
} title={ } subtitleMaxLines={1} subtitle={ } />
); } const isSelected = selectedCallHistoryGroup != null && isSameCallHistoryGroup(item, selectedCallHistoryGroup); const wasMissed = item.direction === CallDirection.Incoming && (item.status === DirectCallStatus.Missed || item.status === GroupCallStatus.Missed); const wasDeclined = item.direction === CallDirection.Incoming && (item.status === DirectCallStatus.Declined || item.status === GroupCallStatus.Declined); let statusText; if (wasMissed) { statusText = i18n('icu:CallsList__ItemCallInfo--Missed'); } else if (wasDeclined) { statusText = i18n('icu:CallsList__ItemCallInfo--Declined'); } else if (isAdhoc) { statusText = i18n('icu:CallsList__ItemCallInfo--CallLink'); } else if (item.direction === CallDirection.Outgoing) { statusText = i18n('icu:CallsList__ItemCallInfo--Outgoing'); } else if (item.direction === CallDirection.Incoming) { statusText = i18n('icu:CallsList__ItemCallInfo--Incoming'); } else { strictAssert(false, 'Cannot format call'); } const inCallAndNotThisOne = !isInCall && activeCall; const callButton = ( { if (isInCall) { togglePip(); } else if (activeCall) { if (isAdhoc) { toggleConfirmLeaveCallModal({ type: 'adhoc-roomId', roomId: item.peerId, }); } else { toggleConfirmLeaveCallModal({ type: 'conversation', conversationId: conversation.id, isVideoCall: item.type !== CallType.Audio, }); } } else if (isAdhoc) { startCallLinkLobbyByRoomId({ roomId: item.peerId }); } else if (conversation) { if (item.type === CallType.Audio) { onOutgoingAudioCallInConversation(conversation.id); } else { onOutgoingVideoCallInConversation(conversation.id); } } }} i18n={i18n} /> ); return (
} trailing={isCallButtonVisible ? callButton : undefined} title={ } subtitleMaxLines={1} subtitle={ {item.children.length > 1 ? `(${item.children.length}) ` : ''} {statusText} ·{' '} {isActiveVisible ? ( i18n('icu:CallsList__ItemCallInfo--Active') ) : ( )} } onClick={() => { if (isAdhoc) { onChangeCallsTabSelectedView({ type: 'callLink', roomId: item.peerId, callHistoryGroup: item, }); return; } if (conversation == null) { return; } onChangeCallsTabSelectedView({ type: 'conversation', conversationId: conversation.id, callHistoryGroup: item, }); }} />
); }, [ activeCall, rows, searchStateQuery, searchPending, getCallLink, getConversationForItem, getIsCallActive, getIsInCall, selectedCallHistoryGroup, onChangeCallsTabSelectedView, onCreateCallLink, onOutgoingAudioCallInConversation, onOutgoingVideoCallInConversation, startCallLinkLobbyByRoomId, toggleConfirmLeaveCallModal, togglePip, i18n, ] ); const handleSearchInputChange = useCallback( (event: ChangeEvent) => { setQueryInput(event.target.value); }, [] ); const handleSearchInputClear = useCallback(() => { setQueryInput(''); }, []); const handleStatusToggle = useCallback(() => { setStatusInput(prevStatus => { return prevStatus === CallHistoryFilterStatus.All ? CallHistoryFilterStatus.Missed : CallHistoryFilterStatus.All; }); }, []); return ( <> {(ref, size) => { return (
{size != null && ( {({ onRowsRendered, registerChild }) => { return ( ); }} )}
); }}
); }